Why is implicit conversion between anonymous access objects disallowed in Ada? - operator-overloading

I am working my way through Barnes' book 'Programming in Ada 2012'. This is a code sample implementing a stack from section 12.5.
src/stacks.adb: (the main relevant file)
package body Stacks is
procedure Push(S: in out Stack; X: in Integer) is
S := new Cell'(S,X);
end Push;
procedure Pop(S: in out Stack; X: in out Integer) is
X := S.Value;
S := Stack(S.Next);
end Pop;
function "="(S, T: Stack) return Boolean is
SS: access Cell := S;
TT: access Cell := T;
while SS /= null and TT /= null loop
if SS.Value /= TT.Value then
return false;
end if;
SS := SS.Next;
TT := TT.Next;
end loop;
return SS = TT; -- error: implicit conversion of stand-alone anonymous access object not allowed
end "=";
end Stacks;
I have added a comment containing the error that gnat gives me. Why am I not allowed to convert from one anonymous access Cell to another?
I can solve the problem by inverting the condition:
return not (SS /= TT);
It mystifies me as John Barnes states earlier that if you define a "=" operator returning a boolean, then the inverse "/=" is generated automatically for you, meaning the opposite.
Similarly, the loop condition can be inverted, in which case it fails to compile with the same message.
Finally, a side-note: the expected behaviour of the program, which it gives after changing to return not (SS /= TT) is to recurse infinitely and raise a storage_error due to stack overflow. The reason for that is better seen in this other SO question, and is not the subject of this question.
Why is the conversion disallowed by the compiler when I write "="?
Why is it different when I write "/=", which I thought would always be the inverse?
The other files needed in order to compile the example for yourself:
package Stacks is
type Stack is limited private;
procedure Push(S: in out Stack; X: in Integer);
procedure Pop(S: in out Stack; X: in out Integer);
function "="(S, T: Stack) return Boolean;
type Cell is
Next: access Cell;
Value: Integer;
end record;
type Stack is access all Cell;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Stacks; use Stacks;
procedure Main is
A : Stack;
B : Stack;
Push(A, 1);
Push(B, 1);
Push(A, 2);
Push(B, 2);
Push(A, 1);
Push(B, 1);
Push(A, 8);
Push(B, 8);
Same : Boolean := A = B;
Text : String := (if Same then "They are the same" else "They are not the same");
end Main;
project stacks is
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Main use ("main.adb");
end stacks;
gprbuild -d -p -g
rm -rf obj *.o *.ali
Or compile with gcc:
gcc -c src/*.adb
gnatbind main
gnatlink main
It gives the same results.


"operator symbol not allowed for generic subprogram" from Ada

I want to make subprogram for adding array's elements with Ada.
subprogram "Add_Data" have 3 parameters-
first parameter = generic type array (array of INTEGER or array of REAL)
second parameter = INTEGER (size of array)
third parameter = generic type sum (array of INTEGER -> sum will be INTEGER, array of REAL -> sum will be REAL)
I programmed it from ideone.com.
(I want to see just result by array of INTEGER. After that, I will test by array of REAL)
With Ada.Text_IO; Use Ada.Text_IO;
With Ada.Integer_Text_IO; Use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure test is
type T is private;
type Tarr is array (INTEGER range <>) of T;
--function "+" (A,B : T) return T;
--function "+" (A, B : T) return T is
-- return (A+B);
--end "+";
procedure Add_Data(X : in Tarr; Y : in INTEGER; Z : in out T);
procedure Add_Data(X : in Tarr; Y : in INTEGER; Z : in out T) is
temp : T;
count : INTEGER;
count := 1;
temp :=temp+ X(count); //<-This is problem.
count := count + 1;
if count > Y then
end if;
end loop;
end Add_Data;
type intArray is array (INTEGER range <>) of INTEGER;
intArr : intArray := (1=>2, 2=>10, 3=>20, 4=>30, 5=>8);
sum : INTEGER;
procedure intAdd is new Add_Data(Tarr=>intArray, T=>INTEGER);
sum := 0;
intAdd(intArr, 5, sum);
put (sum);
end test;
when I don't overload operator "+", It makes error.
"There is no applicable operator "+" for private type "T" defined."
What can I do for this?
If a generic’s formal type is private, then nothing in the generic can assume anything about the type except that it can be assigned (:=) and that it can be compared for equality (=) and inequality (/=). In particular, no other operators (e.g. +) are available in the generic unless you provide them.
The way to do that is
type T is private;
with function "+" (L, R : T) return T is <>;
This tells the compiler that (a) there is a function "+" which takes two T’s and returns a T; and (b) if the actual T has an operator "+" which matches that profile, to allow it as the default.
So, you could say
procedure intAdd is new Add_Data (T => Integer, ...
or, if you didn’t feel like using the default,
procedure intAdd is new Add_Data (T => Integer, "+" => "+", ...
In addition to not knowing how to declare a generic formal subprogram (Wright has shown how to do this for functions), your code has a number of other issues that, if addressed, might help you move from someone who thinks in another language and translates it into Ada into someone who actually uses Ada. Presuming that you want to become such a person, I will point some of these out.
You declare your array types using Integer range <>. It's more common in Ada to use Positive range <>, because people usually refer to positions starting from 1: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...
Generics are used for code reuse, and in real life, such code is often used by people other than the original author. It is good practice not to make unstated assumptions about the values clients will pass to your operations. You assume that, for Y > 0, for all I in 1 .. Y => I in X'range and for Y < 1, 1 in X'range. While this is true for the values you use, it's unlikely to be true for all uses of the procedure. For example, when an array is used as a sequence, as it is here, the indices are immaterial, so it's more natural to write your array aggreate as (2, 10, 20, 30, 8). If I do that, Intarr'First = Integer'First and Intarr'Last = Integer'First + 4, both of which are negative. Attempting to index this with 1 will raise Constraint_Error.
Y is declared as Integer, which means that zero and negative values are acceptable. What does it mean to pass -12 to Y? Ada's subtypes help here; if you declare Y as Positive, trying to pass non-positive values to it will fail.
Z is declared mode in out, but the input value is not referenced. This would be better as mode out.
Y is not needed. Ada has real arrays; they carry their bounds around with them as X'First, X'Last, and X'Length. Trying to index an array outside its bounds is an error (no buffer overflow vulnerabilities are possible). The usual way to iterate over an array is with the 'range attribute:
for I in X'range loop
This ensures that I is always a valid index into X.
Temp is not initialized, so it will normally be initialized to "stack junk". You should expect to get different results for different calls with the same inputs.
Instead of
if count > Y then
end if;
it's more usual to write exit when Count > Y;
Since your procedure produces a single, scalar output, it would be more natural for it to be a function:
generic -- Sum
type T is private;
Zero : T;
type T_List is array (Positive range <>) of T;
with function "+" (Left : T; Right : T) return T is <>;
function Sum (X : T_List) return T;
function Sum (X : T_List) return T is
Result : T := Zero;
begin -- Sum
Add_All : for I in X'range loop
Result := Result + X (I);
end loop Add_All;
return Result;
end Sum;

ERROR at line 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

ERROR at line 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
A:=(A/10);//statement ignored error
OK, I've had a look at your procedure and tried to resolve the issues you are having with it.
You haven't explained much (or indeed anything) about what you are trying to achieve which makes it really difficult to get you an answer.
People on here really want to help but you have to at least give us the tools with witch to provide that help.
Anyhow, with a host of assumptions, here is my version of your procedure with the following assumptions:
Your procedure is names POS (you name it POS in the procedure definition but then try to execute it as POA).
Your main issue was trying to assign a new value to input parameter "a" within the loop. As it is an input parameter it is immutable and you cannot assign new values to it. I have got round this by declaring a local variable "v_iter" and assigning that the value of "a" and then using it to control the loop.
I have added an "exception" section to handle any unexpected errors and output that error via DBMS_OUTPUT. You might want to make this more robust.
You do not test to check if the input parameter "a" is null or a valid number (i.e. not negative), you might want to do this to make your procedure more robust.
Here is the changed code:
— Declare variables
v_iter NUMBER := a;
— Initialise total
total := 0;
— Loop through “v_iter”
WHILE v_iter > 0
m := MOD(v_iter,10);
total := total + m;
v_iter := (v_iter/10);
WHEN others
— Output and raise an error;
To call it:
Hope it helps.

Finding the error in this code

I keep receiving error,';' unexpected in this piece of maple code. I have looked and looked and just can't seem to find where I'm going wrong. Can anyone spot it?
QSFactorization := proc (n::(And(posint, odd)), mult::nonnegint := 0, { mindeps::posint := 5, c := 1.5 })
local mfb, m, x, fb, nfb, r, M, d;
if isprime(n) then
return "(n)"
elif issqr(n) then
return "(isqrt(n))"*"(isqrt(n))"
elif n < 1000000 then
return ifactor(n)
end if;
if mult = 0 then
mfb := MultSelect(n, ':-c' = c)
else mfb := [mult, FactorBase(mult*n, c)]
end if;
m := mfb[1];
if 1 < m then
print('Using*multiplier; -1');
end if;
x := m*n*print('Using*smoothness*bound; -1');
fb := Array(mfb[2], datatype = integer[4]);
nfb := ArrayNumElems(fb);
print('Size*of*factor*base; -1');
r := Relations(x, fb, ':-mindeps' = mindeps);
M := r[3]; print('Smooth*values*found; -1');
print('Solving*a*matrix*of*size; -1');
d := Dependencies(M);
print('Number*of*linear*dependencies*found; -1');
print('Factors; -1');
FindFactors(n, r, d)
end proc
I'd really appreciate any insight.
You basic problem is that you are using the wrong quotes inside your print statements. This is invalid,
print('Using*multiplier; -1');
You are using single right-quotes (tick), which in Maple is used for unevaluation. In this case the semicolons inside your print statements are syntax errors.
Use either double-quotes or single left-quotes instead. The former delimits a string, and the latter delimits a name. Eg,
print("Using*multiplier; -1");
print(`Using*multiplier; -1`);
If you choose to go with name-quotes then the print command will prettyprint the output in the Maple GUI with the name in an italic font by default, but you won't see the quotes in the output.
If you choose to go with string-quotes then the print command will show the quotes in the output, but will use an upright roman font by default.
Some other comments/answers (since deleted) on your post suggest that you are missing statement terminators (colon or semicolon) for these two statements,
FindFactors(n, r, d)
That is not true. Those statements appear right before end if and end proc respectively, and as such statement terminators are optional for them. Personally I dislike coding Maple with such optional terminator instances left out, as it can lead to confusion when you add intermediate lines or pass the code to someone else, etc.

Ada get Character input and check if it is a valid input

with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
USE Ada, Ada.Text_Io;
WITH connectfour;
PACKAGE board is new connectfour;
USE board;
col : Character;
function checkInput (input : Character) RETURN BOOLEAN is
ins : Character := input;
ins := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(ins);
if ins = 'a' or ins = 'b' or ins = 'c' or ins = 'd' or
ins = 'e' or ins = 'f' or ins = 'g' or ins = 'h' then
return true;
end if;
return false;
end checkInput;
while (not board.isFull) loop
PUT("Player"&Integer'Image(board.turn)&": ");
exit when checkInput(col);
end loop;
exit when col = '0';
Text_IO.Put ("");
end loop;
end Main;
So when I run my program I get:
Player 1: a --> (I entered the character 'a' and clicked enter)
Then I keep getting this error right after, at the line "Ada.Text_IO.Get(col);"
raised ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.DATA_ERROR : a-tiinio.adb:86 instantiated at a-inteio.ads:18
What I want to do, is get a single character input from the user and check if it is within the range A .. H, if yes, then exit the loop, otherwise keep asking...
I cannot find out what my issue is...
I allow the user to enter lowercase or uppercase characters, and I convert uppercase to lowercase and perform a check.
Please help...
I am not sure how to read in a single Character....
Okay the exception message could be clearer (and there are ways to get stack traces when one happens but let's work with what we've got...)
locate a-tiinio.adb
which is
package body Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO
and line 86 is an exception raised in
procedure Get
(Item : out Num;
Width : Field := 0)
Details don't matter (yet) but I cannot see any calls to Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO.Get.
So my suspicion is that the code shown is working
(as well as can be expected : NOTE HOWEVER there is no way to get to exit when col = '0'; with col outside a .. h) and there is another call to Get (this time Integer_IO.Get) buried in board.play. It would be easy to test this by printing col= before calling board.play.
Minor style comment:
function checkInput (input : Character) RETURN BOOLEAN is
ins : Character := input;
ins := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(ins);
can be simplified
function checkInput (input : Character) RETURN BOOLEAN is
ins : Character := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(input);

Digital Metaphors Report Builder 11.05: why my DELPHI code crashes without any error?

Now I build a template for our invoice printer.
But I do really not know, why it crashes without any error.
My goal is to separate the String ItemName at the ';' and print each part into a new line to a Memo1.
procedure DetailBeforeGenerate;
s1: String;
s2: String;
wordcount: Integer;
notelength: Integer;
s1 := plPrintInvLine['ItemName'];
notelength := Length(s1);
while notelength > 0 do
notelength := Length(s1);
wordcount := Pos(';' , s1);
s2 := Copy(s1, 0, wordcount-1);
Delete(s1, 0, wordcount);
See comments below regarding accessing index[0] in a string and thanks to David Heffernen and Ken White. BUT:
Looks like you've got an infinite loop in your code:
notelength := Length(s1);
while notelength > 0 do
notelength := Length(s1);
wordcount := Pos(';' , s1);
s2 := Copy(s1, 0, wordcount-1);
Delete(s1, 0, wordcount);
Delete(s1, 0, wordcount); Has no effect! Try it in Delphi debugger. Result? notelength is never decremented so you'll loop forever. ' Delete(s1, 0, wordcount);' does not blow up but neither does it delete. Use Delete(s1,1, wordcount) instead.
Index[0] in Delphi strings does not contain your character data - it's 'not accessible' according to the compiler, if you try compiling myString[0];
Also: the way your code is written, you MUST terminate with ';' or a string such as this:
s1 := 'mikey;was;here;a'; will loop infinitely on the last string after ';' ('a')
I also use ReportBuilder templates, etc: In Delphi itself you will not be able to compile MyString[0], but the copy and delete methods are protected from this error, (as David explained) however it appears from what I saw in the debugger that 'Delete(s1, 0, wordcount)' will not throw an exception but fails to delete. So I would not expect RBuilder to be any better, and perhaps worse - copy() may also be failing on string[0] in RAP.
RAP is NOT Delphi - it is a Runtime scripting environment that runs in your template, based on Object Pascal, but it does not support everything, and you cannot always expect it to behave exactly like Delphi.
BTW - ReportBuilder is now up to version 14.0X - if possible you should upgrade - there have been a lot of improvements in the RAP environment. In a later version your code might work OK or you'll get back an error message from RAP.
Also: If you want to debug in RAP it's not so easy. But to give you a clue as to where the error might be occurring, put a text label on your report and after each line of your code add
mylabel.caption:='statementxxx ran';
mylabel.caption:= myVariable.value;
Etc. That will give you a little ad hoc tracer - maybe show you where/why you failed, etc.
For all searching people: I found the solution with the excellent help of this community!
The working code looks like this:
procedure DetailBeforeGenerate;
S1: String;
S2: String;
wordcount: Integer;
notelength: Integer;
S1 := plPrintInvLine['ArtName'];
notelength := Length(S1);
while (notelength > 0) do
wordcount := Pos(';',S1);
S2 := Copy(S1, 1, wordcount-1);
if ( Pos(' ',S2) = 1 ) then Delete(S2, 1, 1);
Delete(S1, 1, wordcount);
notelength := notelength - wordcount;