“URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings.” But works locally - facebook

I have problem like here Facebook login message: "URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings."
I have checked various answers - cant make it work, and they don't give much new - just practically say to add url to that field.
One of them said to "Make sure your App IDs and Secret Keys are correct."
I found out they were not set, but now admin said he added those so should be ok.
What else to do? How to debug?
"URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs."
It also tells to check Client and Web OAuth to make on, but I have them off to increase security becasue I have read or watched somewhere in facebook documentation. And since login works locally with them turned off, they should be not be needed. I tested by trying to turn them on, but as I expected they don't fix the problem.
Redirect uri parameter is redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Falpha.vop.veracityinsurance.com%2Fconnect%2Ffacebook%2Fcheck
Made a video: https://www.loom.com/share/88e607aece6b45489214d95ee01bbb0b
I have made debug function and pushed it to server which prints provider:
$provider = (array)$this->clientRegistry->getClient('facebook_main')->getOAuth2Provider();
And from that class I see app id is correct in server.
# the key "facebook_main" can be anything, it
# will create a service: "knpu.oauth2.client.facebook_main"
# this will be one of the supported types
type: facebook
client_id: '%env(CONFIG__OAUTH__FACEBOOK__ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(CONFIG__OAUTH__FACEBOOK__SECRET)%'
# the route that you're redirected to after
redirect_route: connect_facebook_check
redirect_params: {}
graph_api_version: v5.0
Btw I am using symfony bundle for integration https://github.com/knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle

Made it work as 04FS said to turn on settings. It was enought to turn on one of them only - Web OAuth Login.


Keycloak client URL configuration of redirectURLs

I am having trouble trying to figure out what the values should be for 'Valid Redirect URIs', 'Base URL', 'Backchannel Logout URL'.
I am using Keycloak 15.02 along with 10 Spring Boot applications, and 2 Realms. The suite of applications and Keycloak are deployed to our customer sites, and may have more than 2 realms in some cases.
In our dev environment we have two hosts (api.dev, and web.dev) that are running Keycloak, and client apps. Everything is running Docker containers.
The client config for `Valid Redirect URIs', and 'Backchannel Logout URL' currently include the host name web.dev. I'd like to be able to remove that host name to make the Realm configs portable between environments. Having to configure each client in each realm makes for a lot of repetitive and mistake-prone work.
But when I remove the hostname, I get the error: Invalid parameter: redirect_uri.
The redirect URL shown by Keyloak in the request parameters looks the same for both configurations so I dont really understand why its telling me that its invalid.
This works:
That configuration produces the redirect_uri value seen in the following request:
But this does not:
That configuration produces the redirect_uri value seen in the following request:
As you can see the values for redirect_uri in the request parameters are same for both requests and client configurations so its unclear (to me) what Keycloak is trying to tell me.
I also happen to have Keycloak and the client apps running in a K3s cluster. For some reason on that environment I dont have to have the hostname in the Valid Redirect URIs and it works perfectly fine. Is it just a fluke?
Redirect URIs tooltip:
"Valid URI pattern a browser can redirect to after a successful login or logout. Simple wildcards are allowed such as 'http://example.com/’. Relative path can be specified too such as /my/relative/path/. Relative paths are relative to the client root URL, or if none is specified the auth server root URL is used. For SAML, you must set valid URI patterns if you are relying on the consumer service URL embedded with the login request"
So if you want to use relative paths in the redirect URIs, then configure properly Root URL, not Base URL.
I got this answered on Keycloak's site but Jangaraj.

Google Auth API - idpiframe_initialization_failed on Production environment

I integrate Google's Auth API in my production website.
When I enter the login page, it throws an idpiframe_initialization_failed exceptions to the console.
I found out that I can fix it by enabling that API / Cookies in my chrome browser, but I want to find a comprehensive solution that will prevent those exceptions in my production environment.
So my two questions are:
What do you suggest me to do in order to achieve that?
In general, what is the meaning of those excpections?
Thanks :)
If you have a production url like http://godaddysite.com etc host your page there with a Webserver.
Opening a htnl page from your computer with javascript doesnot work as it is not hosted on webserver.
Please check your redirect url etc when you created Oauth client.
Go to the Credentials page.
Click Create credentials > OAuth client ID.
Select the Web application application type.
Name your OAuth 2.0 client and click Create
check origins
create new OAuth with correct origins.

Facebook App: Insecure Login Blocked on localhost [duplicate]

I am using facebook SDK. I am getting the following error:
Insecure Login Blocked: You can't get an access token or log in to this app from an insecure page. Try re-loading the page as https://
After studying I came to know that I have to set 'Enforce HTTPS' as NO under 'facebook login> Setting> '. But I can not set Enforce HTTPS as NO. Is this problem is from mine? OR I facebook restrict to use https instead of http?
enable Client OAuth Login and write "localhost:3000" in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.
Save changes. it will automatically change to https://localhost:3000 , but it doesn't matter...
And set Status: In Development (THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
Then it will work in your http localhost.
But I can not set Enforce HTTPS as NO. Is this problem is from mine?
Enforce HTTPS. This setting requires HTTPS for OAuth Redirects and pages getting access tokens with the JavaScript SDK. All new apps created as of March 2018 have this setting on by default and you should plan to migrate any existing apps to use only HTTPS URLs by March 2019.
Sounds to me, like they don’t want you to be able to even start without HTTPS, when you are creating a new app now.
Plus, Chrome has recently announced that they will mark all HTTP sites as insecure soon, from version 68 on, that will be released in July 2018. So you’re gonna have to go HTTPS rather sooner than later anyway.
The “big players” of the industry are currently pushing for this big time, whether we want it or not.
If you just enable Client OAuth Login and write just localhost:{port} to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs, it will work.
If you're developing locally with create-react-app, a quick solution is to add
to your .env file and just comment it out when you're not testing Facebook login.
It seems like Business apps do not have app modes and instead rely exclusively on access levels. Because of this, you can't set the app to the "Development mode".
All newly created apps start out in Development mode and you should avoid changing it until you have completed all development and testing.
However, if you wanna try out your app in a localhost, you need to create a test app, like you can check out in this thread:
How to fix 'Facebook has detected MyApp isn't using a secure connection to transfer information.' error in Laravel

facebook app: cross domain error although it seems well set-up

I have a web app that runs on localhost or example.com. And I am loading the facebook apps sdk to be able to do Single Sign-On, but I have this error in the console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.facebook.com/impression.php. No 'Access-Control-
Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin
'http://example.com' is therefore not allowed access.
whereas I have gone in the settings of the facebook app and enter http://localhost/ or http://example.com/ in the Site URL field.
Here's the screen capture of my local url for instance :
...and the corresponding setting my facebook app account :
I really need some help here please !
Url given in SITE URL field must be match with your WEB URL [where facebook sdk invoked.]
Hence in your case, SITE URL field given : www.example.com
Web App URL must be : www.example.com
I'm running it locally under IIS Express using
where XXXXX is the port number the website is running on and that works for me.

GWT - development mode - Facebook - Access Token - redirect_uri

I'm developing a website that is going to use Facebook authentication.
I'm using GWT and it works fine when I run the code compiled, but when I'm running the development it does not work.
The problem is when I'm trying to retrieve the access_token from Facebook.
I'm receiving the error below:
"error":{"message":"Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request","type":"OAuthException","code":100}"
Obviously, the redirect_uri is identical as the login url one.
I found out (by this topic) that the problem is the last part of the url "?gwt.codesvr=".
How can I solve this? or how can I manage to use the GWT development mode with this problem?
Normally this is due to the url verification FB does.
When you register a new app in FB you have to configure the set of domains (App Domains) authorized to use the FB login form.
Unfortunately you cannot set nor localhost as a valid domain, so you cannot use GWT dev-mode unless you configure a hostname in your domain pointing to your localhost.
If you set mydomain.com as a valid App Domain in your FB application, configure localhost.mydomain.com pointing to in your local hosts file or in your DNS server. Then use http://localhost.mydomain.com:8888/myapp.html?gwt.codesvr=localhost.mydomain.com:9997 to run dev mode in your browser.
I found out the problem.
By encoding only the gwt.codesvr value it works.
However, using php urlencode function on it did not work, I had to encode it myself.
The gwt dev param ended like this "?gwt.codesvr="