Passing a Reusable rule id into an action - rule-engine

I would have like to use reusable execution Rules as an action but saw on a post that it is not supported by code effects.
For example: If Temperature is 54 then RuleA.
Is there any support for passing the ruleid into an action so it can be added to a collection of rule ids?
Example: IF Temperature is 54 THEN PasseusableRuleId(reusableruleid).

You can use the Dynamic Menu Data Sources feature to create a list of your reusable rules and use that list as param in your action method. One small note to remember: dynamic menu sources can only use integers as IDs, so you cant just use GUID IDs of your rules in there. Instead, add a unique auto-incrementing int column to the rules table in your database and use those int values as IDs in dynamic menus. Details can be found at


Provide general query statement for all particular events

the following real use case, that already has been implemented by our company:
We've built application with rest api as wrapper around esper java api.
The user can define it's map schema and query statement.
Each event (instanceof MapEventBean) sent by user (as JSON) has one common parameter (thou with different values every time), which are to be added to map in background to the user map event as additional key-value pair.
Problem: in order to retrieve this additional parameter by UpdateListener, the user defined both schema and query statement are to be extended programmatically over this attribute.
User defined schema: create map schema Name as (...)
Prog. modified schema: create map schema Name as (additionalAttribute Map, ...)
User defined query stmt: select foo, bar from Name
Prog. modified query stmt: select additionalAttribute, foo, bar from Name
Question: approach does work, but is very error-prone or not too independent, as we'd like to have it.
So the question: Is any possibility to define common query stmt (e.g. select additionalAttribute on each event ...) or tell update listener to retrieve the particular attribute on each succeeded query, independently of whether it has been defined in user defined stmt or not.
Thanks in advance!
I've already considered some possibilities such as NamedWindows, but the problem is, that this additional attributes are to belong to each particular event, - that is the attributes should be fetched from pattern by update listener simultaneously with the event self.
There is a statement object model API that you can use to modify the queries without doing string manipulation. The documentation link for the API is

How to create table occurrences for filtered data..?

I have a table called transactions. Within that is a field called ipn_type. I would like to create separate table occurrences for the different ipn types I may have.
For example, one value for ipn_type is "dispute". In the past I would create a global field called "rel_dispute" and I would populate that with the value of "dispute". Then I could create a new table occurrence of the transactions table, and make a relationship based on transactions::ipn_type = transactions::rel_dispute. This way only the dispute records would show up in my new table occurrence.
Not long ago, somebody pointed out to me that this is no longer necessary, and there is a simpler way to setup such a relationship to create a new table occurrence. I can't for the life of me remember how that was done, though.
Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To show a found set of only one type, you must either perform a find or use the Go to Related Record script step to show only related records. What you describe as your previous setup fits the latter.
The simpler way is to perform a find - either on demand, or by a script triggered OnLayoutEnter.
The new 'easy' way is probably:
using one base relationship only and
filtering only the displaying portal by type. This can be done with a global field, a global variable containing current display type. Multiple portals with different filter conditions are possible as well.

Dynamically change parameters based on the value of another parameter?

I have a crystal 2008 report that allows users to group to two levels.
I have two parameters, using which users can select which attribute they want to group on.
The two params are of type string and the list of values is static. Both levels have the same options to group on.
Is there someway to filter the list based on what they selected for param 1. So that they cannot group on the same thing twice.
I don't think it's possible. You can cascade dynamic parameters link Country, State but not how you want to.
How many options do they have to choose from? Do they normally choose anything other than a few different combinations from the maximum?
I think you're options are to either leave it as is (allowing them to pick the same thing for both groups). Or create a single parameters which looks like- Group by:
Date, Country
Type, Country
Date, Type
Short answer: not possible.
create a custom UI that does what you want to do
if the list of grouping fields aren't too long, you could combine the two parameters into a single one, then list the options that you want to support. For example, if you have 3 grouping fields (A,B,C), your single, combined parameter would be A->B, B->A, B->C, C->B, A->C, C->A.

create github like "label" feature

I have noticed on github they allow you to create multiple labels and associate that with an issue, if you want to filter you can filter by label.
How would I go about creating something like this?
I have a task manager, what would I need to store in the database for the labels?
My process (thinkin out aloud): Create a task, allow user who created the task to add a label, this label has to be from a predifined list, so a table called UserLabels - where I can store the labels, I will show the labels from this list when a user wants to add multiple labels to their task.
Do I store the the label ids inside a nvarchar(max) field as an array i.e:
What is the best way to do this?
If you're wanting to do this the propper way you'd have a table that maps task ID's to Label ID's. as foreign keys.
This would be the correctly normalised way to do it.
Personally I'd have a field in my task table that contained either a list of label ids or the labels themselves. It would depend on my criteria really.

Create a new FileMaker layout showing unique records based on one field and a count for each

I have a table like this:
It can have data like this:
I'd like to create a layout to show:
Application,# of Programs
The point is to count the distinct programs.
For the life of me I can't make this work in FileMaker. I've created a summary field to count programs resetting after each group, but because it doesn't eliminate the duplicate programs I get:
Any help much appreciated.
Create a a summary field as:
cntApplicaiton = Count of Application
Do this by going into define fields, create a field called cntApplication, type summary. In the options dialogue make the summary field a count on application
Now create a new layout with a subsummary part and nobody. The subsummary should be sorted on Application. Put the Application and cntApplication fields in subsummary. If you enter browse mode and sort by Application you ought to get the data you want.
You can also create a calc field with the formula
GetSummary(cntApplication; Application)
This will allow you to use the total number of Applications with in a record
Since I also generate the data in this form, the solution I've adopted is to fill two tables in FileMaker. One provides the summary view, the other the detailed view.
I think that your problem is down to dupliate records and an inadequate key.
Create a text field called "App_Prog". In the options box set it to an auto-enter calc, unchecking the 'Do not replace...' option, and use the following calc:
Application & "_" & Program
Now create a self join to the table using App_Prog as the field on both sides, and call this 'MatchingApps'.
Now, create (if you don't alread have one) a unique serial number field, 'Counter' say, and make sure that you enter a value in each record. (Find all, click in the field, and use serial number option in'Replace Field Contents...')
Now add a new calc field - Is_Duplicate with the following calc...
If (Counter = MatchingApps::Counter; "Master Record" ; "Duplicate")
Finally, find all, click in the 'Application field, and use 'Replace Field Contents...' with a calculation to force the auto-enter calc for 'App_Prog' to come up with a value.
Where does this get you? You should now have a set of records that are marker either "Master Record" or "Duplicate". Do a find on "Master Record", and then you can perform your summary (by Application) to do a count of distinct application-program pairs.
If you have access to custom functions (you need FileMaker Pro Advanced), I'd do it like this:
Add the RemoveDuplicates function as found here (this is a recursive function that takes a list of strings and returns a list of unique values).
In the relationships graph, add another occurrence of your table and add an Application = Application relationship.
Create a calculated field in the table with the calculation looking something like this:
You'll find that each record will contain the number of distinct programs for the given application. Showing a summary for each application should be relatively trivial from here.
I think the best way to do this is to create a separate applications table. So as you've given the data, it would have two records, one for A and one for B.
So, with the addition of an Applications table and your existing table, which I'll call Objects, create a relationship from Applications to Objects (with a table occurrence called ObjectsParent) based on the ApplicationName as the match field. Create a self join relationship between Objects and itself with both Application and Program as the match fields. I'll call one of the "table occurrences" ObjectsParent and the other ObjectsChildren. Make sure that there's a primary key field in Objects that is set to auto-enter a serial number or some other method to ensure uniqueness. I'll call this ID.
So your relationship graph has three table occurrences:
Applications::Applicaiton = ObjectsParent::Application
ObjectsParent::Application = ObjectsChildren::Application, ObjectsParent::Program = ObjectsChildren::Program
Now create a calculation field in Objects, and calculating from the context of ObjectsParent, give it the following formula:
AppCount = Count( ObjectsChildren::ID )
Create a calculation field in Applications and calculating from the context of the table occurrence you used to relate it to ObjectsParent with the following formula:
AppCount = ObjectsParent::AppCount
The count field in Objects will have the same value for every object with the same application, so it doesn't matter which one you get this data from.
If you now view the data in Applications in list view, you can place the Applications::Application and Applications::AppCount fields on the layout and you should get what you've requested.