splitBy regex issue dataweave 2.0 - mule-studio

i'm trying to split a dot notated string using splitBy in dataweave 2.0, using a simple regex to avoid splitting escaped strings, testing online the regex works as expected but the dataweave function outputs a different result.
'root.sources.data.`jenkins.branch.BranchSource`.source.traits' splitBy(/[^\.`]+|"([^`]*)"|`([^`]*)`/)
["", ".", ".", ".", ".", "." ]
["root", "sources", "data", "`jenkins.branch.BranchSource`", "source, "traits"]

You can try using lookahead to check existence or non existence of `
'root.sources.data.`jenkins.branch.BranchSource`.source.traits' splitBy(/[.](?=(?:[^`]*`[^`]*`)*[^`]*$)/)
this will result to
"root" as String {class: "java.lang.String"},
"sources" as String {class: "java.lang.String"},
"data" as String {class: "java.lang.String"},
"`jenkins.branch.BranchSource`" as String {class: "java.lang.String"},
"source" as String {class: "java.lang.String"},
"traits" as String {class: "java.lang.String"}
] as Array {encoding: "UTF-8", mediaType: "*/*", mimeType: "*/*", class: "java.util.ArrayList"}


How to remove JSON text (including CRLF's) inside delimited records in Powershell

Have a strange issue where I need to remove JSON text in a tilde delimited file (having the JSON breaks the import due to CRLF at the end of each line of the JSON). Example line:
Test Plan Work~Response Status: BadRequest Bad Request,Response Content: {
"trace": "0HM5285F2",
"errors": [
"code": "server_error",
"message": "Couldn't access service ",
"moreInfoUrl": null,
"target": {
"type": null,
"name": null
},Request: https://www.test.com Headers: Accept: application/json
~87c5de00-5906-4d2d-b65f-4asdfsdfsdfa29~3/17/2020 1:54:08 PM
or ones like these that don't have JSON but still have the same pattern I need:
Test Plan Pay Work~Response Status: InternalServerError Internal Server Error,Response Content: Error,Request: https://api.test.com Headers: Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5c
SubscriberId: eb7aee
~9d05b16e-e57b-44be-b028-b6ddsdfsdf62a5~1/20/2021 7:07:53 PM
Need both of these types of CSV text to be in the format:
Test Plan Work~Response Status: BadRequest Bad Request~87c5de00-5906-4d2d-b65f-4asdfsdfsdfa29~3/17/2020 1:54:08 PM
The JSON (including the CRLF's at the end of each line of the JSON) are breaking the import of the data into Powershell. Any help or insight would be appreciated!
PowerShell (or rather, .NET) has two perculiar features in its regex engine that might be perfect for this use case - balancing groups and conditionals!
Balancing groups is a complicated feature to fully explain, but it essentially allows us to "keep count" of occurrences of specific named subexpressions in a regex pattern, and looks like this when applied:
PS ~> $string = 'Here is text { but wait { it has } nested { blocks }} here is more text'
PS ~> $string -replace '\{(?>\{(?<depth>)|[^{}]+|\}(?<-depth>))*(?(depth)(?!))\}'
Here is text here is more text
Let's break down the regex pattern:
\{ # match literal '{'
(?> # begin atomic group*
\{(?<depth>) # match literal '{' and increment counter
| [^{}]+ # OR match any sequence of characters that are NOT '{' or '}'
| \}(?<-depth>) # OR match literal '}' and decrement counter
)* # end atomic group, whole group should match 0 or more times
(? # begin conditional group*
(depth)(?!) # if the 'depth' counter > 0, then FAIL!
) # end conditional group
\} # match literal '}' (corresponding to the initial '{')
*) The (?>...) atomic grouping prevents backtracking - a safeguard against accidentally counting anything more than once.
For the CRLF characters in the remaining fields, we can prefix the pattern with (?s) - this makes the regex engine include new lines when matching the . "any" metacharacter, up until we reach the position just before ~87c5...:
(?s),Response Content:\s*\{(?>\{(?<depth>)|[^{}]+|\}(?<-depth>))*(?(depth)(?!))\}.*?(?=~)
Or we can, perhaps more accurately, describe the fields following the JSON as repeating pairs of , and "not ,":
,Response Content:\s*(?:\{(?>\{(?<depth>)|[^{}]+|\}(?<-depth>))*(?(depth)(?!))\})?\s*(?:,[^,]+?)*(?=~)
Let's give it a try against your multi-line input string:
$string = #'
Test Plan Work~Response Status: BadRequest Bad Request,Response Content: {
"trace": "0HM5285F2",
"errors": [
"code": "server_error",
"message": "Couldn't access service ",
"moreInfoUrl": null,
"target": {
"type": null,
"name": null
},Request: https://www.test.com Headers: Accept: application/json
~87c5de00-5906-4d2d-b65f-4asdfsdfsdfa29~3/17/2020 1:54:08 PM
$string -replace ',Response Content:\s*(?:\{(?>\{(?<depth>)|[^{}]+|\}(?<-depth>))*(?(depth)(?!))\})?\s*(?:,[^,]+?)*(?=~)'
Test Plan Work~Response Status: BadRequest Bad Request~87c5de00-5906-4d2d-b65f-4asdfsdfsdfa29~3/17/2020 1:54:08 PM

Capture text between two different char. Between the first{ and the last }

Capture text between two different char using PowerShell. Between the first{ and the last } . Basically there is text with Json in it and I want to capture the json from it. I have looked for examples but so far no luck.
PROJECT Description: Azure Test Project Description
"organization": "https://dev.azure.com/cloudops",
"projectName": "Test Project",
"projectDescription": "Azure Test Project Description",
"projectProcessType": "Agile",
"specialInstructions": "",
"adminMembers": [
"userSamAccountName": "jjohnson",
"userEmailAddress": "jjohnson#test.com",
"userPrincipalName": "jjohnson#test.com",
"projectGroupType": "projectAdministrator"
"contribMembers": [
"userSamAccountName": "jdoe",
"userEmailAddress": "jdoe#test.com",
"userPrincipalName": "jdoe#test.com",
"projectGroupType": "projectContributor"
Is this what you were looking for?
[Regex]::Match((Get-Content "sampleinputfile.txt" -Raw),
[Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline -bor
Basically this converts the input file to a single (newline-delimited) string (Get-Content -Raw), and then uses the .NET Framework's Match method to do a regular expression match for the lines of text between the { and } characters (inclusive).

How to use Clauses with API REST Neo4J?

I have a complexe request that perfectly works in Neo4j Browser that I want to use through API Rest, but there are Clauses I can't cope with.
The syntax looks like :
MATCH p=()-[*]->(node1)
I constructed the query with Transactional Cyper as i have been suggested by #cybersam, but I don't manage to use more than one clause anyway.
To give an exemle, if I write the statement in one line :
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}}) WHERE nodes (p)
MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}} RETURN n, p, o, q;",
"parameters": {"PRB1": "Title of problem1", "PRB2": "Title of problem2"}
} ],
"resultDataContents": ["graph"] }
I shall obtain :
{"results":[],"errors":[{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError","message":"Invalid input 'R': expected whitespace, comment, ')' or a relationship pattern (line 1, column 90 (offset: 89))\r\n\"MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}}) WHERE nodes (p) MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}} RETURN n, p, o, q;\"\r\n ^"}]}
But if I put it in several lines, :
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}})
WHERE nodes (p)
MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}}
RETURN n, p, o, q;",
"parameters": {"PRB1": "Title of problem1", "PRB2": "Title of problem2"}
"resultDataContents": ["graph"]
it is said :
to deserialize request: Illegal unquoted character ((CTRL-CHAR, code
10)): has to be escaped using backslash to be included in string
value\n at [Source: HttpInputOverHTTP#41fa906c; line: 4, column:
Please, I need your help !
Using the Transaction Cypher HTTP API, you could just pass the same Cypher statement to the API.
To quote from this section of the doc, here is an example of the simplest way to do that:
Begin and commit a transaction in one request If there is no need to
keep a transaction open across multiple HTTP requests, you can begin a
transaction, execute statements, and commit with just a single HTTP
Example request
POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit
Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json
"statements" : [ {
"statement" : "CREATE (n) RETURN id(n)"
} ]
Example response
200: OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results" : [ {
"columns" : [ "id(n)" ],
"data" : [ {
"row" : [ 6 ],
"meta" : [ null ]
} ]
} ],
"errors" : [ ]

Escape $ in snippet

I'm trying to escape the $ character in my snippets but I cannot seem to get it correct.
If I use \$ as it looks like I should be from the documentation, I get the error:
file: path/to/snippets/php.json'
severity: 'Error'
message: 'Invalid escape character in string'
And no $ appear in my snippet.
If I use $$ found from this answer, I get a $ to show up but it thinks that the text immediately following is a tabstop.
If I use $\ it works but I have to have a character that is part of an escape sequence immediately following. So if I wanted $factory, I would need to do $\ffactory. \f seems to be the best as it does not effect the layout of my snippet.
I'm pretty sure that I am missing what needs to be done here.
My snippet for reference:
"factory" :{
"prefix": "factory",
"body": [
"\$factory->define($1, function (Faker\\Generator \$faker){",
"\treturn [",
"description": "Creates Model factory"
After much trial and error, I found that using \\$ will give me the desired results. So if I wanted $test in my snippet output, with test not being a tabstop, I would need \\$test snippet definition body:
"factory" :{
"prefix": "factory",
"body": [
"\\$factory->define($1, function (Faker\\Generator \\$faker){",
"\treturn [",
"description": "Creates Model factory"

Is there a way to return a JSON object within a xe:restViewColumn?

I'm trying to generate a REST-Service on a XPage with the viewJsonService service type.
Within a column I need to have a JSON object and tried to solve that with this code:
<xe:restViewColumn name="surveyResponse">
var arrParticipants = new Array();
arrParticipants.push({"participant": "A", "selection": ["a1"]});
arrParticipants.push({"participant": "B", "selection": ["b1", "b2"]});
return (arrParticipants);
I was expecting to get this for that specific column:
"surveyResponse": [
{ "participant": "A",
"selection": [ "a1" ]
{ "participant": "B",
"selection": [ "b1", "b2" ]
What I am getting is this:
"surveyResponse": [
When trying to use toJson for the array arrParticipants the result is not valid JSON format:
"surveyResponse": "[{\"selection\": [\"a1\"],\"participant\":\"A\"},{\"selection\": [\"b1\",\"b2\"],\"participant\":\"B\"}]"
When tyring to use fromJson for the array arrParticipants the result is:
"code": 500,
"text": "Internal Error",
"message": "Error while executing JavaScript computed expression",
"type": "text",
"data": "com.ibm.xsp.exception.EvaluationExceptionEx: Error while executing JavaScript computed expression at com.ibm.xsp.binding.javascript.JavaScriptValueBinding.getValue(JavaScriptValueBinding.java:132) at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.DominoViewColumn.getValue(DominoViewColumn.java:93) at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.DominoViewColumn.evaluate(DominoViewColumn.java:133) at com.ibm.domino.services.content.JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.writeColumns(JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.java:213) at com.ibm.domino.services.content.JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.writeEntryAsJson(JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.java:191) at com.ibm.domino.services.content.JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.writeViewEntryCollection(JsonViewEntryCollectionContent.java:170) at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewJsonService.renderServiceJSONGet(RestViewJsonService.java:394) at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewJsonService.renderService(RestViewJsonService.java:112) at com.ibm.domino.services.HttpServiceEngine.processRequest(HttpServiceEngine.java:167) at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.UIBaseRestService._processAjaxRequest(UIBaseRestService.java:242) at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.UIBaseRestService.processAjaxRequest(UIBaseRestService.java:219) at com.ibm.xsp.util.AjaxUtilEx.renderAjaxPartialLifecycle(AjaxUtilEx.java:206) at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.renderAjaxPartial(FacesServletEx.java:225) at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.serviceView(FacesServletEx.java:170) at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:160) at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.service(FacesServletEx.java:138) at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.DesignerFacesServlet.service(DesignerFacesServlet.java:103) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule.invokeServlet(ComponentModule.java:576) at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFComponentModule.invokeServlet(NSFComponentModule.java:1281) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule$AdapterInvoker.invokeServlet(ComponentModule.java:847) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule$ServletInvoker.doService(ComponentModule.java:796) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule.doService(ComponentModule.java:565) at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFComponentModule.doService(NSFComponentModule.java:1265) at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFService.doServiceInternal(NSFService.java:653) at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFService.doService(NSFService.java:476) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.LCDEnvironment.doService(LCDEnvironment.java:341) at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.LCDEnvironment.service(LCDEnvironment.java:297) at com.ibm.domino.xsp.bridge.http.engine.XspCmdManager.service(XspCmdManager.java:272) Caused by: com.ibm.jscript.InterpretException: Script interpreter error, line=7, col=8: Error while converting from a JSON string at com.ibm.jscript.types.FBSGlobalObject$GlobalMethod.call(FBSGlobalObject.java:785) at com.ibm.jscript.types.FBSObject.call(FBSObject.java:161) at com.ibm.jscript.types.FBSGlobalObject$GlobalMethod.call(FBSGlobalObject.java:219) at com.ibm.jscript.ASTTree.ASTCall.interpret(ASTCall.java:175) at com.ibm.jscript.ASTTree.ASTReturn.interpret(ASTReturn.java:49) at com.ibm.jscript.ASTTree.ASTProgram.interpret(ASTProgram.java:119) at com.ibm.jscript.ASTTree.ASTProgram.interpretEx(ASTProgram.java:139) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression._interpretExpression(JSExpression.java:435) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression.access$1(JSExpression.java:424) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression$2.run(JSExpression.java:414) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:284) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression.interpretExpression(JSExpression.java:410) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression.evaluateValue(JSExpression.java:251) at com.ibm.jscript.JSExpression.evaluateValue(JSExpression.java:234) at com.ibm.xsp.javascript.JavaScriptInterpreter.interpret(JavaScriptInterpreter.java:221) at com.ibm.xsp.javascript.JavaScriptInterpreter.interpret(JavaScriptInterpreter.java:193) at com.ibm.xsp.binding.javascript.JavaScriptValueBinding.getValue(JavaScriptValueBinding.java:78) ... 27 more Caused by: com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.JsonException: Error when parsing JSON string at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.JsonParser.fromJson(JsonParser.java:61) at com.ibm.jscript.types.FBSGlobalObject$GlobalMethod.call(FBSGlobalObject.java:781) ... 43 more Caused by: com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.parser.ParseException: Encountered " "object "" at line 1, column 2. Was expecting one of: "false" ... "null" ... "true" ... ... ... ... "{" ... "[" ... "]" ... "," ... at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.parser.Json.generateParseException(Json.java:568) at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.parser.Json.jj_consume_token(Json.java:503) at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.parser.Json.arrayLiteral(Json.java:316) at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.parser.Json.parseJson(Json.java:387) at com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.JsonParser.fromJson(JsonParser.java:59) ... 44 more "
Is there any way to get the desired answer?
Well, the best way to achieve the desired result is to use the xe:customRestService if you need to return a cascaded JSON object.
All other xe:***RestService elements assume that you will return a flat JSON construct of parameter and value pairs, where the value is a simple data type (like boolean, number or string and - funny though - arrays) but not a complex data type (like objects).
This is, that this result here
"surveyResponse": [
{ "participant": "A",
"selection": [ "a1" ]
{ "participant": "B",
"selection": [ "b1", "b2" ]
will be only available on using xe:customRestService where you can define your JSON result by yourself.
Using the other services the results are limited to this constructions:
"surveyResponse": true;
"surveyResponse": [
cant you use built-in server-side javascript function toJson ?
You could try intercepting the AJAX call when reading the JSON and then manually de-sanitise the JSON string data.
There are more details here.
Personally I'd recommend against this as unless you are absolutely sure the end user can't inject code into the JSON data.