Facebook Webhook Test Button not working as expected - facebook

I have successfully added my callback url in my webhooks setup. At that time, the callback url was called successfully with proper logs and everything in the server. But when I click on the TEST button for the respective name (leadgen in this case), nothing AT ALL is being received by the server when in fact it should at least log the very first line. Note that I am using post and get.
Additional note: for NetSuite experienced developers, I am using a suitelet as the callback url for the webhook.

Suitelets that are available externally without login will only work if the User-Agent header in the request mimics a browser. See for example SuiteAnswers # 38695.
I ran into a similar issue, and the workaround was to proxy the request using a Google Cloud Function that simply rewrote the User Agent:
const request = require('request');
exports.webhook = (req, res) => {
url: process.env.NETSUITE_SUITELET_URL,
body: req.body,
json: true,
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5',
Authorization: req.headers['authorization'],
function(error, response, body) {


Postman request works but Axios request fails

I am trying to perform a request which is successful in Postman:
This GET request works fine within Postman, however, when I use Axios to create the same request:
let response = await axios.get(url, {}, {
auth: {
username: 'ad2zu2nol06',
password: '827xhabn112;'
I get a 401 not authorized, I've tried everything and cannot figure it out, there is no CORS policy issues at all.
I don't know what else to do, totally lost.

Unable to do a Nuxt axios post

I have spent some hours trying to figure out my problem without any success.
before reading the explanation
My nuxt site generates dynamic content and works well on client side but for SEO to work and social media shares render dynamic content i need to move my app to SSR. This axios post request do work on client side rendering but does not on SSR and I don't understand the reason and I need help to understand it.
For starters I am building a Nuxt app that consumes Drupal as a CMS using a fully decoupled approach and I have been using it for several VUE apps without problem and now I need to do them on Nuxt with a SSR approach because I need heavy SEO on the sites. With Nuxt the same request against oauth/token on drupal doesn't work and I have gone from the complex structure we had to the simple one using both Axios and Nuxt/Axios without any success and alway getting a 400 error code.
I need to run this code first on my app so I can get drupal access token and do some request for data.
Code on store
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({dispatch}, vuexContext, context, app){
await dispatch("setToken");
async setToken({ commit, dispatch, getters }, context) {
//prep form data to send
const FormData = require('form-data');
const body = new FormData();
body.append("param1", apiConfig.getValue("param1"));
body.append("param2", apiConfig.getValue("param2"));
body.append("param3", apiConfig.getValue("param3"));
body.append("param4", apiConfig.getValue("param4"));
body.append("param5", apiConfig.getValue("5"));
await this.$axios.$post(url, body)
.then(({data}) => {
//code to process data
commit("SET_TOKEN_DATA", data);
}).catch(error => {
}).finally(() => {
Some updates
base url is defined on nuxt.config as
// module options for axios
axios: {
baseURL: 'mysite.com'
I have tied on http request the following request using both axios and nuxt/axios, I will write short request just to show what I edid
await this.$axios.$post('mysite.com/oauth/token', body)
await this.$axios.$post('/oauth/token', body)
await this.$axios.$post('oauth/token', body)
I have also tried to use
const api = $axios.crate({
baseURL: 'url'
api.$axios.post('oauth/token', body)
another updated
Crated a Client Side Nuxt app and the request works.
Fix it, after literally 16 hours trying. When multiform post data you need to send FormData headers on the post and again, this works without any issues using CSR on VUE and Nuxt.
await this.$axios.$post(url, body, { headers: body.getHeaders()}).yada
I don't know if it's Axios or Nuxt the one doing this but I followed a breadcrumb trail to this post https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/318

Current method to get new access token from refresh token

I see some questions about this with solutions that seem to be deprecated in the Google APIs Node.js Client OAuth API (e.g., this and this).
There's no documentation I can see regarding using the refresh token to get a new access token (docs section). In an issue from early 2017, someone mentions getting off the oauth2Client.credentials property, but it looks like that's within a call to one of the other APIs wrapped in the package.
In my use case, I'm querying the Google My Business (GMB) API, which is not wrapped in there, but I'm using the OAuth piece of this package to authenticate and get my tokens.
My request to the GMB API (using the request-promise module), looks something like this:
function getLocations () {
return request({
method: 'POST',
uri: `${gmbApiRoot}/accounts/${acct}/locations:batchGet`,
headers: {
Authorization: `OAuth ${gmbAccessToken}`
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (err) {
// ...
I don't think I can pass the oauth2Client into the headers for authorization like in the issue response. Is there a way to directly request a new access_token given that I have my refresh token cached in my app?
Update: Solved! Thanks to Justin for the help. Here's what my working code is looking like:
refresh_token: storedRefreshToken
return oauth2Client.refreshAccessToken()
.then(function (res) {
if (!res.tokens && !res.credentials) {
throw Error('No access token returned.');
const tokens = res.tokens || res.credentials;
// Runs my project-level function to store the tokens.
return setTokens(tokens);
If you have an existing oauth2 client, all you need to do is call setCredentials:
refresh_token: 'REFRESH_TOKEN_YALL'
On the next call that goes through the client, it will automatically detect there is no access token, notice the refresh token, and go snag a new access token along with it's expiration date. I outlined some docs and code around this in the issue you opened up on GitHub :P
Hope this helps!
I wanted to add in my learning, to the community, in case it helps anyone out there struggling with this too. The above answers were correct, but I discovered one other attribute.
Namely, I was calling my credentials like this:
my authResults, is defined as this:
const authResults = fs.readFileSync(TOKEN_PATH);
This results in several fields being filled in to the results variable:
Now here's the nuance...if the access_token AND the refresh_token are both given to the setCredentials call, the refresh-token is ignored. Changing to the above answer, where I send in only the refresh token:
oAuth2Client.setCredentials({ refresh_token: creds['refresh_token'] });
Worked like a champ! Hope this finds its way and helps someone else.

First ajax attempt miss authorization in header on iphone/ipad

We use windows authentication in our application and it is working fine on our test server. When we publish it onto Production environment (Google compute engine), every first ajax request (per URL) on iPhone/iPad (not matter chrome or safari) after user logon will fail(can not connect to the server). When we perform exactly same action again, it will success. Here is one of our ajax request:
url: '#Url.Action("GridData")',
type: 'post',
data: {
JobName: $("#JobName").val(),
JobNumber: $("#JobNumber").val(),
success: function (data) {
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// first attempt in iPad/iPhone(no matter safari or chrome) will go to here
complete: function() {
After debugging with mac, I found the first ajax call missing the content of Authorization but I have no idea why (this is working fine in any browser with computer version.) Also, I am not sending cross domain request. If I tried to manually put valid data of Authorization for the first ajax call, it will success. Any direction or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks!

Error 401 (Unauthorized) When making REST calls using Axios with JWT headers included

I'm developing a small react node application with JWT passport for authentication. I've tested all the endpoint through postman(by passing token with authorization header) and they are working properly.
This is the call im making from the front-end
export const getUsersDetails=()=>{
console.log( localStorage.getItem('jwtToken'));
return (dispatch) => {
return axios.get('http://localhost:3030/users',
{ headers: { 'Authorization': localStorage.getItem('jwtToken') } }
console.log('data comming',data);
console.log('error comming',error);
I have enable CORS by using the the CORS module. this is the how the network calls looks like from the browser
the authorization header looks like
authorization:[object Object], eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.....
Should this be like authorization: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.....
Is this the reason why im facing this issue? How to overcome this?
I was able to solve a similar issue on a MERN stack, by configuring axios globally in the react application, by adding Bearer and one space, in front of the token that is assigned globally.
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] =Bearer ${token};
initially, it was without Bearer and i kept getting a 401 status code.
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token;
When you want authorization in your app, it depends on how you have done your back end. If everything is ok trough postman, show how your headers in postman look when you have tasted. I use xsrf token and here is how my request header look:
{"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "*",
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": this.$cookie.get('XSRF-TOKEN')}
Maybe you should just put "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "*"