Specific routing for subdomains and wildcard domain on HAProxy - haproxy

How could I achieve the correcting routing for specific subdomains and then route any domains that doesnt match any of the previous ACLSs?
frontend web_dashs
mode http
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/domain/
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
acl domain_a hdr_sub(host) -i a.domain.com
acl domain_b hdr_sub(host) -i b.domain.com
acl wilds hdr(host) -i
# Default Route to normal backends
use_backend backend_a if domain_a
use_backend backend_b if domain_b
use_backend backend_c if wilds
Basically, what i'm trying to do is basically:
a. ----> backend A
b. ----> backend B
*.-----> backend C
Thanks in advance.

ACL is not needed for matching the rest, just use default_backend:
frontend web_dashs
mode http
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/domain/
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
acl domain_a hdr_sub(host) -i a.domain.com
acl domain_b hdr_sub(host) -i b.domain.com
use_backend backend_a if domain_a
use_backend backend_b if domain_b
default_backend backend_c


haproxy and 'fixing" host names in http requests

I'm starting to use haproxy to balance across nginx servers (in order to load balance the rails instances behind those nginxen). I want to 301 redirect all names that aren't the www name to the www name (and all http -> https). So I write this, which doesn't quite work. What actually happens is that http -> https, but all the names on https return 200 rather than 301 for all but www.staging.example.com. In addition, I was hoping to 301, say http://staging.example.com/ directly to https://www.staging.example.com/, but instead it just 301's to https://staging.example.com/
frontend www-http
acl redirect_canonical req_ssl_sni -i staging.example.com
acl redirect_canonical req_ssl_sni -i myname.example.com
http-request redirect code 301 location https://www.staging.example.com%[capture.req.uri] if\
http-request redirect code 301 scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
default_backend railswebapp-backend
frontend www-https
bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/
# Test URI to see if its a letsencrypt request.
acl letsencrypt-acl path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/
use_backend letsencrypt-backend if letsencrypt-acl
acl redirect_canonical req_ssl_sni -i staging.example.com
acl redirect_canonical req_ssl_sni -i myname.example.com
http-request redirect code 301 location https://www.staging.example.com%[capture.req.uri] if\
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
default_backend railswebapp-backend
Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
The corrected block is this:
frontend www-http
acl redirect_canonical hdr(host) -i staging.example.com
acl redirect_canonical hdr(host) -i myname.example.com
http-request redirect code 301 location https://www.staging.example.com%[capture.req.uri] if\
http-request redirect code 301 scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
default_backend railswebapp-backend
frontend www-https
bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/
# Test URI to see if its a letsencrypt request.
acl letsencrypt-acl path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/
use_backend letsencrypt-backend if letsencrypt-acl
acl redirect_canonical ssl_fc_sni -i staging.example.com
acl redirect_canonical ssl_fc_sni -i myname.example.com
http-request redirect code 301 location https://www.staging.example.com%[capture.req.uri] if\
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
default_backend railswebapp-backend

how to redirect a url like https://example.com to https://www.example.com in haproxy

I know how to redirect from:
http example.com to https www.example.com
http www.example.com to https www.example.com
but don't know how to redirect from:
https example.com to https www.example.com in Haproxy
redirect prefix https://www.example.com code 301 if { hdr(host) -i example.com } in both frontend
frontend weblb
bind *:80
acl is_www hdr_beg(host) ilanni.com
redirect prefix https://www.ilanni.com code 301 if is_www
acl is_host hdr_beg(host) wwww.ilanni.com
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ilanni.com.pem
use_backend sellerserver if is_host
backend sellerserver
balance source
server web1 maxconn 1024 weight 3 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3

Haproxy multiple backends accessed with same path

I have 4 java apps running on my server, 2 primary & 2 subapps, that I need to access via Haproxy.
app1 ----> listens on tcp:8442 accessed at app1.domain.org
subapp1 ----> listens on tcp:9001 and is accessed with path app1.domain.org/abc
app2 ----> listens on tcp:8444 accessed at app2.domain.org
subapp2 ----> listens on tcp:9000 and is accessed with path app2.domain.org/abc
so the sub apps are both accessed using the same path
I'm having trouble getting Haproxy to route requests to the correct sub app. With the included config accessing the primary apps is working fine, but depending on the order of the use_backend statements, all sub app requests are being routed to the same back end (which ever is listed first). No difference is observed if I reorder the ACL's though. It seems like the ACL's are not correctly matching the inbound request.
Any help is appreciated!
my config:
log localhost local1
log-send-hostname server-hostname
maxconn 1024
user root
group root
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets
log global
mode http
option dontlognull
option forwardfor
no option http-server-close
no option accept-invalid-http-request
timeout client 600s
timeout client-fin 10s
timeout server 600s
stats enable
stats auth user:password
stats uri /haproxyStats
listen admin
mode http
bind *:8080
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats uri /
stats auth user:password
frontend http-in
bind *:80
acl invalid_src src
acl invalid_src src_port 0:1023
http-request deny if invalid_src
option tcplog
log-format %ci\ %f\ %b\ %ST\ %{+Q}r\ %Tr
redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
frontend https-in
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl.cert
mode http
acl test_sapp path_beg -i /abc
acl test_sapp hdr(host) -m dom -i *app2.domain.com*
acl prod_sapp path_beg -i /abc
acl prod_sapp hdr(host) -m dom -i *app1.domain.com*
acl test_app1 hdr_end(host) -i app2.domain.com
acl prod_app1 hdr_end(host) -i app1.domain.com
acl invalid_src src
acl invalid_src src_port 0:1023
http-request deny if invalid_src
option tcplog
log-format %r
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
use_backend sapp-test if test_sapp
use_backend sapp-prod if prod_sapp
use_backend app-prod if prod_app1
use_backend app-test if test_app1
timeout client 600s
timeout client-fin 10s
backend app-prod
balance leastconn
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server prod-web-node cookie A check
timeout server 600s
backend app-test
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server test-web-node cookie A check
timeout server 600s
backend sapp-prod
balance leastconn
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server prod-mdr-node cookie A check
timeout server 600s
backend sapp-test
balance leastconn
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server test-mdr-node cookie A check
timeout server 600s
This is untested but I think this https-in frontend should work:
frontend https-in
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl.cert
mode http
acl prod_domain hdr(host) -i app1.domain.com
acl test_domain hdr(host) -i app2.domain.com
acl sub_app path_beg -i /abc
acl invalid_src src
acl invalid_src src_port 0:1023
http-request deny if invalid_src
option tcplog
log-format %r
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
use_backend sapp-test if sub_app test_domain
use_backend sapp-prod if sub_app prod_domain
use_backend app-prod if prod_domain
use_backend app-test if test_domain
timeout client 600s
timeout client-fin 10s
The key is on the use_backend sapp-test and use_backend sapp-prod lines where the backend is only selected if both the sub_app acl and the test_domain/prod_domain acl are true. Otherwise it falls back to either the app-prod or app-test backends.
Hope that helps :)

haproxy redirect scheme https if !$request_uri

If it's possible to disable https on some url, i try this, but it's not working.
I need a piece of my site without https and redirect
frontend http
bind *:80
mode http
acl folder path_beg -i ^/somefolder/subfolder/.* ^/somefolder/subfolder2/.*
redirect scheme https if !folder
option http-server-close
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
option forwardfor header X-Real-IP
default_backend nodes
frontend https
bind *:443
mode http
option http-server-close
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
option forwardfor header X-Real-IP
default_backend nodes
backend nodes
balance leastconn
server server1 cookie A check
server server2 cookie A check
Access list
acl folder path_dir -i /somefolder/subfolder/ /somefolder/subfolder2/
In backend you need rule
redirect scheme https if !folder !{ ssl_fc }
After that - all site has redirect to htts, but if uri contains /somefolder/subfolder/ or /somefolder/subfolder2/ it's be able to connect by http.
In nginx you need add some rules if you wanna redirect https to http
if ( $http_x_forwarded_proto = "https" ) {
rewrite ^/somefolder/subfolder2/ http://domain//somefolder/subfolder2/ permanent;

HAProxy redirect based on path?

I need to redirect certain paths to https - frontend secured
The reason for this is that i want certain parts of my web application to only be allowed to run over https.
I've figured out how to redirect all traffic by changing my HAproxy conf like this:
frontend unsecured *:80
#timeout client 86400000
#redirect prefix http://domain.com code 301
mode http
timeout client 120s
But how can i configure it to only redirect certain sub-folder on my domain?
What i would like is to redirect only the following URLs:
http://domain.com/cd* (wildcard)
Is this possible?
You should use acl to match you criteria.
frontend unsecured *:80
acl is-unsecure-path01 path_beg /info
acl is-unsecure-path02 path_beg /echo
acl is-unsecure-path03 path_beg /broadcast
acl is-unsecure-path04 path_beg /close
acl is-unsecure-path05 path_beg /probe
acl is-unsecure-path06 path_beg /cd
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path01
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path02
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path03
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path04
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path05
use_backend application-backend if is-unsecure-path06
backend application-backend
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
This one should do the trick
frontend http
bind *:80
acl is-secure path_reg ^\/(info|echo|close|cd.*)
redirect scheme https code 301 if is-secure !{ ssl_fc }
use_backend the-app unless is-secure
frontend https
bind *:443 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/ssl
use_backend the-app
backend the-app
server account-1 account:80 check
NOTE: Change the SSL cert path on your app.