Process Recodring before meeting is over in bigbluebutton - bigbluebutton

I have to process recording after every 10 minutes while the meeting is going on, so that I can get the recordings file immediately, I tried to change the bbb-record-core.timer value as shown in documentation but it is process after the meeting is ended.
I want to start processing as soon as recording starts or every ten minutes without ending the meeting, the recording will be going on and in background the process should start.
Is there anything that I can do, to achieve this.

Edit the bbb-record-core.timer file. Be default, this file is configured to run it every 30 seconds. You can use a new attribute called OnCalendar and use cron to set it up based on your requirements.
Here's a resource that helped me out.!topic/bigbluebutton-dev/E4XJ6yB22eQ


Best Practice approach to schedule playlists using Liquidsoap (equeue alternative)

I'm in search of a best practice approach to schedule playlists using Liquidsoap. My current approach creates plenty of delays, hence not meeting the requirements for seamless playback.
After scheduling a new playlist is due to be scheduled, it should remove all previously scheduled playlist-items.
Avoid any delays when clearing previously queued playlist-items.
My current implementation:
Schedule a bunch of files (represent a playlist) by pushing them to an equeue
This queue starts playing
When the next timeslot is due, a new playlist cannot simply be queued, because it would only start after all tracks queued by the previous playlist are finished playing. Because of this, I'm removing all tracks of the previous playlist first using a Liquidsoap server script. This process is time-consuming and delays the timely execution of step 4.)
Schedule the new files by pushing them to an equeue.
How can I do this more elegantly?
Is it possible to clear an equeue w/o creating delays?
If there are "more correct" Liquidsoap features to achieve this, like a playlist (can I control when it is actualy played?) or request.dynamic (which is deprecated) instead of an equeue, please let me know.
Update: I'm currently using two queues: A and B. One minute before queue A should be playing I populate it with tracks (playlist). When it should be actually playing I turn up the volume. Then, one minute before queue B should be playing I populate this one. When it's actually time to be played I transition the volume from queue A > B. In theory this solution would be fine, but the issue here is that I'm not aware of a way that the queues pause until I turn up the volume. The tracks already seem to start playing at the very moment when the queue/playlist is filled.
It's hard to tell without reading the complete script, but I'm sure it's not possible to pause a queue. At best you can remove an item via the server interface: if it's the currently playing item and it's alone in the queue, then it will stop that queue. You might be interested by the Beets examples, that discuss how an external program can populate sources.
To switch from playlists A to B, the Liquidsoap way is to populate B exactly when it's time and an operator like fallback will make the transition. See also fallback.skip.

Azure WebJob - Limit Processing Time to Specific Hours

I have an MVC web site, a storage queue and a WebJob. Users can request the generation of a set of reports by clicking a button on the web page. This inserts a message into the storage queue. In the past, the WebJob ran continuously and processed those requests fine. But the demand and size of the reports has grown to the point where the WebJob is slowing down the web app. I would like to still place the request message in the queue, but delay processing of all requests until the evening, when the web app is mostly idle. This would allow me to continue using the WebJob code and QueueTrigger functionality without having to waste resources by moving to a dedicated Worker Role, etc. The reports don't need to be generated immediately, so a delay is acceptable.
I don't see a built-in way to set a time window on processing. The only thing I have found is a powershell cmdlet for starting and stopping WebJobs (Start-AzureWebsiteJob / Stop-AzureWebsiteJob). So I was thinking that I could create a scheduled powershell job that runs at midnight, starts the webjob, lets it run, and then runs again early in the AM and stops it.
Does anyone know of a better option than this? Anything more "official" that perhaps I could not find?
One possible solution would be to hide the messages in the queue for a certain amount of time when they are inserted.
If you're using AddMessage method, you can specify this timespan value in initialVisibilityDelay parameter.
What this will do is ensure that the messages are not immediately visible in the queue to be picked by WebJob and will become visible only when this timespan elapses.
Will such a solution work for you?
Maybe I didn't fully understand your question, but couldn't you use "Triggered" WebJob that is triggered by CRON schedule? You can then limit it to specific hours
0 * 20-22 * * *
This example will run every minute from 8pm to 10pm

See if User's Coordinates have Changed

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to check whether a user has moved after a certain period of time (for example 15 minutes).
If they have not moved more than 200 ft, I would then like to display an alert that says "you have been here for 15 minutes."
I know enabling background location services will eat up the battery, so I would like to check the user's location every 5 minutes or so. Is there a clean way to do this without destroying the user's battery? I don't really know where to begin. Any assistance would be wonderful!
Thank you!
Just use a repeating NSTimer that fires at your desired interval & retrieves the location. Then compare it against the previous recorded location. Polling for the location every 5 minutes or so is not going to have a massively detrimental impact on power consumption.

Detect device time change ONLY WHEN it is changed manually

Problem: I know about the method applicationSignificantTimeChange to detect manual time change. But the method documentation says:
Examples of significant time changes include the arrival of midnight, an update of the time by a carrier, and the change to daylight savings time. The delegate can implement this method to adjust any object of the application that displays time or is sensitive to time changes.
So it detects not only a manual time change, but arrival of midnight as well. In my application, that will create a problem as the user will see an alertbox:
You have change the time. Please revert back to actual time.
even when he resumes the app after midnight (or may be he minimized the app and went to sleep. Next day he wakes up, resumes the app and surprisingly gets the time change notification).
How to show the alert only on manual time change and not on arrival of midnight ?
Just use NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification
Apple doc link
I have used a variant of the remote server time check for one or a few years now. It works pretty well, on iOS.
Fetch remote time.
In your time checking class, store the offset between remote time and device time, store that in a simple NSTimeInterval variable.
Now you can get "real time" at any time from your time checking class, because it can take the current device time and just add the stored offset and you will have the real time, all the time.
Whenever the app backgrounds, you will need to delete the stored offset, because the user can be fiddling with the time settings.
For every app foreground event, you will have to perform 3. again. Go get remote time again. Deny any calls to get real time until you have that offset again. Any calls depending on the real time existing will have to fail gracefully in those events where real time has not yet been fetched.
Now the offset you get should/can be compared with the offset you got last time. Decide a threshold, like 15 seconds. If the offset change from last time exceeds that threshold, the user likely changed time manually. This is a useful event for me. Of course even though the user can change the device time I will always have real time handy (most of the time).
Afaik, I always work with UTC time stamps to avoid any locale troubles.
Always its better to check such things with server time.
Follow below steps.
Fetch the server time and convert to current locale.
Check mobile time using current locale.
If they are not same, that means user has changed the time.
Let me know if this is clear or not.

iPhone games that continue even when you're away

Let's say, Tiny Tower. On this iPhone game, you can have shops in your tower. You can suspend or turn off the iPhone, but when you return to the game, you will be reported about the shop winnings during your time away.
There are also push notifications when a building is complete etc.
I fear I do not understand how that works, exactly. I'm not asking for the exact solution, I just need to know where to begin researching. One idea I had some time ago was like calculate the amount of seconds the user was away (current time minus the time when you left) and then calculate shop processing for every one of these seconds. But I'm not sure of that.
A better way would be to calculate before you close the app.
Figure out what time it is, then calculate when in the future certain tasks will be completed. This way, you can schedule push notifications to the server ahead of time.
If you calculate after you have re-opened the app, and you can't run processes with the app closed, how will it know when to push?
Take a look at this article about push notifications to understand a little bit better how they work.
For offline games you add temporal logic to your items and recalculate when game is launched. For online games you retrieve game state from the server, which is constantly recalculating for all users, even disconnected ones.
Game most probably does not actually process in the background (most apps are not allowed to do anything while in background). When you relaunch the game, it calculates how much time has passed, and then processes all the events that would have happened in the meantime.
Additionally, as Paul.s mentioned in comments below, as well as other people in other answers have suggested, on iOS4 you can use local push notifications scheduled before close.
It is either server side execution of the game or if it is a game of chance or something like Farmville where it's determined by time duration.
If you were to make a server and/or game like this then you would need to decide which route to take.
If it will be something where the user has good days and sometimes bad days then you'll need a lot more server power. however, if it's something like time based then you would be able to tell the last time they were logged in and the next time that they should be awarded. you can also take this idea and for each variable that you store, you store how long it takes to be complete and the start time. Then you would do a simple If then o see if the item is ready. The same thing can work for a number of visitors. Where you have 10 visitors per item per hour. If you have two items then each hour you will receive 20 visitors.