How to delay a for loop without freezing the UI - swift

I am currently working on a sorting visualizer, but I need my for loop to "run slower", since I would like to visualize slowly how an algorithm works, for example, bubble sort.
This is my code
func bubbleSort(array: inout [Rectangle], view: UIView) {
for i in 1 ... array.count {
for j in 0 ..< array.count - i {
changeRectColor(rect: array[j])
changeRectColor(rect: array[j+1])
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
if (array[j].height > array[j+1].height){
sortRectColor(rect: array[j])
sortRectColor(rect: array[j+1])
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
rectGenerator.removeRectangleView(view: view, tag: array[j].rectView.tag)
rectGenerator.removeRectangleView(view: view, tag: array[j+1].rectView.tag)
let temp = array[j].xPos
array[j].xPos = array[j+1].xPos
array[j+1].xPos = temp
rectGenerator.regenerateRectangleView(rect: &array[j], view: view)
rectGenerator.regenerateRectangleView(rect: &array[j+1], view: view)
array.swapAt(j, j+1)
returnRectColor(rect: array[j])
returnRectColor(rect: array[j+1])
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
But if I do this, sleep() freezes my UI, and it does not show the process.
How can I do something similar but without freezing the UI?

You can use a timer e.x for 1 second delay
var counter = 0
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { timer in
guard counter < array.count else { timer.invalidate() ; return }
// do job
counter += 1


Delay loop calling animation process

Here is a section of my code where I am trying to delay a function called dropText that drops a name from the top of the screen. I tried using a delay function but it delays then drops them all at once. What am I missing, or is this method just plain wrong? Thanks in advance:
func delay(_ delay:Double, closure:#escaping ()->()) {
deadline: + Double(Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC), execute: closure)
//New group choose method
func groupChoose()
//loop through the players
for x in 0...players - 1{
//drop the name in from the top of the screen
delay(2.0) {
This issue is because you are delaying all of them at once! You should try to assign different delay time to each one:
for x in 1...players {
//drop the name in from the top of the screen
delay(2.0 * x) {
Try to not call array elements by index:
for playing in playing.enumerated() {
// drop the name in from the top of the screen
let player = playing.offset + 1
delay(2.0 * player) {
Look at the loop. You are calling asyncAfter almost immediately one after another. So the text is dropped after the delay almost immediately one after another, too.
I recommend to use a Timer
func delay(_ delay: Double, numberOfIterations: Int, closure:#escaping (Int) -> Void) {
var counter = 0
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: delay, repeats: true) { timer in
DispatchQueue.main.async { closure(counter-1) }
counter += 1
if counter == numberOfIterations { timer.invalidate() }
func groupChoose()
delay(2.0, numberOfIterations: players) { counter in

swift call function multiple times inside update

I create a game via SpriteKit. in the game every few second a ball spawn to the screen (via function) and the player has to blow them up. now, I want to check the player level via his score so if the score is bigger than 10 the spawnBall function will be executed twice (so 2 ball will spawn on the screen) an so on. I tried to to it via the update fun (that will "read" the player score and depends on the score will call the spawnBall function). Unfortunately when I do it the screen is spawn with million (or so) balls in few seconds (as I said I want it to call the function every few seconds and increase the call while the score is X). I really don't have any idea how to do it.
here is my code:
override func update(_ currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
if (self.score <= 10){
if (self.score > 10 && self.score <= 20){
if (self.score > 20){
if (self.subscore == 3) {
_ = randomBallColorToBlow()
self.subscore = 0
func spawnBalls() {
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
let action = {
run(SKAction.repeatForever((SKAction.sequence([wait, action]))))
how can I do it without using the update function??
you are calling spawn balls 60 times a second by calling it in your update func.
try just checking if a certain requirement is met to upgrade to a higher spawn rate in your update but keep the calls out of the update func.
private var upgradedToLevel2 = false
private var upgradedToLevel3 = false
//called somewhere probably in a start game func
spawnBalls(duration: 1.0)
override func update(_ currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
if (self.score > 10 && self.score <= 20) && !upgradedToLevel2 {
//this prevents the if loop from running more than once
upgradedToLevel2 = true
self.removeAction(forKey: "spawn")
spawnBalls(duration: 0.5)
if (self.score > 20) && !upgradedToLevel3 {
//this prevents the if loop from running more than once
upgradedToLevel3 = true
spawnBalls(duration: 0.33)
func spawnBalls(duration: Double) {
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: duration)
let action = { self.createBall() }
let repeater = SKAction.repeatForever(SKAction.sequence([wait, action]))
run(repeater, withKey: "spawn")
As stated, you are spawning your balls multiple times and need to break it up. I would recommend keeping track of level using an Int instead of a bool to be able to handle an "infinite" amount of level ups without making an "infinite" amount of boolean variables
private var nextLevel = 0 //Level 0 allows us to spawn a ball on startup, so no need to call spawnBalls anywhere else
override func update(_ currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
if (self.score > 10 * nextLevel){
self.removeAction(forKey: "spawn") //this prevents the if loop from running more than once
nextLevel += 1
spawnBalls(count:nextLevel,forDuration:1) //You can change the 1 here if you want to spawn balls at a faster speed, I would recommend a variable that uses nextLevel in a forumula
func spawnBalls(count:Int, forDuration duration:TimeInterval) {
let range = 0..<count
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: duration)
let action = {range.forEach{self.createBall()}}
let repeater = SKAction.repeatForever(SKAction.sequence([wait, action]))
run(repeater, withKey: "spawn")

Smooth animation with timer and loop in iOS app

I have ViewController with stars rating that looks like this (except that there are 10 stars)
When user opens ViewController for some object that have no rating I want to point user's attention to this stars with very simple way: animate stars highlighting (you could see such behaviour on some ads in real world when each letter is highlighted one after another).
One star highlighted
Two stars highlighted
Three stars highlighted
Turn off all of them
So this is the way how I am doing it
func delayWithSeconds(_ seconds: Double, completion: #escaping () -> ()) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + seconds) {
func ratingStarsAnimation() {
for i in 1...11 {
var timer : Double = 0.6 + Double(i)*0.12
delayWithSeconds(timer) {
ratingStars.rating = (i < 10) ? Double(i) : 0
What is going on here? I have function called delayWithSeconds that delays action and I use this function to delay each star highlighting. And 0.6 is initial delay before animation begins. After all stars are highlighted - last step is to turn off highlighting of all stars.
This code works but I can't say that it is smooth.
My questions are:
How can I change 0.6 + Double(i)*0.12 to get smooth animation feel?
I think that my solution with delays is not good - how can I solve smooth stars highlighting task better?
Have a look at the CADisplaylink class. Its a specialized timer that is linked to the refresh rate of the screen, on iOS this is 60fps.
It's the backbone of many 3rd party animation libraries.
Usage example:
var displayLink: CADisplayLink?
let start: Double = 0
let end: Double = 10
let duration: CFTimeInterval = 5 // seconds
var startTime: CFTimeInterval = 0
let ratingStars = RatingView()
func create() {
displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(tick))
displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .defaultRunLoopMode)
func tick() {
guard let link = displayLink else {
if startTime == 0 { // first tick
startTime = link.timestamp
let maxTime = startTime + duration
let currentTime = link.timestamp
guard currentTime < maxTime else {
// Add math here to ease the animation
let progress = (currentTime - startTime) / duration
let progressInterval = (end - start) * Double(progress)
// get value =~ 0...10
let normalizedProgress = start + progressInterval
ratingStars.rating = normalizedProgress
func finish() {
ratingStars.rating = 0
func cleanup() {
displayLink?.remove(from: .main, forMode: .defaultRunLoopMode)
displayLink = nil
startTime = 0
As a start this will allow your animation to be smoother. You will still need to add some trigonometry if you want to add easing but that shouldn't be too difficult.
Easing curves:

UITesting Xcode 7: How to tell if XCUIElement is visible?

I am automating an app using UI Testing in Xcode 7. I have a scrollview with XCUIElements (including buttons, etc) all the way down it. Sometimes the XCUIElements are visible, sometimes they hidden too far up or down the scrollview (depending on where I am on the scrollview).
Is there a way to scroll items into view or maybe tell if they are visible or not?
Unfortunately Apple hasn't provided any scrollTo method or a .visible parameter on XCUIElement. That said, you can add a couple helper methods to achieve some of this functionality. Here is how I've done it in Swift.
First for checking if an element is visible:
func elementIsWithinWindow(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
guard element.exists && !CGRectIsEmpty(element.frame) && element.hittable else { return false }
return CGRectContainsRect(XCUIApplication().windows.elementBoundByIndex(0).frame, element.frame)
Unfortunately .exists returns true if an element has been loaded but is not on screen. Additionally we have to check that the target element has a frame larger than 0 by 0 (also sometimes true) - then we can check if this frame is within the main window.
Then we need a method for scrolling a controllable amount up or down:
func scrollDown(times: Int = 1) {
let topScreenPoint = app.mainWindow().coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.05))
let bottomScreenPoint = app.mainWindow().coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.90))
for _ in 0..<times {
bottomScreenPoint.pressForDuration(0, thenDragToCoordinate: topScreenPoint)
func scrollUp(times: Int = 1) {
let topScreenPoint = app.mainWindow().coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.05))
let bottomScreenPoint = app.mainWindow().coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.90))
for _ in 0..<times {
topScreenPoint.pressForDuration(0, thenDragToCoordinate: bottomScreenPoint)
Changing the CGVector values for topScreenPoint and bottomScreenPoint will change the scale of the scroll action - be aware if you get too close to the edges of the screen you will pull out one of the OS menus.
With these two methods in place you can write a loop that scrolls to a given threshold one way until an element becomes visible, then if it doesn't find its target it scrolls the other way:
func scrollUntilElementAppears(element: XCUIElement, threshold: Int = 10) {
var iteration = 0
while !elementIsWithinWindow(element) {
guard iteration < threshold else { break }
if !elementIsWithinWindow(element) { scrollDown(threshold) }
while !elementIsWithinWindow(element) {
guard iteration > 0 else { break }
This last method isn't super efficient, but it should at least enable you to find elements off screen. Of course if you know your target element is always going to be above or below your starting point in a given test you could just write a scrollDownUntil or a scrollUpUntill method without the threshold logic here.
Hope this helps!
Swift 5 Update
func elementIsWithinWindow(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
guard element.exists && !element.frame.isEmpty && element.isHittable else { return false }
return XCUIApplication().windows.element(boundBy: 0).frame.contains(element.frame)
func scrollDown(times: Int = 1) {
let mainWindow =
let topScreenPoint = mainWindow.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.05))
let bottomScreenPoint = mainWindow.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.90))
for _ in 0..<times { 0, thenDragTo: topScreenPoint)
func scrollUp(times: Int = 1) {
let mainWindow =
let topScreenPoint = mainWindow.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.05))
let bottomScreenPoint = mainWindow.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.90))
for _ in 0..<times { 0, thenDragTo: bottomScreenPoint)
func scrollUntilElementAppears(element: XCUIElement, threshold: Int = 10) {
var iteration = 0
while !elementIsWithinWindow(element: element) {
guard iteration < threshold else { break }
iteration += 1
if !elementIsWithinWindow(element: element) {
scrollDown(times: threshold)
while !elementIsWithinWindow(element: element) {
guard iteration > 0 else { break }
iteration -= 1
What i had to do to address this problem is to actually swipe up or down in my UI testing code. Have you tried this?
Or you can also do WhateverUIElement.swipUp() and it will scroll up/down with respect to that element.
Hopefully they will fix the auto scroll or auto find feature so we don't have to do this manually.
You should check isHittable property.
If view is not hidden, the corresponding XCUIElement is hittable. But there is a caveat. "View 1" can be overlapped by "View 2", but the element corresponding to "View 1" can be hittable.
Since you have some XCUIElements in the bottom of the tableview (table footer view), the way of scrolling the tableview all the way to the bottom in the UI test, supposing your tableview has a lot data, is by tap().
.swipeUp() also does the job but the problem is when your test data is huge, it takes forever to swipe, as oppose to .tap() which directly jumps to the bottom of the tableView.
More specially:
XCTAssert(XCUIElementsInTheBottomOrTableFooterView.isHittable, "message")
Looks like this is a known bug :-(

Debugging code: carousel display string arrays

I'm coding a carousel that display a string array. The string element that is selected is to be displayed in a UIView.
var plotValue:Int = 0
var flag:Int = 1
let plotList: [String] = ["Phenotype","SNP","Synthesis","PheWAS","Circos"]
Basically, the user can swipe left or right the UILabel gets updated with a new value from the plotList.
Swipe left decrements a counter by -1, swipe right increments a counter by +1.
If the user reaches the initial value of the plotList[0] continues swiping left, the code will wrap around and start from the maximum element in the plotList.
If the user reaches the maximum value of the plotList and continues to swipe right, the code will wrap around and start from the plotList[0].
Once the users taps the UIView, another process is launched.
var swipeCarouselLeft: UISwipeGestureRecognizer =
UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "carouselLeft")
swipeCarouselLeft.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Left
var swipeCarouselRight: UISwipeGestureRecognizer =
UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "carouselRight")
swipeCarouselRight.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Right
var tapButton:UITapGestureRecognizer =
UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "carouselTap")
Here are the functions defined.
func carouselLeft(){
flag = -1
func carouselRight(){
flag = 1
func getLabel(flag: Int){
plotValue = plotValue + flag
println("plotValue \(plotValue)")
switch plotValue {
case (plotList.count):
plotValue = 0
case (-1):
plotValue = plotList.count - 1
plotValue = 0
UIView.animateWithDuration(2, animations: { () -> Void in
self.labelOutlet.textColor = UIColor.blueColor()
self.labelOutlet.text = plotList[plotValue]
func carouselTap(){
Basically, when user swipe the resulting string is either the first or last element in the plotList array, none of the other elements in the array are shown.
Maybe I'm overthinking this and there's a simpler way to do this? or the Apple "preferred" way of doing this? or a more OOP??
Changed the logic to this and works and will wrap in both directions.
func getLabel(flag: Int){
if (flag == -1 && plotValue == 0){
plotValue = plotList.count - 1
else if (flag == 1 && plotValue == plotList.count - 1)
plotValue = 0
plotValue = plotValue + flag
UIView.animateWithDuration(2, animations: { () -> Void in
self.labelOutlet.textColor = UIColor.blueColor()
self.labelOutlet.text = plotList[plotValue]