Power BI Embedded in Dot Net Nuke without SDK - rest

We have certain reports published in the power bi service and want to embedd in the Dot Net Nuke(It is a CMS website). So i could not use the SDK(or the samples on github). I noticed that there is an option called Rest API using which we can embedd to a web site.
This is the URL i feel should work for my purpose
But I am unable to find any sample code to understand how to pass the authentication and load the report.
Can someone help provide some sample code on how to pass the authentication and how to render the embedded URL in response.
Please not the users of the CMS website does not have power bi accounts, but we have procured one Pro licence and embedded capacity.


Connecting a PLM Tool to Tableau using REST API

I am trying to connect data from a PLM tool to Tableau using the REST API. I am not super familiar with the REST API, so I am unsure how to connect it to Tableau Desktop. Is it even possible to connect a REST API to Tableau Desktop? Do I need additional tools to build the connection between the API and Tableau? Thanks in advance!
Yes, it is possible to connect REST API to Tableau Desktop. And yes, you'll need additional tools to build the connection.
Set up an ODBC connection. Visit this website for this step -> https://kb.blackbaud.com/knowledgebase/articles/Article/41081
Open Tableau Desktop and under connect to a server, select "Other Databases (ODBC)".
Connect and in the "String Extras" box, put in your SDSN, HST, and PRT information.
Choose the database that the RESP API is connected to. You can see how to do that in the REST API documentation of the site you're using.
Filter the data you want to see in Tableau and you should have your data there.
There are so many ways to make this connection and this is one of them.
Actually, Tableau doesn't support REST API as a data source directly. You have to use indirect ways to connect to REST API.
One way is to use Web Data Connector, BUT you have to build a web page for each REST API and paste the web page link in Web Data Connector. (I did this before and it's pretty crazy...)
Another way is to use an ETL tool that supports extracting data from API and loading it to Tableau. This way saves you lots of time although you need to pay for additional costs. (I personally recommend Acho. Its API connector is very powerful and easy-to-use)

Is it recommended to create an API for internal services?

I'm working on a project that consists in an python script that get data from an API and calculate things based in this data. The goal is to get this calculated information to a website. I was thinking in doing something like running this code in the same server as the website host server and posting the data generated in a database, then the website would get the information from the database and display it in the website. However, the front-end developer that is working with me said that would be a better option to develop a REST Api that would return to the website the data calculated in the python script. Does it makes sense to develop an API that will only be used internally? Wouldn't it be another unnecessary factor of complexity, since the data could be calculated, stored and retrieved form the host server without any API?

Difference between ways of sharing dashboard in power bi report server(on-premises) like embed or api or url access or wmi provider or report viewer

i write an web application for wrapping power bi report server web portal(on-premises),my users have access to folders or category items(all of kind such data source) without seen the web portal and they see my user interface.
i want to integrated dashboard in my ui. the simple way is embed by adding "?rs:embed=true" to end of url of that report url.
our database are so huge and full of data(average 5 million rows for each table) and when i embedded it this may take a time for rendering.
i wanna better way to integrated my dashboard or report or kpi with best time to rendering.
we have few solution for this like urlaccess or wmi provider or report view control or rest api.which one is better? and have more less time of loading reports?
can i simulate a backend system(or client side) like report viewer control for viewing reports directly?
can you show me link for .net core example(code) of this work or like this work?
thanks alot
mohammadreza daneshvar
You can write an intermediate program and the customer can communicate with the Power BI server By your own API. so you can define your access level and customization your dashboard. this way is fast and easy

Best Visualization Platform For Sharing With External Users

I'm interested in creating some dashboards for clients. They will contain some sensitive data, so I plan on putting them behind an authentication wall (ASP.net, most likely). The dashboard will allow for filtering and sorting, but no data entry or deletion. Each dashboard will be fed by an Excel file.
My company suggested using Microsoft Power BI, but BI for web doesn't allow for private/confidential data, and any other method of sharing would require the client to have a Power BI license.
I also considered Tableau but ran into similar issues.
So broadly speaking, what's the best platform for creating web-based visualizations that can be embedded into a page?
Power BI gives you - Azure AD authentication ,
- row level security to data
So Power BI will be better option

Is Filemaker a web platform?

From what I understand Filemaker is a database. A friend of mine is able to make forms out of filemaker. Is it possible to publish those forms as a website?
Basically is it possible to use filemaker as a web platform?
Can I make websites out of filemaker pro's form generation facility.
If the answer is yes, is it the ideal tool for website programming?
In response to Your main answer "Is Filemaker a web platform?" i would says no.
Filemaker it's a database engine with gui facilities, so You can build things fast, it's an ideal tool for making projects (more or less specific) inside an corp or organization or to prototype/develop an application.
Filemaker has btw at least to modes/tools to share data and gui functions out of the box (http://www.filemaker.com/products/filemaker-pro/web-publishing.html):
Instant web publishing
avaiable in the Filemaker Pro (limited users and functionality) and Filemaker Server that enable You and Your group to share with minimum effort data and gui (forms)
Custom Web Publishing
only with Filemaker servershare data trough PHP code, with some tools to auto-generate PHP code.
So Filemaker i would says can share you data and forms build inside Your database over the web and can integrate with the Server version with PHP.
Good question btw!
Technically FileMaker server has a fairly good Web API that accepts GET and POST requests and returns data in XML. There's also an official PHP wrapper around it and a few unofficial wrappers, e.g. in Python. It's pretty much possible to use it as a database backend with Web projects.