Using while -or operator cause infinite loop - powershell

Hello I am trying to add -or operator to my Script to avoid and infinite script run using a counter but I don´t get that works, if I don´t use -or over while It´s work ok but if I add the program script, run infinite
Import-Module WebAdministration
$server = "server1"
$evtsrc = "AppPool Resurrector"
$loopcounter = 0
if ( [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($evtsrc) -eq $false){
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $evtsrc
while((Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools | where {$_.state -eq "Stopped"}).count -gt 0 -or ($loopcounter -lt 20))
$appPools = Get-ChildItem -Path 'IIS:\AppPools' | where {$_.state -eq "Stopped"} | Foreach-Object {$_.Name}
foreach ($appPoolName in $appPools) {
Start-WebAppPool $appPoolName
Write-Host ($appPoolName)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $appPoolName).Value -eq "Started"){
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message "Start Application Pool `"$appPoolName`" because SMB Client is connected again." -Source $evtsrc -EntryType Warning -EventId 666 -Category 0
write-Host ("test")

You should use -and instead of -or here, like Mathias R. Jessen already commented.
Also, I would suggest using Splatting the arguments for the Write-EventLog cmdlet to make the code more readable and easier to maintain.
Something like below:
$loopcounter = 0
$appPools = Get-ChildItem -Path 'IIS:\AppPools' | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Stopped"}
# as long as there are stopped app pools AND we have not yet reached the max for the loop counter
while ($appPools.Count -gt 0 -and ($loopcounter -lt 20)) {
$appPools | Foreach-Object {
$appPoolName = $_.Name
Write-Host "Starting '$appPoolName'"
Start-WebAppPool $appPoolName
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 # that's a mighty long wait..
if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $appPoolName).Value -eq 'Started') {
$splat = #{
'LogName' = 'Application'
'Message' = "Start Application Pool '$appPoolName' because SMB Client is connected again."
'Source' = $evtsrc
'EntryType' = 'Warning'
'EventId' = 666
'Category' = 0
Write-EventLog #splat
write-Host ("test: Counter = $loopcounter")
# refresh the app pools variable
$appPools = Get-ChildItem -Path 'IIS:\AppPools' | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Stopped"}
Hope that helps


Function within a Function - Powershell

OK I am going to try to explain this as best as I can. What started out as a simple script has turned into a huge mess and now I cannot figure out how to get it working. I have been coming here for answers for some time so maybe you guys can help.
What I am trying to do is a import a list of systems and check to see if they are online. If they are online they go in one list and if not they go in another.
foreach ($server in $servers) {
if (Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet) {
Write-Host "$server Is Up" -ForegroundColor Green
$server | out-file -Append $liveSystems -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} else {
Write-Host "$server Is Down" -ForegroundColor Red
$server | out-file -Append $inactive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
From there I check to see if the application I need installed is on the systems. That is where things start to go off-track. When I run the function to process the $liveSystems file all I get is the last line of the file (or the same system over and over) and not each system as it should be.
function Is-Installed( $program ) {
$x86 = ((Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") |
Where-Object { $_.GetValue( "DisplayName" ) -like "*$program*" } ).Length -gt 0;
$x64 = ((Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") |
Where-Object { $_.GetValue( "DisplayName" ) -like "*$program*" } ).Length -gt 0;
function process-file1 {
Get-Content $filename -PipelineVariable line | ForEach-Object {
Is-Installed -program "My_Service"
if (Is-Installed -eq "True") {
Write-Host "$server has agent installed" -ForegroundColor Green
$server | Out-File $installed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "$server does not have agent installed" -ForegroundColor Red
$server | Out-File -Append $notInstalled -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
process-file1 -filename $liveSystems
Once I can get the systems to process through the list of installed and not installed I am trying to take the list of installed systems and check which ones have the service running and which ones do not.
$array = #()
foreach($i in (gc $installed)) {
$svc = Get-Service my_service -ComputerName $i -ea "0"
$obj = New-Object psobject -Property #{
Name = $
Status = $svc.status
Computer = $i
$array += $obj
$array | Select Computer,Name,Status | Export-Csv -Path $resultsFile -
Last but not least I run through that list of running and not running and attempt to start the service on systems that are not running.
function process-CSVfile2 {
Import-Csv $filename |
ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable object {
if($_.Status -eq "Running") {
Write-Host "Your Service is currently Running on" $_.Computer
if($_.Status -eq "Stopped") {
$serviceName = 'my_service'
$service = Get-CimInstance Win32_Service -ComputerName $_.Computer -Filter "Name=$serviceName"
Start-Sleep 10
Several of these blocks run separately but when put together they will not run. I can't seem to get past the second block where it just looks at the same line over and over.
In addition there is a piece I have been trying to get working that would install the application on systems that do not have the service installed but that is not working either but I will save that for a different time.
If anyone can help me with this I would really appreciate it. After 3 days of trying to get it running I am at my wits end.
I'd create objects and properties instead of files with computers online etc...
Something like:
$Computers=New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$Servers = #(Get-Content -path c:\servers.txt)
$Servers = $Servers | ? {$_} | select-object -uniqe |ForEach-Object {$_.TrimEnd()}
$Servers|ForEach-Object {
$tempobj=New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$tempobj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -value $_
$tempobj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name isOnline -value $FALSE
$tempobj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Installed -value $FALSE
$tempobj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name serviceRunning -value $FALSE
then You could work on array (no need for additional files)
$Computers|Where-Object {$_.isOnline -eq $TRUE}

Powershell while not working

can anybody tell what is wrong with this, or if it could be done in another way , it just never stop.
$IDs = Get-CMOperatingSystemImage | Where-Object {($ -like "*Windows Server*") }
foreach ($ID in $IDs ) {
while (((Get-CimInstance –NameSpace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" –Class SMS_DistributionDPStatus -ComputerName $SiteServer).MessageID -ne '2330') -and
((Get-CimInstance –NameSpace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" –Class SMS_DistributionDPStatus -ComputerName $SiteServer).PackageID -eq $ID.PackageID)){
Write-Output "Waiting for newly imported Operating Systems to be distributed to DP..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Write-Output "successfully distributed to DP"

Server reboot script with timed loop

I'm putting together a reboot script used for scheduling server reboots.
My goal is to improve functionality and error handling by using a loop with counter to break/exit the script if the server:
1) Does not restart. For example While (Test-path "\\$server\c$")
2) Does not come online. For example While (-not(Test-path "\\$server\c$"))
In addition, I'm trying to add logging to a CSV file if any of the above conditions are TRUE. Otherwise the script continues and creates the CSV with the previous reboot time stamp along with current reboot time stamp.
My current attempt does not seem to correctly exit the script and log the failure and honestly I'm a little unsure of how to test this before rebooting servers.
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$LastReboot = Get-EventLog -ComputerName $server -LogName system | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq '6005'} | Select -ExpandProperty TimeGenerated | select -first 1
(Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $server -Path "Win32_Service.Name='HealthService'" -Name PauseService).ReturnValue | Out-Null
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $server -Force
#New loop with counter, exit script if server did not reboot.
$max = 20;$i = 0
IF($i -gt $max){
$hash = #{
"Server" = $server
"Status" = "FailedToReboot!"
"LastRebootTime" = $LastReboot
$newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
Export-Csv c:\Scripts\RebootCheck.csv -InputObject $newrow -Append -Force
;exit}#exit script and log failed to reboot.
"Wait for server to reboot"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
}#end DO
While (Test-path "\\$server\c$")
$max = 15;$i = 0
IF($i -gt $max){
$hash = #{
"Server" = $server
"Status" = "FailedToComeOnline!"
"LastRebootTime" = $LastReboot
$newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
Export-Csv c:\Scripts\RebootCheck.csv -InputObject $newrow -Append -Force
;exit}#exit script and log failed to reboot.
"Wait for [$server] to come online"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
}#end DO
While (-not(Test-path "\\$server\c$"))
$CurrentReboot = Get-EventLog -ComputerName $server -LogName system | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq '6005'} | Select -ExpandProperty TimeGenerated | select -first 1
$hash = #{
"Server" = $server
"Status" = "RebootSuccessful"
"LastRebootTime" = $LastReboot
"CurrentRebootTime" = $CurrentReboot
$newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
Export-Csv c:\Scripts\RebootCheck.csv -InputObject $newrow -Append -Force
}#End Try.
$errMsg = $_.Exception
"Failed with $errMsg"
In order to break out of a loop, use the break keyword, not return.
Assign $true to $test inside the if block immediately before break:
$test = false
while ($limit -lt $max){
Write-Host "Reboot Request Sent, waiting for server to reboot"
if(Test-Path \\Server1\C$){
Write-Host "Reboot Successful, continue script"
$test = $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
The switch statement you've shown is syntactically valid, but kinda weird, since it's the exact equivalent of a standard if/else:
Write-Host "Reboot succeeded!"
Write-Host "Reboot failed!"
After trial and error I believe I have something working.
This example will exit the script after two seconds
#restart-computer $server
$max = 2;$i = 0
IF($i -gt $max){"Server failed to reboot!";exit}#exit script and log failed to reboot.
"Wait for server to reboot"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
}#end DO
While (Test-path "\\$server\c$")
"Server rebooted, continue script"

Speed up Test-Connection before Foreach

I made a script to check if users desktop folder are under the cuota limitation, if they're under the cuota limitation the backup to the server will be done correctly.
each user have his computer, so source CSV looks like:
Some computers are Windows Xp and some W7, and the paths can be different 'cause of that I'm using Test-Path
W7 = C:\users\$user\desktop
XP = C:\document and settings\$user\desktop
But Test-Path is SUPER SLOW and I started to use a Test-Connection -count 1 before each Test-path
Anyway, the script still SLOW, in each "bad ping test" I lose lot of time.
$csvLocation = '~\desktop\soourceReport.csv'
$csv = import-csv $csvLocation -Header PCName, User
$OuputReport = '~\desktop\newReport.csv'
# info:
# "209715200" Bytes = 200 MB
$cuota = "209715200"
$cuotaTranslate = "$($cuota / 1MB) MB"
Write-Host "Cuota is set to $cuotaTranslate"
foreach($item in $csv)
write-host "$count# Revisando" $item.User "en" $item.PCName "..." #For debug
if (Test-Connection -Quiet -count 1 -computer $($item.PCname)){
$w7path = "\\$($item.PCname)\c$\users\$($item.User)\desktop"
#echo $w7path #debug
$xpPath = "\\$($item.PCname)\c$\Documents and Settings\$($item.User)\Escritorio"
#echo $xp #debug
if(Test-Path $W7path){
$desktopSize = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -force $w7path | Measure-Object -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" -property length -sum)
write-host -ForegroundColor Green "access succeed"
if($($desktopSize.sum) -gt $cuota){
$newLine = "{0},{1},{2}" -f $($item.PCname),$($item.User),"$("{0:N0}" -f $($desktopSize.sum / 1MB)) MB"
$newLine | add-content $outputReport
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "cuota exceeded! -- added"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "cuota OK"
elseif(Test-Path $xpPath){
$desktopSize = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -force $xpPath | Measure-Object -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" -property length -sum)
write-host -ForegroundColor Green "access succeed"
if($($desktopSize.sum) -gt $cuota){
$newLine = "{0},{1},{2}" -f $($item.PCname),$($item.User),"$("{0:N0}" -f $($desktopSize.sum / 1MB)) MB"
$newLine | add-content $outputReport
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "cuota exceeded! -- added"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "cuota OK"
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "Error! - bad path"
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "Error! - no ping"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green -BackgroundColor DarkGray "All done! new report stored in $report"
To improve it I stored all computers in a $list using another Foreach, before the firstly mentioned SLOW-Foreach loop.
foreach($pcs in $csv){
$alivelist += #( $pcs.PCName )
Test-Connection -quiet -count 2 -computer $alivelist
Now, I don't now how to UPDATE or remove the rows ("dead" pc,user) from the SOURCE CSV before to enter into the second Foreach.
I need some of your "magic", or at least some ideas!
To speed up your script you need to run the checks in parallel (as others have already mentioned). Put your checks and the worker code in a scriptblock:
$sb = {
Param($computer, $username)
if (Test-Connection -Quiet -Count 2 $computer) { return }
$w7path = "\\$computer\c$\users\$username\desktop"
$xpPath = "\\$computer\c$\Documents and Settings\$username.TUITRA..."
if (Test-Path $W7path) {
} elseif (Test-Path $xpPath) {
} else {
Then run the scriptblock as parallel jobs:
$csv | ForEach-Object {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $_.PCName, $_.User
# wait for completion
do {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} while (Get-Job -State 'Running')
# cleanup
Get-Job | ForEach-Object {
Receive-Job -Id $_.Id
Remove-Job -Id $_.Id
} | Out-File $outputReport
Use a queue if you need to limit the number of parallel jobs.
test-connection is weirdly fast with the -asjob parameter, pinging about 200 computers in 4 seconds:
$list = cat hp.txt
test-connection $list -AsJob ; job | receive-job -wait -AutoRemoveJob

Powershell 2.0 - Memory Leaking

So here's the scope of what I'm trying to do:
Get remote computer information for Windows computers in multiple sites and write the information found to the .Description property of each computer object in Active Directory. If the script can't connect to the remote machine, log that information into a text file and don't make any changes to the computer object that can't be connected to.
In order to time how long the script is taking to run, I have a second script that measures the execution time.
I have this setup as a scheduled task to run the second script (which calls the first) that is executed via a batch file on a Windows 7 Pro virtual machine.
My problem is I believe the script may be running into memory problems based on the information I see in my log. Any help on possible diagnosing the root cause would be appreciated to the extreme. Without further adieu, here's my code for both scripts as well as a sample of the strange log output.
Main Script (script 1):
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
enter code here`function Measure-Latest {
BEGIN { $latestlogon = $null }
if (($_ -ne $null) -and (($latestlogon -eq $null) -or ($_ -gt $latestlogon))) {
$latestlogon = $_
END { $latestlogon }
Function CreateLog {
#Create a log file
$global:path = "C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions"
$global:LogTime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
$global:LogName = 'CompDescriptions'
$global:LogFile = 'C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\'+$LogName+$LogTime+'.txt'
Write-Host "Creating log file" -foregroundcolor yellow
#Do Nothing
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
cd C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
echo "WriteComputerDescriptions Script Log" >> $global:logfile
Function WriteDescription {
Write-Host "Gathering Computer information..." -foregroundcolor yellow
$UserWorkstations = get-qadcomputer -sizelimit 0 -includeallproperties -searchroot
$IPv4Regex = "^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$"
foreach ($computerobject in $UserWorkstations) {
$computerIP = $NULL
$computerIP2 = $NULL
$computerIP3 = $NULL
$computerserial = $NULL
$computerserial2 = $NULL
$findlastuser = $NULL
$findlastuser2 = $NULL
$lastlogontime = $NULL
$findlastuserFname = $NULL
$findlastuserFname2 = $NULL
$findlastuserLname = $NULL
$findlastuserLname2 = $NULL
$fullname = $NULL
$userlogon = $NULL
$computerName = $
$oldcomputerdescription = $computerobject.description
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Testing connection to $computerName ..."
$testConnection = test-connection -computername $computerName -count 2 -quiet
Write-Host "Connection is $testconnection"
if ($testConnection -eq $True) {
$Connect = $testConnection
#get IP address(es)
try {
$computerIP = get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -filter IPEnabled=TRUE -computername $computerName
$computerIP2 = $computerIP.ipaddress[0]
$computerIP3 = $computerIP.ipaddress[1]
Write-Host = $computerIP2
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex){
Write-Host = $computerIP3
catch [system.exception]{
$connect = $False
Write-Host "Could not connect to $computerName. No IP collected."
#get computer serial
try {
$computerSerial = gwmi win32_bios -computername $computerName | select serialnumber
$computerserial2 = $computerSerial.serialnumber.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get serial for $computerName."
$computerSerial = "Unavailable"
$computerSerial2 = "Unavailable"
#get username of currently logged in user
try {
$findlastUser = gwmi win32_computersystem -computer $computerName | select username
$findlastuser2 = ($findlastUser.username).replace("mydomain\","")
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get username of logged in user on $computerName"
$findlastUser = "Unavailable"
$findlastUser2 = "Unavailable"
#get last logon time of user
try {
if($findlastuser2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -notlike "Unavailable") {
#ignore domain controllers in a datacenter due to connectivity stuff
$lastlogontime = get-qadcomputer -computerrole domaincontroller | where { $ -notmatch "-COLO"} | foreach {(get-qaduser -service $ -samaccountname $findlastuser2).LastLogon } | Measure-Latest
catch {
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -eq $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time"
Write-Host "No username available to query"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -ne $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time for user $findlastuser"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
#search AD for the user identified, select first name
try {
$findlastuserFname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select firstname
$findlastuserFname2 = $findlastuserFname.firstname.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
if ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No first name for user found"
#search AD for the user identified, select last name
try {
$findlastuserLname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select lastname
$findlastuserLname2 = $findlastuserLname.lastname
catch [system.exception] {
if ($findlastuserLname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No last name for user found"
#join the first and last names together if both properties are available
if ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname2 -ne $NULL){
$fullname = "$findlastuserFname2" + " $findlastuserLname2"
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -ne $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserLname2
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -eq $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserFname2
else {
$fullname = "Unavailable"
#Set the description data format
#With only 1 IPv4 Address
if ($computerIP3 -notmatch $IPv4Regex -or $computerIP3 -eq $NULL){
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#With 2 IPv4 Addresses
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex) {
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2, $computerIP3 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#If the description data is the same, leave it as it is
if ($newcomputerdescription -eq $oldcomputerdescription){
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Information for $computerName has not" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "changed. No edits were made on this object." -foregroundcolor yellow
if ($newcomputerdescription -ne $oldcomputerdescription -and $Connect -eq $TRUE) {
set-qadcomputer -identity $computerName -Description $newcomputerdescription
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Computer description updated for object $computerName" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "New host information:"
Write-Host "$newcomputerdescription"
else {
Write-Host "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
Write-Host "No changes made to description for $computerName"
$noconnecterror = "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
$noconnecterror | Out-File $global:logfile -Append -Force
Write-Host "Processing complete!"
CreateLog -erroraction silentlycontinue
WriteDescription -erroraction silentlycontinue
start-sleep -s 3
Second Script:
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$timeoutput = Measure-Command {\\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions.ps1}
cd \\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
$scriptlog = get-childitem | sort creationtime | select -last 1
$logname = $
Add-Content c:\somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\$logname "`nExecution Time: $timeoutput"
Write-Host "Script complete!"
Start-sleep -s 3
In the results in my environments Active Directory, this works effectively for several hundred objects, but here's a sample of what I see in my log file:
Could not connect to computer computer391
Could not connect to computer computer392
Could not connect to computer computer393
Could not connect to computer computer394
The very last line with the garbled text is what made me think there's a memory-related issue perhaps. If I run my scripts against a container/OU with a much smaller amount of computers, the last line in my log is a time, which is what I would normally expect.
If any seasoned Powershell pros could offer some advice here, I'd really appreciate the help.
I don't know why my comments are not getting added. Anyways, let me just post it here.
In order to track the free memory, you just look at its the performance counter.
Here is the powershell command:
Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\Available MBytes"