Deployment order in Jboss 7.2 - deployment

is there a way to set up a deployment order in Jboss 7.2 ?
I know is not a comon thing but i'd like to deploy an .EAR and some .wars in certain order. I dont develope this components so i dont have any control over them. I tried with the jboss-all.xml but i found in redhat page that this is not an order rule:
Although the jboss-all.xml file and other deployment descriptors allow you to declare dependencies that the server does not otherwise detect, it is not a strict ordering feature. JBoss EAP assumes that all dependencies specified in the deployment descriptor have already been deployed or are available. If there are missing dependencies, JBoss EAP does not automatically deploy them, and the deployment fails."
Thanks a lot!


Is it required to restart JBOSS after updating the module.xml?

I am a Siemens Teamcenter Implementation consultant and have limited knowledge of JBOSS.
I have a question-related to JBOSS module dependencies.
Before asking a question, I will quickly give the background.
JBoss version is EAP 6.1.0 installed in Linux.
For one of the POC in the Teamcenter application, we need to deploy the EAR file in JBOSS.
The company provided the shared JBOSS where other applications from the different departments also using the JBOSS.
JBOSS is used in domain mode.
For deploying the EAR file for Teamcenter application, I need to update the module.xml with JMX dependency. Since the JBOSS is shared by many applications of different departments, we need to get permission from each of them to restart the JBOSS. ( This restart point I want to confirm)
Is it required to restart the JBOSS for module.xml update?
Is there another way to add the dependency in classpath without restarting the JBOSS.
If you edit the module.xml of a module that's been loaded you'll need to restart the server.

How to avoid deployment at each reboot JBoss EAP 7.2 server?

Every time I start jboss EAP 7.2.0 server (standalone), my ear file present in the "standalone\deployments" folder is deployed. Is it possible to avoid deployment at each reboot of the server?
Have a look at the documentation
So earfilename.ear.skipdeploy should do the trick.
Also if you undeploy the application a earfilename.ear.undeployed file is created. As long as this file exists the application won't be deployed.

Deploy JBOSS FUSE 6 as service on application server

I want to deploy JBoss FUSE as war or in any other way on application server (Tomcat for example). In documentation for the old version (3.5) of FUSE there was described a simple way for doing that by running special maven project from examples folder.
But for later releases I just can't find any information about possibility of doing that. I thought that deploying ESB as a service on application server is standard way of working with it, but I only found tutorials for installing FUSE as standalone instance or system service.
I would like to know how can I deploy it or why I can't do this if thats the case.
This is no longer supported. JBoss Fuse 6.x is a standalone application that has its own container (based on Apache Karaf).
The current 6.x release requires running on top of Apache Karaf.
Though we have plans to make Fuse (that would be Fuse Fabric) container agnostic so you in the
future would be able to run Fuse on JBoss AS, Tomcat, Karaf, Standalone, in the cloud, etc. Though we focus on JBoss AS, Tomcat, and Karaf as the main containers at first we aim to support.

Eclipse Jboss processess

I have a couple of questions concerning the way Eclipse 4.3 and JBoss EAP 6.1 work together.
The first would be concerning the Server clean function. Does it matter if the server is running or not when that function is selected within Eclipse? I have tried both ways and get no indication one way or the other that it has preformed the task.
The other question concerns the hot deploy. I'm just starting a project so I have errors in my files, mostly the configuration files. Everything complies clean. When Eclipse deploys my war file it does so with something like 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war. It's always the same name so I can't tell if mu updates have been deployed.
The way I'm currently processing my deploys is to:
1. Undeploy the war file from within the Server Admin page
2. Do a Maven clean
3. Do a project clean
4. Do a war build
5. Redeploy from within the Server Admin page.
So this question would be how to determine if my current changes have been deployed? Is there a better way of doing it than the way I currently doing it?
Thanks for the support.
Since you are using Maven, you could use the Maven JBoss Deployment plugin. This would make the entire process automated. Sometimes the Eclipse integration doesn't work like you expect it to. Additionally, you should see on the JBoss command line console from where you started JBoss, that the old war is undeployed and deployed.

jboss 5.0.1 doesnt support hot deployment?

when i hot deploy a bean jar , it doesnt works. it needs a Jboss restart. hot deployment works fine with Jboss 4.2.2. but Jboss 5.0.1 doesnt support hot deployment?
By default hot deployment is turned on for all JBoss versions. For JBoss 5.X check if you have proper configuration in $JBOSS_HOME/server/xxx/deploy/hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml file.
That's the theory however. In JBoss 5.0.X I had a serious issues with hot deployment mechanism, for instance I could deploy application only one time, the redeployment demanded server restart (as in your case). This issue is partly gone in JBoss 5.1, so if you can upgrade to that version.
You can also try theoretically the savest method of deployment through managed beans facility:
$JBOOS_HOME/bin/twiddle invoke "jboss.system:service=MainDeployer" deploy /my/path/to/app/myapp.ear
Also make sure if your JAR file is proper, configuration files are properly formulated. JBoss 5.X is much more restrictive then previous versions when it comes to configuration files. For istance in JBoss 4.X persistence.xml file need not have XML Schema declaration, in JBoss 5.X it is required, etc.