Version agnostic way to convert from Java to Scala collections and back - scala

Almost each Scala version changes the way collection conversion happens in a non-backward compatible way. Is there a better solution that is version agnostic and does not depend on Scala distribution?
I don't mind using some 3rd party libraries.

Just use the scala-collections-compat library and then you can use import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ on Scala 2.11, 2.12 & 2.13.


Can I compile a string containing Scala code to machine code using Scala Native as a library of my program?

I succeed compiling a scala project to machine code using Scala Native.
But I want to generate some executable code at runtime (I plan to implement a standalone compiler from a scala-like language to machine code).
The goal is to have a self-hosted language, independent of JVM.
Is it possible to somehow embed the Scala Native compiler in my project?
As described in,
The build of Scala Native contains the following JVM-based portions of which the 1st, 3rd, and 4th seem like they would be necessary for a Scala Native compiler embedded in your own compiler:
The Scala Native sbt plugin and its dependencies (directory names are in parentheses). These are JVM projects.
sbtScalaNative (sbt-scala-native)
nir, util
testRunner (test-runner)
So Scala Native is not independent of JVM as OP's question seeks. Conversely, studying the NIR (scala-Native Intermediate Representation) portions of the Scala Native codebase might indicate a point (somewhere near the emission of NIR onward) to factor out a nonJVM NIR-to-LLVM backend. Then OP's “self-hosted language” that compiles NIR to LLVM IR to machine code “from a scala-like language to machine code” as OP's question seeks might be possible, as derived from some backend extract/fragment of Scala Native's codebase after the parser, perhaps after the AST, which is dependent on Scala(-proper)'s JVM-based parser, whereas from NIR onward is in the JVM simply because the parser and AST were already within the JVM.

Is there a conversion/migration guide for Scala v2.9 to current v2.12.x?

There is a Scala library I would like to use (PiStache) that was written for Scala v2.9 and hasn't been updated in 7 years.
Q: Can anyone point to a conversion or migration guide for Scala v2.9 to the most current v2.12.x?
I have searched the web for any conversion or migration guides, and haven't found any. The only option I see is going through the successive release notes hoping they list incompatibilities.
I have found various discussion threads that describe why there there are incompatibilities between minor versions, but no succinct list of changes that need to be made. Of course, I could take the trial and error approach and simply compile the library under 2.12.x and then respond to error messages, but I'm hoping to avoid that (potentially) time consuming process.
The best migration guide I found is here (2 parts), focusing on 2.9 -> 2.10 migration:
tl;dr: Most of the migration effort is tied to libraries, and if library authors have newer (compatible) versions then you are good. But there are a variety of small changes to Scala library that you might stumble on:
The Scala class library itself has a number of changes you ought to be aware of before migrating to 2.10. The really big change is that Scala actors are deprecated in favor of Akka. You can still use them by importing the scala-actors artifact from the Scala 2.10 distribution, but it is recommended to migrate fully to the new actor system as this is also likely to be obsoleted by 2.10.1. The gentle folk at Typesafe have provided a very comprehensive migration guide to assist your efforts.
The less prevasive API changes we ran into include:
List.elements is deprecated in favor of List.iterator;
TraversableOnce.toIndexedSeq no longer takes a type argument. This was actually quite pervasive in our codebase, causing plenty of compilation errors, and is easily worked around by removing the type parameter (which is extraneous to begin with);
Scala actors' Actor.receive method is now public (previously protected). This had to be rectified in pretty much all of our existing actors by removing the protected modifer;
Occasional subtle API changes requiring minor code fixes, e.g. Enumeration and Mapping.
Regarding 2.10 -> 2.11 (from Release Notes, emphasis added):
Code that compiled on 2.10.x without deprecation warnings should compile on 2.11.x (we do not guarantee this for experimental APIs, such as reflection)
Regarding 2.11 -> 2.12 (from Release Notes, emphasis added):
Although Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are mostly source compatible to facilitate cross-building, they are not binary compatible. This allows us to keep improving the Scala compiler and standard library.
CAUTION: For anyone using Apache Spark, note that the latest version 2.3.0 is not compatible with the latest version of Scala 2.12.x, so you are forced to use Scala 2.11.x until this changes (fairly soon, from discussions I've seen).

Multiple scala versions in the same project

Apologies if this is a duplicate, I didn't hit on the magic keyword while searching.
I have a project where I pull in various dependencies. One of them (jooq) depends on scala 2.10, whereas my application depends on scala 2.11.x.
Although everything "works", I would like to understand better what are the runtime implications of doing something like this? How will the JVM resolve the different dependencies, and what type of overhead could I be looking at?
I am trying to determine if it's worthwhile to fork jooq, and compile it against 2.11 (assuming it will compile and work under 2.11).
Scala is not binary compatible between major versions (2.10 to 2.11 for example). This means that there are no guarantees that a library that is compiled for Scala 2.10 will work in a project using 2.11. You might be lucky enough that it works, but I would definitely not depend on that luck for any important codebase.
This is the reason why Scala libraries always has got the library version in their name and why SBT has got special syntax for dependencies to get the right library build for the Scala version used.
On a side note Martin Odersky (Scalas "father") has been proposing a solution to this problem during the year, storing an intermediate representation along with the byte code to allow automagical recompilation to a newer Scala version.
You have the possible danger of runtime exceptions.
As Scala 2.10 and 2.11 are quite similiar the danger is not as big as it has been with 2.9 to 2.10 or 2.8 to 2.9 but it still is there and if you want to do something that is meant to be prodcution code, you definitly should try to raise jooq to 2.11.

Maven dependency for GeneratedMockFactory

what should be the correct maven dependencies to declare if i want to use org.scalamock.generated.GeneratedMockFactory?
I have a scala project which depends on scalatest_2.10 version 2.0.M5B and scalamock-scalatest version 3.0.1 and it looks like the org.scalamock.generated is in neither of them.
kind regards
org.scalamock.generated.GeneratedMockFactory is a trait that is generated by the Scalamock compiler plugin for Scalamock 2 (for Scala 2.9 or older). In scalamock 3 (for Scala 2.10/2.11), the use of the compiler plugin is replaced by macros, so that Scalamock now supports the following two types of mocks :
Macro mocks, using org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
Proxy mocks, using org.scalamock.scalatest.proxy.MockFactory
Please note that macro mocks may fail (at compilation) when trying to mock some complex traits, but they are fully type-checked and have nicer syntax - so it's a good idea to use macro mocks as much as possible, and fall back to proxy mocks when they don't work, according to Scalamock's author. He also has a nice step-by-step guide to using Scalamock 3 (with macro mocks) here.

whether it is possible find (in a runtime) all subclasses (which mixing some trait) using scala 2.10

i need find all subclasses which mixing some trait (i won't do this in a runtime). I know tool written in scala (ClassUtil) but this tool is slow. Also I know one tool written in java (fasters than ClassUtil), but if I have choice I wouldn't rather using external libraries - so my question is: scala 2.10 have support resolving my problem?