Mongoose $in [ObjectIds] returns 0 records - mongodb

In our Mongoose model, we have a product referring to an article.
this is a piece of the schema:
const product = new Schema({
article_id: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
title: String,
description: String,
In the API we are looking for products that are referring to a list of specific articles, and I wanted to use the $in operator:
const articles = ["5dcd2a95d7e2999332441825",
filter.article_id = {
article => new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(article)
return Product.find({ ...filter })
This returns 0 records, whereas I know for sure it should have returned at least 3. Looking at the console log, all that has happened is that the double quotes have been removed from the array during the ObjectId conversion.
Then I tried a different approach by returning {$oid: "id goes here"} for each mapped array item:
const articles = ["5dcd2a95d7e2999332441825",
filter.article_id = {
article => ({$oid: article})
return Product.find({ ...filter })
This gives a different array:
// {article_id: {$in: [{$oid: "5dcd2a95d7e2999332441825"}, {$oid: "5dcd2a95d7e2999332441827"}, {$oid: "5dcd2a96d7e2999332441829"}]}}
But in this case I get following error:
CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "\"{$oid: \"5dcd2a95d7e2999332441825\"}\"".
Though - if I take that particular console logged filter and pass it in Studio 3T as a filter, I do indeed get the desired results.
Any idea what I doing wrong in this case?

Frick me! I am just a big idiot.. Apparently there was a .skip(10) added after the find() method -.-'.... Now I understand why 0 records where returned... Been spending hours on this..
For future references, Mongoose casts strings to ObjectIds automatically if defined in Schema. Therefor following is working exactly as it should given you don't skip the first 10 records:
const articles = ["5dcd2a95d7e2999332441825",
filter.article_id = {
$in: articles
return Product.find({ ...filter }) // Note that I DON'T put .skip() here..


How to find all the matches in a nested array with the _id with mongoose

This question may be easy for some of you but I can't get how this query works.
In the attached picture:
Number 1 is the endpoint with the query I can't get it to work.
Number 2 is the endpoint where you can see how I am storing the object match in the database.
Number 3 is the data structure in the frontend.
Number 4 is the Match mongoose model.
I am trying to get all the matches that have the _id I am sending by param in any of its members array.
I am trying it with $in, but I am not sure how this nested object array property query works.
I am very new at web development and this is quite difficult to me, any help would be highly appreciated, even some documentation for dummies, since I can't understand the one in the official site.
Thanks in advance
router.get("/profile/:_id", (req, res) => {
const idFromParam = req.params._id;
console.log("params", req.params._id);
Match.find({ match: [ { teams: [{ members: $in: [_id: idFromParam ] } ] ] }}).populate("users")
.then((response) => {
console.log("response", response);
}) })
.catch((err) =>
res.status(500).json({ code: 500, message: "Error fetching", err })

How to target a field in Prisma and get a flat array of values rather than an array of objects

I just started using Primsa 2 so I am still a noob at this but all I am trying to do is create a flat array of strings(Array<number>) based on the values I get from a specific field. Right now when I target that field it gives me an array of objects like this: userIds: [{ issueId: 1, userId: 1 }]
All I want is the value I get from the userId key and the array to return like this userIds: [ 1 ]. I was able to fix this with some formatting code after the query which was done like so:
const issues = => ({ ...issue, userIds: [ => id.userId)] }))
const _project = { ...project, issues }
However, this doesn't seem like the most optimal solution. If this is the only way that is fine but I assume with the power that Prisma has for querying, this is something I can do just in the query alone?
For reference, my query currently looks like this:
const project = await prisma.project.findFirst({
where: { id: req.currentUser.projectId },
include: { users: true, issues: { include: { userIds: true } } },
Thanks in advance!
Can you show your schema? Perhaps you can model the relation differently. However, unless if you provide a field, userIds, that is a flat array and not a field of a an other relation it will be returned as a list of objects as you have already.

Mongoose {$exists: false} not working, why?

I have the following query:
const messageRules = await MessageRule.findOne({
reservationLength: {$exists: false}
on the following schema:
const MessageRule = new Schema(
reservationLength: {type: Number, default: 1},
And the query returns a document with:
reservationLength: 1,
I'm going crazy here. Does it have something to do with the default setting in my schema? Any other ideas?
Its a bug i've encountered with mongoose several times already and i did not find too much information about it (granted i decided not to waste time exploring it).
It occurs with all Default value'd fields, mongoose just automatically sets these values to their defaulted value on the return call (if you check the actual document in the database it will not have this field set).
One easy fix to ease the nerve is to add lean() to the call:
const messageRules = await MessageRule.findOne({
reservationLength: {$exists: false}
For some reason this ends up fixing the bug (debatably feature ???)

How to get an array or list as result from a graphql query?

Hello I am new to graphql and I was wondering if it is possible to create a root query in my schema that will return an array or list as a result.
To be more precise I have created the following type in my schema:
const ResourceType = new GraphQLObjectType({
id: {type: GraphQLID},
url: {type: GraphQLString},
title: {type: GraphQLString},
author: {type: GraphQLString},
license:{type: GraphQLString},
LicenseScore: {type: GraphQLFloat},
And I want to query all the resources in my database so that I get their license type and then assign a score according to the license. Is it possible to have a query that gets the license for each resource and returns an array like this: [[id:1209,score:3.5],[1203,4.5]....]?
I have created a mutation that updates the score to the database, here it is:
updateAllLicenses: {
type: new GraphQLList(ResourceType),
async resolve(parent,args){
var licns;
var scr;
await Resource.find({}).then(async function(results){
var num = results.length;
var scr=0;
for (var i=0; i<num; i++){
if (! (results[i].license in licenseScores)){
scr = 0;
scr = licenseScores[results[i].license];
await Resource.findByIdAndUpdate(results[i].id{LicenseScore:scr});
return await Resource.find({});
However I was wondering if there is a way to get these scores directly from the query instead of saving them in the database. I tried changing the type to new GraphQLList(GraphQLFloat) and returning an array with the scr values but I get an error in the graphql api saying I have the wrong output type in my mutation.
From your schema, it seems to me that you are able to fetch results, as an array of objects, with an output like this:
id: 1,
license: "value1"
id: 2,
license: "value2"
If this is all you need, then the approximate query should work:
query Resource {
Once you have your array of objects, you can convert it to an array of arrays, although I would not advise that.
Since you are just getting started in GraphQL, I recommened these resources:
HowToGraphql: clean videos/posts on GraphQL
Apollo Graphql's documentation and blogs. Here is one of the posts on queries
Also, if you want to test your queries and get accustomed to them, use GraphQL Playground

Accessing nested documents within nested documents

I'm having a problem that is really bugging me. I don't even want to use this solution I don't think but I want to know if there is one.
I was creating a comment section with mongodb and mongoose and keeping the comments attached to the resource like this:
const MovieSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
movieTitle: {type: String, text: true},
year: Number,
imdb: String,
comments: [{
date: Date,
body: String
When editing the comments body I understood I could access a nested document like this:
const query = {
"comments._id": new ObjectId(req.body.editedComment._id)
const update = {
$set: {
"comments.$.body": req.body.newComment
Movie.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, function(err, movie) {
//do stuff
I then wanted to roll out a first level reply to comments, where every reply to a comment or to another reply just appeared as an array of replies for the top level comment (sort of like Facebook, not like reddit). At first I wanted to keep the replies attached to the comments just as I had kept the comments attachted to the resource. So the schema would look something like this:
const MovieSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
movieTitle: {type: String, text: true},
year: Number,
imdb: String,
comments: [{
date: Date,
body: String,
replies: [{
date: Date,
body: String
My question is how would you go about accessing a nested nested document. For instance if I wanted to edit a reply it doesn't seem I can use two $ symbols. So how would I do this in mongodb, and is this even possible?
I'm pretty sure I'm going to make Comments have its own model to simplify things but I still want to know if this is possible because it seems like a pretty big drawback of mongodb if not. On the other hand I'd feel pretty stupid using mongodb if I didn't figure out how to edit a nested nested document...
according to this issue:
updating nested-nested elements can be done this way:
{$set: {“children.$[i].children.$[j].d”: nuValue}},
{ arrayFilters: [{ “i._id”: childId}, { “j._id”: grandchildId }] });
this is included in MongoDB 3.5.12 development version, in the MongoDB 3.6 production version.
according to it's supposed to be supported in mongoose 5+
if you're using an older mongodb or mongoose versions, there are 2 options:
find parent, edit result's grandchild, save parent.
const result = await parent.findById(parentId);
const grandchild = result.children.find(child => child._id.equals(childId))
.children.find(grandchild => grandchild._id.equals(grandchildId));
grandchild.field = value;;
know granchild's index "somehow", findByIdAndUpdate parent with:
{ $set: { [`children.$.children.${index}.field`]: value }});