Assign Mapped Object to Expression Result in LINQ to Entities - entity-framework

I have the following child object that we use an expression to map our 'entity' to our 'domain' model. We use this when specifically calling our ChildRecordService method GetChild or GetChildren:
public static Expression<Func<global::Database.Models.ChildRecord, ChildRecord>> MapChildRecordToCommon = entity => new ChildRecord
DateTime = entity.DateTime,
Type = entity.Type,
public static async Task<List<ChildRecord>> ToCommonListAsync(this IQueryable<global::Database.Models.ChildRecord> childRecords)
var items = await
return items;
public async Task<List<ChildRecord>> GetChildRecords()
using (var uow = this.UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateReadOnly())
var childRecords= await uow.GetRepository<IChildRecordRepository>().GetChildRecords().ToCommonListAsync().EscapeContext();
return childRecords;
So that all works just fine. However we have another object that is a parent to that child, that in SOME cases, we also wish to get the child during the materialisation and mapping process.
In other words the standard object looks as such:
private static Expression<Func<global::Database.Models.Plot, Plot>> MapPlotToCommonBasic = (entity) => new Plot
Id = entity.Id,
Direction = entity.Direction,
Utc = entity.Utc,
Velocity = entity.Velocity,
However what I also want to map is the Plot.ChildRecord property, using the expression MapChildRecordToCommon I have already created. I made a second expression just to test this:
private static Expression<Func<global::Database.Models.Plot, Plot>> MapPlotToCommonAdvanced = (entity) => new Plot
ChildRecord = MapChildRecordToCommon.Compile() (entity.ChildRecord)
This fails:
The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.
Is there a way to reuse my existing expression for ChildRecord, to materialise the object of ChildRecord (ie. one to one/singular not multiple) on the Plot object? I think my trouble is caused by there being just one object and being unable to use the .Select(Map) method. I am not too great at expressions and have hit a wall with this.
For reference, there are actually up to 5 or 6 other child objects on the "Plot" object that I also want to make expressions for.

I resolved this by using the third party library LinqKit.
The library allowed the use of 2 methods, .AsExpandable() (which allows for the expressions to properly compile and be invoked as I understand), and .Invoke() as an extension method to an expression, rather than calling Expression.Invoke(yourexpression). I included a null check just in case.
My code now looks as follows:
public static async Task<List<Plot>> ToCommonListAsync(this IQueryable<global::Database.Models.Plot> plots)
var items = await
return items;
private static Expression<Func<global::Database.Models.Plot, Plot>> MapPlotToCommon = (entity) => new Plot
Id = entity.Id,
Direction = entity.Direction,
Utc = entity.Utc,
Velocity = entity.Velocity,
ChildRecord = entity.ChildRecord != null ? MapChildRecordToCommon.Invoke(entity.ChildRecord) : default
public static Expression<Func<global::Database.Models.ChildRecord, ChildRecord>> MapChildRecordToCommon = entity => new ChildRecord
DateTime = entity.DateTime,
Type = entity.Type,


Merging Entity Framework Expression Trees

I'm looking for a way to merge multiple expression trees in order to build selectors for an Entity Framework query. The query knows which columns to select based on user-provided parameters. For example, a basic query returns ID/Name columns of an entity. If a parameter is explicitly set to also retrieve the Description column, then the query will return ID/Name/Description.
So, what I need it the code for the MergeExpressions method in the following code.
Expression<Func<T, TDto>> selector1 = x => new TDto
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name
Expression<Func<T, TDto>> selector2 = x => new TDto
Description = x.Description
var selector = selector1;
if (includeDescription)
selector = MergeExpressions(selector1, selector2);
var results = repo.All().Select(selector).ToList();
Thank you.
Not sure for general case, but merging MemberInitExpression bodied lambdas like in your sample is relatively easy. All you need is to create another MemberInitExpression with combined Bindings:
static Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> MergeExpressions<TInput, TOutput>(Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> first, Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> second)
Debug.Assert(first != null && first.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberInit);
Debug.Assert(second != null && second.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberInit);
var firstBody = (MemberInitExpression)first.Body;
var secondBody = (MemberInitExpression)second.Body.ReplaceParameter(second.Parameters[0], first.Parameters[0]);
var body = firstBody.Update(firstBody.NewExpression, firstBody.Bindings.Union(secondBody.Bindings));
return first.Update(body, first.Parameters);
Note that the lambda expressions must be bound to one and the same parameters, so the above code uses the following parameter replacer helper to rebind second lambda body to the first lambda parameter:
public static partial class ExpressionUtils
public static Expression ReplaceParameter(this Expression expression, ParameterExpression source, Expression target)
return new ParameterReplacer { Source = source, Target = target }.Visit(expression);
class ParameterReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
public ParameterExpression Source;
public Expression Target;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
return node == Source ? Target : base.VisitParameter(node);
Check out PredicateBuilder.
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> expr1 = (Customer c) => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("A");
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> expr2 = (Customer c) => c.CompanyName.Contains("B");
var expr3 = PredicateBuilder.And(expr1, expr2);
var query = context.Customers.Where(expr3);
var expr3 = expr1.And(expr2);
var query = context.Customers.Where(expr3);
I do this kind of thing with extension methods. Its syntactically a bit nicer than using expression trees everywhere. I call this composable repositories.
I also wrote a tool (LinqExpander) to combine the expression trees of different extension methods togeather, which is especially useful for doing projection (selects) from your database. This is only nessacary when you are doing things with sub-entities. (see my post here: Composable Repositories - Nesting extensions)
usage would be something along the lines of:
var dtos = context.Table
.ThingsIWant() //filter the set
.ToDtos() //project from database model to something else (your Selector)
.ToArray();//enumerate the set
ToDtos might look something like:
public static IQueryable<DtoType> ToDtos(this IQueryable<DatabaseType> things)
return things.Select(x=> new DtoType{ Thing = x.Thing ... });
You want to merge two selects togeather (im assuming to avoid an underfetch but this seems a bit wierd). I would do this by using a projection like this:
.Select(x=>new {
Dto1 = x.ToDto1(),
Dto2 = x.ToDto2()
if you really wanted it to return a single entity like this you could probably do something like:
.Select(x=> ToDto1(x).ToDto2(x));
but I havent ever tried this.
As this uses a sub projection you will need the .AsExpandable extensions.

Entity Framework 7 multiple levels of child tables

I'm just getting started with EF7 (CORE) and am struggling to find the right implementation of the following. Say I have a Table with multiple child tables, which in turn have grandchild tables (and these in turn have foreign key tables). If I wanted access to everything I'd need something like this
TABLE_A.Include(c => c.TABLE_B).ThenInclude(co => co.TABLE_C)
.ThenInclude(coi => coi.TABLE_D)
.ThenInclude(coia => coia.TABLE_E)
.Include(c => c.TABLE_B).ThenInclude(co => co.TABLE_F)
.ThenInclude(coa => coa.TABLE_G)
.ThenInclude(coaAcc => coaAcc.TABLE_H)
.ThenInclude(coaAccInt => coaAccInt.TABLE_D)
.ThenInclude(coaAccIntAgent => coaAccIntAgent.TABLE_E)
Now I understand the necessity for chaining the includes to include all of my child tables...but I look at the SQL it fires behind the scenes and its firing off 11 SQL statements. This seems terribly inefficient.
Is this the best way to be doing this? I have now received a new requirement to add 3 more child tables to I'll need more includes..and hence more selects running behind the scenes.
I understand the logic behind what I'm doing..and understand lazy loading isn't currently supported in EF7, but this doesn't seem like a very efficient way of doing things when I could write a stored procedure that does it in one go.
Are there best practices for things like this or something I'm not grasping about how to use EF7 to do what I need?
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!
add this extension method to your project, Load method exist in ef 6.x, but not implemented yet in ef core:
public static void Load<TSource, TDestination>(this EntityEntry<TSource> entry, Expression<Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TDestination>>> path, Expression<Func<TDestination, TSource>> pathBack = null) where TSource : class where TDestination : class
var entity = entry.Entity;
var context = entry.Context;
var entityType = context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(TSource));
var keys = entityType.GetKeys();
var keyValues = context.GetEntityKey(entity);
var query = context.Set<TDestination>() as IQueryable<TDestination>;
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TDestination), "x");
PropertyInfo foreignKeyProperty = null;
if (pathBack == null)
foreignKeyProperty = typeof(TDestination).GetProperties().Single(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(TSource));
foreignKeyProperty = (pathBack.Body as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo;
var i = 0;
foreach (var property in keys.SelectMany(x => x.Properties))
var keyValue = keyValues[i];
var expression = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Property(Expression.Property(parameter, foreignKeyProperty.Name), property.Name),
parameter) as Expression<Func<TDestination, bool>>;
query = query.Where(expression);
var list = query.ToList();
var prop = (path.Body as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo;
prop.SetValue(entity, list);
public static object[] GetEntityKey<T>(this DbContext context, T entity) where T : class
var state = context.Entry(entity);
var metadata = state.Metadata;
var key = metadata.FindPrimaryKey();
var props = key.Properties.ToArray();
return props.Select(x => x.GetGetter().GetClrValue(entity)).ToArray();
then whenever you need each of navigation properties, before use first call load (just once for any navigation properties) method as fallowing:
//for first item
var item = TABLE_A.First();
context.Entry(item ).Load(b => b.TABLE_B);
Depending on your use case, can Include or ThenInclude some of navigation in first query that load TABLE_A.
Load extension method Source Link with more examples

Code first Entity Framework 6.1 Custom Aggregate Function

I have a custom CLR Aggregate function on SQL Server to calculate percentiles. Is it possible to call my custom aggregate function through Entity Framework? How is the mapping configured to allow this?
I have tried using codefirstfunctions similar to what is described on Entity Framework 6 Code First Custom Functions, however the functions seem to only be allowed to take scaler parameters, where my function is an aggregate function so will need to take a list of items (similar to how Sum, Averagg and Count work).
The Aggregate functions has the following signature, taking in the value we want the median from and the percentile (50 is median, 25 lower quartile, 75 upper quartile)
CREATE AGGREGATE [dbo].[Percentile]
(#value [float], #tile [smallint])
EXTERNAL NAME [SqlFuncs].[Percentile]
I have tried adding a DbFunctionAttribute, but not entirely sure how to hook it up to entity framework store model using code first.
[DbFunction("SqlServer", "Percentile")]
public static double? Percentile(IEnumerable<int?> arg, int tile)
throw new NotSupportedException("Direct calls are not supported.");
What I am looking for is to be able to write something like
Median = MyDbContext.Percentile(x.Select(g=>g.Amount), 50)
Which will map to SQL like
SELECT [dbo].[Percentile](Amount, 50) as Median
FROM Payments
GROUP BY CustomerId
As #srutzky alluded to in the comments, EF doesnt seem to like binding to aggregate functions with multiple parameters. So you have to change percentile function to a median function or whatever fixed percentile you are interested (you will need to update your SqlClr function so the parameters match as well)
public class MySqlFunctions
[DbFunction("dbo", "Median")]
public static float? Median(IEnumerable<float?> arg)
throw new NotSupportedException("Direct calls are not supported.");
The next step is letting EF know that a the database has a function called median We can do this in our DbContext. Create a new convention to access the the dbModel then we add the function in the dbModel. You must make sure the parameters and the parameter types match both the SQL and the C# function exactly.
public class EmContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
//Register a convention so we can load our function
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new AddMedianFunction());
public class AddMedianFunction : IConvention, IStoreModelConvention<EntityContainer>
public void Apply(EntityContainer item, DbModel dbModel)
//these parameter types need to match both the database method and the C# method for EF to link
var edmFloatType = PrimitiveType.GetEdmPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Single);
//CollectionType constructor is internal making it impossible to get a collection type.
//We resort to reflection instantiation.
var edmFloatListType = CreateInstance<CollectionType>(edmFloatType);
var medianfunction = EdmFunction.Create("Median", "dbo", DataSpace.SSpace, new EdmFunctionPayload
ParameterTypeSemantics = ParameterTypeSemantics.AllowImplicitConversion,
IsComposable = true,
IsAggregate = true,
Schema = "dbo",
ReturnParameters = new[]
FunctionParameter.Create("ReturnType", edmFloatType, ParameterMode.ReturnValue)
Parameters = new[]
FunctionParameter.Create("input", edmFloatListType, ParameterMode.In),
}, null);
public static T CreateInstance<T>(params object[] args)
var type = typeof(T);
var instance = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(
type.FullName, false,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
null, args, null, null);
return (T)instance;
With all that in place you should just be able to call your function as expected
Median = MySqlFunctions.Median(x.Select(g=>g.Amount))
Note: I am already assume you have loaded your SqlClr function which I have not covered here

Unit of Work, LazyLoading Disabled, Generic Repository, IncludeMultiple<T>, Http 500 error

I have a Vehicle with an association to Model, Model has an association to Make.
Here is my Generic Repository as pertaining to associations as LazyLoadingEnabled = false in my project:
public IQueryable<T> IncludeMultiple<T1>(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] associations) where T1 : class
var source = (IQueryable<T>)DbContext.Set<T>();
if (associations != null)
foreach (Expression<Func<T, object>> path in associations)
source = DbExtensions.Include<T, object>(source, path);
return source;
In my api controller, I am using Unit of work pattern. Here is my GetAll method:
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> GetAll()
var vehicles = Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel).ToList();
return vehicles;
Everything works fine and Json retrieves the Vehicle class data as well as the related VehicleModel class data.
However, Vehicle has no direct association to VehicleMake, only VehicleModel does. Now, if my GetAll method has this:
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> GetAll()
var vehicles = Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel, c => c.VehicleModel.VehicleMake).ToList();
return vehicles;
while I see in debug that vehicles does indeed have the vehicles and their relevant VehicleModel and VehicleMake data, it returns a Http 500 error in Fiddler.
Added another association in Vehicle called "Test", with the GetAll method being:
(c => c.VehicleModel, c => c.Test)
No error, all data was returned via fiddler. So, it appears that a "Non-direct association" (ie Vehicle -> VehicleMake) is the cause of the error.
What would be the correct way to retrieving the relevant Vehicle data and its associated classes' data and return it to Json while not getting a Http 500 error?
This works:
public HttpResponseMessage GetAll()
var vehicles = from data in Uow.VehicleRepository.IncludeMultiple<Vehicle>(c => c.VehicleModel,c => c.VehicleModel.VehicleMake)
select new
VehDesc = data.Description,
VehVIN = data.VIN,
VehTransmissionType = data.TransmissionType,
VehFuelType = data.FuelType,
VehYear = data.Year,
VehMileage = data.Mileage,
VehCylinderSize = data.CylinderSize,
VehEngineSize = data.EngineSize,
VehVehicleModel = data.VehicleModel.Name,
VehMakeName = data.VehicleModel.VehicleMake.Name
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, vehicles);
1. I used an HttpResponseMessage as my return type;
2. I used projection to create an anonymous type;
Why did I have to do this?
As near as I can tell, the issue centered on JSON receiving a "circular" return with VehicleModel and VehicleMake. That is, VehicleModel had a association to VehicleMake and VehicleMake has a collection of VehicleModels. When I looked in my debug code I could see a cascade of VehicleModel to VehicleMake to VehicleModel, etc, etc, etc, so to me that meant it was circular.
If anyone knows a better way w/o using anonymous type nor removing the virtual keyword from my navigation properties, I would certainly like to know it. But this does truly work.
FinalNote: Be sure NOT to use the model's property names in anonymous type, ie replace property "TransmissionType" with something like "VehTransmissionType".

NUnit with Rhino Mocks exception: Why is it throwing this exception?

I'm getting an exception that really makes no sense to me whatsoever.
I have an Expect call for a method that takes 3 arguments into it: The types are called CallContext, IDal, and List.
NUnit throws me 2 exceptions: One for not expecting a method call that happened where the types are CallContext, System.Object, and List, and one for expecting a call that didn't happen where the types are the correct ones. The fun thing is that the only way to call the method is with the 3 types mentioned above. There is no method call with type object!
Here is the code:
private IDal mockDal;
private CallContext mockContext;
private IWorkbooksLogic mockWLogic;
private ICommercialSpaceLogic mockCLogic;
private CmWorkbook mockWorkbook;
private IList<Workbook> mockList;
private MockRepository mock;
private Random random;
public void Setup() {
mock = new MockRepository();
random = new Random();
this.mockDal = mock.StrictMock<IDal>() as IDal;
this.mockContext = new CallContext();
this.mockWLogic = mock.StrictMock<IWorkbooksLogic>() as IWorkbooksLogic;
this.mockCLogic = mock.StrictMock<ICommercialSpaceLogic>() as ICommercialSpaceLogic;
this.mockWorkbook = new CmWorkbook();
this.mockList = mock.StrictMock<IList<Workbook>>() as IList<Workbook>;
public void ShouldFailWhenCreateWorkbookFails() {
int randBudget = random.Next(50);
int randEntity = random.Next(50);
int randWork = random.Next(50);
WorkbookDefinitions work = new WorkbookDefinitions {
WorkbookDefinitionID = randWork
Budget budget = new Budget {
BudgetID = randBudget,
WorkbookDefinitions = new List<WorkbookDefinitions> { work },
CommercialProperty property = new CommercialProperty {
CommercialPropertyID = randEntity,
CMEntity = new CMEntity {
EntityBase = new EntityEntity { EntityCode = "random.Next(50)" }
CmWorkbook book = new CmWorkbook {
WorkbookName = String.Format("CM — {0}", property.CMEntity.EntityBase.EntityCode)
OperationResults results = new OperationResults();
using (mock.Record()) {
Expect.On(this.mockDal).Call(this.mockDal.GetObject<Budget, int>(randBudget)).Return(budget);
Expect.On(this.mockDal).Call(this.mockDal.GetObject<CommercialProperty, int>(randEntity)).Return(property);
Expect.On(this.mockWLogic).Call(this.mockWLogic.Create(this.mockContext, this.mockDal, this.mockList)).Return(null);
using (mock.Playback()) {
results = CmWorkbookLogic.CreateWorkbook(mockContext, mockDal, mockWLogic, mockCLogic, randBudget, randEntity);
The method being called is: workbooksLogic.Create(context, dal, new List { workbook })
Here is the NUnit error:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : ICRUDBaseLogic`1.Create(CallContext, System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Workbook]); Expected #0, Actual #1.
ICRUDBaseLogic`1.Create(CallContext, IDalProxy8768e63f86da4601993b4791c696ada6, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Workbook]); Expected #1, Actual #0.
I have no idea what the heck is going on with this. Anyone have any ideas?
Rhino Mocks uses the overloaded Equals method to compare arguments of the expected invocation and the invocation that actually happened. Some of the objects you are supplying as arguments don't have Equals overloaded (i.e. List class, not sure about the others), so the only way it would work if the supplied arguments had the same references (so were the same objects) as the ones you used to set up the expectation.
You have a few options:
Use IgnoreArguments, so that arguments will not be checked at all
Provide your own constraints, so that you can check if the arguments are what you expect them to be, but without using Equals()
Make sure these are exactly the same objects (if possible)