react testing library rendering , child prop is undefined - react-testing-library

Let's say I want to check this component render its child with the right initial props
const { container } = render(<Header/>)
Where is
<div> <SomeChild custom-prop=innerHeaderVariableLikeInitialState /> </div>
Before I can try to check anything when I run my test I get the prop 'custom-prop' is marked as required but it's value is undefined (I use prop types)
So it means the react-testing-library doesn't initialize its child componenent ?
How to manage this ? I feel I'm not taking this with the right angle

What you're looking for is probably container.firstChild.
However, testing for the presence of certain props goes against the "don't test implementation details" approach of react-testing-library. Really, there's no way to do that with the rendered output, as it's all DOM elements, not React components. Instead, consider what user-facing elements you could look for, like text, accessibility labels, etc. How can you verify the user is seeing what you expect them to see?


What do you call input class="gLFyf" vs input.gLFyF (vocabulary help needed)

In Chrome DevTools, the element tab shows the constructed DOM and I can click on elements in the DOM which also highlights the element on the page. Image of both versions shown in DevTools
If the DOM shows:
<input class="gLFyf">
Then the page highlight will show:
I realise these are two ways of writing the same thing, I also realise the former is HTML style and the latter follows CSS conventions. However, I lack the vocabulary to properly refer to either.
What do I call each format?
Eg. would it make sense to refer to <input class="gLFyf"> as HTML syntax and input.gLFyF as CSS syntax? Is there a more widely accepted way to differentiate and name them?
gLFyf is the name of the class which is an attribute that can be referred to in the stylesheet to match styles with elements of that class on the page.
A class leads with a period (.) - whereas an ID would lead with a hash (#).
So .gLFyf is a class.
And #gLFyf would be an ID.
It is a class, whether viewing HTML markup or the DOM inspector. They both refer to the same thing as you already state.
This may be of some use/reference.

How to reuse Material UI styles

I have a custom component and would like to apply the exact same styles as the <Typography> component gets when setting the noWrap prop. The following does work:
<span className="MuiTypography-noWrap">
But there's of course no actual type-checking or "link" to anything here, which means if the name ever changes or is removed in a future version, I won't get any type/build error from it.
Is there a "Material UI way" to reuse/copy these classes? E.g. is there somewhere I can import/access these names from?
I assume you have a reason, but given your example of a span element, I can't help but wonder why you're not just using the MUI component.
I've never done this before, but I was curious and the styles are indeed exported. Not sure if this is a good idea or if there is another way...
import { styles } from '#material-ui/core/Typography/Typography';
const noWrapStyles = styles(theme).noWrap;

Pre-populating form fields with model data in Sightly/HTL

I've tried all the HTL context parameters (even 'unsafe'). When I inspect the input, I can see the value intact, but you can't see the value pre-populated in the field. I tried different types of values, different contexts, and different types of input fields. [AEM 6.2]
<input type="email" name="senderEmail" value="${ # context='text'}"/>
If the value is rendered in page source and also visible in browser inspector, could it be that it's hidden by some weird CSS? Something like color:transparent
There are many possible causes. I'll pitch in one, to help get you thinking. Is userProfile available via the use api?
I've made this mistake before:
<div data-sly-use.bean="com.beans.Bean">
// ... other code
The "Bean" isn't available later, outside it's host element.
If I understand your question correctly this isn't actually about HTL, but rather about the HTML input element itself. You have an input element with a value attribute set, yet that value is not displaying in the box. If that's correct, then I'd recommend doing some investigation around HTML input value not displaying when set, rather than sightly context issues.
Some possible answer would include css styles hiding the input text or javascript clearing out the values after page load. There are certainly more potential causes, but we'd need to know more about your page to provide a better answer.
To do some of your investigation you can try loading a component with only that input in it and see if that works, that would eliminate any css or js executing elsewhere on the page.

How do you inspect a react element's props & state in the console?

React Developer Tools give a lot of power to inspect the React component tree, and look at props, event handlers, etc. However, what I'd really like to do is to be able to inspect those data structures in the browser console.
In chrome I can play with the currently selected DOM element in the console using $0. Is there a way to extract React component info from $0, or is it possible to do something similar with the React Dev Tools?
Using React Developer Tools you can use $r to get a reference to the selected React Component.
The following screenshot shows you that I use React Developer Tools to select a component (Explorer) which has a state-object callednodeList. In the console I can now simply write $r.state.nodeList to reference this object in the state. Same works with the props (eg.: $r.props.path)
An answer to your question can be found here in a similar question I asked:
React - getting a component from a DOM element for debugging
I'm providing an answer here because I don't have the necessary reputation points in order to mark as duplicate or to comment above.
Basically, this is possible if you are using the development build of react because you can leverage the TestUtils to accomplish your goal.
You need to do only two things:
Statically store the root level component you got from React.render().
Create a global debug helper function that you can use in the console with $0 that accesses your static component.
So the code in the console might look something like:
> getComponent($0).props
The implementation of getComponent can use React.addons.TestUtils.findAllInRenderedTree to search for match by calling getDOMNode on all the found components and matching against the passed in element.
Open console (Firefox,Chrome) and locate any reactjs rendered DOM element or alternatively execute js script to locate it:
Then check for element properties in object property viewer for attributes with name beginning like '__reactInternalInstace$....' expand _DebugOwner and see stateNode.
The found stateNode will contain (if it has) 'state' and 'props' attributes which is used heavily in reactjs app.
Though the accepted answer works, and is a great method, in 2020 you can now do a lot of inspection without using the $r method. The Components tab of React DevTools will show you props and detailed state when you select the relevant component (make sure you're on the right level), as well as let you do other things like suspend it or inspect the matching DOM element (little icons in the top right).
Assign the state or prop object to the window object:
window.title = this.state.title
And then from the dev tools console you can try different methods on the exposed object such as:
You can attach a reference to the window object like
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
function App() {
// Development only = useSelector((state) => state);
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;
Then access it from the console
{states: {…}}
someProperty: false
[[Prototype]]: Object
[[Prototype]]: Object

getBoundingClientRect() is returning zero in XUL

I have a problem with my firefox extension
I have a XUL popup panel with a hbox for the tag cloud, and a JS code to add divs to this hbox:
<hbox id="tag_base" ondblclick="alert('done')"/>
var root = document.getElementById('tag_base');
var tag = document.createElement('div');
tag.textContent = 'test';
var rect = tag.getBoundingClientRect()
I need to get the dimensions of each added div, however, getBoundingClientRect simply refuses to work.
If I remove alerts, it's always zero.
With alerts the story is different:
The first time the alert is called it returns zero, although the div appears on the screen.
Any subsequent alerts return the correct coordinates.
If I set a breakpoint in Chromebug, everything is reported correctly.
If I do not interupt the execution in any way, and run a loop, only zeroes got returned.
This has got me quite confused.
Calling "boxObject" produces the same results, while "getClientRects[0]" is undefined on the first call.
Any hints on what might be causing this will be greatly appreciated.
Note :
Caution, if you use getBoundingClientRect with an element which has display:none then it will return 0, anywhere in the dom.
Although I can't find any documentation on this seemingly fundamental issue, the problem you noticed is most likely because the layout (aka "reflow") process has not yet run by the moment you ask for the coordinates.
The layout/reflow process takes the page's DOM with any styles the page has and determines the positions and dimensions of the elements and other portions of the page (you could try to read Notes on HTML reflow, although it's not targeted at web developers and probably is a bit outdated).
This reflow process doesn't run synchronously after any change to the DOM, otherwise code like = "5px"; = "15px";
would update the layout twice, which is inefficient.
On the other hand, asking for elements position/dimension (at least via .offsetTop) is supposed to force layout to return the correct information. This doesn't happen in your case for some reason and I'm not sure why.
Please create a simple testcase demonstrating the problem and file a bug in (CC me - ***********
My guess is that this is related to XUL layout, which is less robust than HTML; you could try creating the cloud in an HTML doc in an iframe or at least in a <description> using createElementNS to create real HTML elements instead of xul:div you're creating with your current code.
Be sure the DOM is ready. In my case, even when using the getBoundingClientRect function on click events. The binding of the events needed to happen when the DOM is ready.