Use a variable in PowerShell to pass multiple arguments to an external program - powershell

I downloaded the npm package for merge junit reports -
The problem is that I have multiple files to merge and I am trying to use string variable to hold file names to merge.
When I write the script myslef like:
junit-merge a.xml b.xml c.xml
This works, the merged file is being created, but when I do it like
$command = "a.xml b.xml c.xml"
junit-merge $command
This does not work. The error is
Error: File not found
Has anyone faced similar issues?

$command = "a.xml b.xml c.xml"; junit-merge $command
results in command line junit-merge "a.xml b.xml c.xml"[1], i.e. it passes a string with verbatim value a.xml b.xml c.xml as a single argument to junit-merge, which is not the intent.
PowerShell does not act like POSIX-like shells such as bash do in this regard: In bash, the value of variable $command - due to being referenced unquoted - would be subject to word splitting (one of the so-called shell expansions) and would indeed result in 3 distinct arguments (though even there an array-based invocation would be preferable).
PowerShell supports no bash-like shell expansions[2]; it has different, generally more flexible constructs, such as the splatting technique discussed below.
Instead, define your arguments as individual elements of an array, as justnotme advises:
# Define the *array* of *individual* arguments.
$command = "a.xml", "b.xml", "c.xml"
# Pass the array to junit-merge, which causes PowerShell
# to pass its elements as *individual arguments*; it is the equivalent of:
# junit-merge a.xml b.xml c.xml
junit-merge $command
This is an application of a PowerShell technique called splatting, where you specify arguments to pass to a command via a variable:
Either (typically only used for external programs, as in your case):
As an array of arguments to pass individually as positional arguments, as shown above.
Or (more typically when calling PowerShell commands):
As a hashtable to pass named parameter values, in which you must replace the $ sigil in the variable reference with #; e.g., in your case #command; e.g., the following is the equivalent of calling Get-ChildItem C:\ -Directory:
$paramVals = #{ LiteralPath = 'C:\'; Directory = $true }; Get-ChildItem #paramVals
Caveat re array-based splatting:
Due to a bug detailed in GitHub issue #6280, PowerShell doesn't pass empty arguments through to external programs (applies to all Windows PowerShell versions / and as of PowerShell (Core) 7.2.x; a fix may be coming in 7.3, via the $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing preference variable, which in 7.2.x relies on an explicitly activated experimental feature).
E.g., foo.exe "" unexpectedly results in just foo.exe being called.
This problem equally affects array-based splatting, so that
$cmdArgs = "", "other"; foo.exe $cmdArgs results in foo.exe other rather than the expected foo.exe "" other.
Optional use of # with array-based splatting:
You can use the # sigil also with arrays, so this would work too:
junit-merge #command
There is a subtle distinction, however.
While it will rarely matter in practice,
the safer choice is to use $, because it guards against (the however hypothetical) accidental misinterpretation of a --% array element you intend to be a literal.
Only the # syntax recognizes an array element --% as the special stop-parsing symbol, --%
Said symbol tells PowerShell not to parse the remaining arguments as it normally would and instead pass them through as-is - unexpanded, except for expanding cmd.exe-style variable references such as %USERNAME%.
This is normally only useful when not using splatting, typically in the context of being able to use command lines that were written for cmd.exe from PowerShell as-is, without having to account for PowerShell's syntactical differences.
In the context of splatting, however, the behavior resulting from --% is non-obvious and best avoided:
As in direct argument passing, the --% is removed from the resulting command line.
Argument boundaries are lost, so that a single array element foo bar, which normally gets placed as "foo bar" on the command line, is placed as foo bar, i.e. effectively as 2 arguments.
[1] Your call implies the intent to pass the value of variable $command as a single argument, so when PowerShell builds the command line behind the scenes, it double-quotes the verbatim a.xml b.xml c.xml string contained in $command to ensure that. Note that these double quotes are unrelated to how you originally assigned a value to $command.
Unfortunately, this automatic quoting is broken for values with embedded " chars. - see this answer, for instance.
[2] As a nod to POSIX-like shells, PowerShell does perform one kind of shell expansion, but (a) only on Unix-like platforms (macOS, Linux) and (b) only when calling external programs: Unquoted wildcard patterns such as *.txt are indeed expanded to their matching filenames when you call an external program (e.g., /bin/echo *.txt), which is feature that PowerShell calls native globbing.

I had a similar problem. This technique from powershell worked for me:
Invoke-Expression "junit-merge $command"
I also tried the following (from a powershell script) and it works:
cmd / c "junit-merge $command"


Is it possible to retrieve an #argument in a Powershell shell from within a program?

I am writing a program prog.exe that retrieves all arguments that are passed to it (in the form of a "sentence", not standalone arguments).
I just realized that in some cases only part of the line is retrieved, and this is when there are #parameters:
PS > ./prog.exe this is a #nice sentence
Only this, is and a are retrieved. In case I do not use # I get all of them. I presume this is because everything after the # is interpreted by Powershell as a comment.
Is there a way to retrieve everything that is on the command line?
If this makes a difference, I code in Go and get the arguments via os.Args[1:].
You can prevent PowerShell from interpreting # as a comment token by explicitly quoting the input arguments:
./prog.exe one two three '#four' five
A better way exists, though, especially if you don't control the input: split the arguments into individual strings then use the splatting operator # on the array containing them:
$paramArgs = -split 'one two three #four five'
./prog.exe #paramArgs
Finally, using the --% end-of-parsing token in a command context will cause the subsequent arguments on the same line to be passed as-is, no parsing of language syntax:
./prog.exe --% one two three #four five

How do I run this in Powershell?

Here is the command that works in command prompt.
C:\Temp\Agent.exe CustomerId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a} ActivationId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a} WebServiceUri=https://Agent/
Here is the error. (I have tried invoke-command and arguments but I think the { is causing issues.
Agent.exe: The command parameter was already specified.
You are certainly not required to use Start-Process (although it may "work," with some limitations, in some scenarios). The simplest and most straightforward answer is to quote the arguments:
C:\Temp\Agent.exe 'CustomerId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a}' 'ActivationId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a}' 'WebServiceUri=https://Agent/'
If the executable you want to run is in a path that contains spaces (or the executable filename itself contains spaces), quote the command and use the & (call/invocation) operator; e.g.:
& 'C:\Temp Dir\Agent.exe' 'CustomerId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a}' 'ActivationId={9c0-4ab1-123-102423a}' 'WebServiceUri=https://Agent/'
If you need string interpolation (i.e., automatic expansion of $variable names inside strings), then use " instead of ' as your quote character. Use ' instead of " (as in the examples above) to prevent string interpolation.
Parameter quoting in this case is required because the { and } symbols have special meaning in PowerShell.
The proper way to run external programs is to use Start-Process. It gives you a couple of additional options like a separate ArgumentList parameter, running-as another user, or redirecting outputs:
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Temp\Agent.exe' -ArgumentList #(
# Arguments are space-separated when run. You could also just use one big string.

Can you splat positional arguments in PowerShell?

Does PowerShell support splatting of positional arguments as opposed to named parameters?
PowerShell's argument splatting (see Get-Help about_Splatting) offers two fundamental choices:
splatting via a hashtable: works for named arguments only (e.g., -Path C:\Windows
splatting via an array-like value: works for positional arguments only (e.g., C:\Windows) - except in non-advanced functions that pass all [unbound] arguments through to another command via #args (i.e., by splatting the automatic $args array variable containing all unbound arguments), in which case named arguments are also supported, owing to magic built into #args only.
Note: This dichotomy applies when passing arguments to PowerShell cmdlets / functions (with declared parameters), whereas external programs perform their own argument parsing, which may or may not interpret the set of arguments passed as named.[1]
That said, you can combine either form with regular, individual argument passing - using any combination of individual positional arguments, individual named arguments, hashtable-splatting, and array-splatting.
In both cases, the source data structure must be:
stored in a variable beforehand.
referenced with sigil # instead of $.
Note: A future enhancement, detailed in this RFC, may bring the ability to splat expressions directly, without the need for an intermediate variable, though as of PowerShell Core 7 it is unclear when this will be implemented.
# Positional binding via *array*.
# Note that a function's / script block's parameters are by default positional.
PS> $posArgs = 'one', 'two'; & { param($foo, $bar) "`$foo: $foo"; "`$bar: $bar" } #posArgs
$foo: one
$bar: two
# Named binding via *hashtable*
PS> $namedArgs=#{bar='two';foo='one'}; & { param($foo, $bar) "`$foo: $foo"; "`$bar: $bar" } #namedArgs
$foo: one
$bar: two
# *Combining* hashtable splatting with a regular, positional argument
PS> $namedArgs=#{bar='two'}; & { param($foo, $bar) "`$foo: $foo"; "`$bar: $bar" } #namedArgs one
$foo: one
$bar: two
[1] Splatting with external programs:
Generally, you do not need splatting when you call external programs, because:
You can pass arrays as-is (with the usual $ sigil)
The only exception is if you wanted to include %--, the stop-parsing symbol (see Get-Help about_Parsing, in the array of arguments; you do need to use the # sigil in that event.
Use the individual array elements to satisfy the external program's syntax requirements, including its named arguments, if any
(e.g., $args = '/c', 'ver'; cmd $args to execute cmd /c ver).
The way hashtable splats are translated into command-line tokens may or may not be recognized by external programs:
Specifically, a hashtable entry with key <paramName> and value <value> is translated into a single argument formatted as -<paramName>:<value> - a format that few external command-line utilities recognize.

Call an executable with quotes at specific positions

I want to call an executable from a PowerShell script that requires quotes at specific positions in the argument list. Although I found similar questions I did not find a solution at all.
This is what the command must look like on the command line:
reptool.exe --profile="C:\My profile"
The parameter value ("C:\Profiles...") is supposed to be generated dynamically using a variable:
$repToolProfile = "C:\My profile"
This is what I have already tried:
&"reptool.exe" --profile=$repToolProfile
Fails as the argument is given as "--profile=C:\My profile" (quotes around the whole argument).
&"reptool.exe" --profile="$repToolProfile"
Fails as the argument is given as "--profile=C:\My profile" (quotes around the whole argument, same as above).
&"reptool.exe" "--profile=`"$repToolProfile`"
Fails as the argument is given as "--profile="C:\My profile"" (quotes around the whole argument and the value).
I cannot use single quotes or the "verbatim operator" (--%) as I have to use a PowerShell variable, neither I can use Start-Process as it is called asynchroneously (even when I use the -Wait parameter. Also I want to check the exit code. I don't want to convert my arguments to Base64.
This worked for me:
$command = '& "reptool.exe" --% ' + "--profile=`"$repToolProfile`"
Invoke-Expression $command

Build up a string to be passed to call operator

I need to build a string that is actually a command-line, and then execute the contents of that command-line. I'd hoped the call operator (&) would help, but it appears not. Here is a simple contrived example. The following works as expected, it pings a website:
$command = "ping"
$website = ""
& $command $website
however if I change it to this:
$command = "ping"
$website = ""
$cmd = "$command $website"
& $cmd
I get an error:
The term 'ping' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Is there a way to dynamically build up a command-line as a string, and then execute it?
Yes, but you need to use Invoke-Expression (which is just like eval), instead of the call operator. Note that you also need to ensure that all your quoting is correct in that case. E.g.
$cmd = "'$command' '$website'"
would work in your trivial example, unless $command or $website contained single quotes. The problem here is essentially that everything you put into the string is subject to the usual parsing rules of PowerShell.
Generally, if you can, stay as far away from Invoke-Expression as you can. There are a few problems that need it, but invoking external programs ... not so much.
A much better alternative, especially if you have an arbitrary number of arguments, is to just collect the arguments in an array and use the splat operator (note the # in the code example below):
$command = 'ping'
$arguments = '-t',''
&$command #arguments
This ensures that arguments are properly quoted when necessary and generally avoids a lot of headaches you're going to get with Invoke-Expression.
(Side note: Whenever you have a problem in PowerShell and think »Oh, I'm just going to use a string«, it's often time to rethink that. This includes handling file names, or command lines. PowerShell has objects, reducing it to the capabilities of earlier shells just yields the same pain you have elsewhere too, e.g. multiple levels of escaping, sometimes with different syntaxes, etc. And most of the time there are better ways of solving the problem.)