File name used twice Xcode - swift

I'm trying to use the CoreData functionality but when Xcode creates the two files (xx+CoreDataClass.swift and xx+CoreDataProperties.swift) Xcode gives me this error. The problem is: there's xx+CoreDataClass.swift is in the project's directory and in another directory that it creates when it compiles... so this error persist even if I delete the second one.
What should I do??

This is most often bugs in Xcode where it gets confused about generated files (I literally ran into this exact problem this morning....)
The solution generally is to close Xcode, delete DerivedData, and reopen Xcode.
DerivedData is in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/. You can remove the whole directory, or just the subdirectory related to your project.
"Delete DerivedData" is an incredibly common solution to Xcode problems, and has been for years. Most of us have some kind of alias to simplify it. This is mine:
alias cdd='cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/'

This kind of error generated some times because of your codegen property of Managed Class. You have to change your codegen to Manual/None from attributor.


Xcode debugger displays incorrect values for variables

I previously asked a similar question here. This version has simpler example
UPDATED SUMMARY: Xcode is displaying "FAIL" in the debugger variable section for every String. Swift print() statements show correct variable values. All other data types are displaying correctly. How do I get back to a working executable?
Problem: Xcode is displaying incorrect values for variables. Originally this happened with one project. Now, EVERY project, including new projects, have incorrect variable values. Here is a screenshot demonstrating the issue in a new project (forgive my use of ViewDidLoad() as main()..)
Here's what I did: Delete (version 10.0). Download Xcode 10.1 from the App Store. Create a new project. Type in this code, and run.
This same problem occurs in existing projects in Xcode 9.4.1 and Xcode 10.0 -- same behavior as new installation of Xcode 10.1.
Since all versions of Xcode show same problem, I am assuming this problem is not in the Xcode executable, but in some cache or other temp file. I have cleaned my project, restarted Xcode, rebooted, etc. No help.
So my question is: How do I get a clean installation of Xcode? What directories can I delete to get to a working state? I am a novice. I have only test projects that I run in the iOS debugger or on OS X, so I am quite happy re-compiling all of my projects. Is there a complete list of temp files and directories Xcode uses?
Do I have to delete EVERYTHING Xcode has ever written to disk? I'm open to that if no other solution exists.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to proceed or how to gather more info...
I was able to solve this one after a LOT of guesswork.
I agreed with #Martin R that this didn't sound like a cache issue, since the problem persisted after downloading new versions of Xcode. I guessed that only preferences and UserData would out-live the new executable...
I reviewed the UserData directory, and found a subdirectory for the debugger:
In this directory was a file called "CustomDataFormatters". I don't know how the file got created, but here is its contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version = "1.0">
formatString = "FAIL"
type = "Swift.String">
This file seems to set every string to "FAIL", which is the exact behavior I saw. Additional testing showed me that integers, floats, and other data types were displaying correctly -- it was only String type that was always incorrect.
Deleting this file solved my problem.
If anyone can explain how this file was created, I would appreciate it, but for now, I am able to debug again!
During app debug, I have right clicked on string variables to "copy" data, or "View Value as...". Did I hit some key sequence to create this file during degug?
Did I hit some weird keyboard shortcut while trying for a CMD+B or CMD+R??
Also, I changed the title of this issue to "Xcode debugger displays “FAIL” for all Strings" to help future searches.

Missing Swift files

I don't really understand what's hapening but I'm not able to see all my Swift files on Xcode project navigator, but when I open my project directory I see them all, it looks like reference problems.
I'm receiving some invalid redeclaration problems.
Are you using the one of the xcode-beta builds? They seem to have some problems with file handling every now and then. Restarting fixes it for me most of the times.

Xcode 4 - renamed/deleted file, yet get 'file not found' error

I just used Xcode's refactoring tool to rename a core data class from Player to Person. After fixing about 100 errors resulting from using dot notation that Xcode missed in the rename, I got to the last one:
Player.m - Lexical or Preprocessor issue - 'Person.h' not found
Player.m no longer exists in the project, and shows up as deleted (empty icon) in the error. Obviously, since I got rid of it, I don't want it to exist anymore!
To fix this, I have tried re-adding an old copy of Player.h and Player.m, and also cleaning. I have checked the Build Phases->Compile Sources section, and Person.m is there, Player.m is not. Person.h does in fact exist.
Not sure if it matters, but I am using mogenerator to generate my core data classes. Also, this is my third xcdatamodel version. Versions 1 and 2 used Player.h.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
Try clean build, if that doesn't work, restart Xcode, if that doesn't, delete the DerivedData directory, maybe even reboot.
Xcode sometimes gets confused.
You can try to do a super clean (not sure what the real term is) by hitting Cmd+Alt+Shift+K. This performs a clean and removes everything from the build folder.
Well I had a very similar problem and solve it removing the missing compile source of my project settings. to do that follow these steps
Click at the project page. This page contains the general settings
of your app
Select Build phases.
In Build Phases section, select compile sources.
If there is missing some class or file or something that needs to be compiled.
Select water mark file and click the minus sign at the bottom of this section.
Just click and the project may run. I hope this help others.

iPhone "_OBJC_CLASS_" compilation error

I am trying to compile my project in Xcode. But i am getting the following error.
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref-to-InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController in RootViewController.o
4 more of similar type.
Can't understand the meaning of this error?
Small Clarification: Actually the _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController was a module in another project. The files pertaining to that I have copied into the new application.
Sometimes it happens when the project definition file (.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) is somehow messed-up, eg. because of XCode crash or project is taken from someone else, etc.
So try removing InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController (Delete the file, then choose "Delete reference", so it is not deleted physically from disc) and then again add this file to project (Add > Existing file from the project context menu).
It worked for me several times.
you need to link in whatever framework _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController is a part of. Try going to the project window, right click on frameworks and choose add existing framework ....
you should be able to find the framework including _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController there.
Seems you have some object files that are not valid anymore. Use the clean option from menu and build it again. That should solve it.

iPhone: Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error

This is a new iPhone project, only 1 target (different from this question)
On build we get:
Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error.
The google again gives us nothing, lots of people have encountered this and there are lots of crazy ideas to try "oh clean the build", "clear the cache", "twiddle this flag" and none of them work and work consistently. We can reproduce this on two different machines with SDK 2.2.1 and 3.0 beta. Not the install on the machines since other iphone projects work just fine so we believe it has something to do with the config of this particular project but after combing through the config twice we can't spot the problem.
Vanna, I'd like to buy a clue for $200 please.
Tried: XCode menu->Clear cache
Tried: clean all targets
Tried: rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator
This happened to me once and I think I saw in a blog to simply quit and restart Xcode. Miraculously, it worked for me. I doubt this is the end all solutions to all problems like these though, but if you haven't yet closed Xcode, it's worth a try.
I sometimes see this problem and it is fixed by rebooting the maching. I suspect the internal state of the simulator gets screwed. Doesn't sound like your problem though.
I agree with MiRAGe; if this persists, start a new project and import your source.
If other projects work fine; start a new one and copy the files. Combing through configs just won't do it (since XCode has, well, thousands of config possibilities).
You can send me a check with the $200.
P.S: When you actually do start a new project, do it step by step. Run it after each change. Maybe you will find your problem. It might be a ton of work, but it might also help the other thousands of lost souls who have an 'Unkown Error'.
Changing the product name worked for me. I tried several different alternatives and all of them worked fine. It was the "magic product name" I used at the onset that failed every time I went back to it. YMMV.
This might be because items are missing for the target. Expand the target and verify that all needed source files and libraries are there. Restart Xcode after you've messed around.
alt text
Thanks ...Did have the same problem or worse. My app wasn't loading in the simulator, alternatively sometimes the build failed. Now realized it's pretty logical.
When you create a new project and info.plist get associated with the project.
Each time you add a modify/add the target another plist is generated with the new name.
But the original association with the info.plist is still around and there's a conflict.
So remove that association from the current target or better still remove from project and trash the info.plist.
Just make sure in the target settings(do getInfo) the correct info.plist is mentioned.
Note the name for product/target should not have spaces. If you really want it change the bundle display name.
Now the only reason why xcode should be closed is to ensure the project file has registered all changes.
I got this problem when I added the .plist to my target (Info.plist -> Get Info -> Targets -> Target Memberships). It went away when I unchecked it again.
I see that that's separate from the Targets -> -> Get Info -> Build -> Packaging -> "Info.plist file" -> my.plist that trips mentioned, but I still don't really understand what's going on, and definitely don't understand why we get such an unhelpful error message.
I've had this twice for the same reason: adding a folder called Resources to the project. This is a naming conflict with something (though there is nothing called "Resources" in the application bundle by default). It might be that mysterious naming conflicts are a common cause of this problem.
To fix I renamed the folder to something else ("Assets"), manually deleted the entire build folder (clean didn't work) and quit the simulator.
Another thing to try if you are desperate is to change the 'Product Name' setting. This worked for me once when everything else didn't.
I had the same problem because I had changed the BundleName and some other values but not changed the PRODUCT_NAME. I had problems finding where PRODUCT_NAME is defined: Get Info on the target, Build-tab and it is down the list somewhere.
I changed PRODUCT_NAME to match the bundle name, restarted Xcode and it worked.
I had this problem recently and the fix was ridiculously simple. I remembered that I had been editing the target settings and under the "Properties" tab in the "Executable" field there was a space after the value which was ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}. Yes, a single space. It was impossible to see unless you highlight the field. I figured this out because I had edited that field seeing if I could add a command line option that way. I guess when I cut the additional option back out, I missed a space. So while this is the only possible cause of this problem, it's worth checking out.
Had same problem. None of the answers above worked for me. Then i remember i had just added the icon to the Resources folder before the problem started. Moved icon to Other Sources folder and it worked. Weird!
Thanks Guys.
I had the Product name different than in the info plist. A restart once I fixed that made it all go away.
ps, stackoverflow has been a real help to beginners like me. Thanks from downunder.
I add this issue with a folder named "resources". Rename it, clean every thing and run again.
1) Restart Xcode;
2) Use "Get Info" on Info.plist and uncheck current target (Info.plist would be added anyway).
That's all.
I can confirm that a naming conflict was the source of our problem. We had a filesystem folder named resources inside the Xcode group named Resources. Sometimes we would get the error and a system would lock up and sometimes it would not. Changing the folder to the name assets resolved our problem. After reading some of the above comments - it appears that Xcode group names can clash with directory/folder names.
This happened to me when I changed my version number from 1.0 to 0.1. When I changed it back it started working again.