github 'resolve conflicts' button disabled - github

I'm an admin on this repo. In this PR I have removed multiple files and merged these changes from local to origin/develop. When merging origin/develop to origin/master I'm getting this conflict for one of the four files I've removed. Our flow is always local to origin/develop to origin/master. I had no conflicts when mergin local to origin/develop.
Github won't let me resolve the conflict.
Why is the 'Resolve Conflicts' button disabled? I've never seen this before.
Why would this one file have a merge conflict? It's one of 3 config files that I removed completely in this PR.
Why am I getting this conflict on origin/develop to origin/master when I had no conflicts on local to origin/develop?

If the Resolve conflicts button is deactivated, your pull request's merge conflict is too complex to resolve on GitHub Enterprise or the site administrator has disabled the conflict editor for pull requests between repositories. You must resolve the merge conflict using another Git client like Atom's Git integration or the command line.

I know this is little old post. But putting my answer as I also faced the same issue and I could solve it using following.
As shown in screenshot attached, you can solve this on your local using command line.
Fetch the branch which has conflicts. (say master branch)
Checkout to that branch.
Pull the code from another branch you want to merge it into. (Take a pull from develop into master )
OR Rebase the branch as: checkout to develop branch, then take pull into it git pull origin develop. Then checkout to master branch and do git rebase develop.
Now resolve the conflicts, add the changed files, commit it, push onto the branch you want to merge it into (in this case master ). It might happen that you don't have permission to do it. In that case you can push this branch on your fork, and then raise PR to main repo)
There is one more method.
Using GitHub Desktop. Just that, it is not available for linux from official site.
For this you can check this link.
Read the instructions in the README doc and install it accordingly.
And you can find the method to solve the conflicts using GitHub Desktop here.


How multiple developer can work on same feature branch gerrit

I am newbie using Gerrit review flow and previously had good experience in GitHub and GitLab.
But looks Gerrit review system works bit different.
So I have created one feature branch called feature/test. This branch contains one test commit and this commit has been pushed to Gerrit.
Change can be seen Gerrit with unique change id and commit.
Now the problem is, on this feature branch 3 developers will work and they need to continuously fetch each other changes with same change id.
Can someone help on this, what I need to do. because when I pulled this feature branch with one test commit then change is not visible to me at different place.
I didn't understand what you mean by "fetch each other changes WITH SAME CHANGE ID". A Change-Id is a unique number that identifies a change in Gerrit. Each change made by each developer will have different Change-Ids.
The better process to work on Gerrit is the following:
1- Update the local repository
git fetch
2- Create a work branch based on the remote branch:
git checkout -b work1 origin/feature/test
3- Make your change and commit
git add
git commit
4- Push your change to review on Gerrit:
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/feature/test
If the reviewer suggests something to do:
1- Checkout the work branch
git checkout work1
2- Fix your change and commit
git add
git commit --amend
3- Push the fix to Gerrit:
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/feature/test
All developers can work in parallel using the same process. You can also work in parallel by creating other work branches (work2, work3, etc) while is waiting for review. Avoid serializing the commits by always basing your work branches in the remote branch and not in your previous work branch.
When the feature branch is read, it can be merged in the master (main, release, or whatever it is called) branch.

How to keep a GitHub fork up to date without a merge commit or using CLI?

The normal GitHub flow to contribute to a repo is to create a fork of the upstream, clone a local copy where you make changes, then push back up to your fork and then create a PR to have your changes merged into upstream.
But if upstream changes after that, how do you update your fork without creating a merge commit (and also without using the git CLI)?
I already know how to do this in a way that will create a merge commit or which depend on the git command line interface. This question is specifically about using the website or GitHub Desktop application only (no CLI).
Since this is a very common workflow it seems like there should be some simple way to do it using the GitHub GUI.
To reiterate: any answers that use the CLI or create a merge commit (e.g. this way) will not be answering this question since I'm explicitly looking for a non-CLI solution.
without a merge commit or using CLI?
Not directly with GitHub web UI alone, since it would involve rebasing your PR branch on top of upstream/master
So in short: no.
But in less short... maybe, if you really want to try it.
Rebasing through GitHub web UI is actually possible, since Sept. 2016, ...
if you are the maintainer of the original repo, wanting to integrate a PR branch
if none of the replayed commit introduces a conflict
(This differs from GitHub Desktop, which, since June 5th 2019 does support rebasing. But that is a frontend to Git CLI, like other tools provide. For example GitKraken and interactive rebase)
So a convoluted workaround would be:
to fetch, then push upstream/master to the master branch of your own fork (a CLI operation, but more on that below)
change the base branch of your current PR to master (so a PR within the same repository: your own fork), provided you haven't pushed to master.
Meaning: master in your fork represents the updated upstream/master, with upstream being the original repository that you have forked.
Since you are the owner of that repository (your fork), GitHub can then show you if you can rebase said branch to the base branch of the PR (master), but only if there is no conflict.
finally, change the base branch again, to <originalRepo>/master (which is the intended target of your PR)
The very first step is typically done through command line, but... there might be a trick to do it (update upstream master in your fork) through web UI: see "Quick Tip: Sync a Fork with the Original via GitHub’s Web UI" by Bruno Skvorc
In short, it involves:
creating a new branch from your current master (which would be at upstream/master at the time you forked the original repository)
Making a PR with that new branch and <originalRepo/master>
doing a base switch before creating the PR
That is the step which artificially forces upstream/master to be refreshed
You can the create and merge it with the “Merge Pull Request” button (and “Confirm Merge” afterwards): the merge will be trivial: no merge commit.
The end result is: your own master branch (in your fork) updated with upstream/master (the master branch of the original repository)!
You can then resume the steps I describe above, and change the base of your current PR to your own (now refreshed) master branch, and see if you can rebase it!
This is feasible with GitHub Desktop since version 1.0.7 considering the following:
If the current branch does not have any commits ahead upstream (the original repo of the fork), the new commits can be pulled without creating a new merge commit
In GitHub Desktop:
Clone your repository from File > Clone Repository
Fetch origin, which will automatically fetch the upstream as well
Go to Branches by clicking on where it says Current Branch
Click on Choose a branch to merge into <branch> at the bottom
Search for upstream/<branch>, then click Merge upstream/<branch> into <branch>
Push to origin, et voilà!
Otherwise, ff the current branch has commits ahead of the fork, then of course one has to create a merge commit or rebase and force push. For rebasing which might be more preferable, do the following:
In GItHub Desktop, go to Branch from menu, then Rebase Current Branch
Search for upstream/<branch>, then click Start Rebase
Solve any conflicts that have occurred from the rebase
Force push to origin. You will get a warning for this for obvious reasons.
For avoiding force-pushing to your work when your current branch is both ahead and behind its upstream counterpart, either create a new merge commit or:
Make a new branch based with all your changes
If needed, reset the original branch to its original state (before it diverged from the original repo)
Perform the steps from the first scenario and merge your changes into your branch.
And yes, it seems that pulling via the GitHub website from the original repo without creating a pull request and merge commit is not possible at this moment.
Demo GIF for first scenario:
Some GitHub issues related to this:
Add an upstream to forked repositories
multi-remote support in Desktop
Note: Non-CLI based approach that might help:
Is there a way to make GitHub Desktop rebase a branch against master?
The only key here is doing a rebase, so the above answer should help.
CLI way (which is easier and using git, so it should be more comprehensive by default)
There are some practices that you should use to avoid this.
Don't work on the master branch in your fork.
$ git clone <your fork>
$ git checkout -b feature_branch
You can work in your feature_branch and then raise a Pull Request.
Once your changes are merged in the upstream master, you can pull from upstream to your origin. Since the master on upstream will have your commits sitting neatly on top of it, there won't be a merge commit.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git push origin master
In the case, where the maintainer has diverged from the master that you have in your fork, that is, it's not linear any more, you need to pull a fresh copy of it. That should not be a problem as your changes are already in the upstream.
If the master in upstream has moved ahead while you were working on your PR, then you can rebase on you feature_branch.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout feature_branch
$ git rebase master
Please refer to this document for detailed reference: Fork and pull request workflow

How to work on a project fork when having the original in Eclipse?

I'm trying to create a pull request on GitHub for project "original/QWERTY" so I forked the repo to "Mark/QWERTY". In Eclipse, I already have a repository set up for "original/QWERTY" and that project is in my workspace, named QWERTY.
Now if I create a new repository pointing at "Mark/QWERTY", I'll have two projects with the same name and both Eclipse and me won't like it.
I thought that it should be possible to have a branch or another remote under a repository and switch between them instead of having two copies (I mean just store the diffs). The problem is that they are different projects on GitHub so I'm not sure how to do it.
What is the correct way to set up two GitHub projects to create a pull request from my fork to the original one in Eclipse with EGit?
The usual workflow for forked repositories is to have a single local repository with a single work directory that is configured to fetch and push from/to multiple remote repositories.
With this setup, you can switch between branches that originate from different remote repositories.
The Fork a repo documentation of GitHub explains this setup when using CLI Git. Most of it should also apply to repositories hosted elsewhere.
Using the EGit documentation, it should be possible to translate these instructions into the corresponding actions in EGit.
How to manage multiple remotes with EGit is documented here:
Using the information from Rudiger's comment and answer and my trial and error with branches I made my own steps. This picture also helps with terminology.
First, do these 2 things in any order:
fork the original project in the github website so now you have the original and the fork. They have the same code and branches.
create a local repository pointing to the original repo on github. Let's say you decided to select only the master branch.
Remotes: you get a new remote I'll call origin (default). configure its fetch if it's not done for you, the default specification is +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*. This ref spec maps all the repo branches to Remote Tracking branches with the same name. If you want to only fetch the master branch then use +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master.
Branches: you get a "Remote Tracking" branch called origin/master and a local branch called master with configuration of "Remote: origin" and "Upstream Branch: refs/heads/master". You will be working under the local master as it's the only branch right now.
Now you want to be able to push to your fork so you can create PR. You can and already did pull from the original to keep getting updates from other people's work.
Right click on "Remotes" and create a new remote, I'll call it fork (call it whatever you need). Configure its push.
the URI points to your fork the same way the origin Remote URI points to the original.
The ref mapping maps the branches. Go to "Advanced" and click "Add All Branch Specs" if it isn't done for you. You should get the spec refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*. It's easy to work with this spec but you can change it to whatever you need.
Create a local branch (right click -> switch to -> new branch) whose source is the local branch named master and the branch name is whatever suits what it does. it can be the master branch or a new branch that let's say fixes a bug, so bug 123. You do not have a Remote Tracking branch because those are used for pulls. If you also pull from fork then you will need to configure that in the Remote fork and get a remote branch.
Now you are working on a local branch bug 123 (you can see a checkmark next to it). Fix the bug in your code and in the Git Staging view you should see the files changed and the title is <Repository name> [bug 123]. Make sure you are going to commit/push to the correct branch! Stage whatever you need and commit (adds the changes to the local branch bug123) and push (creates a branch on the github repo called bug 123 if you stayed with the default spec).
Now go to the GitHub repo page of either the original or the fork and the UI will tell you that you can create a PR. From there GitHub will guide you.
Once the PR is merged into the master branch of the original on GitHubm, you will want to fetch from the master.
Right click on the Remote origin or its fetch "subdir" and choose fetch. The will fetch any changes in all the remote branches because the fetch spec we used maps all the branches (we used the * character).
That's it. Continue to switch to a local branch which maps to your fork based on the updated master, fix bug, commit and push, create PR, wait for merge into the original, fetch and pull from the original.

How to merge to a branch that is behind in network in Gitlab?

I am quite new with Gitlab and I'm having an issue for merging in Eclipse.
We're working as a team, and we all have development branches that we are trying to merge into a single one. Unfortunately, when I did my merge, I have done a stupid mistake. Instead of merging my development branch to the main one, I have merged the main one into my development branch.
I have reversed the commit/merge on gitlab, but now as I try to merge back my development branch into the main one on Eclipse, it seems like I am 9 commits ahead of this branch (described as the arrows on Eclipse here: ), so the potential merge would basically replace everything by my code, when I should actually have merge conflicts to solve.
I am not quite sure how to merge properly so that I get back these merge conflicts.
Here is a screenshot of my network:
The ['1'] commit in the network on the left branch (my branch) corresponds to the merge from Week6AllIssues to my dev branch (the wrong merge). The last commit on this left branch is me reversing the commit.
Thanks a lot for your help !
If you're not using the remote branch with anyone else, the following series of steps might help.
First, remove the superfluous commits from the local branch. It can be achieved with git reset --hard <the commit before you merged master into your branch> command (see this link on how to do this with Eclipse).
Now make the remote branch match your local branch. You can do this with git push --force command. In Eclipse, this command corresponds to configure push - enable "force update" option.
Now the superfluous commits are gone.

Github - merging fork into master (locally)

So i have the following problem:
Back when i started programming, i FORKED a repository (using github for windows) for a browser-game. For some time now, i made stuff, did git commit and issued a pull request using the webpage.
The original author did authorize my pull request and my changes went live.
Recently, i have become an "official" author on the original repository.
So i dont want to work on my "fork" any longer but instead dev on the original.
Using github for windows, i decided to "clone" the original repo.
My github now shows my forked (AncientSion/FieryVoid) repository and the original (Aatu/FieryVoid).
Now what i would like to do is somehow "merge" my forked repo into my local clone of the original repo and from there commit to the master repo directly, that way deploying my local, not yet commited changes from my fork to the live version while at the same time getting rid of fork repository.
However, i have no idea if that works and if it does, how.
Can someone please advise ?
I don't think that the Github for Windows interface supports this, but this can definitely be done via the git bash console. This is untested, but the steps ought to be correct, since I've done something similar (identical, in fact) before. This assumes that your clone, AncientSion/FieryVoid, is up-to-date with Aatu/FieryVoid, which can be done with a pull followed by a merge, or, to avoid merge commits, with a git pull --rebase. So now you have AncientSion/FieryVoid and Aatu/FieryVoid, both present locally, with AncientSion/FieryVoid ahead of Aatu/FieryVoid by a few commits. What you need to do is pull in those commits into Aatu/FieryVoid by running the following:
cd path/to/local/clone/of/Aatu/FieryVoid
git remote add local_pull path/to/local/clone/of/AncientSion/FieryVoid
git pull local_pull master
git push origin master
Couple of assumptions:
You were working on the master branch of AncientSion/FieryVoid. If not, replace master in line 3 with your branch name.
origin is a remote that tracks the online repo Aatu/FieryVoid