Change the spring boot admin registery unique ID - kubernetes

I have a requirement where my client applications are having almost same properties and even the URL is same, as they are running behind a load balancer, the only change they have is a particular set of environment properties that differ.
Is it possible to register them uniquely based on that property.

I would say there are a few approaches.
One would be loading Environment Variables from a Kubernetes Secret.
Second using helm(
Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application.
Charts are easy to create, version, share, and publish — so start using Helm and stop the copy-and-paste.
If you would use a secret option, you would probably create two separate secrets with env variables that you need and load those based on the app name, or if you have them setup in different namespaces then copy the secret over to each as those resources will not work between different namespaces.
If you would use helm, you will have to write your chart and put the env variables into values.yaml or mix it together and load secret from inside Kubernetes.
This will work on Kubernetes, I do not know (based on your tags) if it's the same on OpenShift.
Please provide some samples of what you have already done and I'll provide more details.


Kubernetes global variables (for all namespaces)

I need to create and mantain some global variables accessible for applications running in all namespaces, because some tools/apps are standard in my dev cluster.
For example:
APM User/pass
RabbitMQ endpoint
MongoDB endpoint
For any reason, when i change/migrate any global variable, i want to change one time for all running applications in cluster (just needed restart pod), and if a create an "global" configmap and read in envFrom, i need to change/update the configmap in all namespaces.
Someone have an idea to do this? I thinked to use Hashicorp vault with specific role for global environments, but i need to adapt all applications to use Vault, and maybe have better idea.
There is no in-built solution in Kubernetes for it except for creating a ConfigMap, and use envFrom to define all of the ConfigMap's data as Pod environment variables, which will indeed require to update them separately for each namespace. So using HashiCorp Vault is a better solution here; one more option here can be trying to customize env with Kubernetes addons like this.

How to make Terraform provider dependent on a resource being created

I am trying to utilize Rancher Terraform provider to create a new RKE cluster and then use the Kubernetes and Helm Terraform providers to create/deploy resources to the created cluster. I'm using this attribute to create a local file with the new cluster's kube config.
The Helm and Kubernetes providers need the kube config in the provider configuration: Is there any way I can get the provider configuration to wait for the local file being created?
Generally speaking, Terraform always needs to evaluate provider configurations during the planning step because providers are allowed to rely on those settings in order to create the plan, and so it typically isn't possible to have a provider configuration refer to something created only during the apply step.
As a way to support bootstrapping in a situation like this though, this is one situation where it can be reasonable to use the -target=... option to terraform apply, to plan and apply only sufficient actions to create the Rancher cluster first, and then follow up with a normal plan and apply to complete everything else:
terraform apply -target=rancher2_cluster_v2.example
terraform apply
This two-step process is needed only for situations where the kube_config attribute isn't known yet. As long as this resource type has convergent behavior, you should be able to use just terraform apply as normal unless you in future make a change that requires replacing the cluster.
(This is a general answer about provider configurations refering to resource attributes. I'm not familiar with Rancher in particular and so there might be some specifics about that particular resource type which I'm not mentioning here.)
I found a sort of workaround solution. I output the rancher2_cluster.cluster.kube_config object into a variable. Then referenced that variable in my Kubernetes module. Instead of using kube_config attribute in the provider configuration, I used the token and host attributes and used yamldecode to parse the creds directly from the kube_config variable.
provider "kubernetes" {
token = "${yamldecode(var.kube_config)["users"][0]["user"]["token"]}"
host = "${yamldecode(var.kube_config)["clusters"][0]["cluster"]["server"]}"
I will suggest to split your functionality in 2 layers
Run the fist layer to generate the kube_config file.
Run the second layer that will consume this file.

How to configure Helm to deploy multiple microservices(payment,order) into different environments(dev,QA) using AKS?

I'm quite new to Helm. I'm learning to automate the microservices deployment using helm and azure kubernetes service. I need to deploy multiple microservices(payment,order) into different environments(dev,QA).
As per my analysis I hope we achieve this by following steps
Create separate clusters for different environments
Create multiple variable files based on environments.
we can pass only cluster name and variable file based on our deployment. so it will deploy according to our inputs.
I'm trying to implement the same, but I'm not sure how to configure the above scenarios in helm part in real time.
Shall we achieve this completely using helm alone or shall we use Ansible for orchestration along with helm ?
Anyone could you please advise me on this and suggest me any other best practices if we have?
Reference :
Thanks in advance :)
Helm cannot control which cluster it's deploying to, this is being decided by the kubeconfig file on the machine used to invoke the helm command.
If your kubeconfig file is configured to access multiple clusters, you can just set the right context before each helm install command, and it will target the command at the cluster of your choice.

How to distribute n different configs to exactly n pods

I have a containerized daemon that I need to run one instance of for every thing. Each thing has a unique set of configs associated with it, but the container image is the same. The configs can be set simply as environment variables. I have a list of the configs, and I need to define the desired state as having exactly 1 pod running for each thing. What is the appropriate way to construct this in Kubernetes with or without Helm?
My understanding is that ReplicaSets and Deployments work on identical containers, in other words they would all be spun up with the same environment variables? I understand that StatefulSet may be able to represent this, but the deamons do not need to hold state really, they do not need persistent storage, they can be killed at will, so long as another with the same configs comes up soon afterwards.
One clue I was given by somebody was to use Helmfile or Helm partials. That is the extent of what they told me. I have not yet investigated whether those are appropriate or not.
You are correct saying that Deployment and ReplicaSets are running on identical containers, so the way I see it you have 2 options:
Deploy multiple deployments with different configs defined in the values file:
You can see an example here, where multiple configs are set in the values file and using {{ range }} to iterate and create multiple deployments
Iterate over you configurations names/files using scripting language of your choice and create separate release for each of your configuration via the command line for example: --set configName=
Personally, I would go with the 2nd option since multiple helm releases can harness the helm cli to better understand what is running and it's state. also, any CRUD action you would like to do would be less dangerous since the deployments are decoupled

Whats the best way for stage-specific K8s config?

Let's say we have to manage a database connection string for stages test, int and prod.
What are the patterns here for Kubernetes?
I would handle general configuration via ConfigMaps. Create configuration for each environment and have your pods/deployment consume the values via environment variables.
This approach allows you to decouple your configuration from your k8 object definition and gives the ability to inject the required config per environment.
For sensitive data, which might include a username and password in a connection string for example, consider using Secrets instead.
The best way in my experience is to use a higher level construct like Helm Chart. This way you manage all your manifests in platform agnostic way and make them configurable during chart install/update.
That way you can use both ConfigMaps, Secrets or env vars, and populate them from values set during install/upgrade. With helm, you would do it somewhat like this :
helm install -f values.yaml : where values yaml contains all your non-default values (ie. db password)
helm upgrade <release> --reuse-values --set image.tag=1.0.1 to say release a new version keeping all other values defined during initial install.
For non-default components like ie. development database, you can use value like devdb.enabled with a default value to false and set it to true only on dev env where you want to launch devdb pod and point your database service there (all the logic for it within manifest templates in helm chart)