Problem-Based formulation in MatLab: Sets and Subsets - matlab

I am an GAMS user how has to go over to MatLab due to company policies.
I have written a model in GAMS that I am now wrtining in Matlab. I am using the problem based approuch.
The question I have is about sets and subsets
For example in GAMS
NodeIndex Nodes of the system /1*3/
GenIndex(NodeIndex) Generator Index /1/
NoGenIndex(NodeIndex) Nodes with no generation
NoGenIndex(NodeIndex) = not GenIndex(NodeIndex)
As seen, GenIndex(NodeIndex) and NoGenIndex(NodeIndex) are a subset of NodeIndex
Example of an optimization variable:
PG(NodeIndex) Generated active power
Then when I bound the problem, I can say that certain sets should have zero generation.
PG.fx(NoGenIndex) = 0;
However, when reading the instructions in MatLab for problembased I can't find something similar. Is possible to define subsets in Matlab problem-based formulation?

Yes you can index into OptimizationVariables or OptimizationExpressions using either numeric index vectors or string. See for example:


GMM in MATLAB gives different results for the same file

I constructed a Gaussian Mixture Model in Matlab with a dataset:
model =,M,'Replicates',5);
with M = 3 Gaussian components. I tested new data with:
[P, l] = posterior(model,new_data);
I ran the program several times and didn't get the same result. Each run produces different log-likelihood values. I use the log-likelihood to make decisions, and this value for the same data (new_data) differs for each run. What does it depend on? How can I resolve this problem?
First, assuming that you're using a newish version of Matlab, the documentation indicates that the fit method is deprecated and that fitgmdist should be used. See here for an example.
Second, the documentation for indicates that if the 'Replicates' option is larger than 1, the 'randSample' start method will be used to produce the initial parameters. This may be the cause (or at least one of the causes) of your observed variability.
Finally, you can also try using rng before calling to set the seed of the global random number stream (assuming the function doesn't use it's own stream internally). Alternatively, you can try specifying an 'Options' parameter via statset:
seed = 1;
s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',seed);
opts = statset('Streams',s);
model =,M,'Replicates',5,'Options',opts);
I can't test this fully myself – see the gmdistribution class documentation for further details.

Multiexperiments in iddata function from Matlab's system ID toolbox

I am trying to evaluate with iddata (INFO) in matlab, a number of N_E experiments.
I already computed and have as cell arrays of size 1xN_E the outputs and inputs, y and u respectively. Every entry of the cell arrays y and u is a vector of length N=316 (SISO system). For the sake of correctness, period is also a cell array of size 1xN_E, with the period in every entry.
Using the command:
data = iddata(y,u,period);
doesn't produce the expected averaged data-set. Instead, it is handled as a 361x361MIMO system (!).
I've already tried transposing, without results.
data = iddata(y.',u.',period.');
Does someone know why this happens, and how can I produce the desired multi-experiment data-set?
P.S. the documentation I read is for Matlab R2014b, and I am running R2013b. Does someone know if this was not supported in my edition? Or how can I find out?
Actually, the Matlab documentation provides an answer to my question.
The function iddata is very strict regarding how the dimension of output y, input u and period period are defined.
Defining 1xN_experiments cell arrays for y,u and period (note: same size for all!; also N_experimentsx1 won't be recognized by iddata) and then using iddata:
data = iddata(y,u,period);
gives the desired iddata structure.
Note all vectors within y and u must be of same length(!)

Generating Data Set in Matlab

I wanted to ask how to generate a data set in Matlab. I need it to test Feature Selection Algorithms on high dimensional data... The data set should be synthetic, multivariate and contain INTERACTING features.
Synthetic data sets like the MONKS problem is available on .... unfortunately I have no clue how to visualize/generate and modify the data according to my need. The goal is to run an algorithm which detects interacting features.
I will be very thankful for a kind reply.
I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but if I needed to do this, I would start by generating anonymous functions and generic variable names that I could apply randomly within a dataset.
For example, you could generate a dataset:
myData = rand(100,6);
and create a few functions which include interdependencies
interact = #(x) x*x;
interact2 = #(x) x*(x-1);
then create a random logical distribution
y = round(rand(100,1)); %(100 rows of random 0's or 1's)
go through the dataset and use the interact function on only rows where y is true
dataset(y == 1,:) = interact(dataset(y==1,:));
repeat the above with the other interaction functions you define if you desire. it would probably be useful to do this so that you can avoid row dependencies (see below) so generating a few datasets could be in order, i.e.
dataset2(y==1,:) = interact2(dataset(y==1,:));
A similar approach might be taken with variables (in the example set it shows some categorical variables).
myVariable = repmat('data', 100, 1);
listofvariables = genvarname(cellstr(myVariable));
y = round(rand(100,1)); % logical index for the data
randomly select a generic variable to repeat
applyvar = round(rand(1,1)*100);
selectedVariable = listofvariables(applyvar);
replace indices of the variable list with your repeated variable
listofvariables(y == 1) = selectedVariable;
put together the dataset(s) in some order of your choosing
[cellstr(num2str(dataset(:,1))) listofvariables cellstr(num2str(dataset(:,2)) cellstr(num2str(dataset2(:,2))]

function parameters in matlab wander off after curve fitting

first a little background. I'm a psychology student so my background in coding isn't on par with you guys :-)
My problem is as follow and the most important observation is that curve fitting with 2 different programs gives completly different results for my parameters, altough my graphs stay the same. The main program we have used to fit my longitudinal data is kaleidagraph and this should be seen as kinda the 'golden standard', the program I'm trying to modify is matlab.
I was trying to be smart and wrote some code (a lot at least for me) and the goal of that code was the following:
1. Taking an individual longitudinal datafile
2. curve fitting this data on a non-parametric model using lsqcurvefit
3. obtaining figures and the points where f' and f'' are zero
This all worked well (woohoo :-)) but when I started comparing the function parameters both programs generate there is a huge difference. The kaleidagraph program stays close to it's original starting values. Matlab wanders off and sometimes gets larger by a factor 1000. The graphs stay however more or less the same in both situations and both fit the data well. However it would be lovely if I would know how to make the matlab curve fitting more 'conservative' and more located near it's original starting values.
validFitPersons = true(nbValidPersons,1);
for i=1:nbValidPersons
personalData = data{validPersons(i),3};
personalData = personalData(personalData(:,1)>=minAge,:);
% Fit a specific model for all valid persons
opts = optimoptions(#lsqcurvefit, 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt');
[personalParams,personalRes,personalResidual] = lsqcurvefit(heightModel,initialValues,personalData(:,1),personalData(:,2),[],[],opts);
Above is a the part of the code i've written to fit the datafiles into a specific model.
Below is an example of a non-parametric model i use with its function parameters.
elseif strcmpi(model,'jpa2')
% y = a.*(1-1/(1+(b_1(t+e))^c_1+(b_2(t+e))^c_2+(b_3(t+e))^c_3))
heightModel = #(params,ages) abs(params(1).*(1-1./(1+(params(2).* (ages+params(8) )).^params(5) +(params(3).* (ages+params(8) )).^params(6) +(params(4) .*(ages+params(8) )).^params(7) )));
modelStrings = {'a','b1','b2','b3','c1','c2','c3','e'};
% Define initial values
if strcmpi('male',gender)
initialValues = [176.76 0.339 0.1199 0.0764 0.42287 2.818 18.52 0.4363];
initialValues = [161.92 0.4173 0.1354 0.090 0.540 2.87 14.281 0.3701];
I've tried to mimick the curve fitting process in kaleidagraph as good as possible. There I've found they use the levenberg-marquardt algorithm which I've selected. However results still vary and I don't have any more clues about how I can change this.
Some extra adjustments:
The idea for this code was the following:
I'm trying to compare different fitting models (they are designed for this purpose). So what I do is I have 5 models with different parameters and different starting values ( the second part of my code) and next I have the general curve fitting file. Since there are different models it would be interesting if I could put restrictions into how far my starting values could wander off.
Anyone any idea how this could be done?
Anybody willing to help a psychology student?
This is a common issue when dealing with non-linear models.
If I were, you, I would try to check if you can remove some parameters from the model in order to simplify it.
If you really want to keep your solution not too far from the initial point, you can use upper bounds and lower bounds for each variable:
x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata,lb,ub)
defines a set of lower and upper bounds on the design variables in x so that the solution is always in the range lb ≤ x ≤ ub.
You state:
I'm trying to compare different fitting models (they are designed for
this purpose). So what I do is I have 5 models with different
parameters and different starting values ( the second part of my code)
and next I have the general curve fitting file.
You will presumably compare the statistics from fits with different models, to see whether reductions in the fitting error are unlikely to be due to chance. You may want to rely on that comparison to pick the model that not only fits your data suitably but is also simplest (which is often referred to as the principle of parsimony).
The problem is really with the model you have shown resulting in correlated parameters and therefore overfitting, as mentioned by #David. Again, this should be resolved when you compare different models and find that some do just as well (statistically speaking) even though they involve fewer parameters.
To drive the point home regarding the problem with the choice of model, here are (1) results of a trial fit using simulated data (2) the correlation matrix of the parameters in graphical form:
Note that absolute values of the correlation close to 1 indicate strongly correlated parameters, which is highly undesirable. Note also that the trend in the data is practically linear over a long portion of the dataset, which implies that 2 parameters might suffice over that stretch, so using 8 parameters to describe it seems like overkill.

How to get level of fitness of data to a distribution by using probplot() in Matlab?

I have 2 sets of data of float numbers, set A and set B. Both of them are matrices of size 40*40. I would like to find out which set is closer to the normal distribution. I know how to use probplot() in matlab to plot the probability of one set. However, I do not know how to find out the level of the fitness of the distribution is.
In python, when people use problot, a parameter ,R^2, shows how good the distribution of the data is against to the normal distribution. The closer the R^2 value to value 1, the better the fitness is. Thus, I can simply use the function to compare two set of data by their R^2 value. However, because of some machine problem, I can not use the python in my current machine. Is there such parameter or function similar to the R^2 value in matlab ?
Thank you very much,
Fitting a curve or surface to data and obtaining the goodness of fit, i.e., sse, rsquare, dfe, adjrsquare, rmse, can be done using the function fit. More info here...
The approach of #nate (+1) is definitely one possible way of going about this problem. However, the statistician in me is compelled to suggest the following alternative (that does, alas, require the statistics toolbox - but you have this if you have the student version):
Given that your data is Normal (not Multivariate normal), consider using the Jarque-Bera test.
Jarque-Bera tests the null hypothesis that a given dataset is generated by a Normal distribution, versus the alternative that it is generated by some other distribution. If the Jarque-Bera test statistic is less than some critical value, then we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
So how does this help with the goodness-of-fit problem? Well, the larger the test statistic, the more "non-Normal" the data is. The smaller the test statistic, the more "Normal" the data is.
So, assuming you have converted your matrices into two vectors, A and B (each should be 1600 by 1 based on the dimensions you provide in the question), you could do the following:
%# Build sample data
A = randn(1600, 1);
B = rand(1600, 1);
%# Perform JB test
[ANormal, ~, AStat] = jbtest(A);
[BNormal, ~, BStat] = jbtest(B);
%# Display result
if AStat < BStat
disp('A is closer to normal');
disp('B is closer to normal');
As a little bonus of doing things this way, ANormal and BNormal tell you whether you can reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis that the sample in A or B comes from a normal distribution! Specifically, if ANormal is 1, then you fail to reject the null (ie the test statistic indicates that A is probably drawn from a Normal). If ANormal is 0, then the data in A is probably not generated from a Normal distribution.
CAUTION: The approach I've advocated here is only valid if A and B are the same size, but you've indicated in the question that they are :-)