Copy content from one nattable to other with same object type - nattable

Copy content (multiple rows) from one nattable to other. Both the nattables have same object type.

If you want to copy and paste something, you need to parse the content in the clipboard. NatTable does not support this out of the box. You will need to implement some paste command handler that can take content from the clipboard to create new objects with the data available in the clipboard.


Viewing the xml contents as tree view in EA

In Xml We have around 1000 tags I want these to be viewed in tree view in EA without creating it has elements.So is this possible in EA
You can associate an element (e.g. artifact or class) with the XML file:
Select the element in the browser
In the docked properties window (View/Properties) set the Filename to your XML file
Open Package/Code Engineering/Show Source Viewer (and possibly dock it somewhere).
Now each time you click on your element(s) with linked filenames the code editor will show the file contents. XML will be highlighted (as many other languages will).

excel Vba copy paste to another workbook

I need to copy a value on an activesheet cell A1, to another workbook located at d:\location\aaa.xls cell C3.
I just need it to paste special the values, if possible I do not want to have to open the workbook aaa.xls - i just need the values injected or at least open close.
You have top open the aaa.xls in your current context to update any values in that file.

See raw code/text from copy paste

I doing some formatting from copy/paste. When I copy a table from Word, and I want to insert it in my program, I need to edit the table formatting to show the info like I want.
When I copy from word I can view whats copy in clipboard magic:
Is there a way to get the formatting, or do I need to create a new table for scratch with the data listed in clipboard magic?
I Clipdiary the "copy" is read as HTML
This makes me wounder, is it possible to get the html code?
Yes, the HTML is present as CF_HTML. See reference on MSDN:
If you just want to SEE it, ClipMate has a Binary display that will show you a binary dump of the data. It's available in the trial version. If you don't see the Binary tab in the display window, turn it on in the Tools | Options | Editor dialog.

Macro in QAT not referenced to saved workbook

I have an excel template that has a macro button in the quick access toolbar (QAT). When I save the template as an Excel Macro Enabled Workbook, the button found in the QAT is linked back to the macro in the original template, not the macro found in the new file I just saved. Is there a way I can get the QAT toolbar in this new file to reference the macro in the saved file instead of original template?
I figure it out finally. I needed to add it for the current document only, not all documents (default). Opposite of what I intuitively thought. It probably has something to do with how the macros are stored with each option.

How can i create a textarea that has read and write lines using gtk

Any one know how i can create a text area which displays lines of text which can not be edited but allows you to edit the bottom most line for text.
basically in a similar fashion to embedded consoles inside applications that allow you to run code direct on the application.
currently using a textview i can go and edit the code above and the output response are also editable.
It's possible using a GtkTextView, but not trivial. You have to create a tag that makes the text uneditable, and apply it from the beginning of the buffer to just before the end position. Then when you receive and process input, extend or re-apply the tag to cover that line of input and your program's response to it.
Here's an example of it being done:
creating the tag
applying the tag