SalesForce Oauth BULK API using REST & JSON instead of CSV & SOAP - rest

I am trying to connect SalesForce via ConnectedAPP. I am successful to authorize and get the access and refresh tokens for the REST API operations.
I can able to post one lead into SF via API end points. I found that in the below URL's
I found bulk API documentation also.
But in that, Soap API and csv are being used to to the operations of bulk inserts.But i am trying to do using bearer token and JSON as the payload to push data.
Please provide me some samples or a approach to achieve this via REST API bulk inserts.

The Bulk API is not a SOAP API. Its endpoints accept payloads in XML and JSON format, and accepts batch data files in XML, JSON, and CSV formats.
You can use the access token supplied from your OAuth flow to authenticate to the Bulk API. You can choose to submit job details in either JSON or XML. See Prepare XML and JSON Files for details of the data file format when using JSON input.
There are multiple example implementations of the Bulk API available in open source projects, such as salesforce-bulk.


qliksense rest api connection to get data out of qliksense

I want to get list of documents available in Qlik sense using rest api. I am trying to use the api url https://url/api/v1/apps/docs to get the list of documents
But this is not working. Is the url correct in getting the documents in qliksense?
Where can I find the details on the url for getting the docs? I have checked the Qlik website for rest documentation but could not get the details what I am looking for.
Not sure what your use case is but will recommend using Qlik Repository Service API to get list of the apps. The url in your question looks like an Engine REST API endpoints but its non-existing in the endpoints list.
Repositository API is a wrapper around the internal PostgreSQL database, which contains all the metadata (list of apps, streams, extensions etc).
List with all Repository API methods can be found at Qlik QRS API reference page.
The Repository API supports few authentication methods
certificates (when using in server-to-server communication. aka backend)
Session cookie (from the browser)
Have a look at the examples how to test the responses with Postman (few other examples are available there - Powershell, Node.JS, cURL etc.)

unable to get the cookie value from rest api in data factory

tried to get the cookie value using post method http call from REST-API so that can pass it to load .xml file, URL is tested on postman and insomnia tool was able to get the cookie value but in the data factory unable to get it.
As per this thread on GitHub - "Cookie" is not allowed in REST connector, but it is allowed in HTTP connector. You can try that if it can meet your requirements.
You can check if this might help you - How to Dynamically adding HTTP endpoint to load data into azure data lake by using Azure Data Factory and the REST api is cookie autheticated

Download a file from restAPI using Azure Data Factory into Data lake

Need some guidance or suggestion
We are trying fetch a file using RestAPI and save it to Azure Data Lake.
Login, GetToken, Invoke GetFile API, and save to AzureDataLake
We are trying 2 options
using LogicApp-- this work fine, but apparently this is not approved PaaS service.
Using Data Factory-- here we are facing some issue. We are able to invoke the RestEndpoint, but unable to parse the response into a file (pdf, img etc...). How can I achieve this?
Please change to use HTTP connector :
HTTP connector is generic to retrieve data from any HTTP endpoint, for example, to download files.
REST connector is used to copy the REST JSON response.
You can refer this documentation

How to copy data from rest api using oauth to azure blob storage as json using adf

I have difficulties creating an ADF pipeline that pulls data from a REST API using oAuth and writes it to azure blob storage in JSON format. I am a python developer and relatively new to adf. I will explain in more detail below.
I need to obtain an access token by posting a request to the token endpoint. This step works fine.
I need to pull the data from the API using a GET request in a copy activity. Also I need to include pagination. Is there something wrong on the way I define the pagination rules? "#odata.nextLink" is full description of the json key; is this correctly spelled in the value section?
I need to copy the data to a blob storage in json format. I created the sink dataset.
Upon running the pipeline it asks for 2 pipeline parameters, what am I supposed to write here?
I get the following error, what am I doing wrong?

Regarding REST API

I'm new to REST APIs and trying to understand the basics of them. So lets begin by saying that I have created a simple CMS web application using PHP (You create an user, you post an entry and assign some categories maybe, etc...).
That being said, if I wanted to create a mobile app that would do the same, I'll have to create some PHP functions in order to send data as JSON or XML and also in order to process a POST or PUT request.
is a REST API the collection of those functions I'd use to handle the mobile app POST, PUT and GET request using JSON or XML as the data format? if not, can I get an example, not a definition, please.
To answer your question,yes, the REST API is a collection of those functions for any client you wish to expose it to for creating an user, posting an entry etc. The accepted data format is something you decide for your API. It may be JSON, XML or even both.
Some examples: