MongoDB - Find documents matching certain condition for unknown field keys - mongodb

How can I query a MongoDB collection to find documents with a structure as below? The documents have a field called thing which is a subdocument, and the keys for this field are a form of ID number which will generally not be known by the person writing the query (making dot notation difficult and I assume impossible).
"_id" : 3,
"_id2" : 234,
{"attribute1": "typeA",
"attribute2": "typeB",
"attribute3": "typeA"
{"attribute1": "typeC",
"attribute2": "typeB",
"attribute3": "typeA"
"username": "user1"
Say I want to set a filter which will return the document only if some one or more of the fields within thing have the condition "attribute1" : "typeC"?
I need something like
db.collection.find( {thing.ANY_FIELD: $elemMatch:{"attribute1":"typeC"}})

You need to start with $objectToArray to read your keys dynamically. Then you can $map properties along with $anyElementTrue to detect if there's any nested field in thing containing {"attribute1":"typeC"}:
$match: {
$expr: {
$anyElementTrue: {
$map: {
input: { $objectToArray: "$thing" },
in: { $eq: [ "$$this.v.attribute1", "typeC" ] }
Mongo Playground

My solution to this was to use two aggregate operations, the first one is called objectToArray and it's purpose is to convert a object into a list of objects with keys and values (see the documentation examples), and the reduce to search in this array of key-values, at the end we end up with a boolean "hasAttribute" indicating that the one field matched the value wee are looking for.
Here is the solution:
$addFields: {
hasAttribute: {
$reduce: {
input: {
$objectToArray: "$thing"
initialValue: false,
in: {$or: ["$$value", {$eq: ["typeC", "$$this.v.attribute1"]}]}
$match: {
hasAttribute: true
Here is the sample output and how the boolean value behaves:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ddd63c02e5c579c5076c76f"),
"thing" : {
"349687346" : {
"attribute1" : "typeC",
"attribute2" : "typeB",
"attribute3" : "typeA"
"2340945683" : {
"attribute1" : "typeA",
"attribute2" : "typeB",
"attribute3" : "typeA"
"hasAttribute" : true
// ----------------------------------------------
"_id" : ObjectId("5ddd63d12e5c579c5076c770"),
"thing" : {
"2340945683" : {
"attribute1" : "typeA",
"attribute2" : "typeB",
"attribute3" : "typeA"
"hasAttribute" : false
// ----------------------------------------------
"_id" : ObjectId("5ddd63d12e5c579c5076c771"),
"thing" : {
"349687346" : {
"attribute1" : "typeC",
"attribute2" : "typeB",
"attribute3" : "typeA"
"hasAttribute" : true
Ask for clarifications if you need!


Lookup and aggregate multiple levels of subdocument in Mongodb

I've tried many answers to similar problems using $lookup, $unwind, and $match, but I can't get this to work for my sub-sub-subdocument situation.
I have this collection, Things:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7241f7912cfc256468cb27"),
"name" : "Fortress of Solitude",
"alias" : "fortress_of_solitude",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7247ec548c9ad042f579e2"),
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave",
"_id" : ObjectId("6a7247bc548c9ad042f579e8"),
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz",
and this one-document collection, Venues:
"_id" : ObjectId("5b9acabbbf71f39223f8de6e"),
"name" : "The Office",
"floors" : [
"name" : "1st Floor",
"places" : [
"name" : "Front Entrance",
"alias" : "front_entrance"
"name" : "2nd Floor",
"places" : [
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave"
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz"
I want to return all the Things, but with the Venue's aggregated with each Thing if it exists if the aliases match between Things and Venues. So, I want to return:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7241f7912cfc256468cb27"),
"name" : "Fortress of Solitude",
"alias" : "fortress_of_solitude",
<-- nothing added here because
<-- it's not found in Venues
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7247ec548c9ad042f579e2"),
"name" : "Batcave",
"alias" : "batcave",
"floors" : [ <-- this should be
{ <-- returned
"places" : [ <-- because
{ <-- the alias
name" : "Batcave" <-- matches
} <-- in Venues
] <--
} <--
] <--
"_id" : ObjectId("6a7247bc548c9ad042f579e8"),
"name" : "Oz",
"alias" : "oz",
"floors" : [ <-- this should be
{ <-- returned
"places" : [ <-- because
{ <-- the alias
name" : "Oz" <-- matches
} <-- in Venues
] <--
} <--
] <--
I've gotten as far as the following query, but it only returns the entire Venues.floors array as an aggregate onto each Thing, which is way too much extraneous data aggregated. I just want to merge each relevant sub-subsubdocument from Venues into its corresponding Thing if it exists in Venues.
{$lookup: {from: "venues",localField: "alias",foreignField: "floors.places.alias",as: "matches"}},
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $mergeObjects: [ { $arrayElemAt: [ "$matches", 0 ] }, "$$ROOT" ] } }
{ $project: { matches: 0 } }
I'm struggling with existing answers, which seem to change at MongoDB version 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, or 4.2 to include or not include $unwind, $pipeline, and other terms. Can someone explain how to get a sub-sub-subdocument aggregated like this? Thanks!
You can try this :
from: "venues",
let: { alias: "$alias" },
pipeline: [
{ $unwind: { path: "$floors", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
{ $match: { $expr: { $in: ['$$alias', '$floors.places.alias'] } } },
/** Below stages are only if you've docs like doc 2 in Venues */
{ $addFields: { 'floors.places': { $filter: { input: '$floors.places', cond: { $eq: ['$$this.alias', '$$alias'] } } } } },
{ $group: { _id: '$_id', name: { $first: '$name' }, floors: { $push: '$floors' } } },
{$project : {'floors.places.alias': 1, _id :0}} // Optional
as: "matches"
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Since MongoDB v3.6, we may perform uncorrelated sub-queries which gives us more flexibility to join two collections.
Try this:
$lookup: {
from: "venues",
let: {
"alias": "$alias"
pipeline: [
$unwind: "$floors"
$project: {
_id: 0,
places: {
$filter: {
input: "$floors.places",
cond: {
$eq: [
$match: {
"places.0": {
$exists: true
$unset: ""
as: "floors"

MongoDB concat two fields using aggregation where actual field is in an array

I have a mongo document like below;
"_id" : "123",
"info" : {
"batch" : "Batch1-Minor"
"batchElements" : {
"elements" : [
"_id" : "elementId1",
"type": "ABC"
"_id" : "elementId2",
"type": "ABC"
How can generate an aggregated output by changing the _id field inside elements by concatenating $info.batch and $batchElements.elements._id
Expected Output:
"_id" : "123",
"info" : {
"batch" : "Batch1-Minor"
"batchElements" : {
"elements" : [
"_id" : "Batch1-Minor-elementId1",
"type": "ABC"
"_id" : "Batch1-Minor-elementId2",
"type": "ABC"
With below query we're iterating through batchElements.elements & forming objects with type & _id & finally $map would push an array of objects back to batchElements.elements where $addFields would add the field to actual document, Try this :
$addFields: {
'batchElements.elements': {
input: "$batchElements.elements",
as: "each",
in: { type: '$$each.type', '_id': { $concat: ["$info.batch", "-", "$$each._id"] } }
/** So if you've multiple fields in each object then instead of listing all, You need to use
in: { $mergeObjects: ["$$each", { '_id': { $concat: ["$info.batch", "-", "$$each._id"] } }] } */

How can I make $lookup embed the document directly instead of wrapping it into array?

I have a document like this:
"_id": ObjectId("5d779541bd4e75c58d598212")
"client": ObjectId("5d779558bd4e75c58d598213")
When I do $lookup like this:
from: 'client',
localField: 'client',
foreignField: 'id',
as: 'client',
I get:
"_id": ObjectId("5d779541bd4e75c58d598212")
... client info wrapped in array
This forces me to add $unwind after the lookup stage.
This would work fine in this example because I know that it is a regular field (not array). But on other collections I have arrays of ObjectId's and I don't want to unwind them.
How should I tell mongo to unwind only if it's not an array?
Add $project stage with $arrayElemAt
{ $lookup ..... },
{ $project: { client: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$client" , 0 ]}} // Add other filed
The lookup always returns an array as it doesn't know if its a one-to-one or one-to-many mapping. But we can ensure that the lookup returns a single document and that document would hold all documents which were supposed to come as an array in the general lookup.
Following is the way:
Query analysis: We are looking up into client collection and executing a pipeline inside that. The output of that pipeline would hold every matched document inside data field.
Data set:
Collection: collection
Collection: client
"_id" : ObjectId("5d7792c6bd4e75c58d59820c"),
"client" : 1,
"clientLookup" : {
"data" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5d779322bd4e75c58d59820e"),
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Tony"
"_id" : ObjectId("5d779322bd4e75c58d59820f"),
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Thor"
"_id" : ObjectId("5d779322bd4e75c58d598210"),
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Natasha"
"_id" : ObjectId("5d7792c6bd4e75c58d59820d"),
"client" : 2,
"clientLookup" : {
"data" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5d779322bd4e75c58d598211"),
"id" : 2,
"name" : "Banner"

In a mongodb database, how do I find() and filter out any subdocuments?

If I have a mongodb database, is it possible to:
Such that the result will filter out any subdocuments which may be present, without knowing what they are in advance?
For example, if I had:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "name" : "george", "address" : { "street" : "101 example way", "city" : "tutorial", "state" : "CA" }, "other thing" : "thing value" }
What arguments could I pass to find() that would result in getting:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "name" : "george", "other thing" : "thing value" }
without having to specify:
db.mydbl.find( {}, { "address" : 0} )
Does a method to suppress all subdocuments exist?
If you want to dynamically remove any nested objects without specifying any existing keys, you can achieve that using aggregation framework:
$project: {
keysAndValues: {
$objectToArray: "$$ROOT"
$addFields: {
keysAndValues: {
$filter: {
input: "$keysAndValues",
as: "kvPair",
cond: { $ne: [ { $type: "$$kvPair.v" }, "object" ] }
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$keysAndValues" }
Basically the idea is quite simple: we want to transform a document into a list of key value pairs using ($objectToArray). Then we can filter out those key-value pairs where value is of $type "object". In last step we can transform our array back to an object using $arrayToObject

How to retrieve all matching elements present inside array in Mongo DB?

I have document shown below:
name: "testing",
documents: [
I want to retrieve all matching documents i.e. I want o/p in below format:
name: "testing",
documents: [
What I have tried is :
db.test.find({"documents.x": 1},{_id: 0, documents: {$elemMatch: {x: 1}}});
But, it gives first entry only.
As JohnnyHK said, the answer in MongoDB: select matched elements of subcollection explains it well.
In your case, the aggregate would look like this:
(note: the first match is not strictly necessary, but it helps in regards of performance (can use index) and memory usage ($unwind on a limited set)
> db.xx.aggregate([
... // find the relevant documents in the collection
... // uses index, if defined on documents.x
... { $match: { documents: { $elemMatch: { "x": 1 } } } },
... // flatten array documennts
... { $unwind : "$documents" },
... // match for elements, "documents" is no longer an array
... { $match: { "documents.x" : 1 } },
... // re-create documents array
... { $group : { _id : "$_id", documents : { $addToSet : "$documents" } }}
... ]);
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("515e2e6657a0887a97cc8d1a"),
"documents" : [
"x" : 1,
"y" : 3
"x" : 1,
"y" : 2
"ok" : 1
For more information about aggregate(), see