Stop SES from adding to all my email links - html-email

Is it possible to prevent AWS SES from adding link to all my email links?
Their documentation suggests that if I don't want a link tracked, I just have to add ses:no-track as a custom attribute, however, while this may prevent tracking, it still modifies the link.

Open and click is an optional and configurable field in SES.
You have the Configuration set which you include in the email(as header etc) and SES understand if you want to insert open and click link. If you don't want, yon can just go to Configuration set and remove the checkbox for Open and Click.

I use uBlock Origin, an browser extension, and it have blocked a link with "^". perhaps it can help you too


How can I make the images in the email template to show in every client?

The images embedded in the body of a Visualforce email template don't show in all the clients.
I am not sure where to start. I've tried to set the tag to <apex:image/> and <img />.
Tried to use URLFOR($Resource.Static) in the value attribute.
Tried to copy/paste the image server link.
I expect that the images in the body show in every client.
So far all the images are replaced by the alt attributes or just a blue border.
alt's might be there because client is not trusting SF and you need to explicitly allow downloading images, asking your recipients to add you to safe senders list etc.
But that's not all. Static resources are served from generic domain. There's nothing really tying them to given org (even if it has MyDomain enabled). They rely on your cookies for redirect to right org's resources and don't work well in email templates or VF pages set to renderAs="pdf".
You should use old-school Documents (if you're in Lightning UI - flip back to Classic), upload your stuff there, make sure "externally available image" checkbox is ticked...
Or in Files I think you can set deliveries, build the direct download URL too that should work OK (look for something with "shepherd" in URL, I know it sounds stupid)

How to link to the attachments added from the description of a workitem?

In VSTS attachment can be uploaded for workitems. Those attachments are displayed in a seperate tab.
I found no way to reference those attachments from within the description of the workitems.
So how to do it?
drag and drop the attachment to your browsers URL text field
(optional:) remove the &download=true&api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
use this URL to create a link in your comment
I did not find another way yet and maybe it is not so logical :). But as workaround you may download an attachment from work item. Then you may copy a download link from your browser download page and use it on description field.
A workaround that I found to this which shows a selected text within the comment as clickable and opens the attachment if you click on it is:
find and copy the attachment url from browser Developer Tools,
select the part of the text in Discussion box that you like to link to the attachment to,
paste the attachment url to Address box in Create Link popup. You can get to this by using three dots (...) in Discussion section toolbox (More Tools) and select Create Link which allows you to paste the address.
This is amazing that AzureDevops does not have this ability. It's disappointing and makes working with the product so much more difficult. I really cannot imagine how they use this product internally.
You could inspect the attachment url in chromedev tools, then copy the url, the element will look like
<div class="grid-cell-contents-container">
<span class="attachment-icon bowtie-icon bowtie-file-content"></span>
Then just remove the &api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
Come on Microsoft! You're better than this.
It is now possible maybe. Goto attachments and click on list view
List view of attachments of a workitem
Then just left-click on the file of your choice and drag it
This would appear to be the least "hacky" way, as it relies entirely on the Azure DevOps UI:
Go to the attachments list of the work item.
While you hover over an attachment, three vertical dots with tooltip "More actions" will be shown:
from where you can open a submenu:
In there, click "Copy attachment link".
If you paste this link to a text-only context, you will get only the attachment filename, but if you paste it into a rich-text editor with support for links, such as the Description field or Discussion comments in the work item, the attachment filename will appear as a clickable link.

Mailchimp Embedded Sign up form not displaying Captcha

I am using mailchimp embedded sign up form. It displays Email Account, First Name and Last Name, but captcha is not showing. I enabled captcha from Settings->List Name and Defaults.
What other steps do I need? Captcha is not showing in Preview Mode Option.
Please help, getting lot of fake emails. Double opt in is also enabled.
Had the same problem. Make sure its V2(checkbox) NOT V3. Documentation here:
The Sign-up forms have invisible not checkbox re-captcha.
You can find the summary in the below image.
I came here looking for an answer. Followed the instructions to enable the reCaptcha. After reloading website could not see it. After finally trying to submit the form it took me to a mailchimp external page with the reCaptcha showing. Makes sense when you think about doing some kind of server side check for a reCaptcha with minimal installation fuss.
I've run into the same problem, and this is what I have found.
I set the url to, not sure if that helped, but it's one less spot for failure
You might need to announce somewhere to allow for pop-up's to be allowed on the page when the captcha shows. It seems that when that option is enabled that it opens up a new windows for the confirmation.

How to disable link tracking for certain links with Sendgrid and Rails

Is there any way to disable link tracking for certain links when sending emails from Rails through sendgrid?
My recent search brought me here. I hope my late answer might help someone else in a similar situation.
Yes, there are ways:
(kind of a hack): Modify the links so that SendGrid does not accept the format(but still renderable in mail client), such as to omit http:// or to add spaces around = in the anchor tag. For example: Not Tracked
The official way: Add a clicktracking=off inside the anchor tag to tell SendGrid not to track it. For example: <a clicktracking=off href="">Not Tracked</a>
You can now turn this on and off easily within SendGrid, see the docs. There is also an option to brand your tracking links with your own domain. This requires setting some DNS settings but means you have your own links in emails and they also get tracked.

Show pop-up when clicking on links in email contents

I am facing a new requirement. My website has email sending facility, which contains links also. What I need is to show popup when I click on the link in the email contents, the contents may or may not be from the website. Which methods I can do for achieving this?
The only way is to have a link to an external page that will open in a browser and execute the popup.
If the content is not from a website I can't see a way of doing this. It will require javascript which cannot be used in an email.