SwifT: Generic function that gets generic protocol as parameter not working - swift

Suppose I have this simple generic protocol
protocol FooProtocol {
associatedtype Element: CustomStringConvertible
func echo(element: Element) -> Element
And this simple generic struct that implements it
struct FooStruct<Element: CustomStringConvertible>: FooProtocol {
func echo(element: Element) -> Element {
return element
Lastly, I have the following function:
func callEcho<T: FooProtocol>(container: T) {
container.echo(element: "some string")
This results in error: cannot invoke 'echo' with an argument list of type '(element: String)'
The solution is to change the function to
func callEcho<T: FooProtocol>(container: T) where T.Element == String {
container.echo(element: "some string")
My question is: why is the where T.Element == String constraint necessary? The compiler knows that T is some entity that implements FooProtocol, and the protocol only demands that Element implements CustomStringConvertible, which my string literal does. So why does it not work without the constraint?

I'm not sure why you say "the protocol only demands that Element implements CustomStringConvertible." The protocol demands that echo accept and return its Element, which may or may not be String. For example, I can implement this conforming type:
struct AnotherFoo: FooProtocol {
func echo(element: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }
So what should happen if I then call:
callEcho(container: AnotherFoo())
This would try to pass a string literal to a function that requires an Int.

container has type T, so that container.echo(element:) expects an argument of type T.Element – and that is not necessarily a string.
If the intention is to pass string literals to the method then T.Element must adopt ExpressibleByStringLiteral, not CustomStringConvertible:
protocol FooProtocol {
associatedtype Element: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
func echo(element: Element) -> Element
Now this compiles:
func callEcho<T: FooProtocol>(container: T) {
_ = container.echo(element: "some string")


Constraining a generic initilizer parameter to class generic type

I'm trying to implement a type erasing wrapper for a protocol. I have a protocol with an associatedtype constrainted to CaseIterable and a method using that type.
Given the following definitions:
protocol Foo {
associatedtype A: CaseIterable
func doSomething(input: A)
final class AnyFoo<A: CaseIterable>: Foo {
private let _doSomething: (A) -> Void
init<Other: Foo>(wrappedFoo: Other) where Other.A == A {
// "Cannot assign value of type '(Other.A) -> ()' to type '(A) -> Void'"
_doSomething = wrappedFoo.doSomething(input:)
func doSomething(input: A) {
I'm getting the error Cannot assign value of type '(Other.A) -> ()' to type '(A) -> Void' in the initializer of the class. It seems that the compiler interprets A and Other.A as different types, and I can't figure out why, because the initializer has constrained Other.A and A to be the same. If I replace CaseIterable with Hashable, there's no problem.
Can somebody explain why this is happening?
Of course you can't. The _doSomething in class AnyFoo is type of Block which is an Anonymous function. So you can assign wrappedFoo.doSomething(input:) to it. When you call _doSomething(input), it actually call wrappedFoo.doSomething(input: input).
In another way, you can define a Block like:
let completion: (bool) -> void = { finished in
but you can't define it like:
let completion: (true) -> void = { finished in

Swift protocol conformance when returning a generic

Here's an example:
protocol Feed {
func items<T>() -> [T]? where T: FeedItem
protocol FeedItem {}
class FeedModel: Feed, Decodable {
func items<T>() -> [T]? where T : FeedItem {
return [FeedItemModel]() // Error: Cannot convert return expression of type '[FeedItemModel]' to return type '[T]?'
class FeedItemModel: FeedItem, Decodable {}
Why does it:
A) try to convert to T when T is a generic, not a type?
B) does not recognize FeedItemModel as conforming to FeedItem?
func items<T>() -> [T]? where T : FeedItem
This says that the caller can define T to be whatever they want, as long as T conforms to FeedItemModel, and this function will return an optional array of those.
FeedItemModel is something that conforms to FeedItem, but it is not promised to be the type T that the caller requested.
As an example, consider:
class OtherModel: FeedItem {}
According to your function signature, I can do this:
let ms: [OtherModel]? = FeedModel().items()
But your function won't then return [OtherModel]? to me. I suspect you don't actually mean this to be generic. I expect you mean:
func items() -> [FeedItemModel]?
or possibly
func items() -> [FeedItem]?
(Though I would think very hard before doing the latter one and make sure that the protocol existential is really doing useful work here.)
T is a type, a homogenous concrete type specified at runtime.
Imaging T is class Foo : FeedItem it's obvious that FeedItemModel cannot be converted to Foo
FeedItemModel is recognized as conforming to FeedItem but this is irrelevant.
It's often a mix-up of generics and protocols. Generic types are not covariant. If you need covariant types use an associated type.
Either you can ignore generics because because it only applies to that one function and it isn't needed since directly saying that the return type is [FeedItem]? yields the same result
protocol Feed {
func items() -> [FeedItem]?
class FeedModel: Feed, Decodable {
func items() -> [FeedItem]? {
return [OtherModel]()
If you on the other hand want a generic protocol then you should use a associated type
protocol Feed2 {
associatedtype T: FeedItem
func items() -> [T]?
class FeedModel2: Feed2, Decodable {
typealias T = FeedItemModel
func items() -> [T]? {
return [FeedItemModel]()

Restrict generic parameter to protocols inheriting from protocol

I'm not sure what where clause can restrict a generic parameter to be a protocol that inherits from a certain protocol.
protocol Edible {}
protocol PetFood: Edible {}
struct CatFood: PetFood {}
struct Rocks {}
func eat<T: Edible>(_ item: T) -> String {
return "Just ate some \(type(of: item))"
let food: CatFood = CatFood()
eat(food) //"Just ate some CatFood"
let moreFood: PetFood = CatFood()
//eat(moreFood) //Cannot invoke 'eat' with an argument list of type '(PetFood)'
func eatAnything<T>(_ item: T) -> String {
return "Just ate some \(type(of: item))"
eatAnything(moreFood) //This works, obviously
eatAnything(Rocks()) //But, of course, so does this...
Is there any way to restrict eatAnything() to allow protocol types, but only those that inherit from Edible?
In your example, the definition of a generic function does not make any sense because it can be replaced by:
func eat(_ item: Edible) -> String {
return "Just ate some \(type(of: item))"
But if you really want to use generic function then you should know:
Definition of generic function
func eat<T: Edible>(_ item: T) -> String { ... }
func eat<T>(_ item: T) -> String where T: Edible { ... }
func eat<T: Edible>(_ item: T) -> String where T: Equatable { ... }
Protocols are dynamic types, so they use late binding. Generic code is converted to normal during compilation and requires early binding
Early Binding (compile time): type is known before the variable is exercised during run-time, usually through a static, declarative means
Late Binding (runtime): type is unknown until the variable is exercised during run-time; usually through assignment but there are other means to coerce a type; dynamically typed languages call this an underlying feature
Generic functions can be defined with the type to be protocol-compatible, but this functions can't pass the this protocol as type, because the compiler doesn't know what that type is T. Passed to generic function type must be a specific type (class, struct, enum, ...)
let a: [Int] = [1,2,3]
let b: [CustomStringConvertible] = [1, "XYZ"]
a.index(of: 2) // 1
b.index(of: "XYZ") // error

why is this causing so much trouble? (protocols and typealiases on their associated types)

I'm trying to do something along the lines of this:
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype ArrayT = Array<T>
struct Struct<ProtocolType: Protocol> {
func doSomething(with: ProtocolType.ArrayT) {
let _ = with.map { $0 }
// ^ compiler complains on this line
// "value of type ProtocolType.ArrayT has no member map"
where I define a convenience typealias ArrayT that uses the associatedtype T. It seems that when I try to use ArrayT like in doSomething(_:), I lose the Array type information of ArrayT.
Shouldn't ArrayT definitely be an Array and therefore a member of the Sequence protocol, exposing the map function? 🤔
the working solution I'm employing now is to just define a generic typealias outside of the protocol:
typealias ProtocolArray<ProtocolType: Protocol> = Array<ProtocolType.T>
struct Struct<ProtocolType: Protocol> {
func doSomething(with: ProtocolArray<ProtocolType>) {
let _ = with.map { $0 } // no complaints
what am I missing here?
The line associatedtype ArrayT = Array<T> only tells the compiler that the default value of ArrayT is Array<T>. An adaption of the protocol can still change ArrayT like:
struct U: Protocol {
typealias T = UInt32
typealias ArrayT = UInt64 // <-- valid!
If you want a fixed type, you should use a typealias...
// does not work yet.
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype T
typealias ArrayT = Array<T>
But the compiler complains that the type is too complex 🤷. So the best you could do is constrain the ArrayT to be a Sequence / Collection / etc, and hope that the adaptors won't change the type themselves.
// still somewhat off
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype ArrayT: Sequence = [T]
Note that, however, the Sequence can have any element type, but we want ArrayT's Element must be T. We cannot attach a where clause to the associatedtype:
// fail to compile: 'where' clause cannot be attached to an associated type declaration
associatedtype ArrayT: Sequence where Iterator.Element == T = [T]
Instead, you need to put this constraint every time you use the protocol:
struct Struct<ProtocolType: Protocol>
where ProtocolType.ArrayT.Iterator.Element == ProtocolType.T {
Complete, working code:
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype ArrayT: Sequence = [T]
// ^~~~~~~~~~
struct Struct<ProtocolType: Protocol>
where ProtocolType.ArrayT.Iterator.Element == ProtocolType.T
// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
func doSomething(w: ProtocolType.ArrayT) {
let _: [ProtocolType.T] = w.map { $0 }
When you "initialize" an associatedtype, you're not defining it. That's not the point of associated types in the first place. Associated types are deliberately unbound ("placeholders") until the adopting class resolves them all. All you're doing there is giving it a default value, which a conforming class is allowed to override. To extend your example:
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype ArrayT = Array<Self.T>
func useSomeT(myFavoriteT: T)
func useSomeArrayT(myLeastFavoriteArrayT: ArrayT)
class Whatever: Protocol {
func useSomeT(myFavoriteT: Int) {
print("My Favorite Int: \(myFavoriteT)")
func useSomeArrayT(myLeastFavoriteArrayT: [Int: String]) {
print(myLeastFavoriteArrayT.map { $0.1 })
struct Struct<ProtocolType: Protocol> {
func doSomething(stuff: ProtocolType.ArrayT) {
print(type(of: stuff))
let x = Struct<Whatever>()
x.doSomething(stuff: [3: "Doggies"])
For your example, it seems all you really want is to declare with: Array<ProtocolType.T> (or simply with: [ProtocolType.T]) as the parameter type.

protocol with same associated type name

If I have two protocols whose associated type happens to be the same, such as
protocol Read {
associatedtype Element
func read() -> Element
protocol Write {
associatedtype Element
func write(a: Element)
Then I would like to have a class to read integer from and write string to:
class ReadWrite: Read, Write {
func read() -> Int {
return 5
func write(a: String) {
print("writing \(a)")
but the compiler complains and suggests changing String to Int. Ideally the type should be inferred, or at least compiles if I explicitly declare
associatedtype Read.Element = Int
associatedtype Write.Element = String
within ReadWrite. Any work around?
Workaround inspired by this question is to create two auxiliary protocols
protocol ReadInt: Read {
associatedtype Element = Int
protocol WriteString: Write {
associatedtype Element = String
and have the class inherit from these two instead:
class ReadWrite: ReadInt, WriteString {
func read() -> Int {
return 5
func write(a: String) {
print("writing \(a)")
This seems to compile, but I am afraid of any gotcha following this way.
update again
I found the issue in Swift's issue tracker. Anyone require this missing feature (like me) should vote for it. As a comparison, this pattern is possible in Rust, which also supports associated types (although this is not an idiomatic usage).
Another workaround is to create a third, combined protocol:
protocol ReadWrite {
associatedtype R
associatedtype W
func read() -> R
func write(a: W)
It's not pretty, since it forces you to redeclare the protocol members, but it does keep it generic (you're not limited to String and Int).