Unable to open Xcode 10.1. Getting Package Authoring Error - xcode10.1

There are two Xcode 10.1 and 11 installed on my Mac wherein 10.1 is default one. I was able to open project using Xcode 10.1 until few hours ago. However, after restarting my mac I'm facing strange issue as described below:
Package Authoring Error: PackageInfo bundle reference found without top-level bundle definition. Bundle will be skipped.
Check attached screenshot for additional details.
Below are solutions that I tried:
Tried mutiple time to open project using Xcode10.1 but still the same issue
Restart Mac.
Take a note that I cannot move my project into Xcode11 there are certain dependicies due to which I've to use Xcode10.1.

Apple is enforcing developer to use latest version of Xcode.
There are two solution for this:
Move on to Xcode 11 (recommended)
Delete Xcode 10.1 and freshly install Xcode 10.1
I would suggest to go with solution 1.

I have read somewhere answer but I am not able to get that link here,
but I know that you can try, change the system date to 3rd October 2019 and try again so it will work.
This is not my answer so all credit goes to unknown developer.


Swift Package Manager gets stuck indefinitely upon adding new package [duplicate]

After updating Xcode to version 13.2 i can't build my project anymore. I have a strange error "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule" related to my Workspace file.
It's definitely related to SPM because Xcode is not loading SPM packages also. I tried to "Reset package caches", "Resolve package caches" and also "Updating to latest package caches" but after all of these operating nothing happens. Deleting derived data, cleaning didn't help too...
I tried also to resolve packages from Terminal using xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies but I get error message:
--- xcodebuild: WARNING: The directory /Users/ptocicki/Developer/KFC/kfc-ios also contains the legacy project 'project.pbxproj' - ignoring it and using 'KFC.xcodeproj'.
xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies:
Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule"
Apple is aware of the issue.
We're currently investigating this issue — thank you to those who have
filed bug reports so far. To workaround this issue, please re-download
Xcode 13.2 directly from the Downloads page.
🎊 Fixed on v13.2.1 and you can download from here
This bug is reported and the v13.2.1 AppStore version but As  Apple suggest here, you should download the Xcode manually from the developer center
Manual download of any Apple developer software
✅ The always working and preferred workaround!
Download directly from Apple:
Latest Release version or
Latest Beta version or
Any version you need and all other downloadable contents
Then extract and move it where you like. This has so many benefits compared to AppStore updates. (like the ability to resume download, not replacing the old one, not wasting hidden directories and etc.)
Note that you should use safari to download it.
⚠️ Important note for developers like me!
The page you’re looking for can’t be found.
If you The page you’re looking for can’t be found message, you may need to use a VPN if you are in a country that the US sanctioned like mine. Because Apple is blocking some IP address ranges.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
I just got the issues late at night after Xcode updated on its own while I was working on my project, which was not a cool surprise. It appears to be affecting all dependencies. You are not alone in this it's affecting everyone. I did what they recommended and downloaded Xcode directly from the Apples developer site and it fixed all my issues super happy right now!!!!!!!
XCode was updated to 13.2.1 at 12/19 which fix the issue.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
Seems local package still working. So there is a temporary solution: We can download the dependencies then add them to the project as local paclages.
Please update to Xcode 13.2.1.
If not, download Xcode 13.2 from the Apple Developer website.
Updating from Xcode 13.2 to 13.2.1 from App Store fixed the issue for me.

Xcode SDK Version Issue

I'm having a bit of an issue with distributing an app via the latest version of Xcode (Version 10.1 (10B61)). Every time I try to upload it to the App Store via organizer, I get this error after uploading:
WARNING ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 12.0 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK or later, included in Xcode 10.1 or later."
Previous answers to this question said that it was just a warning and that I should still be able to upload my app, but it is now March and I am still getting the error even on 10.1. iTunesConnect will not let me select these builds and I get emails about the validation failure.
Further details:
-The app is an iMessage extension, and uses exactly 1 framework from Carthage, which is up to date with the latest framework version and Carthage version.
-My project and Message extension targets Swift Language Version build setting is Swift 4.2.
-My deployment target is iOS 11.0, but the issue persists after selecting iOS 12.1.
-The app compiles and runs fine on my physical device running iOS 12.1.
-The issue persists after a build folder clean.
-The issue persists after reinstalling Xcode.
If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can verify my app is compiling with the latest SDK please let me know.
Whether the app runs on given iOS version, has no relevance to which SDK are you really using. The definitive SDK version used for building is found in the app's Info.plist.
after Archiving, Show the xcarchive in Finder.
right-click, Show Package Contents.
open Products/Applications/YourApp.app
right-click, Show Package Contents.
copy the Info.plist to some place where you can run terminal commands on it
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :DTSDKBuild" Info.plist
You would expect it to show "16B91" for SDK 12.1. If it's something else (SDK 12.0 would be "16A366"), here are some ideas:
inspect the Carthage dependency. Are you really building it locally or downloading a prebuilt binary? If in doubt, force local building with --no-use-binaries. Remove whole Carthage folder (Checkouts as well as Build) and start from scratch.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData instead of just "build folder clean"
Verify MacOS System Report section Software/Developer for the actual SDK versions that MacOS thinks that you have
xcode-select -p to verify that you are really using the Xcode instance that you would like to
If all looks correct on your side, fill Technical Support Incident. Report the exact rejected build which you uploaded already. That should speed up the support reaction.
I filled out a bug report with Apple because I was experiencing the exact same issue and none of the above solutions worked. They made a change on their backend and now everything is back to proper working order.
If you haven't tried in awhile, make another attempt and I'm betting that it'll work this time.
I was having the same problem. My app was compiled in Xcode 10.1 but I was still getting the SDK warning. I was able to resolve it by doing the following. I'm not sure if all these steps are necessary. I didn't try validating between steps.
I upgraded macOS to Mojave (10.14.3). I had been running High Sierra.
Delete Xcode from applications folder
Reinstall Xcode from the app store
Open my project and run Project->Clean Build folder
Archive and upload and no more warnings

Xcode not displaying compile errors

I'm working in a specific Xcode project and deliberatly making errors in my code (like using undeclared variables), but Xcode doesnt seem to show any compile errors in my code.
It shows errors only when its build or clean.
Tried clean and build, cleaning derived data and restarted both Xcode and system, none of it works.
Using Xcode 8.2.1 (8C1002) and Swift 3
Besides the DerivedData folder, also try cleaning Xcode caches completely:
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/
I would recommend also killing the SourceKit process — always a source of issues these days! — but since you are already did a full reboot, so looks like you are good there.
If everything fails, you might consider upgrading to the latest Xcode, version 8.3. Just be aware that:
Xcode 8.3 no longer supports Swift 2.3. Please migrate your projects containing Swift 2.3 code to Swift 3 syntax by opening the project and choosing Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax.
Project Settings, "Show all issues" fixed it for me.
For me, I had to first ensure all of my Xcode Targets had valid Signing & Capabilities like a development Team selected... then I was able to update all of my Targets to Swift 5 using the warning that was presented to me. Immediately after all of the targets were all updated to Swift 5 and the Provisioning was fixed, the red errors were flagged again!
I had the same problem using Xcode 13.3 with Swift version 5.5
Upgrading to Xcode version 14.1 (14B47b) which also upgrades Swift tools to version 5.7.1 fixed the problem.

Xcode 7.0 beta / IOS9 / WatchOS 2 - no symbols for paired Apple Watch?

I got this message within Xcode, any idea how to fix it?
From https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/3380:
Xcode failed to download the symbol files from
I was successful to launch my watchOS app by following steps.
Download the symbol file installer for 13S5255c from http://adcdownload.apple.com/Developer_Tools/watchOS_13S5255c/Watch1_1_13S5255c.dmg.
Create directory "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols"
Mount the DMG and open Watch1,1.pkg.
Change the destination directory to above directory. (DO NOT install to default location! OS X will be destroyed!)
Install symbol files.
Open project on Xcode 7 beta.
Disconnect and connect iPhone.
in case anyone is still struggling with this, i was able to solve by updating to the most recent version of xcode.
everything was working until watchos 2 beta 5 installed on my watch, then i got this error. updating to xcode 7 beta 5 allowed my watch to appropriately have the new symbols installed.
The solution that worked for me is based on the earlier post, but to simplify things I’ve followed the initial steps, changed the directory name to work with Beta 5 and zipped the relevant folders. So the simplified version for Beta 5 is:
Download the zip file from here to the target directory: ~/Users/[user]/Library/Developer/Xcode
Unzip the file. You should see a new folder named “WatchOS DeviceSupport” under your Xcode folder, with another folder named “2.0 (13S5325c)”.
Open project on Xcode 7 beta.
Disconnect and connect your iPhone.
That’s all – it worked for me, I hope it will work for you as well.
I couldn't post the image, you can find the complete post here.

Issues after installing upgraded XCode version

I installed XCode DP 4.5 recently - just to try out iOS 6.
I opened a project using it.
When I reopened using XCode 4.2.1 again, I started having storyboard data loss issue mentioned here.
I don't get this issue in 4.5 DP, but then I don't want to continue with XCode 45 DP. I am not sure if its valid to build my app with it. Also, it shows me "iPhoneOS 5.0 sdk not found warning" which is the base sdk I have set within my project.
What should I do to get rid of this issue?
Is it ok to continue using 4.5 DP?
If not, how can I safely go back to 4.2.1?
Is there any workaround in project to make, to regain my storyboard?
I also have storyboard backed up, but as soon as I import it into my project (within 4.2.1) - it complains it cannot open it. So I suspect it's due to a setting shared both by 45 DP and 4.2.1.
Please help...
Download the Golden Master for iOS 6 and use that for your development. As the GM version App may be compiled for distribution with it and Xcode 4.2.1 will become obsolete.
By default storyboards are set to be compatible with the current release of Xcode, and one previous release. You can choose to make them compatible with even older releases by modifying the development version pop up in the storyboard's file inspector.