Matlab use fminsearch to optimize multi variables - matlab

I am using Matlab fminsearch to minimize a equation with two variables sum((interval-5).^2, 2)*factor
The interval is a vector contains 5 values. They can be only picked sequentially from value 1 to 30 with step size is 1. The factor is a value from 0.1 to 0.9.
The code is below. I think the interval values are correct but factor value is wrong.
Interval value: [3 4 5 6 7]
factor value: 0.6
Final Output: 6
I think the factor value should be 0.1 and final output should be 1 as global minimum.
%% initialization of problem parameters
minval = 1;
maxval = 30;
step = 1;
count = 5;
minFactor = 0.1;
maxFactor = 0.9;
%% the objective function
fun = #(interval, factor) sum((interval-5).^2, 2)*factor;
%% a function that generates an interval from its initial value
getinterval = #(start) floor(start) + (0:(count-1)) * step;
getfactor =#(start2) floor(start2 * 10)/10;
%% a modified objective function that handles constraints
objective = #(start, start2) f(start, fun, getinterval, minval, maxval, getfactor, minFactor, maxFactor);
%% finding the interval that minimizes the objective function
start = [(minval+maxval)/2 (minFactor+maxFactor)/2];
y = fminsearch(objective, start);
bestvals = getinterval(y(1));
bestfactor = getfactor(y(2));
eval = fun(bestvals,bestfactor);
The code uses the following function f.
function y = f(start, fun, getinterval, minval, maxval, getfactor, minFactor, maxFactor)
interval = getinterval(start(1));
factor = getfactor(start(2));
if (min(interval) < minval) || (max(interval) > maxval) || (factor<minFactor) || (factor>maxFactor)
y = Inf;
y = fun(interval, factor);
I tried the GA function as Adam suggested. I changed it to two different sets given the fact that my variables are from different ranges and steps. Here are my changes.
step1 = 1;
set1 = 1:step1:30;
step2 = 0.1;
set2 = 0.1:step2:0.9;
% upper bound depends on how many integer used for mapping
ub = zeros(1, nvar);
ub(1) = length(set1);
ub(2) = length(set2);
Then, I changed the objective function
% objective function
function y = f(x,set1, set2)
% mapping
xmap1 = set1(x(1));
xmap2 = set2(x(2));
y = (40 - xmap1)^xmap2;
After I run the code, I think I get the answer I want.

Illustration of ga() optimizing over a set
objective function
f = xmap(1) -2*xmap(2)^2 + 3*xmap(3)^3 - 4*xmap(4)^4 + 5*xmap(5)^5;
set = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30}
The set contains 7 elements:
index 1 is equivalent to 1 set(1)
index 2 to 5...
index 7 to 30 set(7)
The input to ga will be in the range 1 to 7.
The lower bound is 1, and the upper bound is 7.
ga optimization is done by computing the fitness function: evaluate f over the input variable.
The tips here will be using integer as input and later while evaluating f use the mapping discussed above.
The code is as follows
% settting option for ga
opts = optimoptions(#ga, ...
'PopulationSize', 150, ...
'MaxGenerations', 200, ...
'EliteCount', 10, ...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-8, ...
'PlotFcn', #gaplotbestf);
% number of variable
nvar = 5;
% lower bound is 1
lb = ones(1, nvar);
step = 2.3;
set = 1:step:30;
limit = length(set);
% upper bound depends on how many integers are used for mapping
ub = limit.*lb;
% maximization used the opposite of f as ga only does minimization
% asking ga to minimize -f is equivalent to maximizing f
fitness = #(x)-1*f(x, step, set);
[xbest, fbest, exitflag] = ga(fitness,nvar, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], 1:nvar, opts);
% get the discrete integer value and find their corresponding value in the set
mapx = set(xbest)
% objective function
function y = f(x, step, set)
l = length(x);
% mapping
xmap = zeros(1, l);
for i = 1:l
xmap(i) = set(x(i));
y = xmap(1) -2*xmap(2)^2 + 3*xmap(3)^3 - 4*xmap(4)^4 + 5*xmap(5)^5;


PDF and CDF plot for central limit theorem using Matlab

I am struggling to plot the PDF and CDF graphs of where
using central limit theorem where n = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 10; 20; 40
I am taking Xi to be a uniform continuous random variable for values between (0,3).
Here is what i have done so far -
close all
%different sizes of input X
%N=[1 5 10 50];
N = [1 2 3 4 5 10 20 40];
%interval (1,6) for random variables
%to store sum of differnet sizes of input
for i=1:length(N)
%generates uniform random numbers in the interval
X = a + (b-a).*rand(N(i),1);
hold on;
title('CDF PLOT')
for i=1:length(N)
%generates uniform random numbers in the interval
X = a + (b-a).*rand(N(i),1);
hold on;
title('PDF PLOT')
My output is nowhere near what I am expecting any help is much appreciated.
This can be done with vectorization using rand() and cumsum().
For example, the code below generates 40 replications of 10000 samples of a Uniform(0,3) distribution and stores in X. To meet the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) assumptions, they are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). Then cumsum() transforms this into 10000 copies of the Sn = X1 + X2 + ... where the first row is n = 10000copies of Sn = X1, the 5th row is n copies of S_5 = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5. The last row is n copies of S_40.
% MATLAB R2019a
% Setup
N = [1:5 10 20 40]; % values of n we are interested in
LB = 0; % lowerbound for X ~ Uniform(LB,UB)
UB = 3; % upperbound for X ~ Uniform(LB,UB)
n = 10000; % Number of copies (samples) for each random variable
% Generate random variates
X = LB + (UB - LB)*rand(max(N),n); % X ~ Uniform(LB,UB) (i.i.d.)
Sn = cumsum(X);
You can see from the image that the n = 2 case, the sum is indeed a Triangular(0,3,6) distribution. For the n = 40 case, the sum is approximately Normally distributed (Gaussian) with mean 60 (40*mean(X) = 40*1.5 = 60). This shows the convergence in distribution for both the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Note: The CLT is often stated with convergence in distribution to a Normal distribution with zero mean as it has been shifted. Shifting the results by subtracting mean(Sn) = n*mean(X) = n*0.5*(LB+UB) from Sn gets this done.
Code below isn't the gold standard but it produced the image.
s(11) = subplot(6,2,1) % n = 1
title(s(11),'n = 1')
s(12) = subplot(6,2,2)
title(s(12),'n = 1')
s(21) = subplot(6,2,3) % n = 2
title(s(21),'n = 2')
s(22) = subplot(6,2,4)
title(s(22),'n = 2')
s(31) = subplot(6,2,5) % n = 5
title(s(31),'n = 5')
s(32) = subplot(6,2,6)
title(s(32),'n = 5')
s(41) = subplot(6,2,7) % n = 10
title(s(41),'n = 10')
s(42) = subplot(6,2,8)
title(s(42),'n = 10')
s(51) = subplot(6,2,9) % n = 20
title(s(51),'n = 20')
s(52) = subplot(6,2,10)
title(s(52),'n = 20')
s(61) = subplot(6,2,11) % n = 40
title(s(61),'n = 40')
s(62) = subplot(6,2,12)
title(s(62),'n = 40')
sgtitle({'PDF (left) and CDF (right) for Sn with n \in \{1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40\}';'note different axis scales'})
for tgt = [11:10:61 12:10:62]
if rem(tgt,2) == 1
else % rem(tgt,2) == 0
Key functions used for plot: histogram() from base MATLAB and cdfplot() from the Statistics toolbox. Note this could be done manually without requiring the Statistics toolbox with a few lines to obtain the cdf and then just calling plot().
There was some concern in comments over the variance of Sn.
Note the variance of Sn is given by (n/12)*(UB-LB)^2 (derivation below). Monte Carlo simulation shows our samples of Sn do have the correct variance; indeed, it converges to this as n gets larger. Simply call var(Sn(40,:)).
% with n = 10000
var(Sn(40,:)) % var(S_40) = 30 (will vary slightly depending on random seed)
(40/12)*((UB-LB)^2) % 29.9505
You can see the convergence is very good by S_40:
step = 0.01;
Domain = 40:step:80;
mu = 40*(LB+UB)/2;
sigma = sqrt((40/12)*((UB-LB)^2));
figure, hold on
Derivation of mean and variance for Sn:
For the expectation (mean), the second equality holds by linearity of expectation. The third equality holds since X_i are identically distributed.
The discrete version of this is posted here.

MATLAB changing variable inside a for loop

I created the Matlab code below to implement the value of an European Put following the implementation inside this paper. I am trying to graph the value of M against the value of the European Put as M increases from 20 to 250 in time steps of 5.
In order to do this, I created a for loop to change the value of M,
for M = 20:5:250
I think that I need to create this for loop in order to change the value of M. Unit testing shows that I did something wrong. The for loop isn't working as intended. The graph produced by the code is referencing the original value of M (defined to be 200) instead of the changing values of M inside the for loop. I don't know why the code returns the original value of M instead of the values inside the for loop.
clear all;
close all;
% EURO9 Binomial method for a European put.
% Uses explicit solution based on binomial expansion.
% Vectorized, based on logs to avoid overflow,
% and avoids computing with zeros.
%%%%%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%
S = 9 ;E = 10 ;T = 3 ;r = 0.06 ;sigma = 0.3 ; M = 200;
dt = T/M ; A = 0.5*(exp(-r*dt)+exp((r+sigma^2)*dt)) ;
u= A + sqrt(A^2-1) ; d = 1/u ; p = (exp(r*dt)-d)/(u-d) ;
% cut-off index
for M = 20:5:250
z = max(1,min(M+1,floor( log((E*u)/(S*d^(M+1)))/(log(u/d)) )));
% Option values at time T
% log/cumsum version using cut-off index z
tmp1 = cumsum(log([1;[M:-1:M-z+2]'])) - cumsum(log([1;[1:z-1]']));
tmp2 = tmp1 + log(p)*([0:z-1]') + log(1-p)*([M:-1:M-z+1]');
value = exp(-r*T)*sum(exp(tmp2).*W);
disp('M is'), disp(M)
disp('Option value is'), disp(value)
hold on;
xlabel('M') % x-axis label
ylabel('European Put') % y-axis label
Unit testing shows that my code is wrong. Testing against M=20 returns a value less than one when the true value is 1.5076.
Did I write the for loop completely wrong? Why is it referencing the value of M=200 at every iteration instead of the increment specified in the for loop for M = 20:5:250?
As an example, running
clear all;
close all;
% EURO9 Binomial method for a European put.
% Uses explicit solution based on binomial expansion.
% Vectorized, based on logs to avoid overflow,
% and avoids computing with zeros.
%%%%%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%
S = 9 ;E = 10 ;T = 3 ;r = 0.06 ;sigma = 0.3 ; M = 20;
dt = T/M ; A = 0.5*(exp(-r*dt)+exp((r+sigma^2)*dt)) ;
u= A + sqrt(A^2-1) ; d = 1/u ; p = (exp(r*dt)-d)/(u-d) ;
% cut-off index
z = max(1,min(M+1,floor( log((E*u)/(S*d^(M+1)))/(log(u/d)) )));
% Option values at time T
% log/cumsum version using cut-off index z
tmp1 = cumsum(log([1;[M:-1:M-z+2]'])) - cumsum(log([1;[1:z-1]']));
tmp2 = tmp1 + log(p)*([0:z-1]') + log(1-p)*([M:-1:M-z+1]');
value = exp(-r*T)*sum(exp(tmp2).*W);
disp('M is'), disp(M)
disp('Option value is'), disp(value)
Option value is
and running
clear all;
close all;
% EURO9 Binomial method for a European put.
% Uses explicit solution based on binomial expansion.
% Vectorized, based on logs to avoid overflow,
% and avoids computing with zeros.
%%%%%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%
S = 9 ;E = 10 ;T = 3 ;r = 0.06 ;sigma = 0.3 ; M = 25;
dt = T/M ; A = 0.5*(exp(-r*dt)+exp((r+sigma^2)*dt)) ;
u= A + sqrt(A^2-1) ; d = 1/u ; p = (exp(r*dt)-d)/(u-d) ;
% cut-off index
z = max(1,min(M+1,floor( log((E*u)/(S*d^(M+1)))/(log(u/d)) )));
% Option values at time T
% log/cumsum version using cut-off index z
tmp1 = cumsum(log([1;[M:-1:M-z+2]'])) - cumsum(log([1;[1:z-1]']));
tmp2 = tmp1 + log(p)*([0:z-1]') + log(1-p)*([M:-1:M-z+1]');
value = exp(-r*T)*sum(exp(tmp2).*W);
disp('M is'), disp(M)
disp('Option value is'), disp(value)
Option value is
Although, I don't get these values in the graph of the for loop for M = 20:5:250. I must have made a mistake inside the for loop.
The problem is with M. You initialised M=200 before the start of the loop which is affecting all the calculations that you're doing before the loop. Whereas in the two unit tests that you have provided, you used M=20 and M=25 for all the calculations respectively.
So the fix is to simply move the calculations that are affected by M inside the loop. i.e
S=9; E=10; T=3; r=0.06; sigma=0.3;
for M = 20:5:250
dt = T/M;
A = 0.5*(exp(-r*dt)+exp((r+sigma^2)*dt)) ;
u = A + sqrt(A^2-1);
d = 1/u;
p = (exp(r*dt)-d)/(u-d);
%And here goes what you already have in your loop

Can't recover the parameters of a model using ode45

I am trying to simulate the rotation dynamics of a system. I am testing my code to verify that it's working using simulation, but I never recovered the parameters I pass to the model. In other words, I can't re-estimate the parameters I chose for the model.
I am using MATLAB for that and specifically ode45. Here is my code:
% Load the input-output data
[torque outputs] = DataLogs2();
u = torque;
% using the simulation data
Ixx = 1.00;
Iyy = 2.00;
Izz = 3.00;
x0 = [0; 0; 0];
Ts = .02;
t = 0:Ts:Ts * ( length(u) - 1 );
[ T, x ] = ode45( #(t,x) rotationDyn( t, x, u(1+floor(t/Ts),:), Ixx, Iyy, Izz), t, x0 );
w = x';
N = length(w);
q = 1; % a counter for the A and B matrices
% The Algorithm
for k=1:1:N
w_telda = [ 0 -w(3, k) w(2,k); ...
w(3,k) 0 -w(1,k); ...
-w(2,k) w(1,k) 0 ];
if k == N % to handle the problem of the last iteration
w_dash(:,k) = (-w(:,k))/Ts;
w_dash(:,k) = (w(:,k+1)-w(:,k))/Ts;
a = kron( w_dash(:,k)', eye(3) ) + kron( w(:,k)', w_telda );
A(q:q+2,:) = a; % a 3N*9 matrix
B(q:q+2,:) = u(k,:)'; % a 3N*1 matrix % u(:,k)
q = q + 3;
% Forcing J to be diagonal. This is the case when we consider our quadcopter as two thin uniform
% rods crossed at the origin with a point mass (motor) at the end of each.
A_new = [A(:, 1) A(:, 5) A(:, 9)];
vec_J_diag = A_new\B;
J_diag = diag([vec_J_diag(1), vec_J_diag(2), vec_J_diag(3)])
eigenvalues_J_diag = eig(J_diag)
error = norm(A_new*vec_J_diag - B)
where my dynamic model is defined as:
function [dw, y] = rotationDyn(t, w, tau, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, varargin)
% The output equation
y = [w(1); w(2); w(3)];
% State equation
% dw = (I^-1)*( tau - cross(w, I*w) );
dw = [Ixx^-1 * tau(1) - ((Izz-Iyy)/Ixx)*w(2)*w(3);
Iyy^-1 * tau(2) - ((Ixx-Izz)/Iyy)*w(1)*w(3);
Izz^-1 * tau(3) - ((Iyy-Ixx)/Izz)*w(1)*w(2)];
Practically, what this code should do, is to calculate the eigenvalues of the inertia matrix, J, i.e. to recover Ixx, Iyy, and Izz that I passed to the model at the very begining (1, 2 and 3), but all what I get is wrong results.
Is the problem with using ode45?
Well the problem wasn't in the ode45 instruction, the problem is that in system identification one can create an n-1 samples-signal from an n samples-signal, thus the loop has to end at N-1 in the above code.

Trying to solve Simultaneous equations in matlab, cannot work out how to format the functions

I was given a piece of Matlab code by a lecturer recently for a way to solve simultaneous equations using the Newton-Raphson method with a jacobian matrix (I've also left in his comments). However, although he's provided me with the basic code I cannot seem to get it working no matter how hard I try. I've spent many hours trying to introduce the 'func' function but to no avail, frequently getting the message that there aren't enough inputs. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially with how to write the 'func' function.
function root = newtonRaphson2(func,x,tol)
% Newton-Raphson method of finding a root of simultaneous
% equations fi(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0, i = 1,2,...,n.
% USAGE: root = newtonRaphson2(func,x,tol)
% func = handle of function that returns[f1,f2,...,fn].
% x = starting solution vector [x1,x2,...,xn].
% tol = error tolerance (default is 1.0e4*eps).
% root = solution vector.
if size(x,1) == 1; x = x'; end % x must be column vector
for i = 1:30
[jac,f0] = jacobian(func,x);
if sqrt(dot(f0,f0)/length(x)) < tol
root = x; return
dx = jac\(-f0);
x = x + dx;
if sqrt(dot(dx,dx)/length(x)) < tol
root = x; return
error('Too many iterations')
function [jac,f0] = jacobian(func,x)
% Returns the Jacobian matrix and f(x).
h = 1.0e-4;
n = length(x);
jac = zeros(n);
f0 = feval(func,x);
for i =1:n
temp = x(i);
x(i) = temp + h;
f1 = feval(func,x);
x(i) = temp;
jac(:,i) = (f1 - f0)/h;
The simultaneous equations to be solved are:
with the starting point (1,1,1).
However, these are arbitrary and can be replaced with anything, I mainly just need to know the general format.
Many thanks, I know this may be a very simple task but I've only recently started teaching myself Matlab.
You need to create a new file called myfunc.m (or whatever name you like) which takes a single input parameter - a column vector x - and returns a single output vector - a column vector y such that y = f(x).
For example,
function y = myfunc(x)
y = zeros(3, 1);
y(1) = sin(x(1)) + x(2)^2 + log(x(3)) - 7;
y(2) = 3*x(1) + 2^x(2) - x(3)^3 + 1;
y(3) = x(1) + x(2) + x(3);
You can then refer to this function as #myfunc as in
>> newtonRaphson2(#myfunc, [1;1;1], 1e-6);
The reason for the special notation is that Matlab allows you to call a function with no parameters by omitting the parens () that follow it. So for example, Matlab interprets myfunc as you calling the function with no arguments (so it tries to replace it with its result) whereas #myfunc refers to the function itself, rather than its result.
Alternatively you can write a function directly using the # notation, as in
>> newtonRaphson2(#(x) exp(x) - 3*x, 2, 1e-2)
ans =
>> newtonRaphson2(#(x) exp(x) - 3*x, 1, 1e-2)
ans =
which are the two roots of the equation exp(x) - 3 * x = 0.
Edit - as an aside, your professor has terrible coding style (if the code in your question is a direct copy-paste of what he gave you, and you haven't mangled it along the way). It would be better to write the code like this, with indentation making it clear what the structure of the code is.
function root = newtonRaphson2(func, x, tol)
% Newton-Raphson method of finding a root of simultaneous
% equations fi(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0, i = 1,2,...,n.
% USAGE: root = newtonRaphson2(func,x,tol)
% func = handle of function that returns[f1,f2,...,fn].
% x = starting solution vector [x1,x2,...,xn].
% tol = error tolerance (default is 1.0e4*eps).
% root = solution vector.
if size(x, 1) == 1; % x must be column vector
x = x';
for i = 1:30
[jac, f0] = jacobian(func, x);
if sqrt(dot(f0, f0) / length(x)) < tol
root = x; return
dx = jac \ (-f0);
x = x + dx;
if sqrt(dot(dx, dx) / length(x)) < tol
root = x; return
error('Too many iterations')
function [jac, f0] = jacobian(func,x)
% Returns the Jacobian matrix and f(x).
h = 1.0e-4;
n = length(x);
jac = zeros(n);
f0 = feval(func,x);
for i = 1:n
temp = x(i);
x(i) = temp + h;
f1 = feval(func,x);
x(i) = temp;
jac(:,i) = (f1 - f0)/h;

Calculate the derivative of the sum of a mathematical function-MATLAB

In Matlab I want to create the partial derivative of a cost function called J(theta_0, theta_1) (in order to do the calculations necessary to do gradient descent).
The function J(theta_0, theta_1) is defined as:
Lets say h_theta(x) = theta_1 + theta_2*x. Also: alpha is fixed, the starting values of theta_1 and theta_2 are given. Let's say in this example: alpha = 0.1 theta_1 = 0, theta_2 = 1. Also I have all the values for x and y in two different vectors.
VectorOfX =
VectorOfX =
Steps I took to try to solve this in Matlab: I have no clue how to solve this problem in matlab. So I started off with trying to define a function in Matlab and tried this:
theta_1 = 0
theta_2 = 1
syms x;
h_theta(x) = theta_1 + t2*x;
This worked, but is not what I really wanted. I wanted to get x^(i), which is in a vector. The next thing I tried was:
theta_1 = 0
theta_2 = 1
syms x;
h_theta(x) = theta_1 + t2*vectorOfX(1);
This gives the following error:
Error using sym/subsindex (line 672)
Invalid indexing or function definition. When defining a
function, ensure that the body of the function is a SYM
object. When indexing, the input must be numeric, logical or
Error in prog1>gradientDescent (line 46)
h_theta(x) = theta_1 + theta_2*vectorOfX(x);
I looked up this error and don't know how to solve it for this particular example. I have the feeling that I make matlab work against me instead of using it in my favor.
When I have to perform symbolic computations I prefer to use Mathematica. In that environment this is the code to get the partial derivatives you are looking for.
J[th1_, th2_, m_] := Sum[(th1 + th2*Subscript[x, i] - Subscript[y, i])^2, {i, 1, m}]/(2*m)
D[J[th1, th2, m], th1]
D[J[th1, th2, m], th2]
and gives
Coming back to MATLAB we can solve this problem with the following code
%// Constants.
alpha = 0.1;
theta_1 = 0;
theta_2 = 1;
X = [5 ; 5 ; 6];
Y = [6 ; 6 ; 10];
%// Number of points.
m = length(X);
%// Partial derivatives.
Dtheta1 = #(theta_1, theta_2) sum(2*(theta_1+theta_2*X-Y))/2/m;
Dtheta2 = #(theta_1, theta_2) sum(2*X.*(theta_1+theta_2*X-Y))/2/m;
%// Loop initialization.
toll = 1e-5;
maxIter = 100;
it = 0;
err = 1;
theta_1_Last = theta_1;
theta_2_Last = theta_2;
%// Iterations.
while err>toll && it<maxIter
theta_1 = theta_1 - alpha*Dtheta1(theta_1, theta_2);
theta_2 = theta_2 - alpha*Dtheta2(theta_1, theta_2);
it = it + 1;
err = norm([theta_1-theta_1_Last ; theta_2-theta_2_Last]);
theta_1_Last = theta_1;
theta_2_Last = theta_2;
Unfortunately for this case the iterations does not converge.
MATLAB is not very flexible for symbolic computations, however a way to get those partial derivatives is the following
m = 10;
syms th1 th2
x = sym('x', [m 1]);
y = sym('y', [m 1]);
J = #(th1, th2) sum((th1+th2.*x-y).^2)/2/m;
diff(J, th1)
diff(J, th2)