How to match only whitespace and letter with regex in flutter? - flutter

have this input
2019-12-04T21:24:24 or 2019-12-04 21:24:24
I tried to match if "T" is present or " " is present
I see two solutions
match all between 10 and 11 lenght
match only letter and whitespace
I tried this but nothing happen

I think there's a misunderstanding in your regex : what you've written means "Does the input is equivalent to a succession of 10 or 11 characters?", which will always be false for a DateTime. You should select the 11th letter then check if this character matches (T|\s) (either the letter T or a space).

You want
^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}[T ][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string
[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} - four digits, -, two digits, -, two digits
[T ] - T or a space
[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} - two digits, :, two digits, :, two digits
$ - end of string.

just add this code to your textfield
for example:
inputFormatters: [FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp("[ آ-ی]"))],
for space just space in your list RegExp


RegEx: matching 20 letters with 1 optional dash

I'm struggling to write a regex that matches the following requirements:
up to 20 characters (English letters and numbers)
may have one optional dash ( - ) but can't start or end with it
I could come up with this patters: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,20}$ but this one allows for multiple dashes and one may enter the dash at the begin/end of the input string.
You can use
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?=.{0,20}$) - zero to twenty chars allowed in the string
(?: - a non-capturing group start:
[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - one or more alphanumeric chars
(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)? - an optional sequence of a - and one or more
alphanumeric chars
)? - end of the non-capturing group, repeat one or zero times (i.e. the pattern match is optional)
$ - end of string.
Have a try with:
See an online demo
^ - Start-line anchor;
(?: - Open non-capture group;
[^\W_]{1,20} - Match between 1-20 alphanumeric characters;
| - Or;
(?!.{22})[^\W_]+-[^\W_]+ - Negative lookahead to assert position is not followed by 22 characters, and next we matching 1+ alphanumeric characters between an hyphen;
)$ - Close non-capture group before matching end-line anchor.
Note that the above assumes upto 20 alphanumeric characters but with one optional hyphen that would take the max count to 21 characters.
Another idea by use of a lookahead and word boundary at the end.
^(?!.{21}) the lookahead checks at start for max 20 characters
[A-Za-z\d]+ starting with one or more alphanumeric characters
-?[A-Za-z\d]* optional hyphen followed by any amount alnum
\b$ the word boundary forces to end with an alphanumeric char
See this demo at regex101
FYI: If \pL (letter) can be used to shorten: ^(?!.{21})[\pL\d]+-?[\pL\d]*\b$

How to replace a character using sed with different lengths in preceding string

I have a file in which I want to replace the "_" string with "-" in cases where it makes up a part of my gene name. Examples of the gene names and my intended output are:
aa1c1_123 -> aa1c1-123
aa1c2_456 -> aa1c1-456
aa1c10_789 -> aa1c1-789
In essence, the first four characters are fixed, followed by 1 or 2 characters depending on the chromosome, an underscore and then the remainder of the gene ID which could vary in length and character. Important is that there are other strings in this gene information column contains other strings with underscores (e.g. "gene_id", "transcript_id", "five_prime_utr") so using sed -i.bak s/_/-/g' file.gtf
can't be done.
Perhaps not the most elegant way, but this should work:
sed -i.bak 's/\([0-9a-z]\{4\}[0-9][0-9]\?\)_/\1-/g' file.gtf
i.e. capture a group (referenced by \1 in the substitution) of 4 characters consisting of lower case letters and digits followed by exactly one digit and perhaps another digit, which is followed by an underscore; if found, replace it by the group's content and a dash. This should exclude your other occurrences consisting of only characters and an underscore.

PATINDEX does not recognize dot and comma

I have a column that should contain phone numbers but it contains whatever the user wanted. I need to create an update to remove all the characters after an invalid character.
To do this I am using a regex as PATINDEX('%[^0-9+-/()" "]%', [MobilNr]) and it seemed to work until I had some numbers as +1235, 36446 and to my surprise the result is 0 instead of 6. Also if the number contains . it returns 0.
Does PATINDEX ignores dot(".") and comma(",")? Are there other characters that PATINDEX will ignore?
It's not that PATINDEX ignores the comma and the dot, it's your pattern that created this problem.
With PATINDEX, the hyphen char (-) has a special meaning - it's in fact an operator that denotes an inclusive range - like 0-9 denotes all digits between 0 and 9 - so when you do +-/ it means all the chars between + and / (inclusive, of course). The comma and dot chars are within this range, that's why you get this result.
Fixing the pattern is easy: either use | as a logical or, or simply move the hyphen to the end of the pattern:
SELECT PATINDEX('%[^0-9/()" "+-]%', '+1235, 36446') -- Result: 6

Regex for currency - Exclude commas from the count limit

I am using the following regex in my app:
So it allows 10 characters before the decimal and 2 character after it.
But I am inserting one additional functionality of formatting textfield as currency while typing. So if I have 1234567 it becomes 1,234,567 after formatting. The regex fails when I enter 10 characters instead of 10 digits. Ideally it should be that regex ignores the commas when counting 10.
I tried this too ^(([0-9|(\\,)]{0,13})?)?(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?$ but it doesn't seem the right approach.
Can anyone help me get a proper regex instead of using this tweak.
You may use
Or, if there must be a digit after . in the fractional part use
See the regex demo. The (?:,*[0-9]){0,10} part is what does the job: it matches any 0+ , chars followed with a single digit 0 to 10 times. If , can also appear before ., add ,* after the ((?:,*[0-9]){0,10})?.
^ - start of string
(?:,*[0-9]){0,10} - 0 to 10 occurrences of 0+ commas followed with a digit
(?:\.[0-9]{0,2})? - an optional sequence of:
\. - a period
[0-9]{0,2} - 0 to 2 digits (if there must be a digit after . use [0-9]{1,2})
$ - end of string.

create a generic regex for a string in perl

I have tried to create regex for the below:
STRING sou_u02_mlpv0747_CCF_ASB001_LU_FW_ALERT|/opt/app/medvhs/mvs/applications/cm_vm5/fwhome/UnifiedLogging|UL_\d{8}_CCF_ASB001_LU_sou_u02_mlpv0747_Primary.log.csv|FATAL|red|1h||fw_alert
REGEX----> /^[^#]\w+\|[^\|]+\|\w+\|\w+\|\w*\|\w*\|([^\|]+|)\|\w*$/
I am unable to figure out the mistake here.
I created the above by referring another regex which working fine and given below
can some one please help me. Any leads would be highly apprciated.
Let's start from a brief look at your source text (the first that you included).
It is composed of "sections" separated with | char.
This char (|) must be matched by \|. Remember about the preceding
backslash, otherwise, a "bare" | would mean the alternative separator
(you used it in one place).
And now take a look at each section (between |):
Some of them contain only a sequence of word chars (and can be matched
by \w+).
Other sections, however, contain also other chars, e.g. slashes,
backslash, braces and dots, so each such section is actually a sequence
of chars other than "|" and must be matched by [^|]+ (here,
between [ and ], the vertical bar may be unescaped).
Now let's write each section and its "type":
sou_u02_..._FW_ALERT - word chars.
/opt/app/.../UnifiedLogging - other chars (because of slashes).
UL_\d{8}_..._Primary.log.csv - other chars (because of \d{8}
and dots).
FATAL|red|1h - 3 sections composed of word chars.
An empty section, between 2 consecutive | chars.
fw_alert - word chars.
And now, how to match these groups, and the separating |:
Point 1: \w+\| - word chars and (escaped) vertical bar.
Point 2 and 3 (together): (?:[^|]+\|){2} - a non-capturing
group - (?:...), containing a sequence of "other" chars - [^|]+
and a vertical bar - \|, occurring 2 times {2}.
Point 4 (three "word char" groups): (?:\w+\|){3} - similiar to
the previous point.
Point 5: Just as in your solution - ([^|]+|)\|, a capturing group -
(...), with 2 alternatives ...|.... The first alternative is
[^|]+ (a sequence of "other" chars), and the second alternative
is empty. After the capturing group there is \| to match the vertical
Point 6: \w+ - word chars. This time no \|, as this is the last
The regex assembled so far must be:
prepended with a ^ (start of string) and
appended with a $ (end of string).
So the whole regex, matching your source text can be:
Actually, the only capturing group can be written another way,
as ([^|]*) - without alternatives, but with * as the
repetition count, allowing also empty content.
Your choice, which variant to apply.
The third field
Contains a backslash, \, braces { } and dots .. None of these can be matched by \w
Note also that there is no need to escape a pipe | inside a characters class: [^|]+ is fine