Confused about FCM and Push plugin in ionic - ionic-framework

I have to develop an app with push notification in ionic where on notification click user should redirect to a specific page.
I searched and found two plugins(FCM and Push), But I am confused about their differences, How do both work? Which is the best to implement?

This question is already there on ionic forum:
Here's the accepted answer there:
If you are using Firebase, use the FCM/Firebase one. If you use any
other push provider (like Ionic Push or OneSignak), use the other one.
And for me I'll go for FCM, it being easier to implement.


How to receive a push notification when you are near a specific place using a map?

I'm new to Ionic, and I'd like to know if you can give me some guidance. I am using Ionic 1. I have seen tutorials, and they use Google or one signal. But they are always basic tutorials and I have many doubts. I hope to do this for both iOS and Android.
My application has some coordinates in the database, I get them with a web service. I would like that when I'm near a place I get a push notification. I am currently using the Google Maps plugin cordova-plugin-googlemaps and the geolocation plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation.
I would like you to give me advice or if you have had the experience of doing something like this.
I also want to know if doing this has any cost.
I am using Ionic 1 and the database is built in MySQL using PHP. I think the push notification is generated from the back-end?
When I tap on the notification, can it contain an iconor redirect to a specific place in my app?
In conclusion:
What is the best alternative? I was thinking of some plugin that detects in the background when my location changes and when this happens (does the cordova-plugin-geolocation do it?) verify if I'm close to a certain place and send a local notification. For example, and when I tap on this notification I can get the id of that place and redirect to a place in my app.
I think you should try geofence
repo link
example links: built with Ionic framework built with Ionic 2 framework

How to implement azure push notifications in ionic 2 for iOS. (Closed)

I tried all possible way but not able to implement azure push notifications in ionic 2 .
Thanks in advance :-)
This link shows how to plug everything.
And instead of use the phone gap version, you can install the Ionic Native version of that plugin.
Note: It's better if you post the code of what have you tried so we can give you a specific answer.

Are there any example apps or tutorials on how to do Push Notifications in Ionic 2?

I've been trying for a while now to get push notifications working in Ionic 2.
But I'm not getting further.
I was wondering if any of you might've come across something that might help.

Enabling the push notification service for an existing application in IPhone?

I have an application in IPhone in which i am trying to implement push notification.I have already created the appstore and adhoc certificates for this project.Now i was in deep confusion how to enable push notification for the existing certificates.Can any body give me the steps to follow.when i am going trough google i only got a vague idea.can anybody help me?
use this tutorial. they have great explaination to this

Appcelerator Push Notifications

I was wondering if it's possible to create a generic push notification solution for mobile devices (or at least Android and iPhone) with Appcelerator. I found some examples on how to implement iPhone Push with Appcelerator but nothing generic.
Any ideas? Or are there maybe other cross-plattform development sdk to solve this?
As far as I know, you can use the push notification service with iOS only.
See the documentation here.
Then, for the iOS, the simpliest way to send/receive notifications, is to subscribe for free for the UrbanAirship service.
You can find a nice tutorial here.
I only know of push notifications working in IOS (for iPhone) too. However, I understand that Cocoafish are soon working on push notification for Android. Backends like this and UA are about as generic as you can get.
Using Appcelerator Cloud Service(ACS) you can implement the Push Notification.
It is the simplest and reliable one. Follow below tutorial for ACS Push Notification implementation on Android and iOS
Android :
iOS :
Hope it helps someone