Powershell script that can be added to a release pipeline for fetching variables from key vault - azure-devops

I want to use azure key vault secrets in azure devops release pipeline.could someone help me with powershell script in which I can define these variables and pass it in pipeline.

Powershell script that can be added to a release pipeline for fetching variables from key vault
You could configure a Variable Group to connect to an Azure Key Vault:
Go to "Pipelines" and then "Library" and "Add variable group".
Link secrets from an Azure key vault
Configure a Pipeline to make use of the new Variable Group
Then, whatever variables you have in your variable group can be accessed from your build pipe as $(VariableNameHere) including the key vault.
You could check the great document for some more details.
Hope this helps.


I am getting an error called Either Value or Key vault must be provided and Secret Identifier is not in the correct format

I have azure key vault service in which we are maintaining secrets.
I have to deploy APIM service using ARM JOB in Azure devops release pipeline so I have added this job and added configured template.json and parameter.json and how to pass key vault as over ride parameter to ARM job in over ride parameters?. I tried with below option
I have added keyvault job/varaible group in azure pipelines then in over ride params i called $(keyvaultname/secretname) then saved it and ran the pipeline but i am geeting below issue
enter image description here
Please go to Pipelines -> Library -> create a variable group which contain the keyvalut.
Link the Variable group in your pipeline, make sure the variable of secret is listed.
In the ARM task, overwrite the parameters with "$(var)" name.
I have created Variable group and then came back to release pipeline arm job then in the override parameter .
Arm job over ride parameter
Variable group

Azure Devops, how to create release with arm template which deploys a storage account and associate it with appsettings

we have automated the following steps using azure devops
A Release pipeline which creates a website in azure and the next step which deploys the code, all is well and working so far
The next step that we need to do is create a Azure SQLDB and and an Azure Storage Account in the release pipeline and then configure these values in the appsettings.json file
Creating the Storage account is the easy part, but how do we get the storage account key back in the pipeline and associate that value in the appsetting.json file ?
Similarly for the SQLDB how do we get the IPAddress and add it in the exclusions list.
and also it you could point us to any documentation on this
how do we get the storage account key back in the pipeline.
You can use the Azure CLI az storage account keys to get storage account keys.

Access Azure Repos Service Connection PAT from yml

I have a service connection created for Azure Repos in a separate Azure DevOps org using a PAT.
I would like to be able to access that PAT from a PowerShell script in my pipeline yml since that same PAT has access to a nuget feed in the external org as well and I want to restore a package using that PAT.
Is there any way to do this? Or do I need to create a variable with that same PAT and store the token twice?
Is there any way to do this? Or do I need to create a variable with that same PAT and store the token twice?
We can't access value of specific PAT via reading the service connection which uses the PAT for authorization. As the only way we use service connection is to copy the connection name/ID into pipeline as a value.
What's more, PAT can only be obtained and saved directly when you create it. After that you can only get PAT from where you saved, and you cannot find it from anywhere in Azure DevOps.
If you want to use that PAT in pipeline, you can save it in a variable group as a secret variable.
Here is the detailed steps:
1.Go to Pipelines -> Library -> Create a variable group -> Add a variable and change its type to secret -> Save.
2.Add the variable group to variables in YAML.
- group: {variable group}
Then you can get the value of PAT by PowerShell scripts.

How to use/remap Azure KeyVault secret as Azure DevOps Pipeline environment variable?

I'm storing database connection string in Azure KeyVault and would like to use / remap keyvault secret DB-DEV-CONNECTION-STRING to ASPNETCORE_ConnectionStrings__ConnectionString environment variable so my server can read it as configuration property during startup.
I'm using web configuration (not YAML) and don't know how to reference variable so that it is not called DB-DEV-CONNECTION-STRING but ASPNETCORE_ConnectionStrings__ConnectionString.
I have linked keyvault in my piplene and secret is succesfuly downloaded when build job starts.
I want something like this:
Add a PowerShell task after the key vault task and set the variable:
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ASPNETCORE_ConnectionStrings_ConnectionString]$(DB-DEV-CONNECTION-STRING)"

Generate Key Vault Secrets automatically

We need to create and Key Vault and populate it (or generate) with secrets, then reference them as passwords to SQL servers (PaaS) at the next build step. What would be the best approach to do that?
There are many ways to create/update Azure Key Vault, such as Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, REST API, also there are Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI tasks in VSTS build/release. So do it with Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI.
To create/update the variable in build/release, you can use Logging Command (##vso[task.setvariable]value), then the variable can be used in subsequent task.
On the other hand, if you just want the variable secret, you just need to add a build or release variable and click lock icon to set the variable secret.