How to regroup some old commits on master? - merge

On my GitLab repo every merge request is integrated as a single commit. However one day it failed partially due to a GitLab UI bug (if you merge in the UI with the squash option checked it will not squash if the squash option was not checked at the opening of the merge request).
Is there a way I could squash these commits in retrospect?


Can I require that pull requests to a certain branch on github be squashed?

Github has the option to allow a PR to be squashed when merged ("Squash and Merge")
Is there anyway I can configure the branch so it only allows the "Squash and Merge" option?
My scenario is this
we have a develop branch, that feature requests are pushed to
sometimes developers will forget to choose "Squash and Merge" and will commit their feature branch, with 10-20 tiny commits to the develop branch.
These changes eventually get merged to master, and feature history becomes hard to read
I have looked in hooks in branch protection rules, but didn't see any such option
Unfortunately the option to change what type of PR merge is available on Github is set on a per repo basis. Since PRs are a github thing, not a git thing, I can't think of a way that you'd be able to do anything with githooks either.
I don't see a great option for your workflow as long as you require the intermediate develop branch that eventually gets merged into master. Workflows that have multiple layers of PRs get messy on Github. The one real option would be that you require squash to merge on Github PRs and then the regular merge from develop to master happens outside a PR (could be local on a machine or via a Github action potentially).
But, your best option if this is really a big problem may be to modify your workflow. One common workflow would be that master is the development branch. Then when it is time for a release a release branch or tag, depending on your needs, is created from master. The you will have no issue turning on the repo wide requirement for squashing.

Azure master branch doesnt show the merged commits

We are using Azure DevOps, recently came across the issue when some of the commits that was stated to be completed and merged to the master branch dont show up in Repos history.
Azure master branch doesnt show the merged commits
It depends on the merge method you choose when you PR.
Azure Repos has several merge strategies, and by default, all of them are allowed. You can maintain a consistent branch history by enforcing a merge strategy for PR completion.
So, if you select the Squash merge, which is a merge option that allows you to condense the Git history of topic branches when you complete a pull request. Instead of each commit on the topic branch being added to the history of the default branch, a squash merge adds all the file changes to a single new commit on the default branch.
In this case, the commits that was stated to be completed and merged to the master branch dont show up in Repos history.
You could check the document Merge strategies and squash merge for some more details.

Uncommitted changes in Master immediately after checking Master out in sourcetree

I have a forked a repo on GitHub. I have a master on this fork so that I can branch features separately and do pull requests to the upstream/master per feature. The only time my master changes is when the origin changes, meaning I don't merge my features into my master. I have updated my master from the origin and I now need to merge those changes into one of my feature branches.
The problem I am encountering is that I seem to have about 40 Unstaged files in my master branch. There appears to be 2 to 3 of each file marked: ~Automatic Revision, ~HEAD, or ~HEAD_0.
I am not terribly familiar with Git, though the basic concepts seem to be straight forward. I think most of my issues are me not understanding how sourcetree works.
First, Why would there be Unstaged/Uncommitted changes immediately after checking out my master?
Second, How can I be sure I am merging a complete copy of my master to my feature branch so that I am not unnecessarily altering files that are not part of my feature changes while issuing my pull request from my feature branch back to the upstream/master?
Resolved by deleting and re-cloning master branch.

github commit information: A commited with B

Can anyone explain why a commit in GitHub would display the following information : 'Contributor-A' committed with 'Contributor-B' on 15 Feb.
Does it mean that 'Contributor-A' is the author (who does not have the push access to the master) and 'Contributor-B' is the committer/maintainer?
Then why isn't there a PR created for merging this commit? Or does it mean that there was a closed PR about this commit, but the maintainer did not merge it via web interface but performed rebase or cherry-picking to include it?
Many thanks!
...maintainer did not merge it via web interface but performed rebase or cherry-picking to include it?
I was able to get this by cherry-picking a commit from another branch and directly pushing to the current branch - an example on GitHub.
A Pull Request is not required to push code between branches. A Pull Request is a method that allows developers to collaborate on changes prior to merging between branches.
For sure, it happens when the pull request was merged by "Rebase and Merge" strategy via the web interface, but I'm not sure if this is the unique case.
Contributor-A committed with Contributor-B on 15 Feb.
Contributor-A submitted the pull request and Contributor-B effectively merged it.
It might happen in other scenarios as described here: how to apply a git patch as if the author committed to my repo?

Git conflicts in pull requests

I have 2 branches - master and develop
I have been doing some pull requests in my develop branch where it contains 5 items, in which it is the same as the number of items in master.
However, someone did some commits and pushed in a few more items into the master branch, and hence now it has 8 items.
As my pull request in the develop is still not yet approved/merged, whenever I tried to update my pull request, I am getting the message stating that This pull request can't be merged. You will need to resolve conflicts to be able to merge and asked me to do the following:
git fetch origin master
git checkout develop
git merge FETCH_HEAD
git commit
git push origin HEAD
And this happens after I have 'pushed' out my commits, making me confused at times. Then I realized that it is asking me to re-add and re-commit in the additional 3 new items. So does this means I must ensure that the items and contents between these 2 branches of mine should be the same as always? I have always used git pull/fetch but will there be a better way for me to make sure?
What this means is that GitHub would like to merge your PR branch into master, but it can't, because there are conflicts. As you've discussed in the question comments, the best way to deal with this (usually) is to merge your master branch into develop on the command line. That will show you the conflicts and ask you to resolve them. Once you've completed and pushed that merge, the PR will be mergeable back into master using the green button on GitHub.
You could simply merge your deploy branch into master (which I realize sounds a bit more sensible). In that case, you'd be bypassing the PR entirely. You'd have to close the PR "unmerged", and separately you'd manually push the merge commit to master.
By doing it the first way,
you make a better audit trail by merging to master on GitHub, using the PR;
you give your team a chance to review your code after the merge, before it lands on master; and
if you have automatic tests (such as Travis CI or CircleCI) which check PRs, you give them a chance to run your merged code as well.