How to use file descriptor to divert write-to-file in swift? - swift

I would like to use some C code that uses a file descriptor.
Background is that I would like to read some data from cgraph library.
public extension UnsafeMutablePointer where Pointee == Agraph_t {
func saveTo(fileName: String) {
let f = fopen(cString(fileName), cString("w"))
I would like to have the file output, but without writing to a temp file. Hence, I would like to do something like this:
public extension UnsafeMutablePointer where Pointee == Agraph_t {
var asString: String {
let pipe = Pipe()
let fileDescriptor = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.allocate(capacity: 1)
fileDescriptor.pointee = pipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor
agwrite(self, fileDescriptor)
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
if let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
return output
return ""
But it doesn't work, resulting in a EXC_BAD_ACCESS within agwrite(,). What do I need to do instead?
Many thanks in advance!

File descriptors and file pointers are not the same thing. It's confusing, and made even more frustrating by the fact that FILE * is really hard to Google because of the symbol.
You need to fdopen the file descriptor (pipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor), to receive a FILE * (UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE> in Swift). This is what you then pass to agwrite.
It's important to fclose the file pointer when you're done writing to it, otherwise .readDataToEndOfFile() will never terminate. I made a helper function to ensure the fclose can't be forgetten. It's possible that agwrite closes the file pointer itself, internally. If that's the case, you should delete this code and just give it the result of fdopen, plain and simple.
import Foundation
public typealias Agraph_t = Int // Dummy value
public struct AGWriteWrongEncoding: Error { }
func agwrite(_: UnsafeMutablePointer<Agraph_t>, _ filePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>) {
let message = "This is a stub."
_ = message.withCString { cString in
fputs(cString, stderr)
func use<R>(
fileDescriptor: Int32,
mode: UnsafePointer<Int8>!,
closure: (UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
// Should prob remove this `!`, but IDK what a sensible recovery mechanism would be.
let filePointer = fdopen(fileDescriptor, mode)!
defer { fclose(filePointer) }
return try closure(filePointer)
public extension UnsafeMutablePointer where Pointee == Agraph_t {
func asString() throws -> String {
let pipe = Pipe()
use(fileDescriptor: pipe.fileHandleForWriting.fileDescriptor, mode: "w") { filePointer in
agwrite(self, filePointer)
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
guard let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw AGWriteWrongEncoding()
return output
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Agraph_t>.allocate(capacity: 1) // Dummy value
print(try ptr.asString())
Several other things:
Throwing an error is probably a better choice than returning "". Empty strings aren't a good error handling mechanism. Returning an optional would also work, but it's likely to always be force unwrapped, anyway.
readDataToEndOfFile is a blocking call, which can lead to a bad use experience. It's probably best that this code be run on a background thread, or use a FileHandle.readabilityHandler to asynchronously consume the data as it comes in.


AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer crashes the app

I receive some data from internet and need to guess the encoding if it's not provided, so I use this function stringEncoding(for:encodingOptions:convertedString:usedLossyConversion:), and it requires passing AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer for receiving the converted string, I wrote code like this:
var str = "Hello, playground"
func decode(data: Data) -> String? {
var covertedString = NSString()
let stringPointer = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>(&covertedString)
guard NSString.stringEncoding(for: data, encodingOptions: nil, convertedString: stringPointer, usedLossyConversion: nil) != 0 else {
return nil
return covertedString as String
let data = .utf8)!
decode(data: data)
While the covertedString I got out of the function call is correct, the app always crashes. Any idea why AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer is make it crashes? I tried to not passing convertedString, then it's not crashing any more, so looks like it's the root case. Any idea why it's crashing?
I am using Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61), with Swift 4
In your particular case the problem is that you have created an NSString, but then taken a pointer to a NSString?, which is a different thing.
But that doesn't really matter here. You don't create AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer directly (or generally any kind of UnsafePointer). They're not promised to be valid by the time you use them. Instead, you create them implicitly using &.
func decode(data: Data) -> String? {
var convertedString: NSString? = "" // <- Make sure to make this optional
guard NSString.stringEncoding(for: data,
encodingOptions: nil,
convertedString: &convertedString, // <- Use &
usedLossyConversion: nil) != 0
else {
return nil
return convertedString as String?

Can't get data returned from dataTask()

For one week I have been trying to get a string returned from dataTask().
I already read a lot here on StackOverFlow and also from serval sites where they tackle this topic. For example, this one. So I already understand that it's that the dataTask doesn't directly return values, cause it happens on different threads and so on. I also read about closures and completion handlers. I really got the feeling that I actually already got a little clue what this is about. But I can't get it to work.
So this is my code. I just post the whole code so no-one needs to worry that the problem sticks in a part which I don't show. Everything is working fine until I try to return a value and save it for example in a variable:
func requestOGD(code gtin: String, completion: #escaping (_ result: String) -> String) {
// MARK: Properties
var answerList: [String.SubSequence] = []
var answerDic: [String:String] = [:]
var product_name = String()
var producer = String()
// Set up the URL request
let ogdAPI = String("\(gtin)&cmd=query&queryid=400000000")
guard let url = URL(string: ogdAPI) else {
print("Error: cannot create URL")
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
// set up the session
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
// make the request
let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) {
(data, response, error) in
// check for any errors
guard error == nil else {
print("error calling GET on /todos/1")
// make sure we got data
guard let responseData = data else {
print("Error: did not receive data")
// parse the result, which is String. It willbecome split and placed in a dictionary
do {
let answer = (String(decoding: responseData, as: UTF8.self))
answerList = answer.split(separator: "\n")
for entry in answerList {
let entry1 = entry.split(separator: "=")
if entry1.count > 1 {
let foo = String(entry1[0])
let bar = String(entry1[1])
answerDic[foo] = "\(bar)"
if answerDic["error"] == "0" {
product_name = answerDic["detailname"]!
producer = answerDic["vendor"]!
} else {
print("Error-Code der Seite lautet: \(String(describing: answerDic["error"]))")
Here I call my function, and no worries, I also tried to directly return it to the var foo, also doesn't work The value only exists within the closure:
// Configure the cell...
var foo:String = ""
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) { (result: String) in
foo = result
return result
print("Foo:", foo)
cell.textLabel?.text = self.listOfCodes[indexPath.row] + ""
return cell
So my problem is, I have the feeling, that I'm not able to get a value out of a http-request.
You used a completion handler in your call to requestOGD:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
// result comes back here
But then you tried to capture and return that result:
foo = result
return result
So you're making the same mistake here that you tried to avoid making by having the completion handler in the first place. The call to that completion handler is itself asynchronous. So you face the same issue again. If you want to extract result at this point, you would need another completion handler.
To put it in simple terms, this is the order of operations:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
foo = result // 2
print("Foo:", foo) // 1
You are printing foo before the asynchronous code runs and has a chance to set foo in the first place.
In the larger context: You cannot use any asynchronously gathered material in cellForRowAt. The cell is returned before the information is gathered. That's what asynchronous means. You can't work around that by piling on further levels of asynchronicity. You have to change your entire strategy.

Reading data from file handle leaks memory on Linux

I am experiencing a memory leak when reading data from files. This code creates the leak:
func read() throws {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "content.pdf")
let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
while true {
let chunk = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: 256)
guard !chunk.isEmpty else {
do {
for _ in 0 ..< 10000 {
try read()
catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
*FYI: to run this code you will have to have a "content.pdf" file in your working directory.
If I run this on linux with Swift 3.1.1 (or 3.1), it does a number of iterations of the loop consuming more and more memory until the process is killed.
On Mac this also happens because the data is put into the Autorelease pool and I can fix the memory issue by wrapping each iteration in an autorelease pool but that does not exist on Linux so I don't know how I can free up that memory. Does anyone have an idea?
I found the problem which is within the standard library. There is actually already a bug report open for it. Basically the problem is that the readData(ofLength:) method is returning a Data object that is not cleaning up after itself when deallocated.
For now, I am using this workaround:
extension FileHandle {
public func safelyReadData(ofLength length: Int) -> Data {
#if os(Linux)
var leakingData = self.readData(ofLength: length)
var data: Data = Data()
if leakingData.count > 0 {
leakingData.withUnsafeMutableBytes({ (bytes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Void in
data = Data(bytesNoCopy: bytes, count: leakingData.count, deallocator: .free)
return data
return self.readData(ofLength: length)
Anywhere I was previously using readData(ofLength:) I am now using my safelyReadData(ofLength:) method. On all platforms other than Linux it simply calls the original because those implementations are fine. On Linux I am creating a copy of the data that will actually free the underlying data when deallocated.
Instead of how to work around the missing autorelease pool, a better question is how to prevent the leak. Maybe creating (and not deallocating) 10,000 FileHandles are the problem. Try this.
func read() throws {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "content.pdf")
let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url)
while true {
let chunk = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: 256)
guard !chunk.isEmpty else {
This may not be the problem, but it is still good code hygiene. How many loops are made before the crash?

Making a variable from if statement global

While encoding JSON, I´m unwrapping stuff with an if let statement, but I'd like to make a variable globally available
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: String],
let jsonIsExistant = json["isExistant"]
// Here I would like to make jsonIsExistant globally available
Is this even possible? If it isn't, I could make an if statement inside of this one, but I don't think that would be clever or even possible.
delclare jsonIsExistant at the place you want it. If you are making an iOS App, than above viewDidLoad() create the variable
var jsonIsExistant: String?
then at this point use it
do {
if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: String],
let tempJsonIsExistant = json["isExistant"] {
jsonIsExistant = tempJsonIsExistant
This could be rewritten like so though
do {
if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: String] {
jsonIsExistant = json["isExistant"]
} catch {
//handle error
If handled the second way, then you have to check if jsonIsExistant is nil before use, or you could unwrap it immediately with a ! if you are sure it will always have a field "isExistant" every time that it succeeds at becoming json.
It doesn't make sense to expose a variable to the outside of an if let statement:
if let json = ... {
//This code will only run if json is non-nil.
//That means json is guaranteed to be non-nil here.
//This code will run whether or not json is nil.
//There is not a guarantee json is non-nil.
You have a few other options, depending on what you want to do:
You can put the rest of the code that needs json inside of the if. You said you didn't know if nested if statements are "clever or even possible." They're possible, and programmers use them quite often. You also could extract it into another function:
func doStuff(json: String) {
//do stuff with json
if let json = ... {
doStuff(json: json)
If you know that JSON shouldn't ever be nil, you can force-unwrap it with !:
let json = ...!
You can make the variable global using a guard statement. The code inside of the guard will only run if json is nil. The body of a guard statement must exit the enclosing scope, for example by throwing an error, by returning from the function, or with a labeled break:
//throw an error
do {
guard let json = ... else {
throw SomeError
//do stuff with json -- it's guaranteed to be non-nil here.
//return from the function
guard let json = ... else {
//do stuff with json -- it's guaranteed to be non-nil here.
//labeled break
doStuff: do {
guard let json = ... else {
break doStuff
//do stuff with json -- it's guaranteed to be non-nil here.

How to send message struct containing a string as NSData for Game Center

I am trying to create a multiplayer game that will send moves between players using Game Center. I'm still learning a lot about programming, so please excuse me if my question is ill-formed. Also, I am not very familiar with Obj-C, so a Swift answer would be great.
In my toy program to try and teach myself, I am trying to follow the strategy used by Shayne Meyer using the GameKitHelper class here:
Using this approach, Shayne sends messages to other players online using structs sent as NSData. I am able to send integers (e.g., the ILoveYou message) but not messages that carry a string property (e.g., the Thanks message). In this latter case I get "Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1, address=0x78674100)" at the line "var messageThanks = UnsafePointer,MesssageThanks>(data.bytes).memory"
Eventually, I would like to send game moves that provide both strings and integers together. How does one send a message struct as NSData when properties also include a string? Secondly, I would be appreciative if someone could help me understand fundamentally what is going on when the data is packaged and how what UnsafePointer is doing as it related to sending data via Game Center.
Thank you.
enum MessageType: Int {
case ILoveYou, Thanks
struct Message {
let messageType: MessageType
struct MessageILoveYou {
let message: Message
let messageSenderNumber: UInt32
struct MessageThanks {
let message: Message
let messageSenderName: String
let messageSenderNumber: UInt32
func sendILoveYou() {
let nameNumber = UInt32(56)
var message = MessageILoveYou(message: Message(messageType: MessageType.ILoveYou), messageSenderNumber: nameNumber)
let data = NSData(bytes: &message, length: sizeof(MessageILoveYou))
func sendThanks() {
let nameString = "Don J"
let senderNumberInt = UInt32(88)
var message = MessageThanks(message: Message(messageType: MessageType.Thanks), messageSenderName: nameString, messageSenderNumber: senderNumberInt)
let data = NSData(bytes: &message, length: sizeof(MessageThanks))
func matchReceivedData(match: GKMatch, data: NSData, fromPlayer player: String) {
var message = UnsafePointer<Message>(data.bytes).memory
if message.messageType == MessageType.ILoveYou {
println("messageType == ILoveYou")
let messageILoveYou = UnsafePointer<MessageILoveYou>(data.bytes).memory
iLoveYouThanksDelegate?.iLoveYouReceived(from: messageILoveYou.messageSenderNumber)
} else if message.messageType == MessageType.Thanks {
println("messageType == Thanks")
var messageThanks = UnsafePointer<MessageThanks>(data.bytes).memory
iLoveYouThanksDelegate?.thanksReceived(from: messageThanks.messageSenderName)
func sendData(data: NSData) {
var sendDataError: NSError?
let gameKitHelper = GameKitHelper.sharedInstance
if let multiplayerMatch = gameKitHelper.multiplayerMatch {
let success = multiplayerMatch.sendDataToAllPlayers(data, withDataMode: .Reliable, error: &sendDataError)
if !success {
if let error = sendDataError {
The problem here is that when you create a String in Swift, it allocates a bit of memory itself, and then uses that memory to store the actual characters of the string. All that the string value really holds is some data representing a pointer to that memory and some other info (like how much memory has been allocated, so that it can be freed properly.
You can see this here:
let str = "This is quite a long string, certainly more than 24 bytes"
sizeofValue(str) // and yet this only returns 24
When you stuff variables into an NSData object, the initializer takes a pointer to the memory of the string variable that is holding those pointers, not the characters itself:
// only storing those 24 bytes, not the actual string
let data = NSData(bytes: &str, length: sizeofValue(str))
Note, the type of the bytes argument is UnsafePointer<Void>. This is an indication that you are heading into tricky territory.
Then, when you unmarshal the data at the other end, all your receiver is going to get is some pointers to random memory (sadly, memory on the other user’s device!)
If you want to put string values into an NSData object, you are going to need to marshal them first into raw data. For example, you could encode them into an array:
let data = Array(str.utf8).withUnsafeBufferPointer { buf in
NSData(bytes: buf.baseAddress, length: buf.count)
As it happens, since this is a common thing to want to do, there’s a method to do this directly:
let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
Then, to unpack the data, you can use NSString’s constructor from an NSData object:
let newStr = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
edit: if you wanted to encode more than just a string in a single NSData, you could do something along these lines… I should say, I’ve never had to do this myself so I’m in no way familiar with the standard practices for this, there could be much better techniques or helper classes/functions. Hopefully someone with more experience can edit to show how to do this properly :)
var type = MessageType.Thanks
// start the data with the type
let data = NSMutableData(bytes: &type, length: sizeofValue(type))
// then append the string
data.appendData(Array(str.utf8).withUnsafeBufferPointer { buf in
NSMutableData(bytes: buf.baseAddress, length: buf.count)
switch UnsafePointer<MessageType>(data.bytes).memory {
case .ILoveYou:
// ...
case .Thanks:
let str = NSString(data: data.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(1, data.length-1)), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)