Some problem with installing springsource-tool-suite in eclipse - eclipse

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Spring IDE Boot Microservices Dash (
Missing requirement: Boot (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot requires 'osgi.bundle; org.apache.commons.collections 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring Boot Dashboard View (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.dash
To: osgi.bundle; org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot 0.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Boot Microservices Dash (
To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.dash [,]
Eclipse version: 2019-06 (4.12.0)
The zip installed:
I can't even figure out why this problem occurred...

In Details the message says that the Apache Common plug-in/bundle (org.apache.commons.collections) of any version (0.0.0) is missing (it is not installed and it is not contained in the ZIP). It is directly required by Boot and indirectly required (because Boot is required or something is required that requires the Boot plug-in/bundle) by the Spring Boot Dashboard View and by the Spring IDE Boot Microservices Dash.
Download the org.apache.commons.collections_3.2.2.v201511171945.jar file and put it into the dropins folder in your Eclipse installation directory. Restart Eclipse and install STS3 from the ZIP as you did before.
Alternatively, if you have an internet connection, in the Install dialog check the checkbox Contact all update sites during install to find required software and make sure all required stuff is contained in the configured update sites (Window > Preferences: Install/Update > Available Software Sites).


Unable to install m2e-wtp on eclipse juno

1) Error message -
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e-wtp - Maven Integration for WTP (
Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (org.eclipse.m2e.wtp requires 'bundle org.eclipse.jst.jee.web 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: m2e-wtp - Maven Integration for WTP (
To: org.eclipse.m2e.wtp []
This is while importing maven's poms directly. Whats the impact if not installed?
2) Is system admin access required on the box to uninstall 'default'plugins and softwares in eclipse juno?
Removed this eclipse plugin and I am able to import the project's poms as well.
(one of the classic cases compatibility of different plugin's version on the IDE)

How to install Maven integration plugin in Eclipse Helios?

I'm trying to install Maven integration plugin in Eclipse Helios via Marketplace, but I'm receiveing "cannot satisfy dependency" error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (
Missing requirement: async-http-client (com.ning.async-http-client requires 'package org.slf4j 1.6.2' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Archetype Common Bundle (org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common
To: bundle org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime [1.4.0,1.5.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (
To: org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Embedded Maven Runtime Bundle (org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime
To: bundle com.ning.async-http-client [1.6.5,1.6.6)
Do you have any ideas how it could be done?
Unfortunately, upgrading Eclipse is not an option in my case.
I believe you must be trying the following URL in the update site:
Try using:
In your install manager, check "Contact all updates sites" . This should resolve the problem as sometimes dependencies come form different sites.
Dated : 2015-June-04
I was trying to do the same for IBM RAD 8.5.0 which is built on Eclipse 3.6 i.e Helios Platform.
I tried using the below link and it works fine.
Also uncheck the "Show only the latest versions of available software" this gives you all the versions that are compatable with your current version.

Can't install maven plugin for eclipse on Ubuntu 12.04

I tried install at eclipse Indigo - Version: 3.7.2, Maven plugin.
Here step by step what I did:
Help => Install new software... => Work with => add location => Tick Maven integration for eclipse => next.
But it wasn't finished and pop up:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (
But when I looking for at Window => Preferences, Maven doesn't exist.
I want to update eclipse to kepler version. I added needs repository to
Window - Preferences - Install/Update - Available Softsarve..
And when I went to Help - Check for Updates I saw next error:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Equinox p2 RCP Management Facilities Source 1.2.0.v20130604-2046 ( 1.2.0.v20130604-2046)
Software currently installed: Eclipse Platform 3.7.0.I20110613-1736 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 3.7.0.I20110613-1736)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Simple Configurator Manipulator 2.0.0.v20130327-2119 (org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator 2.0.0.v20130327-2119)
Simple Configurator Manipulator 2.0.0.dist (org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator 2.0.0.dist)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox p2 Core Function 1.0.1.dist-8291FXcFLhV8CJ871602A41 ( 1.0.1.dist-8291FXcFLhV8CJ871602A41)
To: org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator [2.0.0.dist]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox p2 Core Function 1.2.0.v20130604-2046 ( 1.2.0.v20130604-2046)
To: org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator [2.0.0.v20130327-2119]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox p2 RCP Management Facilities 1.2.0.v20130604-2046 ( 1.2.0.v20130604-2046)
To: [1.2.0.v20130604-2046]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox p2 RCP Management Facilities Source 1.2.0.v20130604-2046 ( 1.2.0.v20130604-2046)
To: [1.2.0.v20130604-2046]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox p2 Provisioning for IDEs. 2.1.2.dist-6-Bk8lt6MLqLsEf6-RFpFIpRdhQG ( 2.1.2.dist-6-Bk8lt6MLqLsEf6-RFpFIpRdhQG)
To: [1.0.1.dist-8291FXcFLhV8CJ871602A41]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse Platform 3.7.0.I20110613-1736 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 3.7.0.I20110613-1736)
To: [2.1.2.dist-6-Bk8lt6MLqLsEf6-RFpFIpRdhQG]
How to solve this and install Maven plugin?
Try setting the option "Contact all updates sites..." in the Installation Manger and make sure that the download site for Indigo ( is checked.
This should be the updatesite containing your m2e Installation anyway, since the downloadsite you used contains the LATEST maven built, which is not 3.7.2 .
If you want to use a newer Eclipse, use KEpler with the updatesite
If that doesn't work, please post the new error.

Spring IDE installation error

i am new to springs first i wanna install spring ide in my eclipse indigo,i already have install maven integration with eclipse,bt by installing spring ide through eclipse marketplace i am getting dependencies this
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Spring IDE Security Extension (optional) (
Missing requirement: Spring IDE Live Beans Graph (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Core (required) (
To: org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Security Extension (optional) (
To: 0.0.0
please give me solution,or any other alternative to start spring .Thanks in adv
I also encounter this problem when install Spring plugin into eclipse under the Ubuntu platform. After I search the error by Google, there is a solution in Spring forum for this error.
As them said, this error may caused by GEF not installed, because some of Spring features have a dependency with GEF, so you can install GEF by Eclipse Update Manager. Please notice that there is a permission error when you install Spring plugin under Ubuntu, it may need write permission to install.
First answer, wish can give you some help. Thanks.

How to installation Together2008r3 for Eclipse

How can i installation together2008r3 in Eclipse, Dose anybody could help me?
I've download the right now.
first, I install Eclipse SKD in Eclipse and restart.
the second, I click Help-Install new software in Eclipse and choose the zip file then click continue.
but it's back an error.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Together Classic Modeling (required) 8.2.3.v20101117-1439 ( 8.2.3.v20101117-1439)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
EMF Change Model 2.5.1.v20100907-1643 (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change 2.5.1.v20100907-1643)
EMF Change Model 2.7.0.v20110408-2116 (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change 2.7.0.v20110408-2116)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Together OCL Modeling UI 8.2.3.v20101117-1439 ( 8.2.3.v20101117-1439)
To: [2.6.0,3.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Together Classic Modeling (required) 8.2.3.v20101117-1439 ( 8.2.3.v20101117-1439)
To: [8.2.3.v20101117-1439]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Together Modeling 8.2.3.v20101117-1439 ( 8.2.3.v20101117-1439)
To: [8.2.3.v20101117-1439]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: EMF/XSD All-In-One SDK 2.6.0.v20100914-1218 ( 2.6.0.v20100914-1218)
To: [2.6.1.v20100914-1218]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: EMF Change Edit 2.5.0.v20100521-1846 (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.edit 2.5.0.v20100521-1846)
To: bundle org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change [2.7.0,3.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK 2.6.1.v20100914-1218 ( 2.6.1.v20100914-1218)
To: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change [2.5.1.v20100907-1643]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK 2.6.1.v20100914-1218 ( 2.6.1.v20100914-1218)
To: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.edit [2.5.0.v20100521-1846]
I just know something dependency lib was not found. it's because I used the J2EE edition for Eclipse(not classic)?
From what i see, it's because you have Version 2.5.1 of EMF Change Model installed, but ToGether needs 2.7.1 and the automatic installation wizard cannot resolve this.
Which version of Eclipse do you use? I think, the Indigo packages contain EMF 2.7, so with Eclipse Indigo, it should work. Otherwise you would have to uninstall EMF and manually install a newer EMF version (for information and download sites etc. look here).