how many different types of algebra are there? I mean Boolean, relational, predicate, fuzzy algebra, etc - algebra

hi I am a computer science graduate student right now I am studying soft computing during this I face many terms like boolean relational predicate fuzzy
so, one question arises in my mind how many different types of algebra are there

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical language to express something.
This means it has grammar, syntax, semantic like a language for
There are some other mathematical languages also known
• Relational algebra (operations on sets)
• Boolean algebra (operations on Boolean variables)
• Predicate logic (operations on well-formed formulae (WFF), also
called predicate propositions)
Fuzzy logic deals with Fuzzy set


Are there algebraic data types outside of sum and product?

By most definitons the common or basic algebraic data types in Haskell or Scala are sum and product. Examples: 1, 2.
Sometimes a definition just says algebraic data types are sum and product, perhaps for simplicity.
However, the definitions leave an impression that other algebraic data types are possible, and sum and product are just the most useful to describe selection or combination of elements.
Given there are subtraction, division, raising to an integer power operations in a basic algebra - is it correct some implementation of other alternative algebraic types in programming is possible, but they are not useful?
Do any programming languages have algebraic data types implemented that are not sum and product types?
"Algebraic" comes from category theory. Every algebraic data type is an initial algebra of a functor. So you could in principle call anything that comes from a functor in this way algebraic, and I think it's quite a large class.
Interpreting "algebraic" to mean "high-school algebra" (I don't mean to be condescending, that's just how we refer to it) as you have, there are some nice analogies.
Arbitrary powers, not just integer powers, are closely analogous to function types, that is, A -> B is analogous to BA. In category theory, when you consider a function ("morphism") as an object of a category, it's called an exponential object, and the latter notation is used. For fun, see if you can prove the law CA+B = CA × CB by writing a bijection between the corresponding types.
Division is analogous to quotient types, which is a fascinating area of research that reaches into things as hott and trendy as homotopy type theory. The analogy of quotients to division is not as strong as product types with multiplication, as you have to divide by an equivalence relation.
At this rate, you would expect subtraction to have some beautiful analogy to go with it, but alas I know of none. Dan Piponi has explored it a little through the antidiagonal, but it is far from a general analogy.
The conventional answer is as given by #luqui, and I have nothing to add to that. The downside is that whilst you distinguish the alternants of the sum by tag ('constructor' in Haskell), you must access the components of the product by position. For homogeneous components as in a vector/array that's fine; but for typical data structures (record types) you want to access by 'field label' and abstract away the position. Haskell's record/label system a) does a very bad job of that; and b) is so deeply ingrained into the language it's proving almost impossible to improve -- see endless proposals and endless discussions resulting so far in no change.
Then an unconventional answer is indexed families aka 'indexed sets'. The idea has been developed mostly around the 'Set-Theoretic Data Structures' of D.L.Childs, for example this one. Childs'approach got a mention in the seminal paper on the Relational (database) Model Codd 1970.
The critical feature is that you can use any type to index the collection of components; the components are heterogeneous; and the compiler supports type-safe access (read and update) both by-component and whole-structure. The components might well be organised positionally within the structure, but that's an implementation detail hidden from the programmer. (Haskell's record system fails on this point.)
Do any programming languages have algebraic data types implemented that are not sum and product types?
You might or might not accept that SQL is a programming language. I might but mostly don't accept that SQL 'column names' are an implementation of 'Indexed families'. SQL's columns and rows are far too much oriented to physical layout (and indeed most vendors' SQL still allows positional notation for columns, even though it's been deprecated by the standard). That said, SQL is the nearest you'll find.
There's been a few extensible/anonymous record systems proposed/developed in Haskell (especially HList) or Haskell-like languages (like Ur/web), or even dear old Hugs' TRex. (See the Gaster & Jones paper for links to other attempts in FP languages.) All of them are limited because they're trying to put lipstick on Haskell's sum-of-product types.
I know Sum, Product, Exponential and Recursive

Does functional programming reduce the Von Neumann bottleneck?

I believe (from doing some reading) that reading/writing data across the bus from CPU caches to main memory places a considerable constraint on how fast a computational task (which needs to move data across the bus) can complete - the Von Neumann bottleneck.
I have come across a few articles so far which mention that functional programming can be more performant than other paradigms like the imperative approach eg. OO (in certain models of computation).
Can someone please explain some of the ways that purely functional programming can reduce this bottleneck? ie. are any of the following points found (in general) to be true?
Using immutable data structures means generally less data is moving across that bus - less writes?
Using immutable data structures means that data is possibly more likely to be hanging around in CPU cache - because less updates to existing state means less flushing of objects from cache?
Is it possible that using immutable data structures means that we may often never even read the data back from main memory because we may create the object during computation and have it in local cache and then during same time slice create a new immutable object off of it (if there is a need for an update) and we then never use original object ie. we are working a lot more with objects that are sitting in local cache.
Oh man, that’s a classic. John Backus’ 1977 ACM Turing Award lecture is all about that: “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs.” (The paper, “Lambda: The Ultimate Goto,” was presented at the same conference.)
I’m guessing that either you or whoever raised this question had that lecture in mind. What Backus called “the von Neumann bottleneck” was “a connecting tube that can transmit a single word between the CPU and the store (and send an address to the store).”
CPUs do still have a data bus, although in modern computers, it’s usually wide enough to hold a vector of words. Nor have we gotten away from the problem that we need to store and look up a lot of addresses, such as the links to daughter nodes of lists and trees.
But Backus was not just talking about physical architecture (emphasis added):
Not only is this tube a literal bottleneck for the data traffic of a problem, but, more importantly, it is an intellectual bottleneck that has kept us tied to word-at-a-time thinking instead of encouraging us to think in terms of the larger conceptual units of the task at hand. Thus programming is basically planning and detailing the enormous traffic of words through the von Neumann bottleneck, and much of that traffic concerns not significant data itself but where to find it.
In that sense, functional programming has been largely successful at getting people to write higher-level functions, such as maps and reductions, rather than “word-at-a-time thinking” such as the for loops of C. If you try to perform an operation on a lot of data in C, today, then just like in 1977, you need to write it as a sequential loop. Potentially, each iteration of the loop could do anything to any element of the array, or any other program state, or even muck around with the loop variable itself, and any pointer could potentially alias any of these variables. At the time, that was true of the DO loops of Backus’ first high-level language, Fortran, as well, except maybe the part about pointer aliasing. To get good performance today, you try to help the compiler figure out that, no, the loop doesn’t really need to run in the order you literally specified: this is an operation it can parallelize, like a reduction or a transformation of some other array or a pure function of the loop index alone.
But that’s no longer a good fit for the physical architecture of modern computers, which are all vectorized symmetric multiprocessors—like the Cray supercomputers of the late ’70s, but faster.
Indeed, the C++ Standard Template Library now has algorithms on containers that are totally independent of the implementation details or the internal representation of the data, and Backus’ own creation, Fortran, added FORALL and PURE in 1995.
When you look at today’s big data problems, you see that the tools we use to solve them resemble functional idioms a lot more than the imperative languages Backus designed in the ’50s and ’60s. You wouldn’t write a bunch of for loops to do machine learning in 2018; you’d define a model in something like Tensorflow and evaluate it. If you want to work with big data with a lot of processors at once, it’s extremely helpful to know that your operations are associative, and therefore can be grouped in any order and then combined, allowing for automatic parallelization and vectorization. Or that a data structure can be lock-free and wait-free because it is immutable. Or that a transformation on a vector is a map that can be implemented with SIMD instructions on another vector.
Last year, I wrote a couple short programs in several different languages to solve a problem that involved finding the coefficients that minimized a cubic polynomial. A brute-force approach in C11 looked, in relevant part, like this:
static variable_t ys[MOST_COEFFS];
// #pragma omp simd safelen(MOST_COEFFS)
for ( size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j )
ys[j] = ((a3s[j]*t + a2s[j])*t + a1s[j])*t + a0s[j];
variable_t result = ys[0];
// #pragma omp simd reduction(min:y)
for ( size_t j = 1; j < n; ++j ) {
const variable_t y = ys[j];
if (y < result)
result = y;
} // end for j
The corresponding section of the C++14 version looked like this:
const variable_t result =
(((a3s*t + a2s)*t + a1s)*t + a0s).min();
In this case, the coefficient vectors were std::valarray objects, a special type of object in the STL that have restrictions on how their components can be aliased, and whose member operations are limited, and a lot of the restrictions on what operations are safe to vectorize sound a lot like the restrictions on pure functions. The list of allowed reductions, like .min() at the end, is, not coincidentally, similar to the instances of Data.Semigroup. You’ll see a similar story these days if you look through <algorithm> in the STL.
Now, I’m not going to claim that C++ has become a functional language. As it happened, I made all the objects in the program immutable and automatically collected by RIIA, but that’s just because I’ve had a lot of exposure to functional programming and that’s how I like to code now. The language itself doesn’t impose such things as immutability, garbage collection or absence of side-effects. But when we look at what Backus in 1977 said was the real von Neumann bottleneck, “an intellectual bottleneck that has kept us tied to word-at-a-time thinking instead of encouraging us to think in terms of the larger conceptual units of the task at hand,” does that apply to the C++ version? The operations are linear algebra on coefficient vectors, not word-at-a-time. And the ideas C++ borrowed to do this—and the ideas behind expression templates even more so—are largely functional concepts. (Compare that snippet to how it would’ve looked in K&R C, and how Backus defined a functional program to compute inner product in section 5.2 of his Turing Award lecture in 1977.)
I also wrote a version in Haskell, but I don’t think it’s as good an example of escaping that kind of von Neumann bottleneck.
It’s absolutely possible to write functional code that meets all of Backus’ descriptions of the von Neumann bottleneck. Looking back on the code I wrote this week, I’ve done it myself. A fold or traversal that builds a list? They’re high-level abstractions, but they’re also defined as sequences of word-at-a-time operations, and half or more of the data passed through the bottleneck when you create and traverse a singly-linked list is the addresses of other data! They’re efficient ways to put data through the von Neumann bottleneck, and that’s basically why I did it: they’re great patterns for programming von Neumann machines.
If we’re interested in coding a different way, however, functional programming gives us tools to do so. (I’m not going to claim it’s the only thing that does.) Express a reduction as a foldMap, apply it to the right kind of vector, and the associativity of the monoidal operation lets you split up the problem into chunks of whatever size you want and combine the pieces later. Make an operation a map rather than a fold, on a data structure other than a singly-linked list, and it can be automatically parallelized or vectorized. Or transformed in other ways that produce the same result, since we’ve expressed the result at a higher level of abstraction, not a particular sequence of word-at-a-time operations.
My examples so far have been about parallel programming, but I’m sure quantum computing will shake up what programs look like a lot more fundamentally.

Boolean expression simplification

I am trying to simplify a Boolean expression with exactly 39 inputs, and about 500 million - 800million terms (as in that many and/not/or statements).
A perfect simplification is not needed, but a good one would be nice.
I am aware of the K-maps , Quine–McCluskey, Espresso algorithms. However I am also aware that these mechanisms would take way too long to simplify a circuit of this size based on what I have read
I would need to simplify this expression as much as possible within a 24 hour period.
After google searching, I find it difficult to find any resources for attempting to simplify a machine of quite this magnitude! Any resources out there or a library out there that can attempt to at least simplify this to some extent within a 24 time period?
A greedy heuristic Simplify is described in the somewhat dated book
Robert K. Brayton , Gary D. Hachtel , C. McMullen , Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis
You can find the chapter online.
Simplify is based on the unate paradigm. In divide-and-conquer style, it recursively applies Shannon's expansion theorem to split the function into smaller sub-functions. The heuristic rule is to split by the most binate variable first, i.e. the variable which separates the largest number of terms.
A second approach could be to use graph partitioning tools like METIS to split the terms into independent (or at least loosely related) subsets. But I am not aware that this has been tried sucessfully for logic synthesis tasks. My favorite search engine is sceptical and does not return any hits.
A more recent algorithm based on Binary Decision Diagrams was published in
Olivier Coudert: Doing Two-Level Logic Minimization 100 Times Faster
The paper lists examples with very high number of terms similar to your task at hand.
A somewhat related simplification technique BDD Sweeping as described in A Study of Sweeping Algorithms in the Context of Model Checking.
This is a duplicate question. See for resources about logic optimization, or simplication of boolean expressions.

Why is it not possible to construct a finite state machine in this case?

Why is it not possible to construct a finite state machine that recognizes precisely those sequences in the language
where the alphabet for A is {0,1}..
I just don't get it why this is not possible...Maybe I am not seeing something as I am new to this.
The language you posted is not regular, only regular languages (i.e. defined by a regular grammar) can be accepted by a finite state machine.
The reason for this is, non formally, that finite automata can not count because they have a finite number of states. This would be required for comparing i to j in your example.
The construct that will be able to accept your language would be a stackautomaton, because your language is contextfree.
See the Wikipedia article about chompsky hierarchy1 for additional details.

What gives Lisp its excellent math performance?

I am reading this in a Lisp textbook:
Lisp can perform some amazing feats with numbers, especially when compared with most other languages. For instance, here we’re using the function expt to calculate the fifty-third power of 53:
CL> (expt 53 53)
Most languages would choke on a calculation involving such a large number.
Yes, that's cool, but the author fails to explain why Lisp can do this more easily and more quickly than other languages.
Surely there is a simple reason, can anyone explain?
This is a good example that "worse is not always better".
The New Jersey approach
The "traditional" languages, like C/C++/Java, have limited range integer arithmetics based on the hardware capabilities, e.g., int32_t - signed 32-bit numbers which silently overflow when the result does not fit into 32 bits. This is very fast and often seems good enough for practical purposes, but causes subtle hard to find bugs.
The MIT/Stanford style
Lisp took a different approach.
It has a "small" unboxed integer type fixnum, and when the result of fixnum arithmetics does not fit into a fixnum, it is automatically and transparently promoted to an arbitrary size bignum, so you always get mathematically correct results. This means that, unless the compiler can prove that the result is a fixnum, it has to add code which will check whether a bignum has to be allocated. This, actually, should have a 0 cost on modern architecture, but was a non-trivial decision when it was made 4+ decades ago.
The "traditional" languages, when they offer bignum arithmetics, do that in a "library" way, i.e.,
it has to be explicitly requested by the user;
the bignums are operated upon in a clumsy way: BigInteger.add(a,b) instead of a+b;
the cost is incurred even when the actual number is small and would fit into a machine int.
Note that the Lisp approach is quite in line with the Lisp tradition of doing the right thing at a possible cost of some extra complexity. It is also manifested in the automated memory management, which is now mainstream, but was viciously attacked in the past. The lisp approach to integer arithmetics has now been used in some other languages (e.g., python), so the progress is happening!
To add to what wvxvw wrote, it's easier in Lisp because bignums are built into the language. You can juggle large numbers around just as, say, ints in C or Java.