mark end of logical section at kafka when multiple partitions are used - apache-kafka

I want to share a problem and a solution I used, as I think it may be beneficial for others, if people have any other solutions please share.
I have a table with 1,000,000 rows, which I want to send to kafka, and spread the data between 20 partitions.
I want to notify the consumer when producer reached end of data, I don't want to have direct connection between producer and consumer.
I know kafka is designed as logical endless stream of data, but I still need to mark the end of the specific table.
There was a suggestion to count the number of items per logical section, and send this data (to a metadata topic), so the consumer will be able to count items, and know when the logical section ended.
There are several disadvantages for this approach:
As data is spread between partitions, I can tell there are total x items at my logical section, however if there are multiple consumers (one per partition), they'll need to share a counter of consumed messages per logical section. I want to avoid this complexity. Also when consumer is stopped and resumed, it will need to know how many items were already consumed and keep context.
Regular producer session guarantees at-least-once delivery, which means I may have duplicated messages. Counting the messages will need to take this into account (and avoid counting duplicated messages).
There is also the case where I don't know in advance the number of items per logical session, (I'm also kind of consumer, consuming stream of event and signaled when data ended), so at this case, the producer will also need to have a counter, keep it when stopped and resumed etc. Having several producers will need to share the counter etc. So it adds a lot of complexity to the process.

Solution 1:
I actually want the last message at each partition indicate it is the last message.
I can do some work in advance, create some random message keys, send messages partitioned by key, and test to which partition each message is directed. As partitioning by keys is deterministic (for given number of partitions), I want to prepare a map of keys and the target partition. For example key: ‘xyz’ is directed to partition #0, key ‘hjk’ is directed to partition #1 etc, and finally have the reversed map, so for partition 0, use key ‘xyz’, for partition 1, use key ‘hjk’ etc.
Now I can send the entire table (except of the last 20 rows) with partition strategy random, so the data is spread between partitions, for almost entire table.
When I come to the last 20 rows, I’ll send them using partition key and I’ll set for each message partition key which will hash the message to a different partition. This way, each one of the 20 partitions will get one of the last 20 messages. For each one of the last 20 messages, I'll set a relevant header which will state it is the last one.
Solution 2:
Similar to solution 1, but send the entire table spread to random partitions. Now send 20 metadata messages, which I’ll direct to the 20 partitions using the partition by key strategy (by setting appropriate keys).
Solution 3:
Have additional control topic. After the table was sent entirely to the data topic, send a message to the control topic saying table is completed. The consumer will need to test the control topic from time to time, when it gets the 'end of data' message, it will know that if it reached the end of the partition, it actually reached the end of the data for that partition. This solution is less flexible and less recommended, but I wrote it as well.

Another one solution is to use open source analog of S3 (e.g. Producers can uplod data, send message with link to object storage. Consumers will remove data frome object storage after collecting.


Kafka topic with multiple sources

If I have 1 Kafka topic with 1 partition and multiple sources are posted in the same partition. What happens if 2 servers are trying to post in the same partition at the same time? Would it mix the information between both of those servers or one of them would wait until the other finishes?
The producers will mix the messages in the partition.
As per theory, events will be guaranteed to be appended in order per partition per producer. But if we are talking about multiple producers, then the behaviour will depend on the configuration set at the producer side. In particular, = 1. The reason being is if there are multiple in flight events and the first one failed, the second will get appended to the log earlier, thus breaking the ordering.
Have a glance at
If somehow keys are same for both sources and every record, all of them will be recorded in the same partition (other partitions will remain empty)
If every source has a different key from each other but this key is used for every message from same source, then messages from different sources will be recorded at different partitions (if partition count is no less than source count).
If each value has a different key, regardless of sources, still kafka will mix them in partitions as I know.
In short, keys determine the partition of a message. Values with same key go to same partition. If every record has a unique key, Kafka will apply Round-Robin for incoming messages and each partition will have almost same amount of records.

Kafka to store the message on single partition for a user?

I have a ecommerce like system which produces user events of different kind .
I need to store them in kafka for asynch data analysis. I want events for specific users goes to one queue partition so that consumers gets all messages
on one partition . This won't be dedicated queue for a user. Which means single partition can store the data for multiple customer. Not sure how
I can achieve it in kafka ?
To send messages of specific users to the same partition, you can use the key= parameter of producer's send method. You can set this parameter to a byte encoded value which must be unique.
For example, in Python:
producer.send("topic", json.dumps(msg).encode()), key=str(user_id).encode())
This will ensure that messages concerning a given user will be pushed into the same topic's partition.
#zebra8844 answer is correct. The same key will always go to the same partition unless you increase the number of partitions in the future then this will not be the case. So just keep this in mind for future.

KafkaProducer send a list of messages or break list into individual messages

Is it okay to batch 100 messages into a single object and send those objects to kafka or should I split those 100 messages into individual messages and then put them in kafka
Say for example, I have an object that contains a List. I can put 100 strings in that list and send the object to kafka. Is it better to do it that way or should i split the list of strings and send individual strings to kafka instead
What are some pros and cons to the above approaches
Batching is always good when async processing, until you need to partially process the batch in case of errors.
If you are processing an order and the list of 100 are the items. send them together, as they will be processed together. If you are sending 100 orders, and will process the independently, process them one by one, as the error in one order should not block the others.
As for message sizes, kafka has some message size limits, but these are configurable.
Definitively you need to improve your question.
You want to send a huge message that is more than the max.message.bytes configuration of your kafka broker(let's assume you can't change it). You break it down and put it back together at the consumer side.
This would require some work around the limitations of kafka deployment as of now. For e.g
Should your consumer process all these 100 strings as if they were one batch? when should your consumer decide to commit the offsets for these messages? Is your consumer processing idempotent? Do you have one consumer or multiple consumer instances? what if the 100 strings were split across 5 partitions? which consumer gets which subset of these 100 strings?
An approach is to create 100 messags all with the same batch id like so
(batch1:message1, batch1:message2, batch1:message3)
On the consumer side collect all these messages with the same key
(batch1: (message1, message2, message3))
But, how would you know when the batch ends? does the sequence message1, message2, message3 matter?
So you do something like this
(batch1:message1of3, batch1:message2of3, batch1:messsage3of3)
Now what if you received message1of3 and message2of3 but not message3of3? how long do you wait for it?
As you can see, at each step there are multiple ways to go about this and you will have to make choices right for your problem. Perhaps, you will use timeouts, perhaps in your case batches are interleaved like this
(batch1:message1of3, batch2:message2of5, batch1:message2of3...)
Expect to make some compromises. With Kafka your consumer group is guaranteed to receive all messages, and while it's running, any consumer is assigned one or more partitions(meaning a single partition is not assigned to more than one consumer at the same time). Kafka will also assign messages with the same key to the same partition. With these two properties in mind you can design a system that can consume messages in batches with some obvious trade-offs and limitations.

How can I consume a data sequentially(in order of their time-stamp) from a multi-partitioned Kafka topic

I know that Kafka will not be able to guarantee ordering of data when a topic has multiple partitions. But my problem is:- I need to have multiple partitions to an event topic(user activities generating events) since I want multiple consumer groups to consume the data from the topic.
But there are times when I need to bootstrap the entire data,i.e, read the complete data right from the beginning to the end and rebuild my graph of events from the historical messages in Kafka and then I lose the ordering which is creating problem.
One approach might be to process it in a Map-Reduce paradigm where I map the data based on time and order it and consume it.
Is there anybody who has faced similar situation / problem and who would like to help me out with the right approach / solution.
Thanks in advance.
As per kafka documentation global ordering throughout partitions not guaranteed so you can create N number of partitions with N number of consumers. Create partitions based on type of data i.e. all type of data of category A should go in one partition as the order of messages maintained within partition you can consume those messages in separate consumer and process data.
I gone through some blogs which saying buffer those messages and apply sorting logic on those messages, but this is not seems to be a good practice as one of partition may be slow message message is late in some cases and you need to sort your messages as and when every new message arrives.

Apache Kafka order of messages with multiple partitions

As per Apache Kafka documentation, the order of the messages can be achieved within the partition or one partition in a topic. In this case, what is the parallelism benefit we are getting and it is equivalent to traditional MQs, isn't it?
In Kafka the parallelism is equal to the number of partitions for a topic.
For example, assume that your messages are partitioned based on user_id and consider 4 messages having user_ids 1,2,3 and 4. Assume that you have an "users" topic with 4 partitions.
Since partitioning is based on user_id, assume that message having user_id 1 will go to partition 1, message having user_id 2 will go to partition 2 and so on..
Also assume that you have 4 consumers for the topic. Since you have 4 consumers, Kafka will assign each consumer to one partition. So in this case as soon as 4 messages are pushed, they are immediately consumed by the consumers.
If you had 2 consumers for the topic instead of 4, then each consumer will be handling 2 partitions and the consuming throughput will be almost half.
To completely answer your question,
Kafka only provides a total order over messages within a partition, not between different partitions in a topic.
ie, if consumption is very slow in partition 2 and very fast in partition 4, then message with user_id 4 will be consumed before message with user_id 2. This is how Kafka is designed.
I decided to move my comment to a separate answer as I think it makes sense to do so.
While John is 100% right about what he wrote, you may consider rethinking your problem. Do you really need ALL messages to stay in order? Or do you need all messages for specific user_id (or whatever) to stay in order?
If the first, then there's no much you can do, you should use 1 partition and lose all the parallelism ability.
But if the second case, you might consider partitioning your messages by some key and thus all messages for that key will arrive to one partition (they actually might go to another partition if you resize topic, but that's a different case) and thus will guarantee that all messages for that key are in order.
In kafka Messages with the same key, from the same Producer, are delivered to the Consumer in order
another thing on top of that is, Data within a Partition will be stored in the order in which it is written therefore, data read from a Partition will be read in order for that partition
So if you want to get your messages in order across multi partitions, then you really need to group your messages with a key, so that messages with same key goes to same partition and with in that partition the messages are ordered.
In a nutshell, you will need to design a two level solution like above logically to get the messages ordered across multi partition.
You may consider having a field which has the Timestamp/Date at the time of creation of the dataset at the source.
Once, the data is consumed you can load the data into database. The data needs to be sorted at the database level before using the dataset for any usecase. Well, this is an attempt to help you think in multiple ways.
Let's consider we have a message key as the timestamp which is generated at the time of creation of the data and the value is the actual message string.
As and when a message is picked up by the consumer, the message is written into HBase with the RowKey as the kafka key and value as the kafka value.
Since, HBase is a sorted map having timestamp as a key will automatically sorts the data in order. Then you can serve the data from HBase for the downstream apps.
In this way you are not loosing the parallelism of kafka. You also have the privilege of processing sorting and performing multiple processing logics on the data at the database level.
Note: Any distributed message broker does not guarantee overall ordering. If you are insisting for that you may need to rethink using another message broker or you need to have single partition in kafka which is not a good idea. Kafka is all about parallelism by increasing partitions or increasing consumer groups.
Traditional MQ works in a way such that once a message has been processed, it gets removed from the queue. A message queue allows a bunch of subscribers to pull a message, or a batch of messages, from the end of the queue. Queues usually allow for some level of transaction when pulling a message off, to ensure that the desired action was executed, before the message gets removed, but once a message has been processed, it gets removed from the queue.
With Kafka on the other hand, you publish messages/events to topics, and they get persisted. They don’t get removed when consumers receive them. This allows you to replay messages, but more importantly, it allows a multitude of consumers to process logic based on the same messages/events.
You can still scale out to get parallel processing in the same domain, but more importantly, you can add different types of consumers that execute different logic based on the same event. In other words, with Kafka, you can adopt a reactive pub/sub architecture.
Well, this is an old thread, but still relevant, hence decided to share my view.
I think this question is a bit confusing.
If you need strict ordering of messages, then the same strict ordering should be maintained while consuming the messages. There is absolutely no point in ordering message in queue, but not while consuming it. Kafka allows best of both worlds. It allows ordering the message within a partition right from the generation till consumption while allowing parallelism between multiple partition. Hence, if you need
Absolute ordering of all events published on a topic, use single partition. You will not have parallelism, nor do you need (again parallel and strict ordering don't go together).
Go for multiple partition and consumer, use consistent hashing to ensure all messages which need to follow relative order goes to a single partition.