Add sslAllowInvalidHostnames option in Intellij or MongoDB Compass - mongodb

I'm trying to connect to a Mongo database via Intellij or Compass (either would do) with ssh and ssl. I need the sslAllowInvalidHostnames option for that, but can't find where and how to configure them. Anyone knows how to configure it?
Thanks in advance


Where can i host my webapp which use mongodb as a backend server

I have created a project with MERN stack and want to host it. But as i came to know that hosting site doesnt support hosting for database related projects as my project includes mongodb as a backend.
It will be a great help if anyone can suggest where should i host my project which can support mongodb as a backend also. And also any methods to do it that will be great help.
You can use AWS EC2 Linux instance, where you can keep your project and at the same time you can store your data. For the initial phase of your project, you can install MongoDB on the same machine.

How to connect Intellij IDEA 2019.2.3 and MongoDB

I would like to ask where I should add configuration of servers in Intellij IDEA 2019.2.3. I already check it in older version and it is not the same.
I tried to connect it like in this tutorial
In new version when I press add server there is no Mongo. Is it possible? Where can I find it?
Thanks so much.
Tried it on IDEA 2019.2.3, it works fine here. It's an 3rd-party plugin. You can use it by accessing: View->Tool Windows-> Mongo Explorer. See the plugin docs for more information.
PS: There are some issues in 2019.1+, and the author of Mongo Plugin seems out of contact for a while.
you can try this plugin Mongo DB Browser for latest versions (2021.3+) of IDEs

How to configure Mongodb with Laravel 5.4?

I tried to install "jenssegers/laravel-mongodb" from git
and all the configuration has been done. but how can I know that my Laravel project successfully connected to MongoDB database?
Have you installed mongo? if not, here's a guide:
if you want to try if it works, simply try to save something to the db using eloquent.
Just remember that in your model, extend "Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model" instead of "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model"

Explore ODBC Database From Netbeans

I've been Googling this for a while now without much luck, but I suspect if it is possible it should be quite straight forward...
I have an ODBC connection set up within Windows to Sage 50 Accounts, with the DSN of SageLine50v22. I can browse through the Sage database using standalone ODBC programs, but I was wondering if it's possible to connect to it from Netbeans (v8.1) directly, so that I can browse through the database from within the IDE, in the same way I could with a MySQL or SQLLite connection? Please note - I am not trying to connect my actual code to the database - I only want to be able to browse it (I think the Sage ODBC connector is one way only anyway).
I was trying to use the Oracle/Oracle Thin drivers, since the driver is called ODBC7.jar, but I'm beginning to suspect I may be barking up the wrong tree, since all the Google results seem to indicate this is for connecting to ODBC programmatically using Java. Can any one clear this up for me?

How to connect to Meteor's MongoDB instance using NetBeans?

I'm doing web development with Meteor, with runs MongoDB and minimongo as the default database.
NetBeans is the IDE I like, and am using for the HTML, CSS and JavaScript without a problem.
I'd like to be able to query the Meteor's MongoDB instance using NetBean's database GUIs as well; I don't know if any of NetBeans' standard DB views support MongoDB, but I have installed the NBMongo plugin, which adds a view for MongoDB, and have other integration troubles covered.
My problem is that I don't know how to connect to the Meteor's MongoDB (/minimongo) from the NetBeans plugin.
How do I do it?
Found the answer.
When you run meteor mongo on the shell/command-prompt, one of the things it will tell you is which address and port the Meteor's instance of the MongoDB is being run on. This is the key point I missed.
In most cases, as I was seeing in the references I found online, this will be, or localhost:3001.
This wasn't the case for me, and that was why I was having trouble to setup my connection configuration.
I configured the NBMongo plugin's connection to mongodb://[correct address]:[correct port], and voilĂ ! Everything's working like a Swiss clock again!