How to visualize cycle times of a periodic process? - grafana

I have a periodic backend process and I would like to visualize the history of the length of cycles on my dashboard. Is it possible?
I have full control over the data/metrics I generate, so I could perhaps increment a counter every time a cycle completes (a cycle takes about 3 days), so I would get counter updates every 3 days or so. Then how could I get Grafana to report the length of each cycle? (for instance: 72h; 69h; 74h; etc.) The actual widget doesn't matter, but I need something visual to tell me at once if cycles are getting faster or slower.
Any pointers or ideas are welcome.

It looks like a standard time series: X-axis - time, Y-axis - duration [s]:
Then you may add:
trend line
aggregations (min/max/avg/derivation/diff/...)
moving average
other math functions, which are available in used datasource


AnyLogic mean waiting time in queue

I would like to get the mean waiting time of each unit spending in my queue of every hour. (so betweeen 7-8 am for example 4 minutes, 8-9 10 minutes and so on). Thats my current queue with my timemeasure Is there a way to do so?
Create a normal dataset and call it datasetHourly. Deactivate the option Use time as horizontal value. This is where we will store your hourly data.
Creat a cyclic event and set the trigger to cyclic, once every hour.
This cyclic event will get the current mean of your time measurement ( waiting time + service time in your example) and save this single value in the extra dataset.
Also we have to clear the dataset that is integrated into the timeMeasurementEnd, in order to get clean statistics again for the next hour interval.
You can now visualise the hourly development by adding the hourlyDataset to a normal plot.

Graph a counter from zero in prometheus/grafana

In prometheus, I have a monotonically increasing counter (ifHCInOctets from IF-MIB, in this case).
In Grafana, I can create a graph using the simple query ifHCInOctets{job='snmp',instance='$Device',ifDescr=~'eth0'} and see the counter graphed over different time ranges by selecting the desired range in the upper-right.
This is almost exactly what I want. However, I would like the graph to always start at zero and increase from there. The use-case is that I want to visualize my data usage over the course of a month to see how quickly I am approaching my data cap. (I already create a gauge object using increase(ifHCInOctets{...}[$__range]) function which shows me how much I have used in total over the given time range, but I'd like to be able to visualize that usage over time.)
Basically, I want ifHCInOctets{...} - X where X is the value of ifHCInOctets at the start of the range. My first thought was:
ifHCInOctets{...} - ifHCInOctets{...} offset $__range
But that seems to show me each data point minus the data point $__range time prior to it (rather than just subtracting the starting value from all points).
I then tried creating a query variable with the query query_result(ifHCInOctets{...} offset $__range) and setting it to update on time range change. This almost seemed to work, but the resulting graph always seemed to start slightly negative, depending on the time range selected, which made me think it wasn't doing what I thought it was.
I have also tried various forms of sum, sum_over_time, and increase, all to no avail.
You're probably looking for something like this
(month(timestamp(ifHCInOctets)) == scalar(month(vector($__to / 1000)))))[31d:]
But it doesn't take into account counter resets. And is ugly and inefficient as hell. It's basically the current value minus the min_over_time calculated over samples in the previous 31 days that fell into the same month as Grafana's $__to timestamp.
You probably want to set up a recording rule based on this expression (that adds year, month and day labels to a metric) and then calculate the increase() over any given month (including the current month). That takes into account both counter resets and counters that did not exist at the beginning of the month.

prometheus: is it possible to use event number of gauge as a counter?

I use prometheus to monitor a api service. Currently, I use a Counter to count number of requests received and a Gauge for the response time in milliseconds.
I've tried to use something like count_over_time(response_time_ms[1m]) to count requests during a time range. However, I got result that each point is value of 10.
Why this doesn't work?
count_over_time(response_time_ms[1m]) will tell you the number of samples, not the number of times your Gauge was updated within (what I assume to be) a Java process. Based on the value of 10 you're seeing, I'm assuming your scrape interval is 6 seconds.
For an explanation of why this doesn't work as you would expect it, a Gauge is simply a Java object wrapping a double value. Every time you set its value, that value changes, but nothing more. There's no count of how many times the value changed or any notification sent to Prometheus that this happened. Prometheus simply polls every 6 seconds and collects whatever value was there at the time (never the wiser that the value changed 15 times since the last time it was collected). This is why gauges are intended to measure single values that go up and down (such as memory utilization: it's now 645 MB, in 6 seconds it's 648 MB, in 12 seconds 543 MB): you know the value constantly changes, but the best you can do is sample it every now and then.
For something like request latency, you should use a Histogram: it's basically a counter for the number of observations (i.e. number of requests); a counter for the sum of all observations (i.e. how long all requests put together took); and separate counters for each bucket (i.e. how many requests took less than 1 ms; how many requests took less than 10 ms; etc.). From this you can get an accurate average over any multiple of your scrape interval (i.e. change in total time divided by change in number of requests) as well as estimates for any percentile (including the median). How precise said percentiles are depends on the bucket sizes you choose (and how well they actually match the actual measurements).
Or, if all you're interested in is the number of requests, then a counter that's incremented on every request will be enough. To adjust for counter resets (e.g. job restarts), you should use increase() rather than the simple difference suggested above:
If you want to count number of requests in some specific time from now (in last 1m in this case) just use
number_of_requests_counter - number_of_requests_counter offset 1m
If you want to have sth like requests per second, than use
I can tell you why it's not working with your Gauge, but first of all specify what do you assign to this metric. I mean, do you assing some avarage, last response time, or some other stuff?
For response time you should use Summary or Histogram (more info here)

reset chart to 0 in grafan

Below is a chart I have in grafana:
My problem is that if my chosen time range is say 5 minutes, the graph wont show only what happened in the last 5 minutes. So in the picture, nothing happened in the past 5 minutes so it's just showing the last points it has. How can I change this so that it goes back to zero if nothing has changed? I'm using a Prometheus counter for this, if that is relevant.
As explained in the Prometheus documentation, a counter value in itself is not of much use. It depends on when your job was last restarted and everything that happened since.
What's interesting about a counter is how much it changed over some period of time. I.e. either the average rate of change per second (e.g. 3 queries per second) or the increase over some time range (e.g. 10K queries in the last hour).
So instead of graphing something like e.g. http_requests, you should graph rate(http_requests[1m]) (the averate number of requests over the previous 1 minute) or increase(http_requests[1h]) (the total number of requests over the past hour). You can play with the range size until you get something which makes sense for your data. But make sure to use a range at least 2x your scrape interval (and ideally more, as Prometheus is somewhat daft in the way it computes rates/increases).

How to show delta from start of timespan to point in time for counter

I am trying to visualize a counter increase over time.
But I'm facing two problems:
The graph doesn't start at zero for the timeframe and
When ever the counter resets, the graph hits zero again
This leads to the graph being very hard to read cause what I realy would like is to see how quickly the counter increases over time while being able to quickly get an overview of total amounts of increases at a given point in time measured from the start of the time frame.
Visualisation of my problem
Update 20. November
Result of 'increase([your_metric_name][1m])'
You need to use some type of rate or increase function to get the type of graph you're looking for. And since you're using Prometheus, your query will look something like this:
If you want the rate per second, OR
If you want something more like a delta.
These pages can give you more information too: