Migrating to Bing Geo location (Phase 2) returns old API response - linkedin-api

I am trying to migrate to Phase 2 of the Bing Geo Migration according to the latest API changes:
As mentioned in the documentation, the Typeahead API will ONLY return Bing locations as of 12/12/2019 but I keep getting the legacy location response.
GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/adTargetingEntities?q=TYPEAHEAD&facet=urn:li:adTargetingFacet:locations&query=afri
"elements": [
"urn": "urn:li:countryGroup:AF",
"facetUrn": "urn:li:adTargetingFacet:locations",
"name": "Africa"
"urn": "urn:li:country:za",
"facetUrn": "urn:li:adTargetingFacet:locations",
"name": "South Africa"
What changes should I make in the endpoint in order to retrieve the following response which includes the Bing Geo Location:
"elements": [
"urn": "urn:li:geo:103537801",
"facetUrn": "urn:li:adTargetingFacet:locations",
"name": "Africa"
"urn": "urn:li:geo:104035573",
"facetUrn": "urn:li:adTargetingFacet:locations",
"name": "South Africa"


Not getting filtered ads from facebook ads api

I am using facebook marketing api to retrieve fb ads.
Using facebook graph api explorer I am trying to retrieve list of ads on the basis of ad-sets
but it showing me all the ads(Active,Paused) instead of filtering(active only).
Is there anything I am missing?
You should use the filtering params. Seems is not possible to filter for status or configured_status but you should use the effective_status instead.
...&filtering=[{ "field": "effective_status","operator": "IN","value": ["ACTIVE" ]}]
As example, for this adsets:
With the following data:
"data": [
"id": "<ad-id>",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"effective_status": "ACTIVE"
"id": "<ad-id>",
"status": "PAUSED",
"effective_status": "PAUSED"
"id": "<ad-id>",
"status": "PAUSED",
"effective_status": "PAUSED"
You can apply the filtering like:
<adset-id>/ads?fields=id,status,effective_status&filtering=[{ "field": "effective_status","operator": "IN","value": ["ACTIVE" ]}]
Will return:
"data": [
"id": "<ad-id>",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"effective_status": "ACTIVE"

How to get a region list in IBM cloud object storage using Rest API

I need a Get Region List in IBM Cloud Object Storage using Rest API. For Example :us-east,au-syd etc.I didn't find any API references related to get Region List.
You may want to retrieve the region endpoints.
Try using the following rest api call:
"legacy": true,
"location": "us-south",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": "s3.us-south.objectstorage.softlayer.net"
"legacy": true,
"location": "us-east",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": "s3.us-east.objectstorage.softlayer.net"
"legacy": true,
"location": "eu-gb",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": "s3.eu-gb.objectstorage.softlayer.net"
Hope this helps.

Can not create new layer (featuretype) in GeoServer using REST API

So I just used 2 working days trying to figure this out. We are automatic rendering process for maps. All the data is given in SQL base and my job is to write "wrapper" so we can implement this in our in-house framework. I managed all but one needed requests.
That request is POST featuretype since this is a way of creating a layer that can later be rendered.
I have all requests saved in postman for pre-testing on example data given by geoserver itself. I can't even get response with status code 201 and always get 500 internal server error. This status is described as possible syntax error in sytax. But I actually just copied and pasted exampled and used geoserver provided data.
This is the requst:
and its body:
"name": "poi",
"nativeName": "poi",
"namespace": {
"name": "tiger",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/namespaces/tiger.json"
"title": "Manhattan (NY) points of interest",
"abstract": "Points of interest in New York, New York (on Manhattan). One of the attributes contains the name of a file with a picture of the point of interest.",
"keywords": {
"string": [
"area of effect\\#language=bg\\;\\#vocabulary=technical\\;",
"metadataLinks": {
"metadataLink": [
"type": "text/plain",
"metadataType": "FGDC",
"content": "www.google.com"
"dataLinks": {
"org.geoserver.catalog.impl.DataLinkInfoImpl": [
"type": "text/plain",
"content": "http://www.google.com"
"nativeCRS": "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\", \n DATUM[\"World Geodetic System 1984\", \n SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]], \n AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]], \n PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\", 0.0, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]], \n UNIT[\"degree\", 0.017453292519943295], \n AXIS[\"Geodetic longitude\", EAST], \n AXIS[\"Geodetic latitude\", NORTH], \n AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]",
"srs": "EPSG:4326",
"nativeBoundingBox": {
"minx": -74.0118315772888,
"maxx": -74.00153046439813,
"miny": 40.70754683896324,
"maxy": 40.719885123828675,
"crs": "EPSG:4326"
"latLonBoundingBox": {
"minx": -74.0118315772888,
"maxx": -74.00857344353275,
"miny": 40.70754683896324,
"maxy": 40.711945649065406,
"crs": "EPSG:4326"
"projectionPolicy": "REPROJECT_TO_DECLARED",
"enabled": true,
"metadata": {
"entry": [
"#key": "kml.regionateStrategy",
"$": "external-sorting"
"#key": "kml.regionateFeatureLimit",
"$": "15"
"#key": "cacheAgeMax",
"$": "3000"
"#key": "cachingEnabled",
"$": "true"
"#key": "kml.regionateAttribute",
"$": "NAME"
"#key": "indexingEnabled",
"$": "false"
"#key": "dirName",
"$": "DS_poi_poi"
"store": {
"#class": "dataStore",
"name": "tiger:nyc",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/tiger/datastores/nyc.json"
"cqlFilter": "INCLUDE",
"maxFeatures": 100,
"numDecimals": 6,
"responseSRS": {
"string": [
"overridingServiceSRS": true,
"skipNumberMatched": true,
"circularArcPresent": true,
"linearizationTolerance": 10,
"attributes": {
"attribute": [
"name": "the_geom",
"minOccurs": 0,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"nillable": true,
"binding": "com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point"
So it is example case and I can't get any useful response from the server. I get the code 500 with body name (the first item in json). Similarly I get same code with body FeatureTypeInfo when trying with xml body(first tag).
I already tried the request in new instance of geoserver in Docker (changed the port) and still no success.
I check if datastore, workspace is available and that layer "poi" doesn't yet exists.
Here are also some logs of request (similar for xml body):
2018-08-03 07:35:02,198 ERROR [geoserver.rest] -
com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException: name at
at .....
Does anyone know the solution to this and got it working. I am using GeoServer 2.13.1
So i was still looking for the answer and using this post (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/12970/create-a-layer-in-geoserver-using-rest) got to the right content to POST featureType and hence creating a layer in GeoServer.
The documentation is off in REST API docs.
Using above link I found out that when using JSON there is a missing insertion in JSON. For API to work here we need to add:
name: "...",
nativeName: "...",
So that it doesn't start with "name" attribute but it is contained in "featureType".
I didn't try that for XML also but I guess it could be similar.
Hope this helps someone out there struggling like I did.
Blaz is correct here, you need an outer object of FeatureType and then an inner object with your config. So;
"featureType": {
"name": "layer",
"nativeName": "poi",
"your config": "stuff"
I find though that using a post request I get very little if any response and its not obvious if the layer creation worked. But you can call http://IP:8080/geoserver/rest/layers.json to check if your new layer is there.
It costs me a lot of time to create FeatureTypes using REST API. Use Json like this really works:
"featureType": {
"name": "layer",
"nativeName": "poi"
And use Json below to create Workspace:
"workspace": {
"name": "test_workspace"
The REST API is out of date now. That's disappointing. Is there anyone knows how to get the lastest REST API document?

Error trying to write data on google's fit web aplication via rest api

I'm trying to write data on google's fit via rest api. The idea is to write data on google's rest api, and the goal is to show that information on both google fit's web and app.
The information that i'm trying to write is a session (equals to workout)
GET https://www.googleapis.com/fitness/v1/users/me/sessions/11xxxx
"id": "11xxxx",
"name": "My example workout",
"description": "A very intense workout",
"startTimeMillis": 1396710000000,
"endTimeMillis": 1396713600000,
"version": 1,
"lastModifiedToken": "exampleToken",
"application": {
"packageName": "com.google.android.apps.fitness",
"version": "web"
"activityType": 1
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Application package name (com.google.android.apps.fitness) provided by un-trusted source.",
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Application package name (com.google.android.apps.fitness) provided by un-trusted source.",
"reason": "forbidden"

How to further filter Facebook Graph API query on Graph API Explorer for my ad account?

I'm trying to get the ad spend and mobile app installs for my app using the Facebook Graph API v2.11 for marketing. In the Graph API Explorer, when I try
/act_<my account>/campaigns?fields=insights{actions,spend}&time_range={'since':'2017-07-07','until':'2017-12-12'}
In the output, under "insights", I get an object of this type:
"data": [
"actions": [
"action_type": "comment",
"value": "3"
"action_type": "like",
"value": "33"
"action_type": "link_click",
"value": "1531"
"action_type": "mobile_app_install",
"value": "1049"
"spend": "8621.03",
"date_start": "2017-10-28",
"date_stop": "2017-11-26"
If I want it to fetch only the actions where action type is "mobile_app_install", how can I further filter my query?
There is possible to filter that on Facebook side just call it like that:
&filtering=[{field: "action_type",operator:"IN", value: ['mobile_app_install']}]
I have gone through the documentation as well as the adsinsights.py file on github but I cannot find a way to limit the number of action_types returned. You will simply have to do the filtering after you have retrieved the data from the api.