How to import a CSV file into PostgreSQL using Mac - postgresql

I am trying to import data from a CSV file into PostgreSQL using pgAdmin. However, I am getting an error message when attempting to perform a COPY command.
ERROR: could not open file "/Users/brandoncruz/Desktop/Test File.csv" for reading: Permission denied
HINT: COPY FROM instructs the PostgreSQL server process to read a file. You may want a client-side facility such as psql's \copy.
SQL state: 42501
Below is the code I have attempted to use for the import.
role_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
role_name VARCHAR (255)
COPY roles FROM '/Users/brandoncruz/Desktop/Test File.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

It looks about your permissions. You can change permissions of 'Test File.csv'. I mean Postgres user cannot read your file. After change permissions it must be copied successfully.

You might need to check following path if you are using pgAdmin:
pgAdmin > File > Preferences
Paths > Binary Paths
For postgreSQL binary path, you should find the location of PostgreSQL from your mac and save that:
i.e. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin (Windows)
For mac, check under Applications, Program Files, that depends and changes from Mac to Mac.


Creating Batch Files with PostgreSQL \copy Command in Jetbrains Datagrip

I'm familiarizing myself with the standalone version of Datagrip and having a bit of trouble understanding the different approaches to composing SQL via console, external files, scratch files, etc.
I'm managing, referencing the documentation, and am happy to figure things out as such.
However, I'm trying to ingest CSV data into tables via batch files using the Postgres \copy command. Datagrip will execute this command without error but no data is being populated.
This is my syntax, composed and ran in the console view:
\copy tablename from 'C:\Users\username\data_file.txt' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' csv;
Note that the data is tab-separated and stored in a .txt file.
I'm able to use the import functions of Datagrip (via context menu) just fine but I'd like to understand how to issue commands to do similarly.
\copy is a command of the command-line PostgreSQL client psql.
I doubt that Datagrip invokes psql, so it won't be able to use \copy or any other “backslash command”.
You probably have to use Datagrip's import facilities. Or you start using psql.
Ok, but what about the SQL COPY command ?
How can I run something like that with datagrip ?
SELECT values->>'aJsonField' as f
FROM (select values::json AS values FROM temp_json) AS a;
I try to replace 'MY_FILE.JSON' with full path, parameter (?), I put it in sql directory etc.
The data grip answer is :
[2021-05-05 10:30:45] [58P01] ERROR: could not open file '...' for reading : No such file or directory
I know why. RTFM! -_-
COPY with a file name instructs the PostgreSQL server to directly read from or write to a file. The file must be accessible by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as) and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server.

Export to CSV file with windows path [duplicate]

I use PostgreSQL 9.4.1
My query:
copy(select * from city) to 'C:\\temp\\city.csv'
copy(select * from city) to E'C:\\temp\\city.csv'
ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file
********** Error **********
ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file SQL state: 42602
As with this case, it seems likely that you are attempting to use copy from a computer other than the one which hosts your database. copy does I/O from the database host machine's local file system only. If you have access to that filesystem, you can adjust your attempt accordingly. Otherwise, you can use the \copy command in psql.
I am using pgAdmin v1.5 . The first query is
select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = 'ofbiz' order by table_name
Then I press button download, pgAdmin will return a csv file, is result set of first query.
It could be late but i think it can be helpful.
On Windows, make sure the output directory has gain the read/write right for Everyone (or you can specific user name).
Using slash(/) instead of backslash(), example
TLDR: Make sure you also have write permissions in your copy-to location!
I had the exact same first error, ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file, even though I used '/tmp/db.csv' (which is not a relative path).
In my case, the error message was quite misleading, since I was on the host machine, had an absolute filepath and the location existed. My problem was that I used the bitnami postgres:12 docker image, and the tmp folder in the container belongs to root there, while postgres and psql use the postgres user. My solution was to create an export folder there and transform the ownership to the postgres user:
mkdir /tmp/export
chown postgres:postgres /tmp/export
Then I was able to use COPY tablename TO '/tmp/export/db.csv'; successfully.

postgresql csv file import

When I try to load a csv file into postgresql. I use the following command.
CREATE TABLE population(
country char(80),
year integer,
population integer
COPY population FROM '/Users/chittampalliyashaswini/Desktop/population.csv'
Then I get the following error.
ERROR: could not open file "/Users/chittampalliyashaswini/Desktop/population.csv" for reading: Permission denied
The message is clear, the user postgresql is running under has no permission to read the file.
You can move it to /tmp and/or fix the permissions on the path. I typically switch to the postgres user and run a less to check.
If it is a one time thing, I suggest you simply move it to /tmp/ and use that path.

postgres - save output to server harddrive

When I execute the following script:
copy (
select agk_p_id Promoter_agk, multiplication_lr_agk_p_k4, agk_lr_rvd, status_agk_p_k4
from patient_agk_p_expr
where status_agk_p_k4='Preferentially')
to 'g:\boom.csv'
It works just beautifully, and creates the boom.csv file on my g drive.
I get:
Query returned successfully: 8486 rows affected, 631 ms execution time.
I should note that my 'g' drive is an external harddrive that is connected to my computer.
And my cygwin refers to my g harddrive like this:
blumr04#SRB524YBZ1 /cygdrive/g/
$ pwd
Now, my computer has also access to a server harddrive of my organization.
On my windows explorer it refers to as (Z:)
My cygwin refers to the 'Z' drive accordingly (just the same it does to my C: drive):
blumr04#SRB524YBZ1 /cygdrive/z/
$ pwd
But I have troubles when it comes to having postgres recognizing this harddrive - when I attempt to run the following script in order to save my table to the Z harddrive :
copy (
select agk_p_id Promoter_agk, multiplication_lr_agk_p_k4, agk_lr_rvd, status_agk_p_k4
from patient_agk_p_expr
where status_agk_p_k4='Preferentially')
to 'z:\boom.csv'
I get the following error message:
ERROR: could not open file "z:\boom.csv" for writing: No such file or directory
********** Error **********
ERROR: could not open file "z:\boom.csv" for writing: No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
Does anyone know how can I save (copy to) my files when it comes to a harddrive that is not physically connected to my computer, but rather is a server harddrive?
- Is there a command / script in postgres that would be able to show me which harddrives are accessible to postgres? It looks like for some reason the Z harddrive is not accessible for postgres read/write, at least not in the way that I attempt it, while G,J,K, and other harddrive which are external HD - are accessible. I would be glad to know if I could expand postgres accessibility somehow..
#Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall'
My Z drive is referred to in Windows Explorer also as:
therefore I tried also the following:
copy (
select agk_p_id Promoter_agk, multiplication_lr_agk_p_k4, agk_lr_rvd, status_agk_p_k4
from patient_agk_p_expr
where status_agk_p_k4='Preferentially')
to '\\\research\boom.csv'
This scripts gives me the following error, indeed all about permissions:
ERROR: could not open file "\\\research\boom.csv" for writing: Permission denied
********** Error **********
ERROR: could not open file "\\\research\boom.csv" for writing: Permission denied
SQL state: 42501
So it looks like the right path is:
And that in this case (Z:) is merely an alias name(?!) as the error message is this time NOT about "No such file or directory", but rather about permissions.
Is there a way I could facilitate the necessary permission to Postgres so it could write to the server drive?
The most common problem with running COPY tablename to filename is dealing with path and permissions from the point of view of the PostgreSQL server.
Files named in a COPY command are read or written directly by the
server, not by the client application. Therefore, they must reside on
or be accessible to the database server machine, not the client. They
must be accessible to and readable or writable by the PostgreSQL user
(the user ID the server runs as), not the client. Source
If you try to write to a file that the PostgreSQL server can't "see", you'll get "No such file or directory". If you try to write to a file in a directory for which the PostgreSQL server lacks permissions, you'll get "Permission denied".
So odds are good that the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as) lacks permissions on "z".

Using COPY FROM in postgres - absolute filename of local file

I'm trying to import a csv file using the COPY FROM command with postgres.
The db is stored on a linux server, and my data is stored locally, i.e. C:\test.csv
I keep getting the error:
ERROR: could not open file "C:\test.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
I know that I need to use the absolute path for the filename that the server can see, but everything I try brings up the same error
Can anyone help please?
Quote from the PostgreSQL manual:
The file must be accessible to the server and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server
So you need to copy the file to the server before you can use COPY FROM.
If you don't have access to the server, you can use psql's \copy command which is very similar to COPY FROM but works with local files. See the manual for details.