Why does my ArrayList of objects print out one variable stored inside the object, but not the other - class

HandDrawn class extends the super-class Car, as you can see. The problem is it doesn't print out the the String name when i try to print the ArrayList that stores the objects. Btw, the ArrayList stores objects of the class Car.
Calm down, if i did something that offends your little feelings with this question, dont down vote... tell me what's up so i know in the future.
public class HandDrawn extends Card {
private boolean niceDrawing;
public HandDrawn(String name, boolean niceDrawing) {
this.niceDrawing = niceDrawing;
public String toString() {
return "HandDrawn{" +
"niceDrawing=" + niceDrawing +
public void setNiceDrawing() {
this.niceDrawing = niceDrawing;
public boolean getNiceDrawing(boolean niceDrawing) {
return this.niceDrawing;
public class Main {
static ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Anna", true));
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Kalle", false));
Main myApp = new Main();
public void cardList(ArrayList<Card> e) {
for (int i = 0; i <e.size(); i++) {
This is the Main class and the HandDrawn class

Again, I don't know what is in your super class "Card" but maybe this will help:
In your HandDrawn.java file:
public class HandDrawn extends Card {
private boolean niceDrawing;
public HandDrawn(String name, boolean niceDrawing) {
this.niceDrawing = niceDrawing;
public String toString() {
return "HandDrawn{" + "niceDrawing=" + this.niceDrawing + "}";
// Notice I have modified the parameters of your getters
// and setters because it looked as if you had swapped them:
public void setNiceDrawing(boolean niceDrawing) {
this.niceDrawing = niceDrawing;
public boolean getNiceDrawing() {
return this.niceDrawing;
In your Main.java file:
public class Main {
static ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This is the entry point of your program... execution begins here.
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Anna", true));
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Kalle", false));
// The following two lines are out of place and should not be in class definition:
// Main myApp = new Main();
// myApp.cardList(cards);
// I added static keyword so that it could be used in call above
public static void cardList(ArrayList<Card> e) {
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) {
If you are wanting to use the "Main" class as a piece in another part of your code then probably that means that execution starts somewhere else and never hits the "main" method. If that is the case you will need to call it explicitly (example: Main.main(null);) or reorganize your code to do it in a constructor for the "Main" class. Then your Main myApp = new Main(); and myApp.cardList(cards); lines would make sense in that context and the cardList method would need to be a non-static member method as you had originally written.
I think I misunderstood your formatting... Your code should work as follows:
In your Main.java file:
public class Main {
static ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This is the entry point of your program... execution begins here.
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Anna", true));
cards.add(new HandDrawn("Kalle", false));
Main myApp = new Main();
public void cardList(ArrayList<Card> e) {
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) {
What were you expecting to see? Again I cannot test your code because I don't have "Card" class but when I use the "HandDrawn" class in place of "Card" (without extending "Card") it works as I would expect and prints:


Why does my sub-dependency not get set in Dagger?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to inject CachedRithms into my RithmioManager and CachedKamms into my KamilManager?
I have the following files:
library = true,
complete = false,
injects = {
public class AppScopeModule {
/* package */ static Context sApplicationContext = null;
private final Context mApplicationContext;
AppScopeModule(Context applicationContext) {
mApplicationContext = applicationContext;
KamilManager provideKamilManager() {
return KamilManager.getInstance();
public class KamilApplication extends Application implements Injector {
private ObjectGraph mObjectGraph;
KamilManager KamilManager;
public void onCreate() {
AppScopeModule sharedAppModule = new AppScopeModule(this);
// bootstrap. So that it allows no-arg constructor in AppScopeModule
sharedAppModule.sApplicationContext = this.getApplicationContext();
List<Object> modules = new ArrayList<Object>();
modules.add(new AuthModule());
mObjectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(modules.toArray());
public class KamilManager {
CachedKamms mCachedKamms;
private static KamilManager instance;
private boolean mWearIsConnectedToMobile;
private KamilManager() {
Log.d(TAG, "KamilManager private constructor");
public static void initInstance(Context appContext) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new KamilManager();
.....doing more things here...
public static KamilManager getInstance() {
return instance;
But mCAchedKamms is always blank when I initialize the app. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You need to call ObjectGraph.inject(this) somewhere in KamilManager.
I suggest you to add this code to your KamilApplication class:
public ObjectGraph getObjectGraph() {
return mObjectGraph;
After that you need to somehow get instance of KamilApplication(pass it via constructor maybe?) in KamilManager and call:
after this call every field in class KamilManager annotated with #Inject should be injected.
Just annotate constructor of CachedKamms with #Inject
Avoid of using library = true and complete = false unless you know what are you doing. With this settings you disable some validations at compile time.

UiEditor/RequestFactory generate null delegate on ValueProxy

I have a Service.class ValueProxy in a service oriented architecture (i have a server method like "storeService(service)".
I would use an Editor with RequestFactoryEditorDriver.
I expect all work, but when i call driver.edit(service) i get a null delegate exception.
Why? It's a bug?
At http://crazygui.wordpress.com/tag/editor/ i find a sample of implementation...only differece with mine is SimpleBeanRequestEditorDriver.class (i have RequestFactoryEditorDriver.class)
public class ServiceEditor extends Composite implements Editor<ServiceProxy>{
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ServiceEditor.class.getName());
private static ServiceEditorUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
interface ServiceEditorUiBinder extends
UiBinder<Widget, ServiceEditor> {
//~Driver ==========================================================================================================================
interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<ServiceProxy, ServiceEditor> {
Driver driver;
Decorator<String> name;
Decorator<String> description;
Decorator<String> notes;
Decorator<String> citiesString;
// #UiField(provided=true)
// Decorator<String> category;
// MultiWordSuggestOracle oracle = new MultiWordSuggestOracle();
// #UiField(provided=true)
// #Ignore
// SuggestBox suggestBox = new SuggestBox(oracle);
private BigInteger organizationId;
private EditorDelegate<ServiceProxy> delegate;
public ServiceEditor() {
driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
protected void onLoad() {
public void edit() {
ServiceRequestContext requestContext = ClientFactory.AppInjector.getRequestFactory().getNewServiceContext();
public void display(ServiceProxy p){
public void edit(ServiceProxy p) {
ServiceRequestContext requestContext = ClientFactory.AppInjector.getRequestFactory().getNewServiceContext();
public void edit(ServiceProxy service,ServiceRequestContext requestContext) {
if(service.getToken()==null) {
requestContext.addServiceToOrganization(organizationId, service);
//TODO: attenzione a tempistiche chiamate;
SessionRPC.Util.getInstance().getOrganizationId(new AsyncCallback<BigInteger>() {
public void onSuccess(BigInteger result) {
organizationId = result;
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public RequestContext flush2(){
return driver.flush();
public void submit(Receiver<Void> receiver){
RequestContext context = driver.flush();
if (driver.hasErrors()) {
Window.alert("Driver errors!");
public void notifyErrors(Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations) {
logger.info("Validation Errors: /n "+driver.getErrors().toString());
// #Override
// public void setDelegate(EditorDelegate<ServiceProxy> delegate) {
// this.delegate = delegate;
// }
ServiceEditor serviceEditor = GWT.create(ServiceEditor.class);
Stack trace...
Caused by: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : Cannot set property 'request' of undefined
at Unknown.$collect(JsArrayString.java:42)
at Unknown.fillInStackTrace_2(StackTraceCreator.java:180)
at Unknown.fillInStackTrace_0(StackTraceCreator.java:518)
at Unknown.fillInStackTrace(Throwable.java:115)
at Unknown.Throwable_0(Throwable.java:51)
at Unknown.Exception_0(Exception.java:25)
at Unknown.RuntimeException_0(RuntimeException.java:25)
at Unknown.JavaScriptException_1(JavaScriptException.java:117)
at Unknown.JavaScriptException_0(JavaScriptException.java:109)
at Unknown.getCachableJavaScriptException(Exceptions.java:45)
at Unknown.wrap(Exceptions.java:29)
at Unknown.$setRequestContext(RequestFactoryEditorDelegate.java:80)
at Unknown.$edit(AbstractRequestFactoryEditorDriver.java:168)
at Unknown.display_0(AbstractRequestFactoryEditorDriver.java:159)
at Unknown.$show_2(ServiceEditor.java:91)
This means that getDelegate() method (line 168 of AbstractRequestFactoryEditorDriver.class) return null.
If you call RequestFactoryEditorDriver.show, it essentially just calls RequestFactoryEditorDriver.edit, but without a requestcontext. This otherwise should follow the same basic path in terms of how the driver needs to be wired up.
In this case, if the delegate is null, then the driver hasn't been initialized. From your code:
public ServiceEditor() {
driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
protected void onLoad() {
public void edit() {
ServiceRequestContext requestContext = ClientFactory.AppInjector.getRequestFactory().getNewServiceContext();
public void display(ServiceProxy p){
You never listed the code that shows when edit or display are being called, so I'm mostly guessing here, but it looks like your other code looks roughly like this:
ServiceEditor editor = new ServiceEditor();//create ui, create driver.
editor.display(data);//driver.display, which calls driver.edit
parentWidget.add(editor);// causes onLoad to be called if actually
//attached to the dom, which causes driver.initialize
This is wrong. The driver must be initialized before you attempt to edit or display, since otherwise it doesn't know which editor objects it should be working with.
Instead, move driver.initialize to earlier than onLoad, like in the ServiceEditor constructor itself, or in some init method which allows you to call it earlier deliberately. Another option is to just call parent.add(editor) before editor.display(), though this may not work - make sure you understand what causes onLoad to be called.
(Please note that ServiceEditor.show is in your stack trace but not in your code listing, so I can't tell if the chance would be more obvious in seeing this.)

CDI - Injecting objects dynamically at runtime

How do I inject objects at runtime? For example, if I want to inject DerviedOne, DerivedTwo objects at runtime into the Test class in the following example, how do I do that? I found a few examples in Spring, but I'm not using Spring. This is a Dynamic Web Project with CDI using Java EE 6.
public abstract class Base
public Base(String initiator)
this.initiator = initiator;
public abstract void process();
public void baseProcess()
System.out.println("base process");
public String getInitiator()
return initiator;
private String initiator;
public class BaseUtil
public long start()
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public long stop()
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public class DerivedOne extends Base
public DerivedOne(String initiator)
public void process()
long start = baseUtil.start();
System.out.println(getInitiator() + " process");
long stop = baseUtil.stop();
System.out.println(stop - start);
private BaseUtil baseUtil;
public class DerivedTwo extends Base
public DerivedTwo(String initiator)
public void process()
long start = baseUtil.start();
System.out.println(getInitiator() + " process");
long stop = baseUtil.stop();
System.out.println(stop - start);
private BaseUtil baseUtil;
public class Test
public void init()
String initiator = "two";
Base base = null;
base = new DerivedOne("DerivedOne");
else if("two".equals(initiator))
base = new DerivedTwo("DerivedTwo");
If you want to select one implementation based on runtime conditions You can use a producer method with qualifiers.
For testing CDI application I highly recommend Arquillian.

auto refresh eclipse view

i have created a sample view in eclipse using the following code.i want the view to be
automatically refereshed.the part of code in quotes "" gives refresh option but it is done
manually.can anyone help me know how it can be done automatically
public class SampleView extends ViewPart {
public static final String ID = "tab.views.SampleView";
private TableViewer viewer;
class ViewContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider {
public void inputChanged(Viewer v, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
public void dispose() {
public Object[] getElements(Object parent) {
return new String[] { "Status of your hudson build is: " +hudson.d};
class ViewLabelProvider extends LabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider {
public String getColumnText(Object obj, int index) {
return getText(obj);
public Image getColumnImage(Object obj, int index) {
return getImage(obj);
public Image getImage(Object obj) {
return PlatformUI.getWorkbench().
public SampleView() {
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
viewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
viewer.setContentProvider(new ViewContentProvider());
viewer.setLabelProvider(new ViewLabelProvider());
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(viewer.getControl(), "Tab.viewer");
" private void hookContextMenu() {
MenuManager menuMgr = new MenuManager("#PopupMenu");
Menu menu = menuMgr.createContextMenu(viewer.getControl());
Action refresh =new Action() {
public void run() {
// initialize();
public void setFocus() {
It is only possible to refresh the tree contents automatically, if you fill it using JFace Data Binding, that would not work with remote build results.
I recommend either using a model with notification support: when the model changes, its listeners are notified. Then your view could listen for these notifications and refresh itself.
If for some reason this is not possible, you have to poll your models manually. For that I recommend creating a Job that is executed in the background automatically (its last step is to reschedule itself some times later), that checks whether the model changed and refreshes the view.

GWT 2.1 Places example without Activities

does anyone have any examples of how to using Places without using activities for history management. I knocked something up quickly and can see the url changing with browser-back and browser-forward clicks but the display doesn't go anywhere.
I'm using a DecoratedTabPanel and have a SelectionHandler that fires off getPlaceController().goTo(place).
Any ideas would be useful.
Here is a simple piece of code that I've made to demonstrate what you expected. It's based on the GWT and MVP Development document (GWT and MVP)
In this example you navigate between two tabs. On selection, a new history item is created (without any activity). As long as you use browser buttons to go back/forward the page will be updated correctly.
I have defined one place, one activity and its view. I've adjusted AppActivityMapper, AppActivityManager and ClientFactory to my needs. The code is lightweight and doesn't need comments to be understood. I've only put some explanations when it was needed, but if it's not clear do not hesitate to ask.
public interface ExampleView extends IsWidget {
void selectTab(int index);
public class ExampleViewImpl extends Composite implements ExampleView, SelectionHandler<Integer> {
private DecoratedTabPanel panel;
public ExampleViewImpl() {
panel = new DecoratedTabPanel();
private void initComposite() {
panel.add(new HTML("Content 1"), "Tab 1");
panel.add(new HTML("Content 2"), "Tab 2");
public void selectTab(int index) {
if (index >=0 && index < panel.getWidgetCount()) {
if (index != panel.getTabBar().getSelectedTab()) {
public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) {
// Fire an history event corresponding to the tab selected
switch (event.getSelectedItem()) {
case 0:
case 1:
public class ClientFactory {
private final EventBus eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
private final PlaceController placeController = new PlaceController(eventBus);
private final ExampleViewImpl example = new ExampleViewImpl();
public EventBus getEventBus() {
return this.eventBus;
public PlaceController getPlaceController() {
return this.placeController;
public ExampleViewImpl getExampleView() {
return example;
public class ExampleActivity extends AbstractActivity {
private ExampleView view;
private ClientFactory factory;
public ExampleActivity(ExamplePlace place, ClientFactory factory) {
// Get the factory reference
this.factory = factory;
// Get the reference to the view
view = this.factory.getExampleView();
// Select the tab corresponding to the token value
if (place.getToken() != null) {
// By default the first tab is selected
if (place.getToken().equals("") || place.getToken().equals("1")) {
} else if (place.getToken().equals("2")) {
public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) {
// Attach this view to the application container
* Just an very basic place
public class ExamplePlace extends Place {
// The token corresponding to an action
private String token;
// This place should use a token to identify a view behavior
public ExamplePlace(String token) {
this.token = token;
// Return the current token
public String getToken() {
return token;
// Custom prefix to break the default name : ExamplePlace
// So that the history token will be thetabplace:token
// and not any more : ExamplePlace:token
public static class Tokenizer implements PlaceTokenizer<ExamplePlace> {
public String getToken(ExamplePlace place) {
return place.getToken();
public ExamplePlace getPlace(String token) {
return new ExamplePlace(token);
public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {
private ClientFactory clientFactory;
public AppActivityMapper(ClientFactory clientFactory) {
this.clientFactory = clientFactory;
public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
if (place instanceof ExamplePlace) {
return new ExampleActivity((ExamplePlace) place, clientFactory);
return null;
public interface AppPlaceHistoryMapper extends PlaceHistoryMapper
All together
private Place defaultPlace = new ExamplePlace("1");
private SimplePanel appWidget = new SimplePanel();
public void onModuleLoad() {
ClientFactory clientFactory = new ClientFactory();
EventBus eventBus = clientFactory.getEventBus();
PlaceController placeController = clientFactory.getPlaceController();
// Start ActivityManager for the main widget with our ActivityMapper
ActivityMapper activityMapper = new AppActivityMapper(clientFactory);
ActivityManager activityManager = new ActivityManager(activityMapper, eventBus);
// Start PlaceHistoryHandler with our PlaceHistoryMapper
AppPlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper= GWT.create(AppPlaceHistoryMapper.class);
PlaceHistoryHandler historyHandler = new PlaceHistoryHandler(historyMapper);
historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, defaultPlace);
// Goes to the place represented on URL else default place