how to randomly multiply symbolic array with matrix - matlab

Assuming a matrix W of dimensions n-by-n which is known, and its elements are positive numbers between 0 and 1.
Assuming also a symbolic vector
k = [a b c d];
I need to randomly multiply each all the non-zero component of W with one at a time of the components of k(randomly), such as e.g.:
What I tried:
k = sym('a', [1 4]);
msize = numel(k);
k(randperm(msize, 1))
for i = 1:length(W)
for j = 1:length(W)
W(i,j) = W(i,j)*(k);
and the error was the following:
The following error occurred converting from sym to double:
Error using maplemex
Error, (in MTM:-double) cannot handle unevaluated name `a1` in evalhf

First we define the inputs:
% k: symbolic vector of length m
m = 4;
k = sym('a', [1, m]);
% W: n-by-n matrix of doubles
n = 5;
W = rand(n);
Here is the calculation:
% random assignment of elements of k to the shape of W
I = randi(m, n);
K = k(I);
% result: element-wise multiplication of K and W
result = K .* W;


How can I find the value of a matrix that minimize a least square cost function in MATLAB?

Given the value of S1 which is a vector of size (1,K), I want to find the value of matrix B of size (N,M) that can minimize the following least square cost function:
sum(S2 - S1).^2
Subject to:
S2(i)>=S1(i) \forall i \in {1, .., K}
Where S2 is a vector of size (1,K) and is a function of matrix B.
S2 can be calculated after optimizing matrix B using the following system parameters and equations:
% Given system parameters:
N = 2;
K = 4;
M = 2;
C_l = 4;
H = [0.1185 0.2811; 0.3550 0.8224; 0.3260 0.9644; 0.5333 0.6083]; % 4*2 matrix
A = [-2 1; -1 1]; % 2*2 matrix
C = [7 -3; 7 -3; -2 1; -2 1]; % 4*2 matrix
P = [25000000 0; 0 25000000]; % 4*4 matrix
S1 = [3.1683 3.1686 1.8716 1.8898]; % 1*4 vector
S2 = zeros(1,K); % intial value
B = zeros(N,M); % intial value
% How can we optimize the value of the B matrix to achieve our goal?
%calculate S2 from B and the other given inputs
for j=1:1:N
d(j) = (B(j,:)*P*B(j,:)')/((2^(2*C_l))-(norm(A(:,j))^2));
D_d = diag(d);
for i=1:1:K

Matrix dimensions error when using norm()

I'm trying to use MATLAB to run Richardson's iteration for computing the solution of a linear system, Ax=b. I wrote a function to do this, but got an error when I tried to run it. The following is my function where x0 is the initial iterate, L is the maximum number of iterations, A is a nonsingular nxn matrix, b is a n-length vector, a is in place of the alpha parameter required for the algorithm, tol is the desired level of precision, x is a n-length vector, and k is the actual number of iterations:
function [x,k]=Richardson(x0,L,A,b,a,tol)
n = size(b);
x1 = x0 + a*(b-A*x0);
Norm = norm(x1-x0)/sqrt(n);
k = 1;
x0 = x1;
while (Norm > tol) && (k < L)
x1 = x0 + a*(b-A*x0);
Norm = norm(x1-x0)/sqrt(n);
k = k + 1;
x0 = x1;
x = x1;
I tried to run this function using the following:
L = 10;
This was the error I got:
Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Richardson (line 4)
Norm = norm(x1-x0)/sqrt(n);
Error in HW8 (line 11)
I don't see how this is the case, because x0 and x1 are both n-length vectors. Am I implementing this incorrectly?
n = size(b);
Results in a 2 values vector (3,1 in your case). So you can't divide a single value by 2 values. Change to
n = size(b,1) or n=size(b,2) to get what you need (rows or columns).

MATLAB code for Minimization of vectors

Question: What type of optimization function in MatLab should I use to solve the following minimization matrix problem?
I am trying to find the row vector V such that [[ (f – transpose(V) * R) ]] is minimized subject to:
transpose(V)*B = 0.
f is a scalar which is known.
R is (8x1) row vector which is known.
B is (8x1) row vector which is known.
V is (8x1) row vector which is unknown and I want to find that.
+++++More Conditions:
The value of the eight found entries in row vector V (8x1) should be
between 0 and 1.
The sum of the value of all eight entries of row vector V (8x1)
should be unity (one).
you should use fmincon:
% random inputs f, R, B
f = rand;
R = 2*rand(8,1) - 1;
B = 2*rand(8,1) - 1;
% minimization term
fun = #(V) abs(f - V'*R);
% constrains: transpose(V)*B = 0 and sum(V) = 1
Aeq = [B';ones(1,8)];
beq = [0;1];
% lower (0) and upper (1) bounds
lb = zeros(8,1);
ub = ones(8,1);
% initial guess
V0 = rand(8,1);V0 = V0/sum(V0);
% constrained minimization
V = fmincon(fun,V0,[],[],Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
% check result
sum(V) % should be 1
V'*B % sould be 0
[min(V) max(V)] % should be between 0 to 1

Discrete probability distribution calculation in Matlab

I have given P(x1...n) discrete independent probability values which represent for example the possibility of happening X.
I want a universal code for the question: With which probability does happening X occur at the same time 0-n times?
For example:
Given: 3 probabilities P(A),P(B),P(C) that each car(A,B,C) parks. Question would be: With which probability would no car, one car, two cars, and three cars park?
The answer for example for two cars parking at the same time would be:
P(A,B,~C) = P(A)*P(B)*(1-P(C))
P(A,~B,C) = P(A)*(1-P(B))*P(C)
P(~A,B,C) = (1-P(A))*P(B)*P(C)
P(2 of 3) = P(A,B,~C) + P(A,~B,C) + P(~A,B,C)
I have written the code for all possibilities, but the more values I get, of course the slower it gets due to more possible combinations.
% probability: Vector with probabilities P1, P2, ... PN
% result: Vector with results as stated above.
% All possibilities:
result(1) = prod(probability);
shift_vector = zeros(anzahl_werte,1);
for i = 1:anzahl_werte
% Shift Vector allocallization
shift_vector(i) = 1;
% Compute all unique permutations of the shift_vector
mult_vectors = uperm(shift_vector);
% Init Result Vector
prob_vector = zeros(length(mult_vectors(:,1)), 1);
% Calc Single Probabilities
for k = 1:length(mult_vectors(:,1))
prob_vector(k) = prod(abs(mult_vectors(k,:)'-probability));
% Sum of this Vector for one probability.
result(i+1) = sum(prob_vector);
%%%%% Calculate Permutations
function p = uperm(a)
[u, ~, J] = unique(a);
p = u(up(J, length(a)));
end % uperm
function p = up(J, n)
ktab = histc(J,1:max(J));
l = n;
p = zeros(1, n);
s = 1;
for i=1:length(ktab)
k = ktab(i);
c = nchoosek(1:l, k);
m = size(c,1);
[t, ~] = find(~p.');
t = reshape(t, [], s);
c = t(c,:)';
s = s*m;
r = repmat((1:s)',[1 k]);
q = accumarray([r(:) c(:)], i, [s n]);
p = repmat(p, [m 1]) + q;
l = l - k;
%%%%% Calculate Permutations End
Does anybody know a way to speed up this function? Or maybe Matlab has an implemented function for that?
I found the name of the calculation:
Poisson binomial distribution
How about this?
probability = [.3 .2 .4 .7];
n = numel(probability);
combs = dec2bin(0:2^n-1).'-'0'; %'// each column is a combination of n values,
%// where each value is either 0 or 1. A 1 value will represent an event
%// that happens; a 0 value will represent an event that doesn't happen.
result = NaN(1,n+1); %// preallocate
for k = 0:n; %// number of events that happen
ind = sum(combs,1)==k; %// combinations with exactly k 1's
result(k+1) = sum(prod(...
bsxfun(#times, probability(:), combs(:,ind)) + ... %// events that happen
bsxfun(#times, 1-probability(:), ~combs(:,ind)) )); %// don't happen

Matlab - Multiplying a matrix with every matrix of a 3d matrix

I have two matlab questions that seem closely related.
I want to find the most efficient way (no loop?) to multiply a (A x A) matrix with every single matrix of a 3d matrix (A x A x N). Also, I would like to take the trace of each of those products.
This is the inner frobenius product. On the crappy code I have below I'm using its secondary definition which is more efficient.
I want to multiply each element of a vector (N x 1) with its "corresponding" matrix of a 3d matrix (A x A x N).
function Y_returned = problem_1(X_matrix, weight_matrix)
% X_matrix is the randn(50, 50, 2000) matrix
% weight_matrix is the randn(50, 50) matrix
[~, ~, number_of_matries] = size(X_matrix);
Y_returned = zeros(number_of_matries, 1);
for i = 1:number_of_matries
% Y_returned(i) = trace(X_matrix(:,:,i) * weight_matrix');
temp1 = X_matrix(:,:,i)';
temp2 = weight_matrix';
Y_returned(i) = temp1(:)' * temp2(:);
function output = problem_2(vector, matrix)
% matrix is the randn(50, 50, 2000) matrix
% vector is the randn(2000, 1) vector
[n1, n2, number_of_matries] = size(matrix);
output = zeros(n1, n2, number_of_matries);
for i = 1:number_of_matries
output(:, :, i) = vector(i) .* matrix(:, :, i);
output = sum(output, 3);
I assume you mean element-wise multiplication:
Use bsxfun:
A = 10;
N = 4;
mat1 = randn(A,A);
mat2 = randn(A,A,N);
result = bsxfun(#times, mat1, mat2);
Use bsxfun with permute to align dimensions:
A = 10;
N = 4;
vec1 = rand(N,1);
mat2 = randn(A,A,N);
result = bsxfun(#times, permute(vec1,[2 3 1]), mat2);