Pydev multiline parenthesis import not working - pydev

In Pydev I select,
How to break import in multiline?
1) Use escape character
2) Use parenthesis
I select option 2). Still, when I import modules, they are broken with a backslash.
Using backslash is against my company's coding policy. How can I tell PyDev to use parenthesis instead?
Option 1) -- WRONG format
from mymodule import a,\
b, c
Option 2) -- RIGHT format
from mymodule import (

You're right, PyDev will use \ as the separator unless you've previously added ( to the import.
Workarounds are:
Use isort as the sort engine for imports and turn on sort on save so that on save things become correct.
Use the black formatter which will also formats imports (and then turn on format on save).
You can create an issue at the PyDev tracker for this: -- but I'm not sure when I'll be able to fix it... pull requests are welcome ;)


Folding of Scala imports in Vim

I'm trying to have my Vim setup automatically fold import statements when I open a Scala file. This is similar to what Intellij does when you open a file. I currently have the following lines in my .vimrc file from the wiki.
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldenable
syn region foldImports start=/(^\s*^import\) .\+/ end=/^\s*$/ transparent fold keepend
However when I open a .scala file it doesn't fold the imports but the body of objects. I am also using the vim-scala plugin. Thanks for the help!
You were pretty close to getting this to work. There are a few funky factors at play that we should consider.
setting foldmethod to syntax (btw this is not documented on learn Vimscript the :help foldmethod was key to figure this out)
SYNTAX fold-syntax
A fold is defined by syntax items that have the "fold" argument.
The fold level is defined by nesting folds. The nesting of folds is
limited with 'foldnestmax'.
Be careful to specify proper syntax syncing. If this is not done
right, folds may differ from the displayed highlighting. This is
especially relevant when using patterns that match more than one line.
In case of doubt, try using brute-force syncing:
:syn sync fromstart
The main thing to note is the sync fromstart this is a useful helper if you have regex that would match throughout the file and only want to catch the header. In your case you should be able to ignore this but just something to be aware of.
top down regex scanning
Since the import block is fairly predictable we can simplify the start and end to look something like this:
syn region foldImports start="import" end=/import.*\n^$/ fold keepend
Since the region is just looking for some string to start the matching on we can just use "import"(or /import/) and then for the end value we want to use a little bit more carefully crafted statement. The key is that we want have the end be the last line of the import with a blank line following it (/import.*\n^$/)
Hopefully that does the trick for you (I do not work with scala so you may have to adjust the regex a bit as needed)

Ipython magic that replaces some text and runs the cell afterwards

I'm trying to create an ipython magic somewhat akin to the %pylab, but more explicit (probably a follow-up from here ):
When run, it would ideally replace itself with a commented version + append the lines that do the imports and run the cell:
# some code
would turn into
# %mymagic
import numpy as np
%matplotlib qt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# ..some other imports
# the same code from earlier
The thinking being that not only the magic will only do extremely explicit things - i.e. you will actually see the code that it run / it will be saved explicitly in the notebook, but also convenient as usual - just a quick few symbols for the imports (useful in consoles).
The problem for me is then running the cell after changing it (I used %load magic as an example, so I use set_next_input to change the cell).
I've tried running the imports inside the magic (i.e. exactly how the %pylab did it) and then changing the cell, but that has the disadvantage of leaving the cell in the "not run" state, and does not work as well then the magic is called in the ipython console (you have to press enter to get rid of the explicit text). Also, the the same code has to be maintained twice (one for "printing", and second time - for actual import when executing the magic)
Any advice how to approach this?

VIM as a full-featured extensible IDE for any language

Hello I would like to master VIM as my primary IDE. I know there are many plugins etc. but I have one question: Is possible for VIM to understand the particular language (in case I wont plugin for my language) in which code is written? I mean some rules that I can define and then use e.g. for auto-completion, refactoring, folding etc. For example consider following two perl codes in which I want refactor variables. In first example there are variables with same names but one is scalar and another are array and hash, in second example same name of variable as was defined before was used in another scope (loop etc.). Thus refactoring using simple text matching is not elegant way I thing:
1st example:
my #same_name;
my $same_name; # How to refactor this variable without affecting all other variables?
my %same_name;
$same_name[0] = 5;
$same_name{"key"} = 5;
$same_name = 5;
2nd example:
my #array;
my $already_existing_variable; # How to refactor this variable
foreach my $already_existing_variable (#array){
print $already_existing_variable; # Without affecting this variable
print $already_existing_variable; # Variable that should be also refactorized
Or how can I achieve that when I type $arr {and hit TAB here} it will automatically extend to $array[ ? For this VIM must to know that when I prepend $ before variable which was declared with # I want to access array elements.
Another example would be: how to fold code using e.g. BEGIN and END keywords? Those was jut trivial examples but I think you get the point. I think it is similar task to write own compiler or something. Thank you.
I'm using vim with my perl scripts almost all days:
Rename variables
App::EditorTools gives you the function to rename variables like Padre.
install App::EditorTool $ cpanm App::EditorTools
install vim plugin $ editortools install-vim
move cursor on the variable name in vim.
type \pL
I'm not sure why it parses wrong scope in the 2nd example, but you can temporarily wrap the foreach brock with lambda and rename variables inside the code block first.
sub {
foreach my $already_existing_variable (#array){
print $already_existing_variable; # Without affecting this variable
Reformat script indent
Perl::Tidy has perltidy command line tool to format your script.
install Perl::Tidy $ cpanm Perl::Tidy
create ~/.perltidyrc according to your taste. like folowing:
set equalprg to perltidy in your ~/.vimrc
au FileType perl setl ep=perltidy
type gg=G in your script.
Syntax Check
vim's built-in compiler plugin for perl does very well.
set :compilerto perl in your ~/.vimrc
au FileType perl :compiler perl
type :make in normal mode
type :copen to open up quickfix window
if you don't want warnings in your quickfix list, you can unset the flag for it.
let g:perl_compiler_force_warnings = 0
$PERL5LIB is also important while invoking :make, you can give specific directories in it.
let &l:path = './lib,./blib/lib,./blib/arch,' . &l:path
let $PERL5LIB = substitute(&l:path, ',', ':', 'g')
vim has nice completion tool out of the box. see :help comple-generic
type $ar in insert mode and press CTRL-N
You might be interested in ctags too.
I can already tell something is wrong when the first sentence is "Hello I would like to master VIM as my primary IDE."
Vim is not an IDE. Vim is a text editor. (You can use google to find out more)
If you feel that the features an IDE provides (refactoring, smarter auto-completion...) are more important than the features that vim provides (fast movement, never take your hands off the home row, programmable editor...) then you should use an IDE, or an IDE with a vim plugin. Usually, if you want to mix IDE features with vim features, you do it with a plugin to the IDE, not the other way around (there are some exceptions such as eclim).

How to get around Eclipse swallowing double quotes for ${selected_text}

I am using Eclipse 3.6.1 Build id: M20100909-0800 and Aptana Studio 2.0.5 which is based on Eclipse 3.5.2 (both on OS X) and in both programs the external tools feature seems to swallow double quotes and whitespace for the ${selected_text} variable.
Isn't the ${selected_text} variable essentially useless with the mentioned behaviour?
Is there a way around that or maybe a hidden setting somewhere?
Thanks for reading.
This could easily be considered a safety/security feature.
I suggest "${selected_text}".
...but if it's eating ALL whitespace, that won't really help. Huh. Maybe it's clever enough to detect the quotes and preserve the whitespace... but probably not.
Okay, I did a little poking around. Quotes within the argument list itself are preserved, as per my initial suggestion above. I found the following auto-generated argument list that was working Just Fine:
-os ${target.os} -ws ${} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${} -consoleLog
-debug "${workspace_loc:/com.cardiff.bpm.ide.webforms.ui/debug.options}"
But if your text selection contains quotes, I'd expect it to be handled as per the underlying OS. Windows "cmd" does some... creative things with them for example. My *nix-fu is Not Mighty, so I couldn't tell you what OS X will do under the covers, but I suspect that's where you'll find your solution.
You may have to do something goofy like URL-encode your selection, and use some command line tool to un-encode it before passing it to your desired external tool once the text is out of Eclipse's clutches.
A (very) quick look around my 3.6.1 UI didn't turn up that would do this automagically for you, but there's probably a plugin out there somewhere that'll add that feature to an editor's context (right click) menu.
I'd expect the HTML editor to have this ability already... but I don't see anything other than "smart insert mode" that sounds promising, and I don't see that working either.
That doth bloweth goats, most heartily, yay for weeks on end. E'en till yon goat hath a rash, most unpleasant in both severity and locality. Verily.
I don't think you're getting my proposed solution:
Set up your tool so it'll de-url-encode-ificate the incoming string with some proposed command line tool.
In your editor (in eclipse), URL-encode the text you wish to select and pass to the tool. Manually.
Run the tool on the selected (url-encoded) text.
Revert the selected text. Also manually. Probably just "undo".
"1" is why I was looking for some eclipse UI way of url-encoding a selection. The HTML Editor won't even do it when you paste into an attribute string. Sheesh.
Two Other Options:
Fix the bug yourself. Open Source and all that.
Write a plugin that exposes it's own version of ${selected_text} that doesn't strip out all the strings.
Hey! SED! Replace the quotes with some random (unused in any selection you might make) high-ascii character and sed it back to a double quote instead of the proposed de-url-encode-ificationizer. You'd still have to manually edit/undo the text, but at least you won't have to """ Actually search/replace over a given selection makes that less painful than one might think.
I'm not sure what the scope of #2 is, but I'd image if you don't have any eclipse plugin experience the thought might be rather daunting. There might even be a sample plugin that exposes such a variable, though I haven't checked.
I don't think we're communicating.
You don't select text with quotes in it. You select mangled text, and sed demangles it back into quotes for you.
For example, you have the string print("hello world"); in your editor and want to send that to your tool.
change it to print(~hello world~); in your editor. Manually or via a script or whatever.
select it
run your tool, maybe wrapped in a script that'll sed the ~s back to "s.
change it back to print("hello world");.
This is a manual process. It's not pretty. Bug workarounds are like that. You can probably come up with a monkey script to convert quotes to Something Else, and "undo" is easy. You might even be able to get your script attached to a keyboard short cut... dunno. And ~ is a lousy choice for a replacement character, it's just the first thing I could think of that was rare enough to be a decent example.
Are we communicating yet?
For the record, I put together a patch using some guidance from a gentleman in the bug comments.
I don't know if it will be accepted, but it fixes things for me so maybe someone else may find it useful.
Again, this is only for Mac OS X Eclipse.
Start Eclipse.
Go to Import > Plug-ins and Fragments.
Import From: Active Platform
Fragments to import: Select from all plug-ins
Import As: Projects from a repository
Next >
Pick org.eclipse.debug.ui and org.eclipse.debug.core
Once the projects are in your workspace, apply the two patches that compose proposed patch v1, found at the bug tracker page for bug 255619
Go to Export > Deployable plug-ins and fragments and make a jar out of your changed packages.
Hope it helps.

How to configure line wrapping for imports in eclipse

The eclipse and checkstyle guys of you will surely now this problem: After organizing imports in eclipse with CTRL-SHIFT-o, each import will be on a separate line, without line-wraps.
If you configured checkstyle to warn if you have lines greater than 80 characters, it will probably warn about your imports. Normally I insert newlines at appropriate positions in
the statement and everything is okay. But the next time someone uses the organize imports function of eclipse every import is on one line again.
The auto-linewrap of the eclipse formatter does not work with imports.
So I wonder if there is another way of telling eclipse to linewrap huge import statements?
Or is there a plugin to do this?
Why not defining an exception for the LineLength Checkstyle rule (with the ignorePattern property) ?
That way, any line beginning with import would not raise that warning.
If that is not possible, you will need to define a custom code formatter (see this SO answer)