Odoo 12 : Not enought limit time to finish the backup? - odoo-12

I use the auto_backup to backup production database everyday.
It was working well until now.
Now, the backup can't finish until the end, I mean, I get the half size of the .zip file and it is impossible to restore it.
Normaly, the backup takes about 15mn.
I think that it's related to the Odoo configuration.
Here it is :
workers = 3
longpolling_port = 8072
limit_memory_soft = 2013265920
limit_memory_hard = 2415919104
limit_request = 8192
limit_time_cpu = 600
limit_time_real = 3600
limit_time_real_cron = 3600
proxy_mode = True
Can you help me?
I have another question, What does mean limit_time_real_cron = -1 if the limit_time_real_cron = 0 is unlimited?

Try to increase limit_time_cpu.


Celery: How to schedule worker processes/children restart

I try to figure out how to setup my "celery workers" to restart after a living day.
Indeed, I configured my worker children/processes to restart after executing a task.
But in some cases, there are no tasks to execute in 3-4 days. So I need to restart the long-living children.
Do you how to do this ?
This is my actual celery app setup:
app = Celery(
app.conf.task_serializer = "pickle"
app.conf.result_serializer = "pickle"
app.conf.accept_content = ["pickle", "application/json"]
app.conf.broker_connection_max_retries = 5
app.conf.broker_pool_limit = 1
app.conf.worker_max_tasks_per_child = 1 # Ensure 1 task is executed before restarting child
app.conf.worker_max_living_time_before_restart = 60 * 60 * 24 # The conf I want
Thank you :)

Add a constraint of renewable ressource

I am new to these optimisation problems, I just found the or-tools library and saw that cp_model can fix problems that are close to mine.
I have printers and some tasks, that I want to schedule in order to finish the production the earliest. The tasks uses time on machine and raw material, that I must refill at the end of coil. For the moment, I don't consider changing a plastic coil before using all the material.
Here is some information about my situation:
1- The printers are all same, they can do every task, with the same efficiency.
2- A printer can only print one task at a time.
3- A printer cannot start without human around, so tasks can start only at certain hours (in the code below, from 0AM to 10 AM).
4- A task can finish at any time.
5- If a printer has no more material, it needs to be change, this can happen only on opening hours.
6- If a printer has no more material, the task is paused until new material is put.
7- I consider having unlimited quantity of material coil.
Thanks to examples and some search in the documentation, I have been able to fix all the issues that are not related to material. I have been able to set a maximum quantity per machine, but it is not my issue.
I don't understand how I can pause/resume my intervals (for the moment I set the duration to a fixed one).
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from ortools.util.python import sorted_interval_list
import random
Domain = sorted_interval_list.Domain
def main():
nb_jobs = 10
nb_machine = 2
horizon = 30000000
job_list = [] #Job : (id,time,quantity)
listOfEnds = []
quantityPerMachine = []
maxQuantity = 5
#create the jobs
for i in range(nb_jobs):
time = random.randrange(1,24)
quantity = random.randrange(1,4)
print([job[1] for job in job_list])
print("total time to print = ",horizon)
print([job[2] for job in job_list])
print("total quantity = ",sum([job[2] for job in job_list]))
model = cp_model.CpModel()
makespan = model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, 'makespan')
machineForJob = {}
#boolean variable for each combination of machine and job. if True then machine works on this job
for machine in range(nb_machine):
for job in job_list:
j = job[0]
#for each job, apply sum()==1 to ensure one machine works on each job only
for j in range(nb_jobs):
model.Add(sum([machineForJob[(machine,j)] for machine in range(nb_machine)])==1)
#set the affectation of the jobs
starts = {}
ends = {}
#Time domain represents working hours when someone can start the taks
timeDomain = []#[[0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[24],[25],[26]]
for i in range(20):
for j in range(10):
t= [j +i*24]
for machine in range(nb_machine):
time_intervals[machine] = []
for job in job_list:
j = job[0]
duration = job[1]
starts[(machine,j)] = model.NewIntVarFromDomain(Domain.FromIntervals(timeDomain),f'start {machine},{j}')
ends[(machine,j)] = (model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, f'end {machine},{j}'))
time_intervals[machine].append(model.NewOptionalIntervalVar(starts[(machine,j)], duration, ends[(machine,j)],
machineForJob[(machine,j)],f'interval {machine},{j} '))
#time should not overlap, quantity of raw material is limited,
for machine in range(nb_machine):
#model.Add(quantityPerMachine[machine] <= maxQuantity) Not working as expected as the raw material cannot be refilled
#calculate time per machine
time_per_machine = []
for machine in range(nb_machine):
q = 0
s = 0
for job in job_list:
s+= job[1]*machineForJob[(machine,job[0])]
q+= job[2]*machineForJob[(machine,job[0])]
#Goal is to finish all taks earliest
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
# Sets a time limit of 10 seconds.
solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 600.0
#Solve and prints
status = solver.Solve(model)
if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL or status == cp_model.FEASIBLE:
print("optimal =",status == cp_model.OPTIMAL )
print(f'Total cost = {solver.ObjectiveValue()}')
for i in range(nb_machine):
for j in range(nb_jobs):
if solver.BooleanValue(machineForJob[(i,j)]):
f'Machine {i} assigned to Job {j} Time = {job_list[j][1]},Quantity = {job_list[j][2]}')
print(f"[{solver.Value(starts[(i,j)])} ,{solver.Value(ends[(i,j)])}]")
print('No solution found.')
# Statistics.
print(' - conflicts: %i' % solver.NumConflicts())
print(' - branches : %i' % solver.NumBranches())
print(' - wall time: %f s' % solver.WallTime())

First call to Azure Data Lake is very slow

I am working with Azure Data Lake Gen2, .NET client (Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake 12.8.0)
Given the following F# code, running on premises.
open Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake
let azdlc = DataLakeServiceClient(System.Uri(dfsUri), sharedKeyCredential)
for i = 1 to 2 do
let fs = azdlc.GetFileSystemClient(repo)
fs.CreateIfNotExists() |> ignore // > 20s when i = 1
let dir = (fsCli repo).GetDirectoryClient(directory)
dir.CreateIfNotExists() |> ignore // > 20s when i = 1
let file = (dirCli repo directory).GetFileClient(fileName)
file.CreateIfNotExists() |> ignore
the first time (i = 1) CrateIfNotExists() runs for FileSystem and Directory (not for File), the call lasts more than 20s. After the first call (i > 1) they last much less (less than 1s).
This regardless of the resource exist already or not.
It seems too long to me. Is it normal?

Roblox Studio: Shop System

I have a shop system that half works. It has one problem. When you buy something from the shop, your money goes down, as it's suppose to. But then if you get more money, the number of your money springs back up to what it was, plus it gives you the new money that you got. I don't know how to fix it. This is the code.
local price = script.Parent.Parent.Price
local tools = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Tools")
local tool = script.Parent.Parent.ItemName
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
if player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Money").Value >= price.Value then
player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Money").Value = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Money").Value - price.Value
This is the code that puts the item in the inventory:
local tools = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Tools")
local clone = tools:FindFirstChild(tool):Clone()
clone.Parent = player.Backpack
local clone2 = tools:FindFirstChild(tool):Clone()
clone2.Parent = player.StarterGear
Changes made in LocalScripts aren't replicated to everyone. Which means that the changes only appear for you. If you want to update your leaderstats, make the change in a Script.
To fix your problem, move the price check into the Script that is handling the ShopBuy RemoteEvent.
local item = script.Parent.Parent
local shopBuy = game.ReplicatedStorage.ShopBuy
Then parse the details in your server Script.
local tools = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tools
local shopBuy = game.ReplicatedStorage.ShopBuy
shopBuy.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, item)
-- get some details about the tool
local toolName = item.ItemName.Value
local price = item.Price.Value
local money = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Money")
-- check that the player has enough money
if money.Value >= price then
money.Value = money.Value - price
-- give the tool
local clone = tools:FindFirstChild(toolName):Clone()
clone.Parent = player.Backpack
local clone2 = tools:FindFirstChild(toolName):Clone()
clone2.Parent = player.StarterGear

Marathon backoff - is it really exponential?

I'm trying to figure out Marathon's exponential backoff configuration. Here's the documentation:
The backoffSeconds and backoffFactor values are multiplied until they reach the maxLaunchDelaySeconds value. After they reach that value, Marathon waits maxLaunchDelaySeconds before repeating this cycle exponentially. For example, if backoffSeconds: 3, backoffFactor: 2, and maxLaunchDelaySeconds: 3600, there will be ten attempts to launch a failed task, each three seconds apart. After these ten attempts, Marathon will wait 3600 seconds before repeating this cycle.
The way I think of exponential backoff is that the wait periods should be:
3*2^0 = 3
3*2^1 = 6
3*2^2 = 12
3*2^3 = 24 and so on
so every time the app crashes, Marathon will wait a longer period of time before retrying. However, given the description above, Marathon's logic for waiting looks something like this:
int retryCount = 0;
while(backoffSeconds * (backoffFactor ^ retryCount) < maxLaunchDelaySeconds)
This matches the explanation in the documentation, since 3*2^x < 3600 for values of x fewer than or equal to 10. However, I really don't see how it can be called an exponential backoff, since the wait time is constant.
Is there a way to make Marathon wait progressively longer times with every restart of the app? Am I misunderstand the doc? Any help would be appreciated!
as far as I understand the code in the RateLimiter.scala, it is like you described, but then capped to the maxLaunchDelay waiting period. Let`s say maxLaunchDelay is one hour (3600s)
3*2^0 = 3
3*2^1 = 6
3*2^2 = 12
3*2^3 = 24
3*2^4 = 48
3*2^5 = 96
3*2^6 = 192
3*2^7 = 384
3*2^8 = 768
3*2^9 = 1536
3*2^10 = 3072
3*2^11 = 3600 (6144)
3*2^12 = 3600 (12288)
3*2^13 = 3600 (24576)
Which brings us a typically 2^n graph, see
You would get a bigger increase, if you would other backoffFactors,
for example backoff factor 10:
or backoff factor 20:
Additionally I saw a re-work of this topic, code review currently open here: https://phabricator.mesosphere.com/D1007
What do you think?