date_trunc at time zone with original timestamptz - postgresql

I have a single timestamptz that I want to date_trunc so it removes the hours:
2019-01-01T17:43-03 => 2019-01-01T00:00-03.
However, because date_trunc removes the timezone, I need to do it like this:
date_trunc('day', '2019-01-01T17:43-03'::timestamptz) at time zone '-03'
However, I do not want to hardcode the time zone, since the query is run with timestamptz in many different timezones (these are input to the query and not stored). So I want the timezone to be extracted from the original timestamp. I tried to do something like this, but it does not work:
date_trunc('day', '2019-01-01T17:43-03'::timestamptz) at time zone EXTRACT(...)
Related, I am trying to extract the timezone from a timestamptz, but just getting 0.
Can anybody help me with this?

I believe you may have a misconception about how timestamps and timezones are stored in PostgreSQL (because you seem to expect the -03 to be preserved when calling date_trunc and that you "want the timezone to be extracted from the original timestamp"). According to the documentation:
When a timestamp with time zone value is output, it is always converted from UTC to the current timezone zone, and displayed as local time in that zone. To see the time in another time zone, either change timezone or use the AT TIME ZONE construct (see Section 9.9.3).
Therefore, the statement that "different clients [that] have timestampts in many different timezones," while true, are all translated to UTC for storage, and then displayed in your local timezone (or the timezone you specify) for output. As such, calling date_trunc() will essentially truncate the UTC timestamp, and if you want it displayed in a specific timezone, you will need to add the AT TIME ZONE clause.
UPDATE: An example is here:
edb=# select date_trunc('day', '2019-01-01T17:43-03'::timestamptz) ;
2019-01-01 00:00:00+00
(1 row)
edb=# set timezone to 'US/Pacific';
edb=# select date_trunc('day', '2019-01-01T17:43-03'::timestamptz) ;
2019-01-01 00:00:00-08
(1 row)
As you can see, date_trunc will append the timezone that I define—it is not omitted.


Date and time in UTC - how to store them in postgres?

I am getting my data: date and time in UTC, in a csv file format in separate columns. Since I will need to convert this zone to date and time of the place where I live, currently in summer to UTC+2, and maybe some other zones I was wondering what is the best practice to insert data in postgres when we are talking about type of data. Should I place both of my data in a single column or keep them separate as types: date and time, and if not should I use timestamp or timestampz (or something else).
use timestamptz it will store your time stamp in UTC. and will display it to the client according to it's locale.
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored value is always in
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean
Time, GMT). An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is
converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. If
no time zone is stated in the input string, then it is assumed to be
in the time zone indicated by the system's TimeZone parameter, and is
converted to UTC using the offset for the timezone zone.
When a timestamp with time zone value is output, it is always
converted from UTC to the current timezone zone, and displayed as
local time in that zone. To see the time in another time zone, either
change timezone or use the AT TIME ZONE construct (see Section 9.9.3).
updated with another good point from Lukasz, I had to mention:
Also in favor of single column is the fact that if you would store
both date and time in separate columns you would still need to combine
them and convert to timestamp if you wanted to change time zone of
Not doing that would lead to date '2017-12-31' with time '23:01:01' would in other time zone in fact be not only different time, but different date with all YEAR and MONTH and DAY different
another update As per Laurenz notice, don't forget the above docs quote
An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. Which means you have to manage the input dates carefully. Eg:
t=# create table t(t timestamptz);
t=# set timezone to 'GMT+5';
t=# insert into t select '2017-01-01 00:00:00';
t=# insert into t select '2017-01-01 00:00:00' at time zone 'UTC';
t=# insert into t select '2017-01-01 00:00:00+02';
t=# select * from t;
2017-01-01 00:00:00-05
2017-01-01 05:00:00-05
2016-12-31 17:00:00-05
(3 rows)

timezone aware date_trunc function

The following query
SELECT the_date FROM date_trunc('day', timestamp with time zone
'2001-01-1 00:00:00+0100') as the_date
results to
2000-12-31 00:00
Is there a way to tell date_trunc to do day/month/year conversions based on the timezone it is feeded with?
The expected output would be: 2001-01-1 00:00+0100
You need to specify at which time zone you want it to show
timestamp with time zone '2001-01-1 00:00:00+0100' at time zone '-02'
) as the_date;
2001-01-01 00:00:00
While the marked answer might be correct for the OP's weird circumstances it is more likely incorrect for others. You need to convert the timestamp returned by date_trunc to the proper timezone.
some_timestamp at time zone users_timezone
) at time zone users_timezone as the_date;
The important thing to understand is date_trunc returns a timestamp with no timezone attached to it. You need to convert the timestamp to the proper timezone because the database client or whatever downstream might have a different timezone.
#Adam's answer is definitely more helpful. Although I think we can improve on it again because if we're truncating a Timestamp to a single day (or week/month/etc), then we want to make sure that we're dealing with a Date object, not a Timestamp. Otherwise we may give other pieces of code the impression that something just actually happened to occur at midnight (or potentially some other misleading time of day).
So I would use:
SELECT date_trunc('day', some_timestamp AT TIME ZONE users_timezone)::date AS the_date;
which casts the result to a Date, rather than Timestamp.
The result will be something like:
instead of the more misleading result of:
2019-09-14 00:00:00

Converting UTC time in local time in PostgreSQL 8.3

I run a Postgres 8.3 database where times seem to be stored in UTC without time zone.
I am trying to display in local time but not with '+01' suffix :
With select scheduled_start_ts I get :
2014-01-20 05:01:35.663
With select scheduled_start_ts at time zone 'MET' :
2014-01-20 05:01:35.663+01
I would like to get "2014-01-20 06:01:35.663" which is in local time.
The database I am using cannot be modified and I am not allowed to modify how data are stored.
If you want to format times, use the to_char function. See formatting functions in the docs.
regress=> SELECT to_char(
(TIMESTAMP '2014-01-20 05:01:35.663' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')
2014-01-20 06:01:35
(1 row)
The (TIMESTAMP 'xxx' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') gets me a timestamptz with the correct time, by re-interpreting the TIMESTAMP as being in UTC. The second AT TIME STAMP instead converts the timestamptz into a timestamp in timezone MET. This then gets formatted.
Whatever the SQL standards committe were smoking when they designed this, I never, ever, ever want to be anywhere near it.

Now() without timezone

I have a column added_at of type timestamp without time zone. I want it's default value to be the current date-time but without time zone. The function now() returns a timezone as well.
How do I solve that problem?
SELECT now()::timestamp;
The cast converts the timestamptz returned by now() to the corresponding timestamp in your time zone - defined by the timezone setting of the session. That's also how the standard SQL function LOCALTIMESTAMP is implemented in Postgres.
If you don't operate in multiple time zones, that works just fine. Else switch to timestamptz for added_at. The difference?
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
BTW, this does exactly the same, just more noisy and expensive:
SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE current_setting('timezone');
Well you can do something like:
SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE current_setting('TimeZone');
SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris';
Not sure how that makes any sense for a column "added_at". You almost always want an absolute timestamp (timestamp with time zone) not a floating one.
Edit responding to points below:
Yes, should use timestamp with time zone (absolute time) unless you have a good reason not to.
The client timezone is given by SHOW TimeZone or current_setting(...) as shown above.
Do take some time to skim the manuals - they cover all this quite well.
"Current Date/Time":
CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP deliver values with time zone; LOCALTIME and LOCALTIMESTAMP deliver values without time zone.
New, and Native Answer in 2020
In PostgreSQL, If you only want the current date-time by calling CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() without time zone, and fractional digits in the seconds field which come after the decimal point of the seconds field?
(Tested on PostgreSQL v12.4)
Then use this:
If you define your column's data type as timestamp (not as timestamptz), then you can store the timestamp without time zone, in that case you don't neet to add TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE
Like this:
In the above function, 0 is passed to get rid of the fractional digits in the seconds field.
If your application doesn't care about timezone, you can use SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP for it.
-- Result: 2023-01-30 17:43:33.628952

Difference between timestamps with/without time zone in PostgreSQL

Are timestamp values stored differently in PostgreSQL when the data type is WITH TIME ZONE versus WITHOUT TIME ZONE? Can the differences be illustrated with simple test cases?
The differences are covered at the PostgreSQL documentation for date/time types. Yes, the treatment of TIME or TIMESTAMP differs between one WITH TIME ZONE or WITHOUT TIME ZONE. It doesn't affect how the values are stored; it affects how they are interpreted.
The effects of time zones on these data types is covered specifically in the docs. The difference arises from what the system can reasonably know about the value:
With a time zone as part of the value, the value can be rendered as a local time in the client.
Without a time zone as part of the value, the obvious default time zone is UTC, so it is rendered for that time zone.
The behaviour differs depending on at least three factors:
The timezone setting in the client.
The data type (i.e. WITH TIME ZONE or WITHOUT TIME ZONE) of the value.
Whether the value is specified with a particular time zone.
Here are examples covering the combinations of those factors:
foo=> SET TIMEZONE TO 'Japan';
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP;
2011-01-01 00:00:00
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
2011-01-01 00:00:00+09
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00+03'::TIMESTAMP;
2011-01-01 00:00:00
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00+03'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
2011-01-01 06:00:00+09
(1 row)
foo=> SET TIMEZONE TO 'Australia/Melbourne';
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP;
2011-01-01 00:00:00
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
2011-01-01 00:00:00+11
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00+03'::TIMESTAMP;
2011-01-01 00:00:00
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT '2011-01-01 00:00:00+03'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
2011-01-01 08:00:00+11
(1 row)
I try to explain it more understandably than the referred PostgreSQL documentation.
Neither TIMESTAMP variants store a time zone (or an offset), despite what the names suggest. The difference is in the interpretation of the stored data (and in the intended application), not in the storage format itself:
TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE stores local date-time (aka. wall calendar date and wall clock time). Its time zone is unspecified as far as PostgreSQL can tell (though your application may knows what it is). Hence, PostgreSQL does no time zone related conversion on input or output. If the value was entered into the database as '2011-07-01 06:30:30', then no mater in what time zone you display it later, it will still say year 2011, month 07, day 01, 06 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds (in some format). Also, any offset or time zone you specify in the input is ignored by PostgreSQL, so '2011-07-01 06:30:30+00' and '2011-07-01 06:30:30+05' are the same as just '2011-07-01 06:30:30'.
For Java developers: it's analogous to java.time.LocalDateTime.
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE stores a point on the UTC time line. How it looks (how many hours, minutes, etc.) depends on your time zone, but it always refers to the same "physical" instant (like the moment of an actual physical event). The
input is internally converted to UTC, and that's how it's stored. For that, the offset of the input must be known, so when the input contains no explicit offset or time zone (like '2011-07-01 06:30:30') it's assumed to be in the current time zone of the PostgreSQL session, otherwise the explicitly specified offset or time zone is used (as in '2011-07-01 06:30:30+05'). The output is displayed converted to the current time zone of the PostgreSQL session.
For Java developers: It's analogous to java.time.Instant (with lower resolution though), but with JDBC and JPA 2.2 you are supposed to map it to java.time.OffsetDateTime (or to java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp of course).
Some say that both TIMESTAMP variations store UTC date-time. Kind of, but it's confusing to put it that way in my opinion. TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE is stored like a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, which rendered with UTC time zone happens to give the same year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds as they are in the local date-time. But it's not meant to represent the point on the time line that the UTC interpretation says, it's just the way the local date-time fields are encoded. (It's some cluster of dots on the time line, as the real time zone is not UTC; we don't know what it is.)
Here is an example that should help. If you have a timestamp with a timezone, you can convert that timestamp into any other timezone. If you haven't got a base timezone it won't be converted correctly.
SELECT now(),
now()::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'CST'
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------
now | 2018-09-15 17:01:36.399357+03
now | 2018-09-15 17:01:36.399357
timezone | 2018-09-15 08:01:36.399357
timezone | 2018-09-16 02:01:36.399357+03
Timestamptz vs Timestamp
The timestamptz field in Postgres is basically just the timestamp field where Postgres actually just stores the “normalised” UTC time, even if the timestamp given in the input string has a timezone.
If your input string is: 2018-08-28T12:30:00+05:30 , when this timestamp is stored in the database, it will be stored as 2018-08-28T07:00:00.
The advantage of this over the simple timestamp field is that your input to the database will be timezone independent, and will not be inaccurate when apps from different timezones insert timestamps, or when you move your database server location to a different timezone.
To quote from the docs:
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored value is always in
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean
Time, GMT). An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is
converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. If
no time zone is stated in the input string, then it is assumed to be
in the time zone indicated by the system’s TimeZone parameter, and is
converted to UTC using the offset for the timezone zone. To give a
simple analogy, a timestamptz value represents an instant in time, the
same instant for anyone viewing it. But a timestamp value just
represents a particular orientation of a clock, which will represent
different instances of time based on your timezone.
For pretty much any use case, timestamptz is almost always a better choice. This choice is made easier with the fact that both timestamptz and timestamp take up the same 8 bytes of data.
The diffrences are shown in PostgreSQL official docs. Please refer the docs for deep digging.
In a nutshell TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE doesn't save any timezone related informations if you give date time with timezone info,it takes date & time only and ignores timezone
For example
When I save this 12:13, 11 June 2021 IST to PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE will reject the timezone information and saves the date time 12:13,11 June 2021
But the the case of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE it saves the timezone info in UTC format.
For example
When I save this 12:13, 11 June 2021 IST to PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type variable it will interpret this time to UTC value and
stored as shown in below 6:43,11 June 2021 UTC
NB : UTC + 5.30 is IST
During the time conversion time returned by TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE will be stored in UTC format and we can convert it to the required timezone like IST or PST etc.
So the recommented timestamp type in PostgreSQL is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE or TIMESTAMPZ
Run the following to see diff in pgAdmin:
create table public.testts (tz timestamp with time zone, tnz timestamp without time zone);
insert into public.testts values(now(), now());
select * from public.testts;
If you have similar issues I had of timestamp precision in Angular / Typescript / Node API / PostgreSql environment, hope my complete answer and solution will help you out.