Best way to group Emails with IMAP? In the same MailBox I need to relate emails to a Project ID - mailkit

In the same MailBox I need to relate emails to a Project ID.
I can have more that 5000 projects, and each project would have an average of 6 emails.
Later I would like to obtain the emails from the project. How to achieve this?
I could use Headers, but It would be costly in performance ?!
Since MimeMessage MessageID may not be unique, should I store my projectId here?
Then to get all the project Emails I could use:
var uids = folder.Search (SearchQuery.HeaderContains ("Message-Id", projectID));
Folders it would not work? Can I have 5000 folders?

Add an X-Project-Id header to your messages and then you can search for them like this:
folder.Search (SearchQuery.HeaderContains ("X-Project-Id", "myprojectid"));


Efficient Way To Design Database For My Specific Use Case

I am building a website where users can view emails that are fetched from my gmail account.
Users can read emails, change their labels & archive them. Each email has metadata associated with it, and users can search through the emails based on the metadata. Furthermore, each user is associated with an organization. Changes made to an email (e.g., if the email is archived, or if the tags are changed) by any one user gets reflected across the organization.
Right now, I store all emails in a single table along with their metadata. However, the problem is that I now have over 20,000 emails in the database, and searching through them based on the metadata takes too much time.
Now one way to optimize this is that when a user runs a search command then the system should only search through emails that are in the inbox & not archived or deleted. But the issue is that where one organization might have archived an email, another organization might have not. So I can not create separate tables for Inbox & Archive. By default emails also get auto-archived after some time (this option can be disabled also), so the Inbox generally has around 4 thousand emails, whereas the archive has many many times that.
My question is does it make sense to create separate Inbox & Archive tables for each organization & just copy all new incoming emails to the tables? Since organizations only join by invitation, so I do not expect the total number to cross 100. Or would this just explode and become too difficult to handle in the code later on, with so many tables.
I am using PostgreSQL for this.
If your operational workflow says "upon adding a new customer create such-and-such a table" then you have a serious database design problem. When you have more than about 50 customers things will slow down due to per-table overhead. In other words, when you start to succeed in business you will start to fail in performance. Not good.
You have a message entity. It, no doubt, contains the message's text, subject, timestamp, from, to, and other attributes that form part of the original message. Each message will have a unique (primary key) message_id. But the entity should not contain attributes like inbox and archive, because those attributes relate to the organization.
You need an org entity. Each organization has a unique org_id, a 'name and other attributes of the organization.
Then you need an org_message table. Its primary key contains both org_id and message_id. And it will contain Boolean attributes like archived and read, and a VARCHAR attribute naming its current folder. So, each org's window into your message table is organized by the org_messages.
If you start with an organization named, for example, shipping, and you want to see all its messages, you use a query like this.
COALESCE(, 0) unread,
COALESCE(org_message.archived, 0) archived,
COALESCE(org_message.folder, 'inbox') folder
FROM org
LEFT JOIN org_message ON org.org_id = org_message.org_id
LEFT JOIN message ON message.message_id = org_message.message_id
WHERE = 'shipping';
The LEFT JOINs and COALESCEs work to set each org's defaults for each message to unread, not archived, and in the inbox folder. That way you don't have to create a row in org_message for each organization and each message until the org handles the message.
If you want to mark a message as read and archived for a particular org, you INSERT a row into org_message, using ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE
INSERT INTO org_message (org_id, message_id, read, archived, folder)
That either sets or updates the org's attributes for the messages
If you find that searching these tables is too slow, you'll need indexes. That's the subject of a different question.

Can you order attachments in an e-mail so that the receiver receives them in the same order?

We're considering using an external application to send e-mails where the attachments have huge filesizes.
One of our users states the requirement: it must be possible to ORDER attachments, so that I can refer to them as "the first attachment", "the second attachment" and the receiver will see the attachments in the same order I sent them.
She claims any normal email clients support this: the sender chooses the order, the recipients client always shows the attachments in this order.
I can't verify that claim. Is this true? Is it stated anywhere? How (technically) are attachments ordered?
Well... Inside the message there is order. Attachments are sent sequentially one-after-the-other inside MIME text. But RFC makes no statement on how these should be displayed in email client. And it even might depend on your email generating software to keep the order you added the attachments in (JavaMail does so)
Things you could consider:
Prefix your attachment filenames with a number 1_first_attachment.txt 2_contract.pdf and so on.
Use HTML for your emails and create a section "attachments: a, b, c" with linkd to the attachments using Content-ID (href="cid:xxx")
Actual, when u load the document to the email, and load next, they gonna be in order anyway. They not gonna be mixed.
if u afraid that particular ur email gonna mix attachments, just add numerical order)
This is example where i just adding files. I just by holding shift click on the files in that order that i wanted and that is all.
And i receive this message with attachments in the same order as it was sent.

JavaMail "UID" really unique?

I have recently been working with javamail. Right now, I am trying to store all mails in a file. For such a thing, one would need a unique ID, so I assumend UID would fit best here. However, I noticed something odd: A mail in the "Inbox" Folder with the subject "Hello" has the UID 10. If I fetched the same message from the "All Messages" folder, I'd get the same Message(because I am in "All Messages") with the same content, but with a different UID.
This isn't actually that much of a problem, however, is it possible that two completely different mails from different folders might have the same UID? In this case, I would have to overthink the way i store mails.
Thanks in advance.
The UIDs are not JavaMail UIDs, they're IMAP UIDs, defined by the IMAP RFC.
The UIDs are unique per-folder, based on the UIDVALIDITY value for the folder. There is no unique ID for the folder itself.
Depending on your needs, you might consider using the Message-ID for the message, although note that while it's very, very likely to be unique, there's no guarantee that it is unique, and there's no guarantee that it exists for every message.

java imap, performance issues, fetching all mails

I will use java mail api to handle mails like thunderbird etc. I have to fetch mails having 1000 messages. My design will be: When user performs a synch on a folder, i will get all uids of the messages in the folder:
Message[] msgs = ufolder.getMessagesByUID(1, UIDFolder.LASTUID);
// Use a suitable FetchProfile
FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
I wil then compare the list of uids with the list stored in my db.
For the deleted ones, for example a message is not in the folder but in the db, i will mark it as deleted.
For the new ones, for example a message is in the folder but not in the db, i will mark as possible new. But, because messageuids are not safe (can be changed by the mail server on some cases), for the new mails, i will use additioanlly a custom hash value build from message id in the header + subject + receivedate and build a md5 hash. Only for the possible new mails i will use this hash and catch new mails.
For the moved messages, because their uids will be changed in the new folder, it will be flagged as deleted in the first and will be a new message in new folder, but the message will have same custom hash value becaue message id in the header and other properties will remain same duing the movement.
Question about performance issue: On each click on folder (folder synch) i will do the compare operation of all uids in the folder with the local uid list stored in the db to learn the deleted ones. I could not find another better way to accomplish this. As you know, thunderbird catches immediately a deleted message without relogin, even if the folder is large and the deleted message is very old (5 years). I think thunderbird also compares all message uids in that folder with a list stored locally.
How can i implement a better mechanism for the synch for a better performance? Does thunderbird apply a different approach? How can thunderbird
accomplish it so quickly?
If we were interested only for the new messages, i could have kept last stored uid and only compare the new messages later than that, but for the deleted ones, i already have to compare full folder. Additionally, UIDNEXT value is always -1 in my mail server, if it were set correctly, it will not help to get deleted ones again, a full compare is a must i think, am I wrong?
Note: I canot not use or add message listeners because the appliaction is server-client based and the mail handling task is on the server side and we do not support threads listeners etc. The events should be triggered from the client and the request is being processed on ther server and a response is returned and client handles the response on the gui.
What you want is called condstore or quick resync, RFC7162 in both cases. That's what Thunderbird uses.
That's a pair of extensions support commands like "give me all the UIDs that have changed since last time I connected", "tell me what's been deleted" and so on.
If you can't use threads to listen for these events from the mail server, your options are very limited. Probably the best thing you can do is limit the resynchronization to the messages that are visible to the client.

Bulk email with multiple attachment using SMTP

I need a program that will be used to send email using SMTP from a local machine. I need to send about 2000 emails.
The emails addresses are located in a MS Excel document with unique ID numbers. The attachments are in a separate folder with unique ID numbers same as the excel folder.
Every recipient will receive the same email with different attachment according to the ID number.
Is there any free or low cost program available out there that will achieve the goal?
If not, what is the best and quickest way to write a program like this?
Example of MS Excel Data:
Example of zip file names:
Use PHPMailer with couple of any DB server (i.e. MySQL) and PHP script containing some trivial logic. Write me on email (see accaunt) if you will need help within realization.