Spring Data update mongodb Document with DBRF lazy attribute - mongodb

I want to update a MongoDB document containing a dbrf lazy attribute using spring data.
First of all, I load the existing document, I change the attributes I want and after that, I call #Repository save method, but when I check the document in MongoDB the dbrf lazy attribute is null.
I tried to load the attribute before by calling getAttribute, but that doesn't fix the problem.
Someone could help me?
I have the Collection below:
#Document(collection = "calendriers")
public class CalendrierEntity {
private Long id;
private String label;
private HorairesEntity horairesEntity;
#DBRef(lazy = true)
private List<AbsenceEntity> absenceEntities;
and the repository bellow :
public interface AbsenceRepository extends MongoRepository<CalendrierEntity, Long> {
AbsenceEntity findById(Long enfantId, LocalDate localDate);
I have calendrier document with Id 1L and want to update his label.
The calendrier document have allready a list of Absences.
this my code to update the label.
public void updateLabelCalendrier(Long id, String label){
CalendrierEntity calendrier = calenderRepository.findById(1L);
but when i check data in mongodb, i have the new label but my list of absences became null.


How to get last record in spring mongo?

I have a transaction class which stores the each transaction of a customer,Following are the fields in this class.
class Transaction{
private String id;
private Date date;
private String customerId;
private double openBalance;
private double transctionAmount;
private double finalAmount;
I need to fetch only the last inserted record of a customer (let say for customerId = cust123).
I defined following function in repository.
public interface TranscationRepository extends MongoRepository<Transaction, String> {
Optional<Transaction> findTopByCustomerIdOrderByIdDesc(String id);
This method giving last entry not by customerId but overall. I tried few modifications to it but did not get success.
I know I can findAllByCustomer but I don't want to pull huge list of transaction which is of no use in this use case. What is correct signature in spring mongo to get last inserted record by a field? I am ok to use custom #Query also.
Thank you.

How can I get data from #DBRef document using #Query -> Spring data mongo

I need help to get the data from another document I have the following class.
#Document(collection = "tmVersion")
public class TmVersion {
private String id;
private String cVrVersionId;
private TaApplicationVersion taApplicationVersion;
#Document(collection = "taApplicationVersion")
public class TaApplicationVersion {
private String id;
private String dVrAppName;
private String dVrAppCode;
This is my repository in which I map what I want to be shown but in taApplicationVersion I need to show all this object also how is it done?
#Query(value="{}", fields="{'cVrVersionId': 1, 'taApplicationVersion.dVrAppName': 2,
'dVrVersionNumber': 3}")
Page<TmVersion> getAllVersionWithOutFile(Pageable pageable)
Couple of things to mention here.
If you want this kind of join between tables, then you need to rethink your choice of Mongodb as database. No Sql Databases thrive on the fact that there is very less coupling between tables(collections). So if you are using #DBRef, it negates that. Mongodb themselves do not recommend using #DBRef.
This cannot be achieved with the method like you have in the repository. You need to use Projections. Here is the documentation for that.
Create a Porjection interface like this. Here you can control which fields you need to include in the Main class(TmVersion)
public interface TmVersionProjection {
public TaApplicationVersion getTaApplicationVersion();
public String getId();
public String getcVrVersionId();
Change the TmVersionRepository like this
public interface TmVersionRepository extends MongoRepository<TmVersion, String> {
Page<TmVersionProjection> getAllVersionWithOutFile(Pageable pageable);
Create a new Repository for TaApplicationVersion. You can add #Query on top of this method and control which fields from subclass needs to be returned.
public interface TaApplicationVersionRepository extends MongoRepository<TaApplicationVersion, String> {
TaApplicationVersion findById(String id);

How can I get a list of a single field value from an entity?

I am working on a Jhipster app Java service and Angular 5 UI. I have an entity working fine, but I need to get a list of one of the fields (customer) from that entity to display in the UI.
In this case it's a single table I am using which contains the client name, so I am trying to get a distinct list returned for read only.
I have tried creating a custom repository and added a function into the service, Impl class and resource class.
Upon startup its failing with cannot find a property getClientNameList on the entity.
I have show a snippet of the code from the Entity class, the custom repository and the method I added into the PostsServiceImpl class.
Can someone please steer me in the right direction?
// Entity Class //
#Table(name = "posts")
public class Posts implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String clientName;
// Other fields here
// Custom Repository //
public interface JobsRepositoryCustom {
List<String> getClientNameList();
// PostsServiceImpl //
public class PostsServiceImpl implements PostsService {
EntityManager entityManager;
public List<String> getClientNameList() {
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT clientName FROM Posts", Posts.class);
return query.getResultList();
Your error might be more specifically that clientName is not found. It is not found because if you run a native query you need to use the database column names.
So change:
"SELECT clientName FROM Posts"
"SELECT client_name FROM Posts"

How can I store a Java HashMap<String,Double> in mongodb using Morphia?

I have a user defined class CostMatrix this class contains two properties and data type for both properties is HashMap. I am using Morphia to communicate with mongodb so my entity class looks like this
#Entity(value = "CostMatrix",noClassnameStored = false)
public class CostMatrix {
private String id;
private HashMap<String,Double> distances;
private HashMap<String,Double> durations;
public CostMatrix(){}
public CostMatrix(String id, HashMap<String,Double>distances, HashMap<String,Double>durations) {
this.id = id;
this.distances = distances;
this.durations = durations;
I am unable to store object properly into database object is stored any how but when I retrieve its just returns id and class name any thoughts would be appreciated.
if you don't want to have any class/package names in your collection just put the noClassnameStored flag to true.
#Entity(value = "CostMatrix",noClassnameStored =**true**)
As for the saving part, do you fill some values into your maps? The mapper will ignore null values and empty lists.

How to use criteria query on refrence collection in mongo db

How do I find all the person which are having city ="XYZ" in Address collection
public class Person {
private String id;
private String description
private Address address;
// Getters and Setters
public class Address
private String id;
private String area
private String city
// Getters and Setters
Mongo understands #DBRef as a reference to another document, in this case, an Address document and ultimately when the object is loaded from MongoDB, those references will be eagerly resolved and this will get populated to the user as a HATEOAS friendly link. You will get back a mapped object that looks the same as if it had been stored embedded within your master document.
You can define your repository, which will map the endpoints to your database, for the given object, like PersonRepository defined below as an example:
import com.mycompany.domain.Person;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository;
import org.springframework.data.repository.query.Param;
import java.util.List;
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {
List<Person> findByCity(#Param("city") String city);
Another way you could go around this using the query criteria methods is executing two queries.
First query would be to fetch the address documents which have the city = "XYZ". Resolve the ids from the list returned.
Generate another query on the Person entity using the ids from the previous operation.
The following demonstrates this approach
Query addressQuery = new Query(where("city").is("XYZ"));
List<Address> addressList = mongoTemplate.find(addressQuery, Address.class, "address"); // get the addresses list that satisfy the given city criteria
// Resolve the ids for the addresses
final List<ObjectId> addressIds = new ArrayList<ObjectId>(addressList.length);
for(final Address address : addressList) {
addressIds.add(new ObjectId(address.getId()));
// Get the Person list using the ids from the previous operation
Query personQuery = new Query(where("address.$id").in(addressIds));
List<Person> list = mongoTemplate.find(personQuery, Person.class, "person");
If you knew the address id before hand you can then use a custom query:
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {
#Query("{ 'address': {'$ref': 'address', '$id': { '$oid': ?0 } } }")
List<Person> findByAddres(String addressIdAsString);