Apply a text-preprocessing function to a dataframe column in scala spark - scala

I want to create a function to handle the text-prepocessing in a problem I am facing with text data. I am familiar with Python and pandas dataframe and my usual thought process of solving the problem is to use a function and then using pandas apply method to apply the function to all the elements in a column. However I don't know where to begin to accomplish this.
So, I created two functions to handle the replacements. The problem is that I don't know how to put more than one replace inside this method. I need to make about 20 replacements for three separate dataframes so to solve it with this method it would take me 60 lines of code. Is there a way to do all the replacements inside a single function and then apply it to all the elements in a dataframe column in scala?
def removeSpecials: String => String = _.replaceAll("$", " ")
def removeSpecials2: String => String = _.replaceAll("?", " ")
val udf_removeSpecials = udf(removeSpecials)
val udf_removeSpecials2 = udf(removeSpecials2)
val consolidated2 = consolidated.withColumn("product_description", udf_removeSpecials($"product_description"))
val consolidated3 = consolidated2.withColumn("product_description", udf_removeSpecials2($"product_description"))

Well you can simply add every replacement next to the previous one like this :
def removeSpecials: String => String = _.replaceAll("$", " ").replaceAll("?", " ")
But in this case where the replacement character is the same, it would be better to use regular expressions to avoid multiple replaceAll.
def removeSpecials: String => String = _.replaceAll("\\$|\\?", " ")
Note that \\ is used as escape character.


How to modify this code in Scala by using Brackets

I have a spark dataframe in Databricks, with an ID and 200 other columns (like a pivot view of data). I would like to unpivot these data to make a tall object with half of the columns, where I'll end up with 100 rows per id. I'm using the Stack function and using specific column names.
Question is this: I'm new to scala and similar languages, and unfamiliar with best practices on how to us Brackets when literals are presented in multiple rows as below. Can I replace the Double quotes and + with something else?
val unPivotDF =$"id",
expr("stack(100, " +
"'cat1', cat1, " +
"'cat2', cat2, " +
"'cat3', cat3, " +
"'cat99', cat99, " +
"'cat100', cat100) as (Category,Value)"))
.where("Value is not null")
You can use """ to define multiline strings like:
some string
over multiple lines
In your case this will only work assuming that the string you're writing tolerates new lines.
Considering how repetitive it is, you could also generate the string with something like:
(1 to 100)
.map(i => s"'cat$i', cat$i")
(To be adapted by the reader to exact needs)
Edit: and to answer your initial question: brackets won't help in any way here.

How do i replace whitespace with underscore and encode values in scala array / list

I have a spark scala dataframe which has column "Name"
I have extracted the values of that column in to scala array[string]
org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
I want to replace whitespaces with _ and encode that value in to utf-8 (any encoding is fine as long as it replaces special chars with something else)
so if there are any special chars those will be removed. later i want to use those in file path .
var org_name = orgsFlatDF.rdd.collect
.map( _.getString(2))
This is how i am extracting those vals ^^. I haven't found any method which I can use to do that. Replace or replaceall doesn't work on array
I tried this :
org_name.replace("\\s", "")
That didn't work .
if name is : new $ high school it should gets converted to new_$_high_school then encoded to new_%24_high_school
There are a couple of issues with what you are asking.
Java/Scala Arrays don't have a replace method. Even if they did have a replace method, would they replace the values they hold or the characters in a String they hold?
Let's assume this line org_name.replace("\\s", "") didn't compiled and org_name is indeed a an Array[String] holding one element.
scala> val org_name=Array("SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL")
val org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
scala> org_name(0).replace(" ","_")
replace("\\s","_") wouldn't work because it represents a \s string. "\" represents \. That's only way you'd be able to define strings containing other escape codes like \n or \t.
PS: to transform all the string in the array use" ","_")), this gives you back another another array.

How do you expand one literal of regex into multiple lines?

For example, I have a regex string:
val myRegex:Regex = "blahblah".r
but if the 'blahblah' is like more than thousand characters long, I want to split them into multiple lines so I can read easier. like so:
val myRegex:Regex = "blah".r
+ "blah".r
this does not work because value unary_+ is not a member of scala.util.matching.Regex.
is there a proper way?
One possible solution:
val myRegex:Regex =
.replaceAll("\n", "")

how to split scala string with regular expression

I come up a pattern like
val pattern = "(\\w+)\\|(.*)\\|\\[(.*)\\]\\|\"(.*)\"\\|\"(.*)\"\\|\\[(.*)\\]\\|\\[(.*)\\]\\|(.*)\\|\\[(.*)\\]\\|\\[(.*)\\]".r
and I have a original string
var str = """AuthLogout|vmlxapp21a|[13/Jan/2016:16:33:15 +0100]|"66.77.444.44 uid=XXXXX,ou=People,o=Bank,o=External,dc=xxxx,dc=com"|"abcd_123_portalweb_w "|[]|[41]||[]|[]"""
then apply pattern to the string, but it is always empty.
val items = pattern.findAllIn(str).toList
If I understand what you're trying to do, perhaps using a giant regex isn't the easiest way: You can split by | and get rid of the unwanted separators ([, ], ") using replaceAll:
val str = """AuthLogout|vmlxapp21a|[13/Jan/2016:16:33:15 +0100]|"66.77.444.44 uid=XXXXX,ou=People,o=Bank,o=External,dc=xxxx,dc=com"|"abcd_123_portalweb_w "|[]|[41]||[]|[]"""
val withoutBoundaries = str.replaceAll("[\"\\]\\[]","")
val result = withoutBoundaries.split("\\|")
Which prints:
13/Jan/2016:16:33:15 +0100
66.77.444.44 uid=XXXXX,ou=People,o=Bank,o=External,dc=xxxx,dc=com
If you do want to use a regex here, I'd create sub-regex vars representing the different text parts that you're after, to make this somewhat manageable:
val plain = "(.*)" // no boundary characters
val boxed = s"\\[$plain\\]" // same, encapsulated by square brackets
val quoted = '"' + plain + '"' // same, encapsulated by double quotes
// the whole thing, separated by pipes:
val r = s"$plain\\|$plain\\|$boxed\\|$quoted\\|$quoted\\|$boxed\\|$boxed\\|$plain\\|$boxed\\|$boxed".r
val result = r.findAllIn(str).toList // this list has one item, as expected.
Now, if you want to see how this regex looks like, here it is - but I don't recommend having this in your code...:
val r = """(.*)\|(.*)\|\[(.*)\]\|"(.*)"\|"(.*)"\|\[(.*)\]\|\[(.*)\]\|(.*)\|\[(.*)\]\|\[(.*)\]""".r

find line number in an unstructured file in scala

Hi guys I am parsing an unstructured file for some key words but i can't seem to easily find the line number of what the results I am getiing
val filePath:String = "myfile"
val myfile = sc.textFile(filePath);
var ora_temp = myfile.filter(line => line.contains("MyPattern")).collect
However, I not only want to find the lines that contains MyPatterns but I want more like a tupple (Mypattern line, line number)
Thanks in advance,
You can use ZipWithIndex as eliasah pointed out in a comment (with probably the most succinct way to do this using the direct tuple accessor syntax), or like so using pattern matching in the filter:
val matchingLineAndLineNumberTuples = sc.textFile("myfile").zipWithIndex().filter({
case (line, lineNumber) => line.contains("MyPattern")