Issue when deploying project with Munits in Azure Devops - deployment

Caused by: org.mule.maven.client.api.BundleDependenciesResolutionException: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: Could not find artifact com.mulesoft.mule.distributions:mule-runtime-impl-bom:pom:4.2.1 in maven-central (
thanks in advance

It may help others also to give an answer eventhough it is little bit late.
We had this issue where the embedded runtime container or is not being downloaded from anypoint studio. We have looked at the maven repo and we could not find the version 4.2.1
what we found was 4.1.1 from
And the latest is found under the mulesoft repo
The solution is to add mulesoft repo and try it from maven command line
mvn clean package
This will bring your dependecy to your local repo and after that you can run munit it from anypoint studio


Problems moving move Anypoint Studio 7.4 to 7.9?

Are there any know issues when upgrading to Studio 7.9 regarding third party connectors?
After importing / opening my projects all external connectors (SAP & Salesforce) fail to be imported:
Resolving dependency found the following exceptions:
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: Failed to collect dependencies at
Same for Salesforce:
Resolving dependency com.mulesoft.connectors:mule-salesforce-connector found the following exceptions:
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: Failed to collect dependencies at com.mulesoft.connectors:mule-salesforce-connector:jar:mule-plugin:9.4.0 ->
I think it's an Maven issue, e.g. in the old POM-file the url for the anypoint repository is "" whereas if I create a new project in 7.9 it is ""
Also in the studio settings it is maven 3.3.9 VS 3.6.3 in the new.
So, should I have done a kind of pom-conversion? Or manually downgrade the maven version?
Probably a Maven issue from having a new machine. If you have a new $HOME/.m2 directory, you are losing manually added dependencies (the SAP ones?) and your customized Maven settings.xml inside that directory.
If you don't have MuleSoft enterprise repositories configured follow the instructions on the documentation:
If you had any manually added dependencies into your local Maven repository of the old computer, you will need to install them again in the new computer.

Need steps and path to clone source code of eclipse 2018-09

I want to compile equinox version inside eclipse code, for reason: I want to clone source code for Eclipse version 2018-09 project.
Need steps/path to clone 2018-09 project (
Help will highly be appreciated.
Finally, I got the Wiki link to clone and build complete Eclipse platform (aggregator).
This wiki also tells which branch you need to check out based on ur requirement

Could not find a part of the path '..\packages\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.4.4.1\lib\net46\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll'

Recently I updated my Nuget Packages for my ASP.NET Web API project (.NET 4.7.1) and build it successfully without any issues. However, when I tried to check-in the solution to my VSTS source control. I got the following error:
Could not find a part of the path '..\packages\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.4.4.1\lib\net46\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll'.
This looks like a bug to me and I couldn't find a way to solve this issue while Googling etc...Is there a way to solve this?
To solve this this is what I did.
I first removed the version 4.4.1 and added the version (previous) 4.4.0 and took the backup of the version 4.4.0 and then re-added the version 4.4.1. Backup is necessary because only one version can be present in the packages folder by Nuget.
Install-Package System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource -Version 4.4.0
Install-Package System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource -Version 4.4.1
Finally I copied the entire 4.4.0 folder to the packages folder and checked-in the solution successfully. Now there are two versions (folders) are present in the packages folder locally (but 4.4.1 is used in the application).
This may be helpful for some but is there any other way to solve this issue?

Where are the eclipse-collections source jars?

I couldn't find these artifacts:
I ended up creating them myself, but that was a pain since the build is broken on OSX & Windows.
You should be able to download the sources for Eclipse Collections 7.1.0 from Maven Central here.

Error when importing Grinder to Eclipse: No marketplace entries found to handle clojure-maven-plugin

I want to import the Grinder(java load testing tool)into eclipse as a new project.
These are my environment:
Win7 64bit
JDK 1.6 32bit
These are my steps:
Eclipse--import from git uri ,I used the git link that provided by official
Eclipse--File--Import--Maven--Existing Maven Projects,I use the directory which contain the source files that just downloaded by git
Then Eclipse started to build and handle the dependency,when the process is over,Eclipse gave the error info:
” No marketplace entries found to handle clojure-maven-plugin:1.3.15”
I don’t modify the pom file ,and use the default maven plugin of Eclipse:m2e.I don’t install the maven and other library.
I try to delete “C:\Users\g.m2\repository”,and redo these steps ,however,it doesn't work.
Plz help me,thanks!
Not sure what is the purpose. Are you planning to develop/enhance the grinder tool. If yes, then probably you should connect to its developers in the grinder site.
And if you are planning to use the tool and trying to configure eclipse for the scripting purpose, your should try Grinderstone. Note that it is outdated and works only with the specific version of software. Otherway, you can use pydev in the eclispe for scripting but you can't run there.
Hope it helps..