How to insert a List<Class> into a Map<String, dynamic> in dart? - flutter

My problem is that I have a list of the following class:
class ingreso_Egreso_Dummy{
int tipo;
String monto;
String moneda;
String descripcion;
then I want to insert the data into a Map which later will be converted into a json and which I am creating like this:
Map<String, dynamic> body;
body = {
"Cod_Prom": "01",
"CodCli": "003526",
"Status": _index_status.toString(),
"NOMBRE": controller_nombre.text,
"APELLIDOS": controller_apellidos.text,
"Cod_Solicit": 1.toString(),
"Fecha": DateFormat("y-d-M").format(,
"Status_Solicit": "E",}],
"Ingresos": [{
//// here I want create a loop that returns a map for each value
//// of the list like this:
//// "Descripcion": Listaingresos[i].descripcion;
Every help is very appreciated, thank you.

// camelCaseStyle is a standard for class names for Dart
class IngresoEgresoDummy {
int tipo;
String monto;
String moneda;
String descripcion;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(){
return {
'tipo': tipo,
'monto': monto,
'monedo': moneda,
'descripcion': descripcion
and after that
List<IngresoEgresoDummy> listaingresos= List();
Map<String, dynamic> body = {
// all your params
"Ingresos": => ingreso.toJson()).toList()
// all your params


Flutter when serializing list of objects with jsonEncode the final string is getting cutt off

I have difficulty to convert a long list to JSON string. This is my main model which I want to convert to JSON string
class ActivityBookingRequest {
int adminId;
List<ActivityBookingDetail> activityBookingList;
Map toJson() {
List<Map> activityBookingListMap = this.activityBookingList != null
? => i.toJson()).toList()
: null;
return {
'adminId': adminId,
'activityBookList': activityBookingListMap,
This is my sub-model which is the list I am trying to serialize!
class ActivityBookingDetail {
int bookingId;
int resourceId;
int sourceId;
String sourceName;
int productId;
String pickupDate;
String cutOffDate;
int adultNumber;
int childrenNumber;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'ssId': bookingId,
'ssResourceId': resourceId,
'sourceId': sourceId,
'sourceName': sourceName,
'productId': productId,
'pickupDate': pickupDate,
'cutOffDate': cutOffDate,
'noAdult': adultNumber,
'noChild': childrenNumber,
When I convert this to a JSON string if the list is long, the final JSON string is getting cut off!

Flutter Dart The getter '' was called on null

I'm sending response.body and country name with slash as like germany/ as parameter and converting it to Germany in parser and returning. But if i use parameter, i'm getting error of the getter 'vacTotal' was called on null. If i write "Germany"to countryDataVac["Germany"] the code works correctly. Is it the problem on {"Global": new CountryDataVac()}? The default value is "Global".
Map<String, CountryDataVac> countryDataVac = {"Global": new CountryDataVac()};
static Map<String, CountryDataVac> getCountryDataVac(String body, var countryname) {
Map<String, CountryDataVac> countryDataVac = {};
responseVac1Day = await http.get(""); //vaccine number info
countryDataVac = Parser.getCountryDataVac(responseVac1Day.body, "germany/"); //vaccine number info
var usera = CountryDataVac.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));
countryDataVac[capitalize(countryname).replaceAll("/", "")] = parseRowVac(usera.vacTotal,usera.vacDaily,usera.vactotalPerHundred,usera.vacdailyPerMillion); //gives 'germany/' as 'Germany' but getting error if i get the countryname by parameter
countryDataVac["Germany"] = parseRowVac(usera.vacTotal,usera.vacDaily,usera.vactotalPerHundred,usera.vacdailyPerMillion); //works
CountryDataVac.dart (created by json to dart)
import 'dart:convert';
List<CountryDataVac> countryDataVacFromJson(String str) => List<CountryDataVac>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => CountryDataVac.fromJson(x)));
String countryDataVacToJson(List<CountryDataVac> data) => json.encode(List<dynamic>.from( => x.toJson())));
class CountryDataVac {
this.vacTotal = 0,
this.vacDaily = 0,
this.vactotalPerHundred = 0,
this.vacdailyPerMillion = 0, = "",
int vacTotal = 0;
int vacDaily = 0;
int vactotalPerHundred = 0;
int vacdailyPerMillion = 0;
String date = "";
factory CountryDataVac.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => CountryDataVac(
vacTotal: json["total"],
vacDaily: json["daily"],
vactotalPerHundred: json["totalPerHundred"],
vacdailyPerMillion: json["dailyPerMillion"],
date: json["date"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"total": vacTotal,
"daily": vacDaily,
"totalPerHundred": vactotalPerHundred,
"dailyPerMillion": vacdailyPerMillion,
"date": date,
countryname.replaceFirst(countryname[0], countryname[0].toUpperCase()).replaceAll("/", "");
instead of
capitalize(countryname).replaceAll("/", "")
i think there is something wrong with your capitalize method

Mapping CSV data in flutter

Auto-complete search list
How to parse csv data instead of json data as mentioned in this article. I am new to csv and I have trouble mappping csv data to a model list. I need to pass the csv list to autocomplete field in another package plz help me in mapping it to the model.
class Players {
String keyword;
int id;
String autocompleteterm;
String country;
factory Players.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson) {
return Players(
keyword: parsedJson['keyword'] as String,
id: parsedJson['id'],
autocompleteterm: parsedJson['autocompleteTerm'] as String,
country: parsedJson['country'] as String
class PlayersViewModel {
static List<Players> players;
static Future loadPlayers() async {
try {
players = new List<Players>();
String jsonString = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/players.json');
Map parsedJson = json.decode(jsonString);
var categoryJson = parsedJson['players'] as List;
for (int i = 0; i < categoryJson.length; i++) {
players.add(new Players.fromJson(categoryJson[i]));
} catch (e) {

How to Adding New Data into JSON Dart?

I have a JSON having some data as an array , and I wanna add
new data to JSON
This is My JSON structure
"origin_time":"2020-06-30 12:00",
"location":"Jakarta, ID"
I want to add new data so it can be like this
"origin_time":"2020-06-30 12:00",
"location":"Jakarta, ID",
Is it possible ? If it is can anyone tell me how to do that ? Thanks in advance.
And this is what I've been doing so far..
List data = json.decode(response.body);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
print("object : " + data[i].toString());
It was printed like I want it, but return error in add line
The error said NoSuchMethodError: Class 'String' has no instance method '[]='
First of all, you have to Decode the JSON
var data=json.decode("Your JSON")
Now this is available as a list and map so you can add fields like
after that, you have to Encode it using json.encode
var data1=json.encode(data);
It's a good idea to get the JSON formatted and mapped to a Model. This will not only help to do null checks but also increase the readability of your code.
You can use a simple Model like
class myModel {
String id;
String originTime;
String location;
int flag;
myModel({, this.originTime, this.location, this.flag});
myModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
id = json['id'];
originTime = json['origin_time'];
location = json['location'];
flag = json['flag'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['id'] =;
data['origin_time'] = this.originTime;
data['location'] = this.location;
data['flag'] = this.flag;
return data;

Parse a JSON array with multiple object types

Let's say I have a JSON array like this:
"videos": [
"id": 25182,
"game": 115653,
"name": "Trailer",
"video_id": "BdA22Lh6Rwk"
"id": 29188,
"game": 115653,
"name": "A New Team and New Rivals in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! ⚔️🛡️",
"video_id": "ZBiTpi8ecTE"
Normally if the item's JSON format in videos is like videos[0] or videos[2] then I was able to parse it to Video like this:
json['videos']?.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()?.map<Video>((f) {
return Video.fromJson(f);
My Video class:
class Video {
int id;
int game;
String name;
String videoId;
Video({,,, this.videoId});
Video.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
id = json['id'];
game = json['game'];
name = json['name'];
videoId = json['video_id'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['id'] =;
data['game'] =;
data['name'] =;
data['video_id'] = this.videoId;
return data;
But if something with the different structure like videos[1] is within the array then I ended up with Exception. How can I parse videos[1] to Video with video[1] as Video's id?
You have to know the different formats and figure out which one each entry is.
You can do that by checking the type of the entry: Is it an integer or a map?
List<Video> videosFromJson(List<Object> videoJson) {
var result = <Video>[];
for (int i = 0; i < videoJson.length; i++) {
var entry = videoJson[i];
if (entry is Map<String, dynamic>) {
} else if (entry is int) {
result.add(Video() = entry);
} else {
throw FormatException("Not a recognized video format", entry, i);
return result;