use another data structure instead of seccomp_data with seccomp - bpf

Is it possible to use another data structure instead of seccomp_data within the BPF code of seccomp?
For example from this...
BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS,(offsetof (struct seccomp_data, args[0]))),
to this
BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS,(offsetof (struct my_data, my_field[0]))),

No, that structure is populated on the kernel side before calling your cBPF program. To change what data your cBPF programs take as input, you'd have to edit (and recompile) the kernel.
You could redefine that structure, but I'm not sure what the point of that would be.


ebpf-tc: how to keep unique information inside a ebpf instance when same program is attached to multiple interface

When we pin a MAP, we can able to share information from userspace to ebpf but it is system wide.
But if i want to share different value to different instance from tc ingress/egress (array map with size of 1)
Is there any way to pass argument ?
Map (unpinned unique per instance) - update from userspace
Any other way to communicate from userspace to kernel (while attaching or after)
Really appreciate your help.
Pinning a map doesn't make it system wide. Every map is always accessible system wide, pinning just adds a reference to the file system to make it easier to find and to make sure a map isn't removed even when not in use by any program.
Is there any way to pass argument ?
No, once a program is loaded, only the kernel can pass arguments(contexts) to a program, userspace can only use maps to communicate with eBPF programs.
Map (unpinned unique per instance) - update from userspace
Any userspace program with the right permissions can update any map as long as you can obtain a file descriptor to the map. Map FDs can be obtained:
By creating a new map
By opening a map pin
By using its unique ID (directly or by looping over all loaded maps)
By IPC from another process that already has the FD
Any other way to communicate from userspace to kernel (while attaching or after)
Maps are it. You can rewrite the program before loading it into the kernel by setting constants at specific locations, but not at attach time. One way which might be interesting is that on newer kernels, global data is supported. Which allow you to change the value of variables defined in the global scope from userspace. In this case the global data is packed in a array map with a single key/value.

share information between function(BPF/XDP)

Objective: If process id/name = xxx then drop the packet
So, I am bit confused. So far I know you can't extract process information from XDP but bpf trace allows you to trace it.
Here's my probable solution, use bpf hash maps to share information between two function. If process name == xx then XDP_DROP. (This maybe wrong, but something I was trying)
But I am confused how to use BPF_HASHMAPS, I read the documentation on bcc yet..
Example: From this hello function I can trace events
struct data_t {
u32 pid;
u64 ts;
char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
int hello(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct data_t data = {}; = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
data.ts = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
bpf_get_current_comm(&data.comm, sizeof(data.comm));
events.perf_submit(ctx, &data, sizeof(data));
return 0;
XDP function to drop packer
int udpfilter(struct xdp_md *ctx) {
bpf_trace_printk("got a packet\n");
//u32 cpu = bpf_get_smp_processor_id();
//bpf_trace_printk("%s looking\n",cpu);
//u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
return XDP_DROP;
Now how do I fetch pid value and use it in XDP function, plus does the solution even makes any sense. Thanks for the help, really appreciated.
So, as you know eBPF programs can be loaded into the kernel at different locations. XDP programs are loaded just after the network driver and just before the network stack. At this point the kernel doesn't know for which process a packet might be since it will figure all of that out in the network stack.
The hello program you are showing is an example of a kprobe(kernel probe). It attaches to whatever kernel function you specify, but it is a tracing tool, can't make changes.
Also, some helper functions like bpf_get_current_pid_tgid are program type dependent. bpf_get_current_pid_tgid only works in kprobes, uprobes, tracepoint programs (perf programs), the may actually also work in socket and cGroup programs, the issue is that there is not a very clear list or overview of which work where, these are two good but non-comprehensive links:
In the end it comes down to logic. The kernel can only give you access to data and actions it has access to itself. So if you want to do network related things based on process ID's you might need to use an eBPF program attached at a location where such info is available(keep in mind that this is obviously also slower).
So depending on what exactly you want to do you have a few options:
Attach an eBPF program to a network socket(BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER) so you can filter packets on the socket level. This does require the program that creates the socket to attach the program to it.
Use a cGroup and BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB program to block packets. Since you attach the program to the cGroup, this doesn't require cooperation from the program.
Use an TC program(BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_ACT), on this level a packet is already parsed, but you still need to match it to a process
Use an XDP program(BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP) can still be used, this does require you to parse all layers of the network packet(Ethernet, VLAN, IP, UDP/TCP), and then manually extract the protocol, Destination IP, and Destination port. Just like in the TC program you then need to match it to an pid using a lookup table.
When going the XDP or TC route you need to create this lookup table. As far as I know you can't access the table of the kernel via helper functions. A few approaches are:
parsing the output of netstat -lpn(protocol, destination ip, destination port and PID) and setting the data in a map to be used by a program
Getting the same data but directly from /sys or /proc(I don't know where the data is stored exactly)
Recording which PIDs have which sockets during creation(using a second program(kprobe/tracepoint)) and setting this data in a map shared by both the XDP/TC program and the trace program. (not quite sure how to share maps between programs in BCC, but it is certainly possible when using libbpf)

Is that able to have a transaction-wise global variable in PostgreSQL?

The situation is that: I have a function F1 which write into a buffer and the buffer will be write to external files when the function F1's fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt is released; I also have a function F2 which depends on those external files, so when it runs, I want to make sure that all existing function F1's buffer (in this trasaction) have already write out to the external files. The two functions are independent, except when they are performed together.
As the result, I want that buffer to be a global variable in this transaction, so F2 can check it and decide if it is empty. If it is not empty, F2 can write it out manually.
Since PostgreSQL uses multiprocessing, one backend cannot see the global variables in another backend. You could write a _PG_init function that creates a shared memory segment for that purpose (see pg_stat_statements). That requires that your library is added to shared_preload_libraries.
A simpler alternative might be to use the LISTEN / NOTIFY facility of PostgreSQL to synchronize different backends.

Is it possible to tail call eBPF codes that use different modes?

Is it possible to tail call eBPF codes that use different modes?
For example, if I coded a code that printk("hello world") using kprobe,
would I be able to tail call a XDP code afterwards or vice versa?
I programmed something on eBPF that uses a socket buffer and seems like when I try to tail call another code that uses kprobe, it doesn't load the program.
I wanted to tail call a code that uses XDP_PASS after using a BPF.SOCKET_FILTER mode but seems like tail call isn't working.
I've been trying to figure this out but I can't find any documentations regarding tail calling codes that use different modes :P
Thanks in advance!
No, it is not.
Have a look at kernel commit 04fd61ab36ec, which introduced tail calls: the comment in the first piece of code (in internal kernel header bpf.h), defining the struct bpf_array, sets a owner_prog_type member, and explains the following in a comment:
/* 'ownership' of prog_array is claimed by the first program that
* is going to use this map or by the first program which FD is stored
* in the map to make sure that all callers and callees have the same
* prog_type and JITed flag
So once the program type associated with a BPF program array, used for tail calls, has been defined, it is not possible to use it with other program types. Which makes sense, since different program types work with different context (packet data VS traced function context VS ...), can use different helpers, have return functions with different meanings, necessitate different checks from the verifier, ... So it's hard to see how jumping from one type to another would work. How could you start with processing a network packet, and all of a sudden jump to a piece of code that is supposed to trace some internals of the kernel? :)
Note that it is also impossible to mix JIT-ed and non-JIT-ed programs, as indicated by the owner_jited of the struct.

Make signal names coming from library links unique?

OK, I've been struggling with this for a while. What is the best way to accomplish the following:
where Reaction Wheel 1-4 are links to the same block in a library. When the Speed Counter, Speed Direction and Current signals are added to the final bus output as shown, MATLAB (rightfully) complains:
Warning: Signals 9, 10, 11, 12 entering Bus Creator
'myAwesomeModel' have duplicated names 'Current'. These are being made unique
by appending "(signal #)" to the signals within the resulting bus. Please
update the labels of the signals such that they are all unique.
Until now I've been using a "solution" like this:
that is, place a size-1-mux/gain-of-1/other-dummy block in the middle, so the signals can be renamed into something unique. However, I really like to believe that The MathWorks has thought of a better way to do this...
What is the "proper" way to construct bus signals like this? It feels rather like I'm being pushed to adopt a particular design/architecture, but what that is precisely, eludes me for the moment...
It was quite a challenge for me but looks like I kinda sorted it out. Matlab R2007a here. I'll do the example with an already done subsystem, with its inputs, outputs, ...
1- In Block Properties, add a tag to the block. This will be done to identify the block and its "siblings" among the system. MY_SUBSYSTEM for this example.
2- Block Properties again. Add the following snippet in CopyFcn callback:
%Find total amount of copies of the block in system
len = length(find_system(gcs,'Tag','MY_SUBSYSTEM'));
%Get handle of the block copied/added and name the desired signal accordingly
v = get_param(gcb,'PortHandles');
set(v.Outport(_INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_),'SignalNameFromLabel',['BASENAME_HERE' num2str(len)]);
3- In _INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_ you should put the port signal index (starting from 1) that you want to have renamed for each copy of the block. For a single output block this should be 1. BASENAME_HERE should be the port basename, in this case "Current" for you.
4- Add the block to the desired library, and delete the instance you used to create this example. From there on, as you add from the library or copy an existing block, the outport should name Current1, Current2, Current3, and so on. Notice that you could apply any convention or formatting.
Hope this helps. It worked for me, don't hesitate to ask/criticize!
Note: Obviously, as the model grows, this method may be computer-demanding as find_system will have to loop through the entire model, however looks like a good workaround for me in small-medium sized systems.
Connect a Bus Selector to each Data Output. Select the signals you want and set "Output as bus". Then connect all Bus Selectors to a Bus Creator.
simulink model